Now showing items 881-900 of 1373

    • Media Matter 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-02-27)
      The present contribution maps materialist advances in media studies. Based on the assumption that matter and materiality constitute significant aspects of communication processes and practices, I introduce four fields of inquiry - technology, political economy and labour, the body, and ecology - and argue that these perspectives enable more comprehensive understandings of the implications of ...
    • La mujer hermosa y la estatua de palo de «El mundo por de dentro» de Francisco de Quevedo: el desafío epistemológico en clave escéptica 

      Davenport, Randi Lise (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-14)
      Although the fourth of Quevedo’s Dreams and Discourses (Sueños y discursos), The World from Within (El mundo por de dentro), has been characterized as one of his most ‘skeptical’ texts, few critics have explored how skepticism functions in the text. Based on my doctoral research that takes into account recent revisions of Renaissance skepticism as a ‘multi-purpose tool’ and examines the text as a ...
    • Suomen kiuas, karjalan kiukua ja havaintoja etymologian tutkimusperinteestä 

      Ylikoski, Jussi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The article revisits and reevaluates the origins of the North Finnic word for ‘sauna stove’. According to the received view – originally presented in Uuno Taavi Sirelius’ (1907) study on dwellings of Uralic peoples – Finnish kiuas with variants such as kiukaa, kiukoa and kiukas, Karelian kiuku(v)a and kiugua as well as Ingrian kiukā and Vote tšiukas originate in the Finnic (Finnish) compound ...
    • English compound and non-compound processing in bilingual and multilingual speakers: Effects of dominance and sequential multilingualism 

      González Alonso, Jorge; Villegas, Julián; García Mayo, María del Pilar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-02)
      This article reports on a study investigating the relative influence of the first language and dominant language (L1) on second language (L2) and third language (L3) morpho-lexical processing. A lexical decision task compared the responses to English NV-er compounds (e.g. taxi driver) and non-compounds provided by a group of native speakers and three groups of learners at various levels of English ...
    • Evidence from Neurolinguistic Methodologies: Can it Actually Inform Linguistic/Language Acquisition Theories and Translate to Evidence-Based Applications? 

      Roberts, L; Gonzalez Alonso, Jorge; Pliatsikas, Christos; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-10-13)
      This special issue is a testament to the recent burgeoning interest by theoretical linguists, language acquisitionists and teaching practitioners in the neuroscience of language. It offers a highly valuable, state-of-the-art overview of the neurophysiological methods that are currently being applied to questions in the field of second language (L2) acquisition, teaching and processing. Research in ...
    • The role of L1 phonology in L2 morphological production: L2 English past tense production by L1 Spanish, Mandarin, and Japanese Speakers. 

      Cabrelli Amaro, Jennifer; Campos-Dintrans, Gonzalo; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This study considers the role of L1 phonological influence in L2 English past tense morphology production by native speakers of Spanish, Mandarin, and Japanese. While these L1s share similar phonological restrictions on consonant cluster formation needed for English past tense morphology, differences arise in L1 syntax (only Mandarin lacks syntactic past) and L1 prosodic structure (only Japanese has ...
    • Differences in use without deficiencies in competence: passives in the Turkish and German of Turkish heritage speakers in Germany. 

      Bayram, Fatih; Rothman, Jason; Iverson, Michael; Miller, David; Puig Mayenco, Eloi; Kupisch, Tanja; Westergaard, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Determining how and why adult outcomes of heritage speaker (HS) bilingualism differ from monolinguals is difficult because it requires the reconstruction of developmental paths from end-state data. In an effort to address this issue, we examine HSs of Turkish in Germany at an early age of development (10-15 years old, n=22), as well as age-matched monolingual controls in Turkey (n=20) and Germany ...
    • The state of the science in generative SLA and its place in modern second language studies. 

      Rothman, Jason; Slabakova, Roumyana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This article has two main goals. The first is to summarize and comment on the current state-of-affairs of generative approaches to SLA (GenSLA), thirty-five years into its history. This discussion brings the readership of SSLA up-to-date on the questions driving GenSLA agendas and clears up misconceptions about what GenSLA does and does not endeavor to explain. We engage key questions/debates/shifts ...
    • Selective Realism: Filtering Experiences of War and Violence in First- and Third-Person Shooters 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-07-31)
      The present article develops the concept of selective realism to understand how design features and narrative frames of first- and third-person shooters (F/TPS) exclude attention to salient, yet unpleasant, features of warfare such as problematic forms of violence, long-term psychological impacts, or socio-political blowbacks. Identifying four specific filters that frame player experiences, I argue ...
    • «Прошу не гневаться моим вопросам»: диалог переводчика с носителем языка (из переписки О. Брока с А. А. Шахматовым) 

      Lønngren, Tamara (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The article ""I ask you not to be annoyed at my questions": the Norwegian Professor Olaf Broch as translator (from the history of Russian-Norwegian connections)" is devoted to the translation activity of the first Professor of Slavic languages Olaf Broch, who is known primarily as a linguist. The article is based on facts previously unknown: the correspondence Olaf Broch had with the Russian academician ...
    • Extraction from gerunds and the internal syntax of verbs 

