Now showing items 1-20 of 71

    • Optimal Positioning for Transceivers in Network 

      Aasvold, Jarand Rage (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-22)
      This thesis investigates the use of optimization techniques to configure a network of short-range transceivers for best coverage of a topographic layer. Three methods are presented, tested, and analysed. The thesis is inspired by the limited range of underwater wireless communication transceivers. The coverage is defined by free "Line of Sight" (LOS) and a 100 meter transceiver range. The terrain ...
    • Risk Assessment of a Mars Colony Utilizing a Mars-Svalbard Training Analog 

      Barger, Derrick (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-04)
      As the space industry is rapidly privatized and countries once again have their eyes set on the moon and beyond, humanity is getting closer and closer to the days where a colony on Mars is a reality. During the preliminary planning phase of a mission to Mars, a large scale, top-down overview is essential. This report applies a risk and safety engineering approach to identify each of the core hazards, ...
    • Investigation and analysis of the ‘cold’ sensation relation with respect to associated parameters: wind velocity, ambient temperature, humidity, and irradiance 

      Nadem Leyli, Amir (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-07-15)
      The Arctic is considered as one of the regions in the world with various resources including oil and gas. Many industries are moving further up north to this area or new industries are being established. Technologies and industries in the Arctic have many challenges regarding the harsh cold climate. One of the main challenges which is of importance in this thesis is human exposure to the cold that ...
    • Wind Turbine System Performance and Reliability Trend Analysis 

      Gebremichael, Michael (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-01-30)
      This thesis project is a part of my master’s study course at the department of technology and safety. My thesis is focused on renewable energy, especially analyzing of energy production and technical performance of existing wind turbines within the arctic region. To that end it was important to contact local wind farm owners for operational data exchange. Using partners production and fault related ...
    • Thermal properties of neoprene and natural rubber in wetsuits 

      Busvold, Mads H. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-06-02)
      Surfers have concurred some of the harshest regions of the world with their surfboard, like the arctic waves of Norway. This is only made possible due to the wetsuit, a critical piece of equipment that enables surfers to stay in frigid waters and temperatures for hours. To understand the thermal behavior of wetsuits, knowledge on the phenomenon of heat transfer, and especially the conductive ...
    • Towing of Floating Wind Turbine Systems 

      Jayachandran Nair, Rohith (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-07-11)
      Towing is an important marine operation and floating wind turbines are the new way forward in our ever-expanding need for energy. In offshore floating wind turbine installation process, transport is an important phase. Presently, the turbines are assembled on shore and then towed to the installation spot one at a time. In this thesis, the theory behind the towing operation, modelling and simulation ...
    • UAV as an inspection tool for power lines in Troms: Assessment of UAVs as a viable alternative to already established methods for inspection of power lines. 

      Ubeda-Nordnes, Jonathan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-02)
      Power line inspection is one of the most important things in a modern society, and therefore it is important that it be kept in a functional state. Because of this, many methods are used to keep it that way. There are many factors to consider before using UAVs as a viable alternative to already established methods. Factors such as robustness against harsh weather, limits to its range and battery ...
    • Segmentation of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes using Fully Convolutional Network 

      Domben, Erik Seip (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-04-26)
      Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes (PMSE) are strong coherent radar echoes that occur in the 80 to 90 km altitude range of the mesosphere during the Arctic summer months. These echoes are of significant interest to the space physics community as they provide insight into changes that occur in the atmosphere. To better understand these changes, large datasets of PMSE echoes need to be analysed. In ...
    • Snow detection on antenna radomes using signal processing 

      Fauske, Åse Nordahl (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-25)
      Radomes are dome-shaped covers that protect the antenna from the climate, such as rain, wind, sunlight, and snow. Even though the radomes protect the antenna from snow and ice, it does not prevent snow and ice from building up on the radome. When snow and ice build up enough on the radome, the signal passing through it loses strength. This project tries to detect snow and ice build-up on antenna ...
    • Vessel operations in relation to new types of offshore aquaculture facilities, and weather windows in exposed areas 

      Kristiansen, Elise (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-01)
      The marine aquaculture industry is expanding the production into new sea areas. The technology is advancing, and offshore aquaculture facilities are being developed. The offshore developments can offer significant benefits that applies to the economy, optimization of operations and production, as well as minimizing the impact on the coastal areas. Structural and operation procedures need to be ...
    • Implementation of Virtual Reality (VR) simulators in Norwegian maritime pilotage training 

