Now showing items 521-540 of 10438

    • Primærhelseteam – en mer teambasert fastlegetjeneste 

      Pedersen, Kine; Løyland, Hanna Isabel; Erik Magnus, Sæther; Sten Gahmberg, Susanna; Abelsen, Birgit; Snilsberg, Øyvind; Iversen, Tor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-29)
      Primærhelseteam (PHT) er en ny arbeidsform i fastlegetjenesten der lege, sykepleier og helsesekretær jobber sammen i team. Teamet skal tilby gode tjenester og arbeide systematisk med pasientsikkerhet og kvalitetsforbedring. Målgruppene for primærhelseteam er listeinnbyggere med kronisk sykdom, psykiske lidelser og rusavhengighet, skrøpelige eldre, og brukere med utviklingshemming og funksjonsnedsettelser. ...
    • Effekter, gevinster og kostnader ved digital hjemmeoppfølging–en samfunnsøkonomisk analyse basert på et pragmatisk randomisert forsøk 

      Løyland, Hanna Isabel; Kine, Pedersen; Sten Gahmberg, Susanna; Gaarder Harsheim, Ingrid; Sæther, Erik Magnus; Iversen, Tor; Snilsberg, Øyvind; Abelsen, Birgit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-29)
      Denne studien omhandler en utprøving av digital hjemmeoppfølging i helsetjenesten og omfatter seks lokale prosjekter i kommunene Stad, Bodø, Larvik, Oslo (med bydelene Sagene, Grünerløkka, Gamle Oslo og St. Hanshaugen), Ullensaker (i samarbeid med Gjerdrum) og Kristiansand (i samarbeid med flere Agder-kommuner). Utprøvingen ble gjennomført som en pragmatisk randomisert kontrollert studie. Målgruppen ...
    • Global Effect of Modifiable Risk Factors on Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality. 

      Magnussen, Christina; Ojeda, Francisco M.; Leong, Darryl P.; Alegre-Diaz, Jesus; Amouyel, Philippe; Aviles-Santa, Larissa; De Bacquer, Dirk; Ballantyne, Christie M.; Bernabé-Ortiz, Antonio; Bobak, Martin; Brenner, Hermann; Carrillo-Larco, Rodrigo M.; De Lemos, James; Dobson, Annette; Dörr, Marcus; Donfrancesco, Chiara; Drygas, Wojciech; Dullaart, Robin P.; Engström, Gunnar; Ferrario, Marco M.; Ferrières, Jean; De Gaetano, Giovanni; Goldbourt, Uri; Gonzalez, Clicerio; Grassi, Guido; Hodge, Allison M.; Hveem, Kristian; Iacoviello, Licia; Ikram, M. Kamran; Irazola, Vilma; Jobe, Modou; Jousilahti, Pekka; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Kavousi, Maryam; Kee, Frank; Khalili, Davood; Koenig, Wolfgang; Kontsevaya, Anna; Kuulasmaa, Kari; Lackner, Karl J.; Leistner, David M.; Lind, Lars; Linneberg, Allan; Lorenz, Thiess; Lyngbakken, Magnus Nakrem; Malekzadeh, Reza; Malyutina, Sofia; Mathiesen, Ellisiv B.; Melander, Olle; Metspalu, Andres; Miranda, J. Jaime; Moitry, Marie; Mugisha, Joseph; Nalini, Mahdi; Nambi, Vijay; Ninomiya, Toshiharu; Oppermann, Karen; D'Orsi, Eleonora; Pająk, Andrzej; Palmieri, Luigi; Panagiotakos, Demosthenes; Perianayagam, Arokiasamy; Peters, Annette; Poustchi, Hossein; Prentice, Andrew M.; Prescott, Eva; Risérus, Ulf; Salomaa, Veikko; Sans, Susana; Sakata, Satoko; Schöttker, Ben; Schutte, Aletta E.; Sepanlou, Sadaf G.; Sharma, Sanjib Kumar; Shaw, Jonathan E.; Simons, Leon A.; Söderberg, Stefan; Tamosiunas, Abdonas; Thorand, Barbara; Tunstall-Pedoe, Hugh; Twerenbold, Raphael; Vanuzzo, Diego; Veronesi, Giovanni; Waibel, Julia; Wannamethee, S. Goya; Watanabe, Masafumi; Wild, Philipp S.; Yao, Yao; Zeng, Yi; Ziegler, Andreas; Blankenberg, Stefan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      BACKGROUND - Five modifiable risk factors are associated with cardiovascular disease and death from any cause. Studies using individual-level data to evaluate the regional and sex-specific prevalence of the risk factors and their effect on these outcomes are lacking.<p> <p>METHODS - We pooled and harmonized individual-level data from 112 cohort studies conducted in 34 countries and 8 geographic ...
    • Implementering av DBT i en rural kontekst. [Implementing DBT in a rural context]. Psykologtidskriftet. 

