Viser treff 3101-3120 av 10466

    • Barnets beste og brukermedvirkning på Statens Barnehus i Tromsø 

      Scherffenberg, Ellen Sofie; Sjøtun Lydersen, Guri (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-12-14)
      I tråd med samfunnets økte fokus på barns rett til medvirkning var formålet til denne studien å undersøke hvordan barnets beste og brukermedvirkning ivaretas på Statens Barnehus i Tromsø. Med utgangspunkt i rådene fra Forandringsfabrikkens rapport “Rett og sikkert” (2019) ønsket vi å belyse hvilke hindringer som kan oppstå i implementeringen av rådene, samt mulige løsninger for å imøtekomme rådene. ...
    • The Expanded Role of Chitosan in Localized Antimicrobial Therapy 

      Hemmingsen, Lisa Myrseth; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa; Jøraholmen, May Wenche (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-08)
      Chitosan is one of the most studied natural origin polymers for biomedical applications. This review focuses on the potential of chitosan in localized antimicrobial therapy to address the challenges of current rising antimicrobial resistance. Due to its mucoadhesiveness, chitosan offers the opportunity to prolong the formulation residence time at mucosal sites; its wound healing properties open ...
    • Functional screening of a human saliva metagenomic DNA reveal novel resistance genes against sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine 

      Wigand, Johannes; Tansirichaiya, Supathep; Winje, Endre; Al-Haroni, Mohammed (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed; Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-09)
      Objective - Many sections of the health care system are facing a major challenge making infectious disease problematic to treat; antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Identification and surveillance of the resistome have been highlighted as one of the strategies to overcome the problem. This study aimed to screen for AMR genes in an oral microbiota, a complex microbial system continuously exposed to ...
    • Distriktssykepleie i Nord Norge. “Hvilke særegenheter innebærer utøvelsen av distriktssykepleie i Nord Norge?” 

      Hanssen, Ingvild Rapp; Vanzo, Natalia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-09)
      <p>Bakgrunn: Internasjonal forskning beskriver at sykepleierne i distriktene har spesielle utfordringer og krav til handlings- og beredskapskompetanse i sin yrkesutøvelse enn sykepleiere i byene. Dette understøttes av nyere norsk forskning som også har identifisert et behov for større bevissthet rundt den rurale arbeidskonteksten og mer sykepleieforskning på temaet i Norge. <p>Hensikt: Studiens ...
    • Utbrenthet og mestringstro blant psykologer 

      Gregersen Dale, Ida; Indrevoll, Marit; Livesey, Charlèn Johansen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-08)
      Utbrenthet som en stressreaksjon til økende krav i arbeidslivet, seg selv og samfunnet generelt har i de siste årene kommet mer på agendaen, både som forskningstema og i media. Utbrenthet som fenomen i samfunnet ser ut til å ha økt og det tandrere til å være relatert i større grad til yrker som omhandler følelser og hvor sosial nærkontakt med andre mennesker er mer sentralt (Kvam, 2020). Forskning ...
    • The potential for reducing inappropriate hospital admissions : a study of health benefits and costs in a department of internal medicine 

      Eriksen, Bjørn Odvar (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 1999)
      Inappropriate hospital admissions are defined as those which do not result in health benefit for the patient or in such benefit that could have been obtained on a lower care level. Studies from many parts of the world have reported high rates of such admissions. It is commonly believed that they represent a potential for significant cost reductions. However, this assumes that they can be identified ...
    • No går det på helsa laus : helse, sykdom og risiko for sykdom i to nord-norske kystsamfunn 

      Anderssen, Jorid (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 1998)
      The present thesis shows how ordinary people experience the process of medicalization in their everyday life. The thesis describes how health and iliness is resolved, and how they solve their daily health problems. <p>The data presented is from two villages on the coast of Northern Norway. The study from Nordfjord examines how people change their attitude to iliness, health and health-care over time. ...
    • Age-related differences in self-report and objective measures of cognitive function in older patients prior to chemotherapy 

      Utne, Inger; Løyland, Borghild; Grov, Ellen Karine; Rasmussen, Hege Lund; Torstveit, Ann Helen; Paul, Steven M.; Lindemann, Kristina Yvonne Kathe; Vistad, Ingvild; Rodriguez-Aranda, Claudia; Miaskowski, Christine; Ritchie, Christine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-08)
      Aim: Evaluate for differences in demographic and clinical characteristics and subjective and objective measures of cognitive function (CF) between younger older adults (YOA, 60–69 years) and older adults (OA, ≥70 years). Design: Cross-sectional.<p> <p>Methods: Older oncology patients (n = 139) completed subjective (Attentional Function Index, European Organization for the Research and Treatment ...
    • Vilkår for begrepsdannelse og praksis i psykiatri : en filosofisk undersøkelse 

      Wifstad, Åge (Others; Andre, 1996)
      Det begrensede siktemålet med denne avhandlingen, er å gi en oversikt over sentrale vilkår for psykiatrisk begrepsdannelse og praksis. En slik oversikt vil dog forhåpentligvis gjøre det enklere å bedømme hvilke spørsmål det er viktig å stille, i en klargjøring av psykiatriens potensiale som forvalter av intensjonen om lydhørhet overfor den Andres smerte.
    • Physical activity and risk of cancer : a population based cohort study including prostate, testicular, colorectal, lung and breast cancer 