      Weissenberger, Finlo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-01)
      With millions of tons of cargo transported to and from Norwegian ports every year, the maritime waterways in Norway are heavily used. The high consequences of accidents and mishaps require well-trained seafarers and safe operating practices. The normal crews of vessels are supported by the Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) pilot service when operating vessels not meeting specific ...
    • Investigation of UAV related incidents and accidents 

      Haugse, Sigurd (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-30)
      To this day, there is a lack of research on unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) related incidents and accidents. Knowing why these happen, what potential outcomes they may have and how to avoid them from occurring, can be crucial. There is, furthermore, potentially a lack of transparency in the unmanned aviation industry, regarding reporting of incidents. In order to prepare conclusions within one set ...
    • Preventing Atmospheric Icing in Aviation: Passive Repulsion of Super Cooled Water Droplets through Hydrophobic Nanocomposites 

      Hobitz, Gøran Frantzen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-07-13)
      The aviation industry already consists of a complex system of strict regulations related to operation and maintenance, where severe weather conditions further challenge flight operations. Recent research has shown that most aircraft accidents are caused by icing externally, where severe icing conditions lead to the critical degradation of the aerodynamic effectiveness – increasing the stall speed. ...
    • Limitations of Ice Accretion on Offshore Aquaculture Facilities 

      Marsden, Benjamin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-12-15)
      Sea spray icing is a constant risk for fish farms operating in cold climates, such as on the Northern Norwegian coast, and there must therefore exist methods to reduce this risk. This thesis discusses the consequences of ice accretion to the traditional plastic circular fish cage design, and how the cage reacts under the pressure of added mass from sea spray icing. The prediction of sea spray icing ...
    • Resilience, Reliability, and Recoverability (3Rs) 

      Jheeta, Manjit Singh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-01-06)
      Recent natural and human-made disasters, mortgage derivatives crises, and the need for stable systems in different areas have renewed interest in the concept of resilience, especially as it relates to complex industrial systems with mechanical failures. This concept in the engineering systems (infrastructure) domain could be interpreted as the probability that system conditions exceed an irrevocable ...
    • Training of seafarers working on ships operating in polar waters 

      Pedersen, Martine Maria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-01-11)
      The aim of this thesis is to identify the competence gaps for seafarers who sail in polar waters have after completing the existing training courses based on the Polar Code. The best way to protect the environment and people in the Polar regions is by increasing the knowledge and competence of the people working in the vulnerable regions to ensure they make the best possible decisions and avoid ...
    • Roll motion on small traditional Norwegian fishing vessels 

      Kristiansen, Gøran (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-08-09)
      Roll motion is one of the six degrees of freedom and is the most difficult to predict, as roll motion is extremely sensitive to the viscous effect and induced flow separation. The smaller fishing vessel fleet commonly operates in almost all weather conditions, and sometimes in remote areas with cold arctic water where rescue can be far away and difficult. The safety of fishers depends on the vessel's ...
    • Accident Prediction Model Using Machine Learning. Accuracy of Predicted Model 

      Sohel, Mohammed Abdul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-22)
      Logistic regression is a predictive model machine learning algorithm that displays the results in a binary form, mostly used in prediction multivariable and as an advanced version of linear regression, here we used to predict the accuracy of our model. Current accident prediction model in Norway is Tusi is a risk based model used in predicting tunnel accidents but it has some problems and loose ends ...
    • Modeling and simulation of power and energy demands to dimension an alternative energy supply for the aquaculture industry. Use of OpenModelica to develop an applicable simulation model for the energy and power demands 

      Hokland, Øyvind (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-07-11)
      The purpose of the research is to investigate whether feed barges currently running on diesel generator can be powered by alternative energy sources where power from shore is limited. Through data collection, several models are developed in OpenModelica to represent the power and energy distribution on a feed barge. Using the Power Systems library provided in OpenModelica, it has offered benefits ...
    • Oil Spill Behavior and Response in the Arctic. Risk Analysis of Existing Response Methods Applicable for the Arctic Conditions 

      Zhelezniak, Viktoriia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-01)
      Due to the demand for diversifying and modifying sources of raw materials and trade routes, the Arctic is the region of high interests. Development and carrying out the offshore activities associated with oil and gas industry and maritime transport are growing rapidly in the Arctic. However, an acute problem associated with the development of offshore activities is the ecological consequence caused ...