      Østmo, D.; Jørund, T.; Fors, Malin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-01)
      ABSTRACT Background and purpose: Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a widespread evidence-based method of treating emotionally unstable personality disorder, but the method has barely been studied in a rural context. The purpose of this study is to identify rural challenges for the four treatment channels of DBT, to pinpoint implicit urban starting points in DBT, and to suggest possible adaptations ...
    • Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Cool Kids (1. utg.) 

      Kaasbøll, Jannike; Brøndbo, Per Håkan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-09)
      Bakgrunn: Denne artikkelen er en kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket Cool Kids, et program med hovedmålsetting å hjelpe barn og unge i alderen 6-18 år å håndtere angst og relaterte vansker. Programmet kan tilbys både individuelt og i gruppeformat, med ca. 10 møter. Cool Kids -programmet er teoretisk forankret i kognitiv adferdsterapi. Sentrale metoder i programmet omfatter psykoedukasjon, ...
    • Beyond physical ability—predicting women’s football performance from psychological factors 

      Pettersen, Susann Dahl; Martinussen, Monica; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Rasmussen, Lene-Mari Potulski; Koposov, Roman Alexandriovich; Adolfsen, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-28)
      Introduction: Even though there is a clear agreement among researchers that psychological factors are a vital part of a football player’s performance, the topic has not been investigated thoroughly. The present study aimed to examine the predictive value of psychological factors on female football players’ match performance.<p> <p>Methods: A sample of 156 players from the top two leagues in Norway ...
    • Sykepleieres opplevelser av utfordrende atferd og voldsepisoder hos pasienter med demens i skjermede sykehjemsavdelinger 

      Bruun, May Britt; Clancy, Anne Mary Gerard; Kitzmüller, Gabriele (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-08)
      Bakgrunn: Sykepleiere i skjermede sykehjemsavdelinger skårer høyt på stress og emosjonelle krav. De opplever mer vold, trusler og uønsket seksuell oppmerksomhet fra pasienter enn andre yrkesutøvere. <p> <p>Hensikten: med denne studien er å belyse faktorer som sykepleierne opplever som emosjonelt belastende relatert til utfordrende atferd hos pasienter med demens i skjermede sykehjemsavdelinger, ...
    • The novel bacteriocin romsacin from Staphylococcus haemolyticus inhibits Gram-positive WHO priority pathogens 

      Wolden, Runa; Ovchinnikov, Kirill; Venter, Hermoine Jean; Oftedal, Thomas; Diep, Bao Dung; Cavanagh, Jorunn Pauline (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-31)
      Staphylococcus haemolyticus is an increasingly relevant nosocomial pathogen. The combination of multi-drug resistance and ability to form biofilms makes S. haemolyticus infections difficult to treat. Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides produced by bacteria to inhibit growth of often closely related bacteria. Due to differences in the modes of action between bacteriocins ...
    • Helsepersonells prevensjonsveiledning – en kvalitativ studie av unge kvinners erfaringer med prevesjonsveiledning og valg av prevensjonsmiddel 

      Dammen, Siri; Rosten, Caroline Norheim; Aune, Ingvild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-01)
      En stor andel unge kvinner i Norge bruker prevensjon og har oppsøkt helsepersonell for å få prevensjonsveiledning og resept på prevensjonsmidler. På tross av dette er det utført lite forskning i Norge som undersøker kvinners erfaringer med prevensjonsveiledning, og hva som påvirker deres valg av prevensjonsmiddel. Hensikten med studien var å få kunnskap om hvilke erfaringer unge kvinner har med å ...
    • Performance of creatinine-based equations to estimate glomerular filtration rate in White and Black populations in Europe, Brazil and Africa 

