Viser treff 1661-1680 av 10439

    • ‘It feels like my metabolism has shut down’. Negotiating interactional roles and epistemic positions in a primary care consultation 

      Lian, Olaug S; Nettleton, Sarah; Grange, Huw R.; Dowrick, Christopher (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-16)
      Introduction: Our aim is to explore the ways in which a patient and a general practitioner (GP) negotiate knowledge-claims stemming from different epistemic domains while dealing with a mismatch between experiential and biomedical knowledge during a clinical consultation. We interpret their interaction in relation to the sociocultural context in which their negotiation is embedded, and identify ...
    • Osteomyeliu i underkjeven 

      Nyland, Anja Nilsen; Nordtveit, Elin Serine; Bosse, Franziskus Johannes; Løes, Sigbjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-14)
      Hevelser og smerter i kjeven er ofte assosiert med infeksiøs odontogen sykdom og vil typisk diagnostiseres og behandles hos tannlege. I noen tilfeller kan imidlertid ikke tanninfeksjoner påvises. Vi presenterer fire sykehistorier hos barn som illustrerer ulike utfordringer ved en velkjent, men relativt dårlig definert diagnose i medisinen.
    • Determining the safety and effectiveness of Tai Chi: a critical overview of 210 systematic reviews of controlled clinical trials 

      Yang, Guo-Yan; Hunter, Jennifer; Bu, Fan-Long; Hao, Wen-Li; Zhang, Han; Wayne, Peter M.; Liu, Jianping (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-03)
      Background - This overview summarizes the best available systematic review (SR) evidence on the health effects of Tai Chi.<p> <p>Methods - Nine databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Medline, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese Scientific Journal Database (VIP), Sino-Med, and Wanfang Database) were searched for SRs of controlled clinical trials of Tai Chi ...
    • Patients', relatives' and nurses' experiences of palliative care on an advanced care ward in a nursing home setting in Norway 

      Mæhre, Kjersti Sunde; Hemberg, Jessica; Bergdahl, Elisabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-30)
      Patient or Public Contribution - Patients, relatives and nurses were involved in this study.<p> <p>Aim - The aim was to explore patients', relatives' and nurses' experiences of palliative care on an advanced care ward in a nursing home setting after implementation of the Coordination Reform in Norway.<p> <p>Design - Secondary analysis of qualitative interviews.<p> <p>Methods - Data from ...
    • Alternativ behandling som støttebehandling til kovensjonell behandling hos barn og uge med kreft 

      Stub, Trine; Jong, Miek; Kristoffersen, Agnete Egilsdatter; Mora, Dana Catalina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      At barnet ditt får en kreftdiagnose er en rystende beskjed som snur livet opp ned for mange familier. Behandlingen er krevende og mange barn og unge får plager de må leve med lenge. Foreldrene ønsker naturlig nok å gjøre det de kan for å lindre disse plagene. Mange velger derfor alternativ behandling som støttebehandling til konvensjonell behandling og for å bedre barnas livskvalitet.
    • Child Mental Health in Nepal. An epidemiological study of emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) among Nepali schoolchildren reported by parents and teachers 

      Ma, Jasmine (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-01-20)
      <p><i>Background -</i> There is a substantial gap in our knowledge about the prevalence, magnitude, and correlates of child emotional and behavioral problems (EBPs) in Nepal. Little is known about the agreement between parent and teacher reports on EBP among Nepali children. Therefore, a large-scale survey in the general population was undertaken to fill this gap. <p><i>Methods -</i> This is a ...
    • Analysis of Antibiotic Exposure and Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis in Europe, North America, and Australia 

      Giannoni, Eric; Dimopoulou, Varvara; Klingenberg, Claus Andreas; Navér, Lars; Nordberg, Viveka; Berardi, Alberto; El Helou, Salhab; Fusch, Gerhard; Bliss, Joseph M.; Lehnick, Dirk; Guerina, Nicholas; Seliga-Siwecka, Joanna; Maton, Pierre; Lagae, Donatienne; Mari, Judit; Janota, Jan; Agyeman, Philipp K A; Pfister, Riccardo; Latorre, Giuseppe; Maffei, Gianfranco; Laforgia, Nicola; Mózes, Eniko; Størdal, Ketil; Strunk, Tobias; Stocker, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-23)
      <p><b> IMPORTANCE</b> Appropriate use of antibiotics is life-saving in neonatal early-onset sepsis (EOS), but overuse of antibiotics is associated with antimicrobial resistance and long-term adverse outcomes. Large international studies quantifying early-life antibiotic exposure along with EOS incidence are needed to provide a basis for future interventions aimed at safely reducing neonatal ...
    • Detection Analysis and Study of Genomic Region Variability of JCPyV, BKPyV, MCPyV, HPyV6, HPyV7 and QPyV in the Urine and Plasma of HIV-1-Infected Patients 

