Viser treff 3461-3480 av 10469

    • Caught up in Care: Crafting Moral Subjects of Chronic Fatigue 

      Risør, Mette Bech; Lillevoll, Kjersti (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-17)
      Patients with chronic fatigue receive advice to improve symptom management and well-being. This advice is based on ideas of self-management and is conveyed during clinical assessment as “activity regulation.” Based on ethnographic fieldwork in a hospital clinic in Norway, we show how these patients attempt to demonstrate their competences and everyday concerns, and how the ideology of self-management ...
    • Chitosomes-In-Chitosan Hydrogel for Acute Skin Injuries: Prevention and Infection Control 

      Hemmingsen, Lisa Myrseth; Julin, Kjersti; Ahsan, Luqman; Basnet, Purusotam; Johannessen, Mona; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-12)
      Burns and other skin injuries are growing concerns as well as challenges in an era of antimicrobial resistance. Novel treatment options to improve the prevention and eradication of infectious skin biofilm-producing pathogens, while enhancing wound healing, are urgently needed for the timely treatment of infection-prone injuries. Treatment of acute skin injuries requires tailoring of formulation to ...
    • Quantum Dot Nanomedicine Formulations Dramatically Improve Pharmacological Properties and Alter Uptake Pathways of Metformin and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide in Aging Mice 

      Hunt, Nick; Lockwood, Glen P; Kang, Sun Woo; Westwood, Lara; Limantoro, Christina; Chrzanowski, Wojciech; McCourt, Peter Anthony; Kuncic, Zdenka; Le Couteur, David G; Cogger, V.C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-24)
      Orally administered Ag<sub>2</sub>S quantum dots (QDs) rapidly cross the small intestine and are taken up by the liver. Metformin and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) target metabolic and aging processes within the liver. This study examined the pharmacology and toxicology of QD-based nanomedicines as carriers of metformin and NMN in young and old mice, determining if their therapeutic potency and ...
    • Considering Silences in Narrative Inquiry: An Intergenerational Story of a Sami Family 

      Blix, Bodil Hansen; Caine, Vera; Clandinin, D. Jean; Berendonk, Charlotte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-03)
      Through coming alongside a Sami family, we open spaces to contemplate multiple forms of silence. We argue that rather than the antithesis to narrative, silence is an integral part of narrative inquiry. As narrative inquirers we need to be wakeful to what is told and also untold, often simultaneously. We believe that narrative inquiry is not necessarily about breaking silences, but it is also about ...
    • Drivers of expectations: Why are Norwegian general practitioners skeptical of a prospective electronic health record? 

      Hertzum, Morten; Ellingsen, Gunnar; Melby, Line (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-13)
      While expectations are well-known drivers of electronic health record (EHR) adoption, the drivers of expectations are more elusive. On the basis of interviews with general practitioners (GPs), we investigate how the early implementation process drives their expectations of an EHR that is being implemented in Norway. The GPs’ expectations of the prospective EHR are driven by (a) satisfying experiences ...
    • Alcohol consumption among older adults with symptoms of cognitive decline consulting specialist health care 

      Kamsvaag, Ben; Bergh, Sverre; Benth, Jurate Saltyte; Selbæk, Geir; Tevik, Kjerstin Elisabeth; Helvik, Anne-Sofie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-29)
      <p>Objectives: To explore alcohol consumption among older Norwegian adults with symptoms of cognitive decline, assess the agreement between the reports of older adults and their next of kin regarding a person’s alcohol consumption, and explore clinical and sociodemographic variables associated with agreement. <p>Method: Alcohol consumption was measured among 3608 older adults consulting specialist ...
    • Helsepersonell er prisgitt den informasjonen de får. Samhandling i psykisk helseomsorg – En kvalitativ studie 

