Viser treff 2161-2180 av 10439

    • Tannhelsetjenester i norske fengsler. En spørreundersøkelse blant fengselsansatte og fengselstannleger 

      Stein, Linda; Bondø, Therese; Endresen, Erika Hauglid; Berggren, Tiril (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-02)
      <p>Undersøkelser fra andre land har vist at innsatte i fengsler generelt har dårlig tannhelse og stort behandlingsbehov. Det finnes imidlertid lite informasjon om dette i Norge. Hensikten med studien var å kartlegge forhold som påvirker tannhelsetjenester til innsatte i norske fengsler og undersøke fengselsansattes og fengselstannlegers holdninger til tilbudet. Elektroniske spørreskjemaer ble ...
    • Mellom hypoteser og tilfeldigheter 

      Lund, Eiliv (Others; Andre, 2017)
      Dette er en personlig, objektiv beskrivelse av grunnlaget for Kvinner og Kreft, utviklingen over tid og samspillet mellom ideer, engasjement og tilfeldigheter. Over ca femti år er det meste forandret fra forskning drevet av nysgjerrighet til forskning som konkurranse. Det springende spørsmål er hva som gir best utbytte i fremtiden? Prosjekter har ofte en meget lang tidshorisont. Politiske og ...
    • How docetaxel entrapment, vesicle size, zeta potential and stability change with liposome composition–A formulation screening study 

      Holsæter, Ann Mari; Wizgird, Kristina; Karlsen, Iselin; Hemmingsen, Jeanette Frimand; Brandl, Martin; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-21)
      Limitations of the anticancer drug product Taxotere® have encouraged researchers to entrap the active ingredient docetaxel (DTX) into nanocarriers such as liposomes. However, until now no DTX-liposome formulation has reached the clinic. Hence, in the present study, different Soy-PC based DTX-liposome formulations were screened in an attempt to identify lipid-compositions with promising DTX-entrapment ...
    • Supplementation with a probiotic mixture accelerates gut microbiome maturation and reduces intestinal inflammation in extremely preterm infants 

      Samara, Jumana; Moossavi, Shirin; Alshaikh, Belal; Ortega, Van A.; Pettersen, Veronika K.; Ferdous, Tahsin; Hoops, Suzie L.; Soraisham, Amuchou; Vayalumkal, Joseph; Dersch-Mills, Deonne; Gerber, Jeffrey S.; Mukhopadhyay, Sagori; Puopolo, Karen; Tompkins, Thomas A.; Knights, Dan; Walter, Jens; Amin, Harish; Arrieta, Marie-Claire (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-05-11)
      Probiotics are increasingly administered to premature infants to prevent necrotizing enterocolitis and neonatal sepsis. However, their effects on gut microbiome assembly and immunity are poorly understood. Using a randomized intervention trial in extremely premature infants, we tested the effects of a probiotic product containing four strains of Bifidobacterium species autochthonous to the infant ...
    • The association between preoperative MRI findings and clinical improvement in patients included in the NORDSTEN spinal stenosis trial 

      Aaen, Jørn Ståle; Banitalebi, Hasan; Austevoll, Ivar Magne; Hellum, Christian; Storheim, Kjersti; Myklebust, Tor Åge; Anvar, Masoud D; Weber, Clemens; Solberg, Tore; Grundnes, Oliver; Brisby, Helena; Indrekvam, Kari; Hermansen, Erland (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-05)
      <p><b>Purpose</b> To investigate potential associations between preoperative MRI findings and patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) after surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). <p><b>Methods</b> The NORDSTEN trial included 437 patients. We investigated the association between preoperative MRI findings such as morphological grade of stenosis (Schizas grade), quantitative grade of ...
    • The relationship between smokeless tobacco (snus) and anxiety and depression among adults and elderly people. A comparison to smoking in the Tromsø Study 

      Bondø, Pia; Høye, Anne; Løchen, Maja-Lisa; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed; Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-23)
      <p><b>Aims</b> To (i) define the characteristics of snus users compared with non-users and smokers and (ii) define the relationship between snus use and self-reported anxiety and depression and compare it with the relation between smoking and anxiety and depression. <p><b>Design, setting and participants</b> A cross-sectional study based on data from the Norwegian population-based survey, ...
    • Are Personality Traits Related to how Healthy Adults Adjust Their Decision-Making Strategies Under Varying Levels of Reward and Loss Controllability? 