      Fábregas, Antonio; Jiménez-Fernández, Ángel L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This paper provides an analysis of transparent gerunds in Spanish, as in ¿Qué llegó [silbando qué] Juan? ‘ What arrived [whistling what] Juan? ’ , using a decomposition of Aktionsart in a series of syntactic heads. A traditional analysis of these secondary predicates as adjuncts would undermine well-established syntactic principles restricting movement and extraction. We argue that ...
    • Crosslinguistic influence in the acquisition of a third language: The Linguistic Proximity Model 

      Westergaard, Marit; Mitrofanova, Natalia; Mykhaylyk, Roksolana; Rodina, Yulia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-19)
      Aims and Objectives:<br>The main goal of the present study is to investigate effects of crosslinguistic influence in third language acquisition by simultaneous bilinguals. We address the following research questions: Do both languages contribute to crosslinguistic influence in third language acquisition, or is one of them chosen as the sole source of influence? Is crosslinguistic influence always ...
    • Hvor mange genus er det i Tromsødialekten? 

      Westergaard, Marit; Rodina, Yulia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Tradisjonelt har tromsø-dialekten tre genus; maskulinum, femininum og nøytrum. i denne artikkelen presenterer vi resultater fra to eksperimentelle studier som kan tyde på at femininum er i ferd med å forsvinne, slik at dialekten endrer seg til et to-genussystem med felleskjønn og intetkjønn. Mens voksne bruker den ubestemte artikkelen ei så å si alltid ved femininumsord, ...
    • Forma på det mediopassive suffikset i mellomnorske diplom 

      Mørck, Endre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Materialet for undersøkelsen er 1743 mediopassive verbformer fra 5569 mellomnorske diplom. Etter ei drøfting av bruken av <i>z, h,</i> dobbeltskrevet konsonant og innledende apikal plosiv i det mediopassive suffikset henføres de 31 skrivemåtene av suffikset til de to typene -ST og -S. Det blir så vist hvordan disse typene fordeler seg kronologisk, geografisk og sosialt og på norske og lånte ord, ...
    • Gender Change in Norwegian Dialects: Comprehension is affected before Production 

      Lundquist, Bjørn; Rodina, Yulia; Sekerina, Irina; Westergaard, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-10-04)
      This article investigates language variation and change in the grammatical gender system of Norwegian, where feminine gender agreement is in the process of disappearing in some Northern Norwegian dialects. Speakers of the Tromsø ( N = 46) and Sortland ( N = 54) dialects participated in a Visual Word experiment. The task examined whether they used indefinite articles ( en , e ...
    • Perspectives on Palatalization 

      Krämer, Martin; Urek, Olga (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-31)
      In this article we provide a discussion of the definition of palatalization as a phonological phenomenon, its crosslinguistic variation, phonetic or functional grounding and phonetic (un)naturalness of palatalization, and theoretical approaches to palatalization patterns. After providing this background to the collection of articles in this special issue of Glossa we will give an overview of the ...
    • Far, familien og huldra – oppsummering frå den russiske filmfestivalen Kinotavr 2016 

      Høgetveit, Åsne Ø. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Årets utgåve av den årlege opne, russiske filmfestivalen Kinotavr var nummer 27 i rekka, og festivalen er ein ypparleg stad for å ta tempen på Russisk film. Konkurranseprogrammet inneheldt 14 langfilmar og 26 kortfilmar, der eit høgt tal var regissert av debutantar og kvinner. Fleste parten av filmane tok føre seg samtidas Russland, og personlege historier om familieliv, oppvekst, kjærleik og så ...
    • På gjengrodde stier: Pasienten som forteller 

      Nesby, Linda (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      In this article, I discuss Knut Hamsun’s last book On Overgrown Paths [På gjengrodde Stier] (1949) from the perspective of a pathography, meaning an autobiography that focuses on a person’s illness and its consequences. Due to his actions during WWII, Hamsun was subjected to a psychiatric examination in 1947 and diagnosed as having permanently impaired mental faculties. Hamsun opposed this diagnosis, ...
    • Drama, idyll og eventyr. Gunnar Sommerfeldts filmadaptasjon (1921) av Hamuns Markens grøde 

      Wærp, Lisbeth Pettersen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This article examines Gunnar Sommerfeldt’s 1921 silent movie adaptation of Knut Hamsun’s Nobel Prize novel Markens Grøde [Growth of the Soil] (1917). The article argues that what characterizes this very first Hamsun film adaptation is its emphasis on the dramatic and the spectacular and its foregrounding of northern Norwegian nature. Inspired by Martin Lefebvre’s distinction in Landscape and Film ...
    • Begjæret etter bergets dyp og fjellets tinder: om sider ved det dikteriske fundament hos Ibsen og Hamsun 

      Arntzen, Even (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Even though Knut Hamsun stubbornly denied it, all his life he had a strong and ambivalent interest for Henrik Ibsen. Quite well known are Hamsun's many attacks on Ibsen in articles and lectures, letters and novels. Less known is that there are several coinciding (intertextual) motifs between Ibsen and Hamsun. In several of Ibsen's plays and poems the mountain motif is associated with poetic vocation ...