      Johansen, Mette Alexandra (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-05)
      <p>Bakgrunn: For at pasienter med alvorlig psykisk lidelse skal få et helhetlig og godt behandlingstilbud uansett hvor i Norge er det avgjørende å sikre gode overganger for mellom spesialist- og kommunehelsetjeneste. Dette impliserer god tverrfaglig og tverretatlig samhandling mellom helsepersonell, noe som er et sentralt satsingsområde i dagens helsetjeneste. Det finns for lite dokumentasjon om ...
    • Faktorer som henger sammen med ungdommers fordommer mot temaet psykisk helse 

      Wollmann, Brita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-08-01)
      Hovedoppgaven var en del av et større forskningsprosjekt i regi av professorene Ingunn Skre og Rannveig Grøm Sæle. Tidligere studier har forsøkt å kartlegge faktorer som henger sammen med å ha fordommer mot temaet psykisk helse hos ungdom. Kjønn og alder har vist seg å være av betydning, da å være yngre og å være gutt henger sammen mer fordommer mot temaet. Det finnes imidlertid ikke nok studier til ...
    • Student evaluation practice: A qualitative study on how student evaluation of teaching, courses and programmes are carried out and used 

      Borch, Iris Helene (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-08-27)
      This study explores how internal student evaluation of teaching, courses and programmes at eight health profession education programmes are carried out and used. Student evaluation is a mandatory part of quality assurance systems in Norway and is meant to be used in educational quality assurance and enhancement. At the university of this study, these evaluations are also considered part of students’ ...
    • Helsesykepleieres arbeid med matoverfølsomhet hos førskolebarn En kvalitativ studie om hvordan helsesykepleiere ser på sitt kunnskapsgrunnlag. 

      Pedersen, Marita (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-03)
      Bakgrunn: Matoverfølsomhet er et stort og vedvarende folkehelseproblem. Forekomsten er usikker, men i Europa beregnes det at mellom 11-26 millioner av mennesker lider av matallergi. Prevalensen topper seg i barneårene til mellom 5% og 8%, og den høyeste insidensen er i barnets første leveår. Helsesykepleiere er den yrkesgruppen som tettest følger opp barn, ungdom og deres familier. De er ofte ...
    • The Effects of Perinatal Fluoxetine Exposure on Social and Non-Social Investigation Behaviors in a Novel Environment 

      Johansen, Jesper Solheim; Sylte, Ole Christian (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-07-31)
      Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are increasingly prescribed as medication for various affective disorders during pregnancy. SSRIs cross the placenta and affect serotonergic neurotransmission in the fetus, but the neurobehavioral consequences for the offspring remain largely unclear. Recent research has linked perinatal SSRI exposure to alterations in both social and non-social ...
    • Inhibition of bacterial and human zinc-metalloproteases by bisphosphonate- and catechol-containing compounds 

      Rahman, Fatema; Nguyen, Tra-Mi; Adekoya, Olayiwola; Campestre, Cristina; Tortorella, Paolo; Sylte, Ingebrigt; Winberg, Jan-Olof (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-23)
      Compounds containg catechol or bisphosphonate were tested as inhibitors of the zinc metalloproteases, thermolysin (TLN), pseudolysin (PLN) and aureolysin (ALN) which are bacterial virulence factors, and the human matrix metalloproteases MMP-9 and −14. Inhibition of virulence is a putative strategy in the development of antibacterial drugs, but the inhibitors should not interfere with human enzymes. ...
    • Molecular profiling of the liver sinusoidal endothelial cell – a multi-omics approach 

      Bhandari, Sabin (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-08-20)
      The endothelium is the innermost cell layer of blood vessels and has a key role in maintaining vascular homeostasis. Beside the general role to prevent blood coagulation and regulate blood flow, endothelial cells of different vascular beds show tissue specific specializations. This thesis focuses on a unique endothelial cell with immune-like properties, namely the liver sinusoidal endothelial cell ...
    • Massive transfusjonsprotokoller ved norske sykehus med akutt traumefunksjon og deres respektive blodbankers beredskap av transfusjoner og medikamentelle tiltak. Følger sykehusene og deres blodbanker anbefalingene fra Nasjonal Kompetansetjeneste for Traumatologi? 