      Passerini, Sara; Prezioso, Carla; Prota, Annalisa; Babini, Giulia; Coppola, Luigi; Lodi, Alessandra; Epifani, Anna Chiara; Sarmati, Loredana; Andreoni, Massimo; Moens, Ugo; Pietropaolo, Valeria; Ciotti, Marco (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-17)
      Since it was clearly established that HIV/AIDS predisposes to the infection, persistence or reactivation of latent viruses, the prevalence of human polyomaviruses (HPyVs) among HIV-1-infected patients and a possible correlation between HPyVs and HIV sero-status were investigated. PCR was performed to detect and quantify JCPyV, BKPyV, MCPyV, HPyV6, HPyV7 and QPyV DNA in the urine and plasma samples ...
    • Incidence of and risk factors of chronic kidney disease: Results of a nationwide study in Iceland 

      Jonsson, Arnar J.; Lund, Sigrun H.; Eriksen, Bjørn Odvar; Palsson, Runolfur; Indridason, Olafur S. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-25)
      Background - Information on the incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the general population is scarce. This study examined the incidence and risk factors of CKD stages 1–5 in Iceland, based on multiple markers of kidney damage.<p> <p>Methods - All serum creatinine (SCr) values, urine protein measurements and diagnosis codes for kidney diseases and comorbid conditions for people aged ≥18 ...
    • Proteoglycans Determine the Dynamic Landscape of EMT and Cancer Cell Stemness 

      Karagiorgou, Zoi; Fountas, Panagiotis N; Manou, Dimitra; Knutsen, Erik; Theocharis, Achilleas D. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-29)
      Proteoglycans (PGs) are pivotal components of extracellular matrices, involved in a variety of processes such as migration, invasion, morphogenesis, differentiation, drug resistance, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Cellular plasticity is a crucial intermediate phenotypic state acquired by cancer cells, which can modulate EMT and the generation of cancer stem cells (CSCs). PGs ...
    • Vaccine associated benign headache and cutaneous hemorrhage after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: A cohort study 

      Schultz, Nina Haagenrud; Søraas, Arne Vasli; Sørvoll, Ingvild Hausberg; Akkøk, Cigdem Ahaein; Vetlesen, Annette; Bhamra, Jagjit Singh; Ahlen, Maria Therese; Holme, Pål Andre; Aamodt, Anne Hege; Skagen, Karolina Ryeng; Skattør, Thor Håkon; Skjelland, Mona; Wiedmann, Markus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-17)
      Objectives Fatal complications have occurred after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, a vaccine against Covid-19. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) with severe outcome is characterized by venous thrombosis, predominantly in cerebral veins, thrombocytopenia and anti-PF4/polyanion antibodies. Prolonged headaches and cutaneous hemorrhages, frequently observed after the ChAdOx1 ...
    • Getting real in interprofessional clinical placements: patient-centeredness in student teams’ collaborative learning 

      Jensen, Catrine Buck; Norbye, Bente; Dahlgren, Inga Madeleine Abrandt; Iversen, Anita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-07)
      Collaboration between healthcare providers helps tackle the increasing complexity of healthcare. When learning teamwork, interprofessional students are expected to work patient-centered; recognizing the patient’s expertise and partnering with them. Research on interprofessional education (IPE) for undergraduates has illuminated learning outcomes, organization of learning activities, change in ...
    • Health-related quality of life from 20 to 32 years of age in very low birth weight individuals: a longitudinal study 

