Now showing items 1-20 of 10625

    • Trends over 50 years with liberal abortion laws in the Nordic countries 

      Skjeldestad, Finn Egil; Gissler, Mika; Geirsson, Reynir Tomas; Heino, Anna; Sigbjörnsdottir, Hildur Björk; Akerkar, Rupali Rajendra; Gemzell-Danielsson, Kristina; Heikinheimo, Oskari; Løkeland-Stai, Mette (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-10)
      Background - During the 1970s the Nordic countries liberalized their abortion laws.<p> <p>Objective - We assessed epidemiological trends for induced abortion on all Nordic countries, considered legal similarities and diversities, effects of new medical innovations and changes in practical and legal provisions during the subsequent years.<p> <p>Methods - New legislation strengthened surveillance ...
    • Når barn og unge skal høres: Et sett kritiske refleksjonsspørsmål som støtter medvirkningsprosesser 

      Salamonsen, Anita; Kojan, Bente Heggem; Thørnblad, Renee; Ahlzen, Rolf; Viksveen, Petter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-23)
      Barn og unges medvirkning i offentlige helse- og omsorgstjenester byr på utfordringer i praksis. Dette viser forskning og fagfolk og brukeres erfaringer. I skandinavisk og internasjonal forskningslitteratur har innholdet i begrepet brukermedvirkning i offentlige tjenester vært karakterisert som omstridt, upresist, skiftende og mangelfullt implementert i praksis. I denne artikkelen presenteres et ...
    • How to Conduct and Interpret Meta-Analyses 

      Martinussen, Monica; Kaiser, Sabine (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Research questions may be answered with empirical studies or by aggregating existing research . In contrast to single studies, meta-analyses combine the quantitative findings of multiple primary studies to estimate an overall effect size, for example the mean predictive validity of spatial tests used for pilot selection . This aggregation allows researchers to make more reliable conclusions about ...
    • The NORwegian atrial fibrillation self-SCREENing (NORSCREEN) trial: rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial 

      Boskovic, Miroslav; Jortveit, Jarle; Haraldsen, Marius Blørstad; Berge, Trygve; Engdahl, Johan; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Schuster, Peter Moritz; Sandberg, Edvard Liljedahl; Grimsmo, Jostein; Atar, Dan; Anfinsen, Ole-Gunnar; Pripp, Are Hugo; Grenne, Bjørnar Leangen; Halvorsen, Sigrun (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-09)
      Aims Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common arrhythmia, and many cases of AF may be undiagnosed. Whether screening for AF and subsequent treatment if AF is detected can improve long-term outcome remains an unsettled question. The primary aim of the NORwegian atrial fibrillation self-SCREENing (NORSCREEN) trial is to assess whether self-screening for AF with continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) for 3–7 ...
    • Tanker om trøst ved spiralinnleggelse 

      Fjelldal, Sunniva Solhaug; Bergvoll, Lise-Marie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-22)
      Unge kvinner forteller om en opplevelse av sterk sjenanse ved sine første gynekologiske undersøkelser. En sjenanse som kan bære preg av ydmykelse og blottleggelse. I dette vitenskapelige essayet ser vi nærmere på betydningen av hvordan helsesykepleiere møter de unge kvinnene, og hvordan trøst som fenomen kan være relevant i disse møtene. Gjennom helsestasjon for ungdom og studenthelsetjenesten møter ...
    • Associations between body height and cardiovascular risk factors in women and men: a population-based longitudinal study based on The Tromsø Study 1979–2016 

      Arntsen, Sondre Haakonson; Wilsgaard, Tom; Borch, Kristin Benjaminsen; Njølstad, Inger; Hansen, Anne Helen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-17)
      Objectives Investigate associations between body height and cardiovascular disease risk factors at several time points in women and men across educational levels in Norway.<p> <p>Design Population-based longitudinal study. <p>Setting The Tromsø Study, a population-based study with six surveys conducted between 1979 and 2016 in the municipality of Tromsø, Norway. <p>Primary and Secondary ...
    • Occupational asthma in the salmon processing industry: a case series 