      Thune, Inger (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 1997)
      The overall aim of this thesis was to elucidate any association between physical activity and the subsequent risk of some major types of cancer in the general adult population of Norway: prostate, testicular, colorectal, lung and breast cancer. <p> <p>• Another aim was to examine whether physical activity at work had a different association to these cancer types than physical activity in leisure ...
    • Factors affecting self-evaluated general health status and the use of professional health care services 

      Fylkesnes, Knut (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 1991)
      The idea of health has been given different meanings throughout history. The “Pippin perspective” introduced here contrasts the seemingly prevailing cultural climate of fascination and concern with personal health, uneasiness and “elevating health to a super value, a metaphor for all that is good in life” (1). What Pippin might help to illustrate is the reported historical trend toward a ...
    • Communication and information needs about complementary and alternative medicine: a qualitative study of parents of children with cancer 

      Stub, Trine; Quandt, Sara A.; Kristoffersen, Agnete Egilsdatter; Jong, Miek; Arcury, Thomas A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-08)
      Background: Many parents choose support such as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for themselves and their children who have cancer. The aim of this paper is to describe, how parents who have children with cancer communicated with conventional health care providers about CAM, and what types and sources of information they would like to receive about CAM when the child was ill.<p> <p>Method: ...
    • «Jeg har lyst til å være tynn» - En kvalitativ studie om erfaringer etter fedmekirurgi 

      Hauan, Sondre Tveit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-10-25)
      Bakgrunn: Sykelig overvekt anses å være en alvorlig langvarig sykdom som representerer risiko for ulike somatiske og psykiske tilleggslidelser. Kirurgi som behandlingsmetode er omdiskutert og kritisert i flere studier, som viser til at overvekt er et sammensatt problem som omfatter mer enn selve overvekten. Tilbudet av fedmekirurgi er svært tilgjengelig og økende, men pasienters egne erfaringer med ...
    • The mediating impact of lifestyle factors in the relationship between socioeconomic status and self-reported health in a Norwegian cohort of women 

      Neupane, Anup (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-01)
      Introduction: Information on self-reported health (SRH) with a simple question on “How do you rate your health?” provides sufficient information to be a reasonable proxy of health. Socioeconomic inequalities in health are often monitored via SRH. Individuals with better socioeconomic status (SES) more likely to rate their SRH as good. The part of the effect of SES (income level and education) operates ...
    • The Harstad injury prevention study : hospital-based injury recording and community-based intervention 

      Ytterstad, Børge (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 1995)
      Accidental injury is the leading cause of death in Norway under the age of 50. A 19 % reduction of age standardized accident mortality was observed from 1956 to 1983. In spite of this, next to Finland, Norway has the highest accident mortality rate among the Nordic countries (1) . To reduce accidental injury it is important to gain knowledge about all injuries, not only the fatal ones. The ...
    • Fibroblast growth factor 2 conjugated with monomethyl auristatin E inhibits tumor growth in a mouse model 

      Krzyscik, Mateusz Adam; Zakrzewska, Malgorzata; Sørensen, Vigdis; Øy, Geir Frode; Bruheim, Skjalg; Haugsten, Ellen Margrethe; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari; Wiedlocha, Antoni; Otlewski, Jacek (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-20)
      Worldwide, cancer is the second leading cause of death. Regardless of the continuous progress in medicine, we still do not have a fully effective anti-cancer therapy. Therefore, the search for new targeted anti-cancer drugs is still an unmet need. Here, we present novel protein–drug conjugates that inhibit tumor growth in a mouse model of human breast cancer. We developed conjugates based on fibroblast ...
    • Patterns and predictors of drug use : a pharmacoepidemiologic study, linking the analgesic drug prescription to a population health survey in Tromsø, Norway 

      Eggen, Anne Elise (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 1994)
      The purpose of the study may be summarized as follows: - What is the frequency of drug use in the population, frequency of analgesic drug use in general and particularly the use of controlled analgesics? - How will morbidity, demographic pattern and lifestyle characteristics influence this drug use, and which factors explain the observed differences in drug use?
    • The healthy faith : pregnancy outcome, risk of disease, cancer morbidity and mortality in Norwegian Seventh-Day Adventists 

      Fønnebø, Vinjar (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 1992)
      The aim of the present study was to examine the association between being a Seventh-Day Adventist and risk factors for disease, pregnancy outcome, cancer incidence, site-specific mortality and total mortality in an unselected Seventh-Day Adventist population.
    • Nifedipine disturbs fetal cardiac function during hypoxemia in a chronic sheep model at near term gestation 

      Alanne, Leena; Bhide, Amarnath Govind; Lantto, Juulia; Huhta, Heikki; Kokki, Merja; Haapsamo, Mervi; Acharya, Ganesh; Rasanen, Juha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11)
      Background: Nifedipine is a widely used drug in pregnancies complicated by maternal hypertensive disorders that can be associated with placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxemia. The evidence regarding fetal myocardial responses to nifedipine in hypoxemia is limited.<p> <p>Objective: We hypothesized that nifedipine would not impair fetal sheep cardiac function under hypoxemic environment. In ...