Viser treff 901-920 av 10438

    • The 99% accuracy club 

      Møllersen, Kajsa (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021)
      <p>Melanoma Classification - a 10,000$ competition. For the 2020 Melanoma Classification competition hosted by kaggle, 33,126 images were made available for training (of which 2% were melanomas), and an additional 10,982 were used for final ranking of the 3,308 teams who entered the competition with eyes on the 10,000$ prize. The task was simple: provide a probability for melanoma (deadly skin cancer) ...
    • The long noncoding RNA CCAT2 induces chromosomal instability through BOP1-AURKB signaling 

      Chen, Baoqing; Dragomir, Mihnea Paul; Fabris, Linda; Bayraktar, Recep; Knutsen, Erik; Liu, Xu; Tang, Changyan; Li, Yongfeng; Shimura, Tadanobu; Ivkovic, Tina Catela; Cruz De los Santos, Mireia; Anfossi, Simone; Shimizu, Masayoshi; Shah, Maitri Y.; Ling, Hui; Shen, Peng; Multani, Asha S.; Pardini, Barbara; Burks, Jared K.; Katayama, Hiroyuki; Reineke, Lucas C.; Huo, Longfei; Syed, Muddassir; Song, Shumei; Ferracin, Manuela; Oki, Eiji; Fromm, Bastian; Ivan, Cristina; Bhuvaneshwar, Krithika; Gusev, Yuriy; Mimori, Koshi; Menter, David; Sen, Subrata; Matsuyama, Takatoshi; Uetake, Hiroyuki; Vasilescu, Catalin; Kopetz, Scott; Parker-Thornburg, Jan; Taguchi, Ayumu; Hanash, Samir M.; Girnita, Leonard; Slaby, Ondrej; Goel, Ajay; Varani, Gabriele; Gagea, Mihai; Li, Chunlai; Ajani, Jaffer A.; Calin, George A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-15)
      Background & Aims - Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a carcinogenesis event that promotes metastasis and resistance to therapy by unclear mechanisms. Expression of the colon cancer–associated transcript 2 gene (CCAT2), which encodes a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), associates with CIN, but little is known about how CCAT2 lncRNA regulates this cancer enabling characteristic.<p> <p>Methods - We ...
    • Student perceptions of the learning environment in Norwegian occupational therapy education programs 

      Thordardottir, Björg; Stigen, Linda; Magne, Trine A; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Gramstad, Astrid; Gran, Adrian Wetlesen; Åsli, Lene Angel; Mørk, Gry; Bonsaksen, Tore (Preprint; Manuskript, 2020-10-12)
      Background - To support students’ motivation towards constructive and persistent study efforts, their learning environment needs attention.<p> <p>Aim - To develop knowledge about occupational therapy students’ perceptions of the learning environment and assess whether identified differences between education programs were stable or changed across the 3 years of study.<p> <p>Methods - Norwegian ...
    • Knowledge and need for information about non-prescription analgesics - A cross-sectional study among pharmacy customers 

      Knutsen, Vera S.; Oland, Oda; Eriksen, Karoline; Holst, Lone; Garcia, Beate Hennie; Waaseth, Marit (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019)
      <p>Pain is among the most common causes for seeking drug treatment. There is widespread use of non-prescription analgesics, and previous studies suggest that the level of knowledge about these drugs is low. <p>The aim of the study was to describe the level of knowledge about nonprescription analgesics among pharmacy customers, thereby identifying population groups in high need of information. ...
    • Sykepleie og sårbarhet. Personsentrert sykepleie til sårbare grupper – hvordan kan sykepleier bidra til gode liv? 

      Drageset, Ingrid Marie Saga (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019)
      <p>Jeg er blitt bedt om å ta utgangspunkt i et sykepleieperspektiv på etikk og sårbare grupper, og si noe om hvordan personsentrert sykepleie kan bidra til gode, verdige liv. Mitt forskningsarbeid er rettet mot personer med demenssykdom, og hvordan de kan få et meningsfylt liv i sykehjem. Jeg har praksis fra mange felt innen sykepleietjenesten og arbeider på sykepleieutdanningen i Tromsø. Det gjør ...
    • «CAMCrossEurope» regulation – with an osteopathy focus. Will harmonization improve patient safety? 

      Wiesener, Solveig (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2013)
    • "CAMCrossEurope" regulation- Impact on patient safety- with focus on supervision 

      Wiesener, Solveig (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2015)
    • Surgical Complications in Postchemotherapy Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Nonseminoma Germ Cell Tumour: A Population-based Study from the Swedish Norwegian Testicular Cancer Group 

      Gerdtsson, Axel; Håkansson, Ulf; Törnblom, Magnus; Jancke, George; Negaard, Helene Francisca Stigter; Glimelius, Ingrid; Halvorsen, Dag; Karlsdottir, Åsa; Haugnes, Hege Sagstuen; Andreassen, Kristine Engen; Larsen, Signe Melsen; Holmberg, Göran; Wahlqvist, Rolf; Tandstad, Torgrim; Cohn-Cedermark, Gabriella; Ståhl, Olof; Kjellmann, Anders (Preprint; Manuskript, 2020-09-08)
      Background - Reports on perioperative complications after postchemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (PC-RPLND) for nonseminoma germ cell tumour (NSGCT) are from experienced single centres, with a lack of population-based studies.<p> <p>Objective - To assess the complications of bilateral and unilateral PC-RPLND.<p> <p>Design, setting, and participants - A prospective, population-based, ...
    • Protonation states of central amino acids in a zinc metalloprotease complexed with inhibitor: Molecular mechanics optimizations and ab initio molecular orbital calculations 