      Lauritzen, Hilde Brun; Fagernæs, Carl Fredrik; Tøndell, Anders; Hassel, Erlend; Tjalvin, Gro; Bang, Berit Elisabeth; Nordhammer, Anna Beathe Overn; Rodal, Liv Bjerke; Svedahl, Sindre Rabben; Slåstad, Siri (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-13)
      Objectives - Exposure to bioaerosols in salmon processing workers is associated with occupational asthma. IgE-mediated allergy and other disease mechanisms may be involved in airway inflammation and obstruction. Knowledge about disease burden, mechanisms, phenotypes and occupational exposure is limited.<p> <p>Methods - Salmon processing workers referred to our occupational medicine clinic from ...
    • Neonatal risk factors for hearing impairment 

      Hemmingsen, Dagny Elise (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-11-01)
      Hearing impairment (HI) is a prevalent childhood disability with significant public health implications, impacting language and developmental outcomes if not early identified and managed. While illness in the neonatal period is a recognized risk factor for HI, less is known about the specific impacts of the different, and often interrelated morbidities and invasive treatments in neonatal intensive ...
    • Effekten av ulik treningsfrekvens på muskelstyrke og hypertrofi blant moderat trente kvinner ved likestilt volum. Resultater fra en 8-ukers randomisert treningsintervensjon: Effektene av to versus fire ukentlige treningsøkter. 

      Giller, Nicoline Bastiansen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-29)
      Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var å undersøke effekten av ulik treningsfrekvens, herunder to versus fire treningsøkter i uka på muskelstyrke og hypertrofi blant moderat trente kvinner ved likestilt volumbelastning. Metode: 13 moderat trente kvinner med tidligere styrketrenings-erfaring deltok i studien (alder: 29.1  6.3 år, høyde: 168  7.3 cm, vekt: 67  12.5 kg. Deltakerne ble randomisert til ...
    • «Jeg gikk en tur på stien og delte det jeg så» En kvalitativ studie om turmål, og betydningen av sosiale medier i valg av turmål i friluftslivet 

      Robertsen, Hege Therese (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-12-15)
      Sammendrag Hensikten med denne studien har vært å dokumentere, analysere og frembringe innsikt i forståelse omkring turvalg, og betydningen av sosiale medier i valg av turmål i friluftslivet. I et historisk perspektiv så har folk delt eller kommunisert fra sine friluftspraksiser gjennom vandrehistorier, dikt, bøker, leserfortellinger, aviser og fotoalbum. Dagens ungdommer vokser opp i en ...
    • Tinnitus and cardiovascular disease: the population-based Tromsø Study (2015–2016) 

      Ausland, Jannike Heyerdahl-Larsen; Engdahl, Bo Lars; Oftedal, Bente Margaret; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter; Johnsen, Magnar; Krog, Norun Hjertager (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-03)
      Introduction People with tinnitus are likely to have other co-occurring disorders that should be considered when diagnosing and understanding tinnitus as a health problem. The association between tinnitus and cardiovascular health in the general population is, however, unclear. This study aimed to examine whether tinnitus is associated with the prevalence of hypertension, myocardial ...
    • Health-Related Quality of Life in FKRP-Related Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy R9 

      Jensen, Synnøve M; Friborg, Oddgeir; Mellgren, Svein Ivar; Müller, Kai Ivar; Bergvik, Svein Hugo; Arntzen, Kjell Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-02)
      Background: Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy R9 (LGMDR9) is a chronic progressive hereditary muscle disease, related to the Fukutin Related Protein (FKRP) gene, that may cause major disabilities, cardiomyopathy, and ventilatory failure. Knowledge of how LGMDR9 affects health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is relevant in treatment and care.<p> <p>Objective: To investigate HRQoL in the Norwegian ...
    • Functional outcome and associations with prehospital time and urban-remote disparities in trauma: A Norwegian national population-based study 

      Nilsbakken, Inger Marie Waal; Wisborg, Torben; Sollid, Stephen J. M.; Jeppesen, Elisabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-05)
      Background - There is a lack of knowledge regarding the functional outcomes of patients after trauma. Remote areas in Norway has been associated with an increased risk of trauma-related mortality. However, it is unknown how this might influence trauma-related morbidity. The aim of this study was to assess the functional outcomes of patients in the Norwegian trauma population and the relationship ...
    • Nurses’ experience of nasogastric tube feeding under restraint for Anorexia Nervosa in a psychiatric hospital 