      Delanaye, Pierre; Vidal-Petiot, Emmanuelle; Björk, Jonas; Ebert, Natalie; Eriksen, Bjørn Odvar; Dubourg, Laurence; Grubb, Anders; Hansson, Magnus; Littmann, Karin; Mariat, Christophe; Melsom, Toralf; Schaeffner, Elke; Sundin, Per-Ola; Bökenkamp, Arend; Berg, Ulla B.; Åsling-Monemi, Kajsa; Åkesson, Anna; Larsson, Anders; Cavalier, Etienne; Dalton, R Neil; Courbebaisse, Marie; Couzi, Lionel; Gaillard, Francois; Garrouste, Cyril; Jacquemont, Lola; Kamar, Nassim; Legendre, Christophe; Rostaing, Lionel; Stehlé, Thomas; Haymann, Jean-Philippe; Selistre, Luciano da Silva; Strogoff-de-Matos, Jorge P.; Bukabau, Justine B.; Sumaili, Ernest K.; Yayo, Eric; Monnet, Dagui; Nyman, Ulf; Pottel, Hans; Flamant, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-24)
      Background - A new Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation without the race variable has been recently proposed (CKD-EPIAS). This equation has neither been validated outside USA nor compared with the new European Kidney Function Consortium (EKFC) and Lund-Malmö Revised (LMREV) equations, developed in European cohorts.<p> <p>Methods - Standardized creatinine and measured glomerular ...
    • C1 inhibitor deficiency enhances contact pathway–mediated activation of coagulation and venous thrombosis 

      Grover, Steven P.; Kawano, Tomohiro; Wan, Jun; Tanratana, Pansakorn; Polai, Zsofia; Shim, Young J.; Snir, Omri; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Dhrolia, Sophia; Kasthuri, Rohan R.; Bendapudi, Pavan K.; McCrae, Keith R.; Wolberg, Alisa S.; Hansen, John Bjarne; Farkas, Henriette; Mackman, Nigel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-11)
      C1 inhibitor (C1INH) is a multifunctional serine protease inhibitor that functions as a major negative regulator of several biological pathways, including the contact pathway of blood coagulation. In humans, congenital C1INH deficiency results in a rare episodic bradykinin-mediated swelling disorder called hereditary angioedema (HAE). Patients with C1INH deficiency–associated HAE (C1INH-HAE) have ...
    • Local management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: a longitudinal interview study of municipality chief medical officers 

      Heltveit-Olsen, Silje Rebekka; Lunde, Lene; Brænd, Anja Maria; Spehar, Ivan; Høye, Sigurd; Sundvall, Pär-Daniel; Skoglund, Ingmarie; Fossum, Guro Haugen; Straand, Jørund; Risør, Mette Bech (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-12)
      Objective - To explore the experiences and views of Norwegian Municipality Chief Medical Officers (MCMOs) on preparedness, collaboration, and organization during the COVID-19 pandemic to gain insight into local crisis management of value for future pandemic responses.<p> <p>Design - Longitudinal qualitative interview study. We conducted semi-structured digital interviews with nine MCMOs working ...
    • Prognostic factors and independent validation of a risk stratification model in octogenarian patients irradiated for brain metastases 

      Nieder, Carsten; Dalhaug, Astrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-25)
      Background/Aim: This study aimed at validation of a prognostic model, originally developed by Rades et al., in an age-restricted, particularly vulnerable subgroup of patients with brain metastases, because international variations in clinical practice and survival outcomes may impact on the performance of survival prediction tools. Patients and Methods: Retrospectively, data from a single institution ...
    • Independent validation of a risk stratification model predicting survival in elderly patients irradiated for bone metastases 