      Ezawa, Takuya; Saito, Ryosuke; Suzuki, Shusuke; Sugiyama, Satoshi; Sylte, Ingebrigt; Kurita, Noriyuki (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-01)
      The zinc-metalloprotease pseudolysin (PLN) secreted from bacteria degrades extracellular proteins to produce bacterial nutrition. Since PLN has a Zn ion at the inhibitor-binding site, the interactions between Zn and PLN residues as well as inhibitor can be significantly changed depending on the protonation states of PLN residues at the inhibitor-binding site. To determine stable protonation states ...
    • Together, at a distance: experiences with a novel technology for social contact among older people and their relatives in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Badawy, Abeer; Solberg, Mads; Obstfelder, Aud Uhlen; Alnes, Rigmor Grete Einang (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-06)
      Background The recognition that people are social beings is fundamental for person-centered care. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of older people were restricted in ways that dramatically reduced their opportunities for face-to-face contact. Limited contact with family members due to social distancing raised concerns about the well-being of older people. In Norway, interactive technologies ...
    • Hearing Children in Mediation (HBIM) 

      Thørnblad, Renee; Strandbu, Astrid; Grape, Lovise (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      In Norway, it is mandatory for all spouses and co-habiting partners with children under the age of 16 to attend a mediation session in the case of relationship breakdown. Traditionally, this has been an arena for parents only. In the recent years children’s participation rate has increased. This project aims to understand the contributions from participating children as well as identify possible ...
    • Hva påvirker beslutningen om å undersøke en bekymringsmelding? 

      Rustad, Kirsten Buck; Christiansen, Øivin; Fossum, Sturla; Havnen, Karen J Skaale; Lauritzen, Camilla; Vis, Svein Arild (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020)
      Beslutningen om å henlegge eller undersøke en bekymringsmelding kan sees på som første trinn i en sorteringsprosess hvor formålet er å unngå unødvendig inngripen i en familie, men også unødvendig bruk av barneverntjenestens ressurser. Det er store forskjeller i undersøkelsesrater mellom kommuner. Forskning har vist ulikheter i hvordan barneverntjenestene behandler meldinger og undersøkelser. Samtidig ...
    • Functional transcriptomics in 17 year-old blood samples? Yes, we can! -Long-term RNA in situ stability in blood samples collected in PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes (PreAnalytiX GmbH) collected in 2003 

      Olsen, Karina Standahl; Schönborn, Maike; Kalle, Günther (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021)
      Analysis of blood RNA transcription profiles is hindered by ex vivogene expression changes, as well as degradation and loss of RNA over time during specimen transportation and storage. The PAXgeneBlood RNA System was developed by PreAnalytiXto overcome these problems. So far, quality control data has shown that the PAXgene Blood RNA System stabilizes and preserves RNA in blood specimens for up to ...
    • Lek som terapeutisk virkemiddel i barnefysioterapi - Med fokus på sanse-motorisk lek i alderen 0 3 år. 

      Håkstad, Ragnhild B. (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021)
      Jeg fokuserer på hvordan vi kan tenke omkring koblingen mellom lek og læring, og hvordan vi som terapeuter kan lykkes med å jobbe lek-basert uten at dette spolerer barnets leke-opplevelse. Dette eksemplifiseres gjennom funn fra det pågående forskningsprosjektet «Lek som terapeutisk virkemiddel i barnefysioterapi».
    • Lek som terapeutisk virkemiddel i barnefysioterapi - Med fokus på sanse-motorisk lek i alderen 0-3 år 

      Håkstad, Ragnhild B. (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021)
      Jeg fokuserer på hvordan vi kan tenke omkring koblingen mellom lek og læring, og hvordan vi som terapeuter kan lykkes med å jobbe lek-basert uten at dette spolerer barnets leke-opplevelse. Dette eksemplifiseres gjennom funn fra det pågående forskningsprosjektet «Lek som terapeutisk virkemiddel i barnefysioterapi».
    • Autophagy and endocytosis – interconnections and interdependencies 

      Birgisdottir, Åsa birna; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-22)
      Autophagy and endocytosis are membrane-vesicle-based cellular pathways for degradation and recycling of intracellular and extracellular components, respectively. These pathways have a common endpoint at the lysosome, where their cargo is degraded. In addition, the two pathways intersect at different stages during vesicle formation, fusion and trafficking, and share parts of the molecular machinery. ...
    • Simple, once‐off mapping of various, recurrent immunostaining patterns of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in spermatogonia at the immature pole of the testis of adult wild‐caught blue shark, Prionace glauca: Correlations with changes in testicular status 

      McClusky, Leon Mendel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-26)
      This study was a single time-point mapping of various immunostaining patterns revealed with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) PC10 antibody in spermatogonia at the immature pole of the testis of the Blue shark (Prionace glauca). Scattered in the stroma of the germinal ridge that demarcates the immature pole's outer boundary were nests of variously immunoreactive A-spermatogonia, each ...
    • Tanker rundt primærhelseteam 

      Abelsen, Birgit (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
    • CAM in Europe - a complex legal and regulative situation. Will hamonized EU-wide regulation strengthen CAM research and practice? 

      Wiesener, Solveig; Fønnebø, Vinjar (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2011)
      <p><i>Background and objectives</i> The Pan-European research network CAMbrella was established under the 7th Framework Programme in 2010. One of the main aims is to review the legal and regulatory status for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and indicate how legal and regulatory differences can be taken into account both in research initiatives and efforts to secure equal access to health ...