Now showing items 781-800 of 1373

    • Dando crédito al Septentrión: Ricla y el naufragio de Pietro Querini en la isla de Røst 

      Davenport, Randi Lise (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019)
      Este artículo propone una interpretación de la ‘bárbara caritativa’ Ricla como personaje de inspiración tanto, o más, septentrional que ‘americana’. Esta interpretación se basa en una nueva lectura del relato del naufragio del gentilhombre veneciano, Pietro Querini, en la costa norte de Noruega en el año 1431-1432, un relato recogido en el segundo volumen de la muy difundida obra de Giovanni Battista ...
    • Big data in Russian linguistics? Another look at paucal constructions 

      Nesset, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-28)
      With the advent of large web-based corpora, Russian linguistics steps into the era of “big data”. But how useful are large datasets in our field? What are the advantages? Which problems arise? The present study seeks to shed light on these questions based on an investigation of the Russian paucal construction in the RuTenTen corpus, a web-based corpus with more than ten billion words. The focus is ...
    • Examining libraries as public sphere institutions: Mapping questions, methods, theories, findings, and research gaps 

      Vårheim, Andreas; Skare, Roswitha; Lenstra, Noah (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-18)
      It is common in the literature to see libraries characterized as public sphere institutions, but the exact processes by which libraries support and engage in the public sphere remain underexplored. Based on a systematic review of the research literature on libraries as public sphere institutions, this study maps the questions, methods, theories, and findings of those scholars and librarians who have ...
    • Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik im norwegischen DaF-Unterricht – der mühsame Weg vom Wissen zur Umsetzung 

      Lindemann, Beate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-04)
      Im norwegischen Lehrplan für Fremdsprachen, der für den Unterricht in allen Fremdsprachen außer Englisch an norwegischen Schulen gilt, wird an mehreren Stellen auf die wichtige Bedeutung des Aspekts „Mehrsprachigkeit“ im Rahmen der Sprachvermittlungsaufgabe des Fremdsprachenunterrichts hingewiesen. Der Lehrplan gilt seit 2006, ist also keineswegs neu. Inwiefern und wie wird dieser Aspekt in der ...
    • Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik im frühen DaF-Unterricht in Dänemark und Norwegen – Lehrer- und Schülerperspektiven 

      Lindemann, Beate; Speitz, Heike; Daryai-Hansen, Petra (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-04)
      In den skandinavischen Ländern arbeitet man seit vielen Jahren daran, den früheren Start mit 2. Fremdsprachen an den Schulen einzuführen. Seit einer Schulreform im Jahre 2014 wird nun in Dänemark DaF-Unterricht bereits ab der 5. Klasse angeboten. Dies kann als bedeutender sprachenpolitischer Erfolg bewertet werden. Trotz zweier erfolgreicher Pilotprojekte wird in Norwegen die 2. Fremdsprache noch ...
    • Reseña de Muñoz-Basols, Moreno, Taboada & Lacorte, 'Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica' 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-03)
      Esta reseña discute la contribución del volumen con respecto a tres parámetros centrales dentro de la integración entre lingüística y práctica docente: la reflexión lingüística, la variación y la forma de presentar los contenidos de lingüística teórica.
    • Determiners and quantifiers in Spanish: types, tests and theories 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-03)
      This article provides an overview about the main facts and analytical options in the domain of determiners and quantifiers in Spanish. It covers the main classification of determiners and their basic syntactic and semantic properties (§1), the differences in behaviour between quantifiers and determiners in the strict sense (§2), the notion of definiteness and ...
    • Different outcomes in the acquisition of residual V2 and do-support in three Norwegian-English bilinguals: Cross-linguistic influence, dominance and structural ambiguity 

      Anderssen, Merete; Bentzen, Kristine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-09)
      This paper investigates the acquisition of residual verb second (V2) in three corpora consisting of data from Norwegian-English bilinguals (Emma, Emily and Sunniva) in order to determine to what extent these structures are affected by cross-linguistic influence (CLI) from Norwegian V2. The three girls exhibit three different patterns with regard to the relevant constructions. They are very target-like ...
    • Name-calling: The Russian ‘new Vocative’ and its status 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Henning Andersen (2012) points out that the Russian “new Vocative” (e.g., мам! ‘mama!’, Саш! ‘Sasha!’) presents a series of unusual behaviors that set it apart from ordinary case marking. Andersen argues that the Vocative should not be considered a declensional word form of nouns. The Russian Vocative is certainly an uncommon linguistic category, but does this entail setting up a new transcategorial ...
    • Kino i 100 

      Skare, Roswitha; Pedersen, Mona; Solum, Ove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-03-08)
      Editorial foreword.
    • Chertbruddet i Melsvik. Undersøkelse av chertbrudd, utvinningsteknologi og bosetningsspor fra tidlig eldre steinalder i Melsvik, Alta k., Finnmark f. 