      Berdal, Elias Kjølseth; Wollum, Arnt Erik Karlsen; Hollund, Ingrid Marie Husby; Iversen, Johanne Marie; Kajantie, Eero Olavi; Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-14)
      Background: Preterm birth with very low birth weight (VLBW, birth weight<1500 g) is associated with health problems later in life. How VLBW individuals perceive their physical and mental health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is important to understand their putative burden of disease. Previous studies have shown mixed results, and longitudinal studies into adulthood have been requested. This study ...
    • The impact of diagnosed fetal anomaly, diagnostic severity and prognostic ambiguity on parental depression and traumatic stress: a prospective longitudinal cohort study 

      Bekkhus, Mona; Haugen, Guttorm Nils; Czajkowski, Nikolai Olavi; Kaasen, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-14)
      Introduction - The detection of a fetal anomaly during routine obstetric ultrasound is a potentially traumatic experience. The aim of this study is to examine longitudinally the impact of diagnosis of fetal anomaly on symptoms of depression and traumatic stress among mothers and fathers, and to examine how variations in psychological adjustment relate to diagnostic severity and prognostic ...
    • Women's lived experiences of induction of labour in late- and post-term pregnancy within the Swedish post-term induction study - a phenomenological study 

      Nilvér, Helena; Lundgren, Ingela Marie; Elden, Helen; Dencker, Anna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-10)
      Purpose: There is a trend worldwide to induce pregnant women earlier. However, few studies have focused on women’s experiences. The aim was to gain a deeper understanding of women’s lived experiences of induction of labour in late- and post-term pregnancy.<p> <p>Methods: Phenomenology with a reflective lifeworld approach was chosen as the method. Twelve women participating in a larger study in ...
    • 16 år med samarbeid om arbeidshelse i nordområdene 

      Höper, Anje Christina; Skandfer, Morten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      De siste tjue årene har nordområdene gått fra periferi til satsingsområde for mange land, ikke minst Norge. Dette har vært drevet av ønsker om økt ressursbasert verdiskapning, klimaendringer, bærekraftig utvikling og sikkerhetspolitikk. Det påvirker lokalsamfunn, miljøet, bedrifter, arbeidsplasser og innbyggere. Behovet for økt kunnskap og gode tjenester er stort.
    • Towards a temporospatial framework for measurements of disorganization in speech using semantic vectors 

      Holmlund, Terje Bektesevic; Chandler, Chelsea; Foltz, Peter W.; Diaz-Asper, Catherine; Cohen, Alex S.; Rodriguez, Zachary; Elvevåg, Brita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-10)
      Incoherent speech in schizophrenia has long been described as the mind making “leaps” of large distances between thoughts and ideas. Such a view seems intuitive, and for almost two decades, attempts to operationalize these conceptual “leaps” in spoken word meanings have used language-based embedding spaces. An embedding space represents meaning of words as numerical vectors where a greater proximity ...
    • “Opening up a well of emotions”: A qualitative study of men's emotional experiences in the transition to fatherhood 

      Solberg, Beate; Berg, Rigmor; Glavin, Kari; Olsvold, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-20)
      <p><b> Aim</b> To explore the emotional changes and reactions men experience in their transition to fatherhood. <p><b> Design</b> This study used a qualitative design. <p><b> Methods</b> Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 13 Norwegian fathers. <p><b> Results</b> Through thematic analysis, three main themes were developed: (1) from self-focus to family ...
    • Reflections on the nature of measurement in language-based automated assessments of patients' mental state and cognitive function 

      Foltz, Peter W.; Chandler, Chelsea; Diaz-Asper, Catherine; Cohen, Alex S.; Rodriguez, Zachary; Holmlund, Terje Bektesevic; Elvevåg, Brita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-22)
      Modern advances in computational language processing methods have enabled new approaches to the measurement of mental processes. However, the field has primarily focused on model accuracy in predicting performance on a task or a diagnostic category. Instead the field should be more focused on determining which computational analyses align best with the targeted neurocognitive/psychological functions ...
    • Anterior surgical treatment for cervical degenerative radiculopathy: a prediction model for non-success 

      Mjåset, Christer; Solberg, Tore; Zwart, John Anker Henrik; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Kolstad, Frode; Grotle, Margreth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-08)
      Purpose By using data from the Norwegian Registry for Spine Surgery, we wanted to develop and validate prediction models for non-success in patients operated with anterior surgical techniques for cervical degenerative radiculopathy (CDR).<p> <p>Methods This is a multicentre longitudinal study of 2022 patients undergoing CDR surgery and followed for 12 months to fnd prognostic models for non-success ...