      Nieder, Carsten; Stanisavljevic, Luka; Mannsåker, Bård; Haukland, Ellinor Christin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02)
      Background/Aim: Many patients with bone metastases receive palliative radiotherapy. However, treatment personalization tools are needed, due to heterogeneous survival. The aim of this study was to analyze the validity of the prognostic survival model, originally developed by Rades et al., because international variations in clinical practice and survival outcomes may impact on the performance of ...
    • The LabPS score: Inexpensive, Fast, and Site-agnostic Survival Prediction 

      Nieder, Carsten; Haukland, Ellinor Christin; Mannsåker, Bård; Dalhaug, Astrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04)
      Objectives: To provide a widely applicable, blood-biomarker-based and performance-status-based prognostic model, which predicts the survival of patients undergoing palliative non-brain radiotherapy. This model has already been examined in a cohort of patients treated for brain metastases and performed well.<p> <p>Methods: This was a retrospective single-institution analysis of 375 patients, ...
    • Patterns of Care and Survival in Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors 

      Nieder, Carsten; Mannsåker, Bård; Stanisavljevic, Luka; Haukland, Ellinor Christin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-15)
      Introduction: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have become a mainstay of treatment for different cancer types. The purpose of this study was to evaluate patterns of care and overall survival (OS) after diagnosis of brain metastases in patients managed with ICI as component of care. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study. Fifty patients were included (34 with brain metastases at first ...
    • Impact of the von Willebrand factor-ADAMTS-13 axis on the risk of future venous thromboembolism 

      Edvardsen, Magnus; Hansen, Ellen-Sofie; Ueland, Thor; Aukrust, Pål; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Morelli, Vania Maris; Hansen, John Bjarne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-01)
      Background - von Willebrand factor (VWF) and its cleaving protease, ADAMTS-13, form a pivotal axis that regulates hemostasis. However, the role of the VWF-ADAMTS-13 axis in the risk of future venous thromboembolism (VTE) is unknown.<p> <p>Objectives - To investigate whether plasma ADAMTS-13 levels and an imbalance with VWF levels, assessed as the VWF/ADAMTS-13 ratio, are associated with the risk ...
    • Complement factors B, D, C3bBbP and risk of future venous thromboembolism 

      Skjeflo, Espen Waage; Evensen, Line Holtet; Jensen, Søren Beck; Latysheva, Nadezhda; Michelsen, Annika Elisabet; Ueland, Thor; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Hindberg, Kristian Dalsbø; Snir, Omri; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Hansen, John Bjarne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-07)
      The complement system appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of venous thromboembolism (VTE).<p> <p>We investigated the association of complement factors (CF) B, D, and the alternative pathway convertase, C3bBbP, measured at inclusion, with the risk of future VTE in a nested case-control study; 380 VTE patients and 804 age- and sex-matched controls derived from the Tromsø study. Odds ratios ...
    • Differences in mammography screening attendance among non-Western immigrants in Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway 

      Njor, Sisse Helle; Heinävaara, Sirpa; Stefansdóttir, Hrefna; Nygård, Mari; Guðmundsdóttir, Eva María; Bhargava, Sameer; Leivonen, Aku; Campbell, Suzanne; Søborg, Bo; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen; Sarkeala, Tytti; Vejborg, Ilse; Lamminmäki, Maarit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-22)
      Several studies have shown that attendance rates are lower among non-Western immigrants than among natives. As the Nordic countries have quite similar health systems and populations but also differences in the organisation of their organised mammography screening programmes, differences in attendance rates could highlight organisational factors that might increase the attendance rates. Mammography ...
    • Cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chain mediates age-associated lower learning and memory in healthy adults 

      Hemminghyth, Mathilde Suhr; Chwiszczuk, Luiza; Breitve, Monica Haraldseid; Gisladottir, Berglind; Grøntvedt, Gøril Rolfseng; Nakling, Arne Exner; Rongve, Arvid; Fladby, Tormod; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind Seljelid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-27)
      Multiple cognitive domains, including learning, memory, and psychomotor speed, show significant reductions with age. Likewise, several cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neurodegenerative biomarkers, including total tau (t-tau, a marker of neuronal body injury) and neurofilament light chain (NfL, a marker of axonal injury) show age-related increases in normal aging. In the current study, we aimed to investigate ...