      Angen, Caroline Alexandra Grant (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Abstract Research suggests a dual-system theory of motivation on decision-making in humans, consisting of the Pavlovian and the Instrumental systems. These systems influence how we respond to environmental threats and rewards either in an automatic or in a more deliberate manner, and their interaction can either optimize or hinder decision-making. Importantly, humans seem to rely more heavily on ...
    • Effects of Experimentally Induced Pain on Value-Based Decision-Making in Healthy Adults 

      Klakegg, Ina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Every day we make decisions that influence our well-being. Because of this, it is crucial that we make the most optimal decisions possible in order to minimize unnecessary loss or suffering. Some groups might be more vulnerable to making maladaptive choices, such as those suffering with chronic pain, which is associated with various cognitive impairments. As it currently stands there is not a clear ...
    • The Shame of Buried Giants and the Courage to Dig Them Up 

      de Besche, Torstein (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Sammendrag Når gruppen din begår en handling som du ser på som moralsk feil, kan du enten ta eierskap av det moralske nederlaget og beklage, aktivt prøve å gjemme bevis og unngå tema, eller ikke gjøre noe som helst. Vi replikerte studier på gruppe-basert skam som skiller skam inn i to forskjellige emosjonskalaer, rykte skam og moralsk skam. En konfirmatorisk faktoranalyse viste at gruppe-basert ...
    • Combining Prolonged Heat Pain with Low Controllability Over Rewards and Losses Results in Minimal Effects on Value-Based Decision-Making 

      Kuprejeva, Anastasija (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Previous research has shown that experimental manipulations aiming at inducing choice strategies resembling learned helplessness (LH) in healthy adults influence the arbitration between simple and complex decision-making strategies. However, research regarding decision-making and LH-manipulations with experimental pain is lacking. Therefore, the present study applied the new LH-induction method with ...
    • Editorial: New Perspectives on Procrastination, Volume II 

      Steel, Piers; Svartdal, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-03)
      The field of procrastination is growing almost exponentially, with the academic search engine Semantic Scholar indicating approximately half of the more than 16,000 articles written on the topic were published in the previous 6 years. At this point, review articles of the field are becoming increasingly important. In addition, foundational issues still are being addressed, in particular the diagnosis ...
    • Support for Children of Parents With Mental Illness: An Analysis of Patients’ Health Records 

      Kristensen, Kjersti Bergum; Lauritzen, Camilla; Reedtz, Charlotte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-09)
      Introduction: Children of parents with a mental illness (COPMI) are at risk of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive difficulties and diagnoses. Support and information about parents’ mental illness may contribute to improve their lives, which is the purpose of the intervention Child Talks (CT). This study aimed to investigate the participation rate of CT, characteristics of participating patients ...
    • Feeling and Thinking about It Are Two Different Things: How to Capture Momentary Emotions of Extreme Sports in the Field 

      Hetland, Audun (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-24)
      To learn about extreme sports and what motivates such activities, we need to understand the emotions embedded in the experience itself. However, how we go about assessing these emotions might provide us with very different answers. An experience is a fleeting and ever-changing phenomenon, rich in detail and filled with nuances. What we remember and, therefore, what we are able to report from our ...
    • Asthma and allergy in children : an epidemiological study of asthma and allergy in schoolchildren living in Northern Norway and Russia with respect to prevalence trends 1985-1995-2000, geographic differences in prevalence and biomarkers 