      Skjei, Skule Ystad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-07-21)
      Introduksjon: Nasjonale og europeiske retningslinjer anbefaler i dag at et hvert sykehus som har akutt traumefunksjon har en massiv transfusjonsprotokoll (MTP). I denne studien undersøkes utbredelse og innhold av massive transfusjonsprotokoller ved norske sykehus med akutt traumefunksjon og deres respektive blodbankers beredskap. Metode: To separate spørreundersøkelser på henholdsvis 26 og 15 ...
    • Flow in Physical Activity and Exercise: Exploring the Relevance of Mindfulness and Exertion 

      Karlsen, Karoline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-14)
      Experiencing flow in physical activity is associated with intrinsic motivation and has proven to be a highly rewarding state of mind (Csikszentmihalyi, 2008). Facilitating flow experiences among regular exercisers can be beneficial in terms of promoting long-term physical activity engagement. In a longitudinal study we explored possible factors predicting flow experiences in exercisers by measuring ...
    • The help may be far away: The effect of construal level and social distance on charity donations 

      Høgsdal, Helene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-17)
      Is it possible to influence people´s willingness to donate money? In two experiments we investigated whether participant´s (N = 417) willingness to donate money to a charitable cause could be influenced by mental representations and social distance towards the donation target. In both experiments we manipulated the perceived social distance towards the donation target, and the construal level of the ...
    • Risiko for fatale og ikke-fatale skader hos voksne i Norge - en retrospektiv registerstudie på populasjonsnivå av traumer i Norge 

      Andersen, Vegard; Gurigard, Vilde Ravnsborg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-07-19)
      Formål Det er tidligere vist høyere risiko for død i rurale områder i Norge (2, 3). Paradoksalt er det funnet lavere prevalens av alvorlige, ikke-fatale skader ruralt (3). Vi undersøkte om den økte risikoen for død og lavere prevalens av ikke-fatale skader også gjelder for perioden 2002- 2016, når man bruker Statistisk Sentralitetsbyrås (SSB) sentralitetsindeks som mål for ruralitet. Materiale ...
    • Self-reported medication use among coronary heart disease patients showed high validity compared with dispensing data 

      Pedersen, Elisabeth; Truong, Kieu Nhi Lise; Garcia, Beate Hennie; Halvorsen, Kjell H.; Svendsen, Kristian; Eggen, Anne Elise; Waaseth, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-24)
      <i>Objective</i> - To validate self-reported use of medications for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) in a population-based health study by comparing self-report with pharmacy dispensing data, and explore different methods for defining medication use in prescription databases.<br><br> <i>Study design and setting</i> - Self-reported medication use among participants with CHD ...
    • Persistent level of mental distress in PTSD patients is not reflected in cytokine levels 1 year after the treatment 

      Toft, Helge; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav; Tilden, Terje; Bolstad, Ingeborg; Lien, Lars (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-27)
      <i>Objective</i>: Cross-sectional data show that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients often have increased levels of circulating inflammatory markers. There is, however, still a paucity of longitudinal studies with long follow-up times on levels of cytokines in such patients. The current study assesses patients with and without PTSD diagnosis 1 year after discharge from inpatient ...
    • Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket Mitt valg! Ungdomsskole-versjonen (1. utg) 

      Sæle, Rannveig Grøm; Aasheim, Merete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-09)
      <i>BAKGRUNN</i> - MITT VALG er en norsk tilpasset versjon av det universelt forebyggende undervisningsprogrammet Lions Quest som er utviklet i USA. MITT VALG er beskrevet som et livsmestringsprogram med fokus på sosial og emosjonell læring, psykisk helse, kritisk tenkning og faglig utvikling. Denne oppsummeringen tar for seg opplæringsprogrammet MITT VALG for ungdomskolen. MITT VALG eies av Stiftelsen ...