Now showing items 41-60 of 71

    • Mechanical and impact tests of CFRP. An experimental and numerical study of the mechanical properties of CFRP samples with varying temperatures, using Four-point bending, Charpy and Air gun tests 

      Strand, Cathrine Høgmo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-01)
      With increasing popularity of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) over time, the need of research in the field increases along with it. The aim of this project was to study the mechanical properties of CFRP with varying temperature settings. A four-point bending test was performed to find the deflection of CFRP in room temperature, and after being exposed to cold temperature. A numerical test was ...
    • Wind Chill Effect & Thermal Insulation. Study of Wind Chill Effect and Thermal Insulation using Infrared Imaging 

      Ahmad, Tanveer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Wind chill factor is explained as the cooling sensation due to the exposure of wind temperature environment. The wind chill factor depends on air temperature, wind velocity, and humidity. Wind chill poses serious health risks. Various wind chill index models are given in the literature. In order to understand the wind chill effect, it is important to understand the phenomenon of heat transfer. There ...
    • Thermal and Mechanical Properties of SK One Component Polyurethane (SKOCP). Determining the Thermal and Mechanical properties of SKOCP in Colder Conditions 

      Eidesen, Hans-Kristian Norum (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-30)
      Polymers have an extreme wide range of potential applications. From artificial heart valves, computer hardware, coating materials, noise damping materials and so on. Polyurethane is one of the such materials with a broad range of applications. A few such applications and properties are, but not limited to, treatment of leakage of an expansion joint, abrasion resistance, anti-freezing performance and ...
    • Feasibility study of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) application for ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades. Preliminary experiments of handheld and UAV utrasonic testing on glass fibre laminate 

      Skaga, Simon Kleppevik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-31)
      In this thesis, we have conducted a feasibility study on UAV application for ultrasonic pulsed non-destructive testing of wind turbine rotor blades. Due to the high initial cost of wind turbines, and their decreasing availability due to increasing size and offshore locations, it is imperative to properly maintain these structures over their 10-30-year lifetime. Operation and maintenance costs can ...
    • Improving mechanical grip on winter tires. Finite element analysis on pressure profile of airless tire compared to conventional tire using ANSYS workbench 

      Ludvigsen, Sondre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-22)
      The harsh climate of the arctic has always been one of the most difficult areas to drive cars in. The severe loss in traction due to snow and icing on the roads, has led to an increased risk of collisions. The winter tires for cars has developed through the years after their introduction in the 1930’s. There have been three revolutionary changes made since then; implement of studs, changing in tread ...
    • Matsikkerhet i Norge. Er forsyningsberedskapen tilstrekkelig? 

      Steien, Terese (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-01)
      Tittelen på avhandlingen lyder slik: ‘Matsikkerhet i Norge – er forsyningsberedskapen tilstrekkelig?’ Denne avhandlingen omhandler matsikkerhet og en risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyse. Målet var å finne ut hvilken matsikkerhet som er i landet, hva som påvirker den og om forsyningsberedskapen er tilstrekkelig ved en eventuell krise. Målet var også å utføre en risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyse for å se på ...
    • Simplified Representation of Degradation, Inspection and Maintenance in a Strategic Decision Support Tool for Offshore Wind Operation and Maintenance 

      Hussain, Azeem (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-08-09)
      The global demand for energy is increasing in the current scenario of industrial development and offshore wind energy has a great potential to become a key player specifically in Europe’s renewable energy future. Naturally the flow of wind in offshore environments is more consistent and also the average wind velocity is higher than onshore. However, the cost of electricity generated from offshore ...
    • Optimal Ordering Strategy of Perishable Products 

      Bjørvik, Simon Sagelv (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-07-13)
      It is challenging to plan for the future, especially if there are uncertainties. In the retail store business making the right orders at the right time might have a severe impact on the profit of the store. Maintaining the right inventory is a part of this. With fluctuations in price and competition, having the best deals, and being at the whims of the customers making sure that the store has the ...
    • Analysis of potential critical equipment and technical system on a modern PSV. Recommending a method for Troms Offshore Management AS 

      Løvmo, Signy Anita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-01)
      This thesis is a part of a master’s degree in Technology and Safety in the High North at the University of Tromsø- The Arctic University of Norway. The thesis has been written during the spring semester of 2016. Safety is a large part of maritime operations and all tools to improve safety and reliability is considered. Even in these days when economy in the oil related industry is worse than ever. ...
    • Upgrading technologies for biogas production plants. Overview and life cycle cost analysis of available technologies 

      Brendeløkken, Hanne Wasmuth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-01)
      An increased focus on waste management has emerged during the last decade. Renewable energy, efficient energy usage and cuts in greenhouse gas emissions are highly prioritized by the EU. The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the World Energy Council estimates that the global energy demand will grow within the next decades. The continuously increasing energy demand, contributes to development of ...
    • Real time estimation of measurement in annular pressure and their relationship with pore and fracture pressure profile 