      Niemi, Anja Roth; Cerbing, Mikael; Nergaard, Ragnhild Holten; Oppvang, Janne; Storemyr, Per (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2019)
      I 2012-2013 ble et chertbrudd fra steinalderen undersøkt utenfor Alta i Finnmark. Undersøkelsen omfattet 1000 m2 av steinbruddet, og 3500 m2 av bosetingsområdene som lå like ved. I tillegg til utgravning ble det gjort eksperimenter med utvinning av chert i bruddet. Resultatene viser at bruddet ble brukt allerede 8400 f.Kr., og at fyrsetting var den viktigste metoden for å bryte chert fra berget. ...
    • Translator proditor. The affirmation of the authorial voice in Matías Ruiz Blanco 

      Sarion, Roxana Mihaela (Others; Andre, 2015-09-30)
      Matías Ruíz Blanco (1643-1705/1708?) was a Franciscan friar who served as a missionary, historian and linguist in colonial Venezuela. Born in the village of Estepa in the Spanish region of Andalusia, he was devoted from early youth to religious practice. He was most probably educated in the Convent of Grace. By the age of 23 he was already recognized as a teacher of philosophy at the Monastery of ...
    • Semelfactives are bigger than degree achievements: The nanosyntax of Czech and Polish semelfactive and degree achievement verb stems 

      Taraldsen Medová, Lucie; Wiland, Bartosz (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-21)
      This paper argues that semelfactive and degree achievement verbs are morphosyntactically distinct, despite the fact that the morphemes they are made of are often syncretic even in languages with synthetic verb morphology like Czech or Polish. We use the mechanisms of Nanosyntax, a theory of the architecture of grammar in which the lexicon stores entire syntactic subtrees, to show that there is a ...
    • The Nordic research infrastructure for syntactic variation: Possibilities, limitations and achievements 

      Vangsnes, Øystein A; Johannessen, Janne Bondi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-08)
      The Scandinavian Dialect Syntax project was a collaboration between ten research groups from all of the five Nordic countries lasting for a period of about ten years. Besides resulting in a large number of scientific papers and theses on a range of different topics, a concrete outcome of the collaboration was the establishment of lasting research infrastructures in terms of two databases: the Nordic ...
    • Introduction to the Special Issue on Postcolonial Perspectives in Game Studies 

      Mukherjee, Souvik; Lundedal Hammar, Emil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-06)
      The treatment of colonialism in video games, barring a few notable exceptions, is marked by a Western and, specifically, late 19th-century imperialist bias. Simultaneously, in the past two decades of multifaceted research and the development of robust theoretical frameworks in the still fledgling discipline of game studies, postcolonial discourses, whether they comprise critiques of imperialism or ...
    • Samisk kunst og nasjonale ekskluderingsmekanismer 

      Grini, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018-12-06)
    • Nanook of the North: Fra Broadway i New York til Storgata i Tromsø 

      Skare, Roswitha (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-08)
      <p>Verdensteatret åpnet sine dører sommeren 1916 og er i dag Norges eldste kinobygg som fortsatt brukes for å vise film. Vi vet om åpningsforestillingen den 4. juni 1916 at det svenske melodramaet Madame de Thebes Spaadom fra 1915, med norsk tittel Skjæbnens Søn, står på programmet og at Bladet Tromsø kunne fortelle om lange køer. Likevel vet vi svært lite om enkelte elementer av filmfremvisningen ...
    • Mer om de preverbala adverbialens syntax, semantik och prosodi 

      Lundquist, Björn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Denna tåt följer upp en tidigare artikel och en tåt i NLT om de så kallade pre-verbala adverbialen i skandinaviskan: Brandtler & Håkansson (2017) och Julien (2018). Jag kommer att peka ut några semantiska, syntaktiska och prosodiska egenskaper hos de preverbala adverbialen som de ovan nämnda författarna mis-sar, och som varje lyckad analys av fenomenet måste ta i aktning. Två slutsatser vågar jag ...
    • Dåajmijes vuekie lea saemien vuekie 

      Kappfjell, Lena; Gaski, Harald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Håkan Rydving was the one who first made Sami researchers aware of Linda Tuhiwai Smith’s groundbreaking book Decolonizing metho­dologies. Much has been written, both before and after, about research on indigenous peoples’ own terms. For years, Håkan himself had already practiced the principle of learning indigenous peoples’ languages and returning the results of the research, so in many ways, Smith’s ...
    • Oppmerksomhet, fallgruvebevissthet og etikk: Vitenskapsfilosofiske refleksjoner 

      Greve, Anniken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Inspired by Wittgenstein, this article starts with a suggestion that we need to discuss the question of method in literary studies on the basis of a differentiation between different research acts. It argues that a methodical procedure for the interpretation of literary texts is best understood as a response to ethical demands on the reader. Building on Iris Murdoch’s notion of attention, and to a ...