      Brinchmann, Berit Støre; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid; Godskesen, Tove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-10)
      Background Anorexia nervosa is a complex mental disorder that has severe physical and psychological consequences, often requiring hospitalisation, and in the most severe cases, patients receive coercive treatment. Among the various nursing tasks associated with encountering these patients, the administration of nasogastric tube feeding under restraint stands out. It is crucial to recognise and ...
    • A review of the WHO strategy on traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine from the perspective of academic consortia for integrative medicine and health 

      Hoenders, Rogier; Ghelman, Ricardo; Portella, Caio; Simmons, Samantha; Locke, Amy; Cramer, Holger; Gallego-Perez, Daniel; Jong, Miek C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-11)
      Despite important progress in modern medicine, widely regarded as an indispensable foundation of healthcare in all highly advanced nations and regions, not all patients respond well to available treatments in biomedicine alone. Additionally, there are concerns about side effects of many medications and interventions, the unsustainable cost of healthcare and the low resolution of chronic non-communicable ...
    • Community-Working Occupational Therapists’ Involvement in Research and Development Projects in Norway 

      Horghagen, Sissel; Bonsaksen, Tore; Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Sveen, Unni; Hustoft, Merethe; Stigen, Linda (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-02)
      The aim of this study was to explore community-working occupational therapists’ involvement in research and development projects. A cross-sectional survey of occupational therapists working in community-based services in Norway (n=617) was conducted. In all, 117 of the 617 participants responded that they were involved in research and development projects. Greater likelihood of participation ...
    • Challenges in Interpreting Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Records 

      Koochakpour, Kaban; Solheim, Frida Sofie; Nytrø, Øystein; Clausen, Carolyn Elizabeth; Frodl, Thomas; Koposov, Roman Alexandriovich; Leventhal, Bennett; Pant, Dipendra; Røst, Thomas Brox; Stien, Ulrika Line; Westbye, Odd Sverre; Skokauskas, Norbertas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The Electronic Health Record system BUPdata served Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for over 35 years and is still an important source of information for understanding clinical practice. Secondary usage of clinical data enables learning and service quality improvement. We present some insights from explorative data analysis for interpreting the records of patients referred ...
    • Initial surveillance in men with marker negative clinical stage IIA non-seminomatous germ cell tumours 

      Gerdtsson, Axel; Negaard, Helene Francisca Stigter; Almås, Bjarte; Bergdahl, Anna Grenabo; Cohn-Cedermark, Gabriella; Glimelius, Ingrid; Halvorsen, Dag; Haugnes, Hege Sagstuen; Hedlund, Annika; Hellström, Martin; Holmberg, Göran; Karlsdottir, Åsa; Kjellman, Anders; Larsen, Signe Melsen; Thor, Anna; Wahlqvist, Rolf; Ståhl, Olof; Tandstad, Torgrim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-31)
      Objectives - To assess whether extended surveillance with repeated computed tomography (CT) scans for patients with clinical stage IIA (CS IIA; <2 cm abdominal node involvement) and negative markers (Mk−) non-seminomatous germ cell tumours (NSGCTs) can identify those with true CS I. To assess the rate of benign lymph nodes, teratoma, and viable cancer in retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) ...
    • ‘There is nothing beautiful or life-affirming in it’: experiences of harm in a narrative course combining rehabilitative and palliative care approaches for people who have or have had cancer 

      Gärtner, Henriette Søby; Blix, Bodil Hansen; Raunkiær, Mette; Timm, Helle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-06)
      Narrative methods have been shown to help people with cancer to create meaning, find hope and restore a sense of coherence in life. Likewise, the combination of rehabilitation and palliative care for people with life-threatening illness is receiving increasing interest and is generally perceived as beneficial for patients. Four narrative courses combining rehabilitation and palliative care ...
    • Ergoterapeuter i fremtidens primærhelsetjeneste: Hva skal de løse, og for hvem? En analyse av helsepolitiske styringsdokumenter 

      Arntzen, Cathrine; Bonsaksen, Tore; Sveen, Unni; Gramstad, Astrid; Stigen, Linda; Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin; Horghagen, Sissel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-19)
      Bakgrunn: Endrede politiske og organisatoriske rammebetingelser aktualiserer spørsmål om omprioriteringer, omorganiseringer, nye arenaer og nytt innhold i den kommunale ergoterapitjenesten. I studien undersøker vi hvordan ergoterapi fremstilles i helsepolitiske styringsdokumenter. Vi utforsker spesifikt hvilke roller ergoterapeuter tilskrives i fremtidens primærhelsetjeneste, og hva kommuneergoterapeuter ...