      Selnes, Anders (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2006)
      The thesis has focused on asthma, AR and AD in children in a limited geographical region over a limited period of time and has studied the prevalence trends, geographical differences in prevalence and the biomarker s-ECP. These are the main findings in the five papers published: <ul id = «mylist»> <li> The prevalence of asthma and allergy in north Norwegian primary schoolchildren increased ...
    • The Tension between National and Local Concerns in Preparing for Large-Scale Generic Systems in Healthcare 

      Ellingsen, Gunnar; Hertzum, Morten; Melby, Line (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-16)
      Large-scale generic systems are typically adapted to local practice through confguration. This is especially important in healthcare, which involves a plurality of institutions and users. However, the decision to acquire a generic system in public healthcare is typically founded on regional and national health policy goals, which often are translated into various forms of standardization. As a ...
    • Human exposure to perfluorinated compounds : concentrations, dietary impact and molecular signatures 

      Rylander, Charlotta (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2010)
    • Prospective evaluation of 92 serum protein biomarkers for early detection of ovarian cancer 

      Mukama, Trasias; Fortner, Renée Turzanski; Katzke, Verena; Hynes, Lucas Cory; Petrera, Agnese; Hauck, Stefanie M.; Johnson, Theron; Schulze, Matthias; Schiborn, Catarina; Rostgaard-Hansen, Agnetha Linn; Tjønneland, Anne; Overvad, Kim; Pérez, María José Sánchez; Crous-Bou, Marta; Chirlaque, María-Dolores; Amiano, Pilar; Ardanaz, Eva; Watts, Eleanor L.; Travis, Ruth C.; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Grioni, Sara; Masala, Giovanna; Signoriello, Simona; Tumino, Rosario; Gram, Inger Torhild; Sandanger, Torkjel M; Sartor, Hanna; Lundin, Eva; Idahl, Annika; Heath, Alicia K.; Dossus, Laure; Weiderpass, Elisabete; Kaaks, Rudolf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-14)
      BACKGROUND: CA125 is the best available yet insufficiently sensitive biomarker for early detection of ovarian cancer. There is a need to identify novel biomarkers, which individually or in combination with CA125 can achieve adequate sensitivity and specificity for the detection of earlier-stage ovarian cancer.<p> <p>METHODS: In the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition ...
    • Safety of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatment among children and young adults who suffer from adverse effects of conventional cancer treatment: A systematic review 

      Mora, Dana Catalina; Kristoffersen, Agnete Egilsdatter; Overvåg, Grete; Jong, Miek; Mentink, Marit; Liu, Jianping; Stub, Trine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-21)
      <p><b>Background:</b> Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is widely used around the world to treat adverse effects derived from cancer treatment among children and young adults. Parents often seek CAM to restore and maintain the child’s physical and emotional condition during and after cancer treatment. <p><b>Objectives:</b> The objectives of this review were (i) to identify ...
    • C-Reactive Protein and TGF-α Predict Psychological Distress at Two Years of Follow-Up in Healthy Adolescent Boys: The Fit Futures Study 

      Linkas, Jonas; Ahmed, Luai A.; Csifcsak, Gabor; Emaus, Nina; Furberg, Anne-Sofie; Grimnes, Guri; Pettersen, Gunn; Rognmo, Kamilla; Christoffersen, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-11)
      Objective: The scarcity of research on associations between inflammatory markers and symptoms of depression and anxiety during adolescence has yielded inconsistent results. Further, not all studies have controlled for potential confounders. We explored the associations between baseline inflammatory markers and psychological distress including moderators at follow-up in a Norwegian adolescent population ...
    • Concerns of Parental Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems Reported to Child Welfare Services—Testing a Moderated Mediation Model for Paths From Reports to Substantiated Concern and Service Provision 

      Vis, Svein Arild; Lauritzen, Camilla; Havnen, Karen J Skaale; Reedtz, Charlotte; Handegård, Bjørn Helge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-28)
      Background: Parental mental health and substance abuse problems are found in reports of concern to child protection and welfare services. The aim of this study was first to investigate what characterized these reports and how they differed from reports with other types of concerns. Two hypotheses were tested. The first hypothesis was (i) if a report contains concerns about mental health and substance ...