      Hassan, Syed Yasir (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-01)
      The drilling industry still faces the challenge of acquiring accurate and viable precision of subsurface pressure data. To address this, drilling industry is keen to establish accurate and reliable measurement of pressure in wellbore and to estimate the pore pressure and fracture pressure profile with utmost precision. In any drilling operation, it is important to maintain the annulus pressure ...
    • Utfordringer ved snøkrabbefangst med hensyn på risiko ved operasjoner på sjøen. Kartlegging av risiko og risikoreduserende tiltak 

      Jørgensen, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-31)
      Sentrale organer innenfor norsk fiskeri har de siste årene kartlagt spredning av arten ”Chionoecetes Opilio”, snøkrabbe, til norske farvann. Bestanden av snøkrabbe kommer fra russisk side av delelinjen i Barentshavet, og sprer seg vestover til norske territorialfarvann. Norsk havforskningsinstitutt mener at krabben kommer til å etablere seg i Svalbardsonen de kommende år. Krabben anses å være ...
    • Assessing the Risk of Escape from Marine Fish Farms. Improving Data Collection Strategies and Development of Risk Indicators 

      Høyli, Randulf (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-31)
      Marine fish farming is one of Norway’s largest industries and exports. The industry is in rapid development and secures employment for several thousand people, all along the Norwegian coastline. Fish farming is regarded as a relative sustainable method for food production. However, the industry is still prone to certain challenges and problems. Escape of fish, for instance, is one of the industry’s ...
    • Sikkerhetsvurdering av Tromsøysundtunnelen 

      Jensen, Sondre Finjord (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-31)
      Veitunneler er statistisk sett en av de sikreste delene av veinettet, med svært få hendelser sammenlignet med det øvrige nettet. Det er derimot spesielle forhold som i vesentlig grad avviker fra veinettet for øvrig med tanke på brann og rømning. De ulike sikkerhetssystemene i tunnelen er med på å hindre at hendelser oppstår, og redusere konsekvensene hvis ulykken først er ute. Gjennom oppgaven ...
    • The application of unmanned aerial vehicles for snow avalanche search and rescue 

      Albrigtsen, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-01)
      Snow avalanches claim in excess of 200 lives annually on a worldwide basis. However, since the invention of the first effective avalanche transceiver, the process of locating victims has remained fundamentally unchanged. Humans as a carrier for locating devices are perceived to be inefficient when moving over rugged avalanche debris, and potentially exposed to excessive risk from secondary avalanches. ...
    • Identification of Challenges and Hazards associated with Cruise Traffic and Evacuation in the Arctic 

      Dalsand, Raymond; Nese, Tord (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-06-06)
      Arctic cruise tourism is gaining in popularity. There is a need to better understand hazards that are connected with cruise traffic and evacuation in the Arctic. The Polar Code tries to enhance the safety of persons travelling in polar waters by giving functional requirements to life-saving appliances. However, it is unclear what is needed to achieve the required functionality, and how existing ...
    • A fuzzy logic-possibilistic methodology for risk-based inspection (RBI) planning of oil and gas piping subjected to microbiologically Influenced corrosion (MIC) 

      Pokhrel, Marshal (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-31)
      The oil and gas installations are associated with risk due to different degradation mechanisms. Microbial Influenced Corrosion, commonly known as MIC, is one of them. The failures caused by MIC may have significant impacts on health, safety and environment (HSE). Therefore, to avoid failures regular inspection of the assets and maintenance plans need to be executed. With this on mind, engineers try ...
    • Drilling waste minimization in the Barents Sea 

      Zaki, Rezgar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-19)
      With the increasing demand for energy over recent decades, the Arctic region has become an interesting area for future oil and gas exploration and development. The Barents Sea has the most western position among the Arctic seas surrounding the coast of Western Russia and Northern Norway. In the recent years several oil and gas discoveries done in this area and the number of wells is steadily ...
    • Study of Refrigerants for Heat Pumps in Colder Climate 

      Eriksen, Nils Eivind (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-06-01)
      The aim for the thesis is to look at the performance of natural refrigerants in heat pumps while operating in a colder climate. The advantage of using natural refrigerants is that they have significantly lower global warming potential (GWP) in comparison to the synthetic refrigerants i.e. hydro fluorocarbons (HFC) and hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFC). Natural refrigerants are becoming common to use ...
    • Optimization of maritime operations in Arctic. Rating of improvement of weather routing/decision support systems for maritime operations in the Arctic region 

      Johansen, Kåre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-15)
      Abstract The decreased ice extent caused by increased air and sea temperatures has led to a growing interest in the Arctic waters. There are different maritime industries that have plans to expand northwards for various reasons. First of all there are different developments in oil and gas industry in Barents, Kara, Greenland, Arctic sea around the coast of Canada and Alaska. New ship trading ...