Now showing items 561-580 of 2935

    • Ecosystem-related monitoring, assessments and management advices for the Norwegian, Barents and North Seas 

      van der Meeren, Gro Ingleid; Arneberg, Per; Eriksen, Elena; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Grønnevet, Lidvard (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)
    • Examination of Sea Ice Cover in Norwegian Fjords 

      O'Sadnick, Megan Eileen; Petrich, Christian; Brekke, C; Skarðhamar, J. (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)
      <p>Presented are two steps being taken to examine sea ice coverage in Norwegian fjords as part of a larger study to improve our understanding of ice formation and breakup processes in these regions and implications for oil spill response (Fig. 1 offers one example). First, working with Google Earth Engine, MODIS images will be analyzed to determine where and when seasonal ice formation occurred along ...
    • Vs30 and depth to bedrock estimates from integrating HVSR measurements and geology-slope approach in the Oslo area, Norway 

      Ghione, Federica; Köhler, Andreas; Dichiarante, Anna Maria; Aarnes, Ingrid; Oye, Volker (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-09)
      This work shows an alternative and efficient method to estimate Vs30 values and depth to basement data. The Vs30 value is the most important attribute to characterize the soil type and subsequently account for soil type related seismic amplification. We believe that these tools offer a powerful, non-invasive and cost-effective solution for obtaining accurate estimations of depth to basement. This ...
    • Considerations on brain age predictions from repeatedly sampled data across time 

      Korbmacher, Max; Wang, Mengyun; Eikeland, Rune; Buchert, Ralph; Andreassen, Ole; Espeseth, Thomas; Leonardsen, Esten Høyland; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Maximov, Ivan; Specht, Karsten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-16)
      Introduction - Brain age, the estimation of a person's age from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) parameters, has been used as a general indicator of health. The marker requires however further validation for application in clinical contexts. Here, we show how brain age predictions perform for the same individual at various time points and validate our findings with age-matched healthy controls.<p> ...
    • Regional screen ecosystems at the peripheries: Production and talent development in Tromsø and Aarhus 

      Chow, Pei Sze; Sand, Stine Agnete (Preprint; Manuskript, 2020)
      This article addresses the regionalisation of screen culture in Norway and Denmark, focusing on how regional screen entities in Tromsø and Aarhus are working to professionalise production and talent development at the peripheries of both countries. We outline their distinctive characteristics and circumstances as regional hubs and delineate the key actors that constitute the respective screen ...
    • Systematic Search & Health Sciences: Open Access with EBP Approach 

      Msomphora, Mbachi Ruth (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020)
      Abstract: Evidence-based practice (EBP) provides health personnel with a method to use critically appraised and scientifically proven evidence for delivering quality health care to a specific population1. Regularly, new and more effective medicines, medical devices, and procedures are invented. One major goal behind all these efforts is to help health personnel such as doctors, dentists, nurses, ...
    • Stakeholder Involvement in fisheries management: Through interactive governance perspective 

      Msomphora, Mbachi Ruth (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)
    • Kystsamfunns involvering: Utfordringer og begrensninger for interaktiv styring i fiskeri og havbruk 

      Msomphora, Mbachi Ruth (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2017)
    • Hypotermi og hjertesvikt 

      Selli, Anders Lund (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020)
    • Gender Balance in the Arts - A Matter of (E)Quality? 

      Mittner, Lilli; Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens; Blix, Hilde (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      The Tromsø-based project Gender Balance in Art Education aims to contribute to the discussion on gender balance in higher education in the arts. On the basis of two empirical studies the project develops new knowledge about major structural and cultural challenges with gender-equality work in academia. Furthermore, the project develops innovative gender-equality measures and strategies to promote ...
    • Open Access and Open Educational Resources: A drawing conversation with a 6-year-old 

      Ekanger, Aysa (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020)
    • Is it cognitive effort you measure? Comparing three task paradigms to the Need for Cognition scale 

      Mækelæ, Martin Jensen; Klevjer, Kristoffer; Westbrook, Andrew; Eby, Noah S.; Lima-Eriksen, Rikke; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-17)
      Measuring individual differences in cognitive effort can be elusive as effort is a function of motivation and ability. We report six studies (N = 663) investigating the relationship of Need for Cognition and working memory capacity with three cognitive effort measures: demand avoidance in the Demand Selection Task, effort discounting measured as the indifference point in the Cognitive Effort ...
    • Evidence and risk discourses: Shaping professional practice and families in child protection 

      Myrvang, Robert; Bekkstrand, Veronica Haug (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-30)
      This theoretical article discusses how specific knowledge regimes have gained increasing influence on the management of welfare services in a Norwegian context. The article argues that a combination of evidence and risk discourses contribute to the shaping of professional practice and families in child protection services. The aim of this article is to show that evidence and risk discourses combined ...
    • Energy Colonialism: A Category to Analyse the Corporate Energy Transition in the Global South and North 

      Sánchez Contreras, Josefa; Matarán Ruiz, Alberto; Campos-Celador, Alvaro; Fjellheim, Eva Maria Bircher (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-16)
      This article aims to define the category of energy colonialism in order to analyse the conflicts that are arising due to the deployment of renewable energy megaprojects in the Global South and in the peripheries of the Global North. First, the limits of the corporate energy transition are questioned, and based on an exhaustive bibliographic review, the category of energy colonialism is formulated along ...
    • "Innføring i logikk" 

      Solberg, Mariann (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2014)
      Når vi til daglig snakker om logikk, er det gjerne fordi vi vil si noe om hva som er rimelige antakelser, sannsynlige sammenhenger eller normal praksis. Det er logisk at glasset står på høyre side av kuverten når de fleste av oss er høyrehendt og det er logisk at glatt føre var årsaken til at bilen kjørte utfor veien. I formal logikk dreier det seg ikke om å vurdere sannsynlighet eller rimelighet. ...
    • "Testing av hypoteser" 

      Solberg, Mariann (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2014)
      En hypotese er en antakelse, noe vi ikke vet om er sant eller usant, men som likevel har form av en påstand. Hypoteser inngår i vitenskapelige teorier. Det vi er ute etter å få vite når vi tester hypoteser er om det som hypotesen påstår er sant eller usant. Da må vi finne fram til testbare konsekvenser av hypotesen. For å finne ut om konsekvensene av hypotesen stemmer må vi undersøke virkeligheten. ...
    • "Vitenskapelig utvikling og fremskritt" 

      Solberg, Mariann (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2014)
      Den kritiske rasjonalismen utviklet av Popper går imot relativisme og skeptisisme. Likevel er han opptatt av å vise at vi aldri kan bevise at det vi påstår er sant. Derimot, sier Popper, så kan vi bevise at noe er usant. Dette poenget fikk stor betydning for Poppers syn på vitenskapelig utvikling og fremskritt. Den amerikanske vitenskapsfilosofen Thomas Kuhns første bok het “Vitenskapelige revolusjoners ...
    • "Forklaringstyper" 

      Solberg, Mariann (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2014)
      Når vi spør ”hvorfor det?” spør vi etter grunner eller årsaker til at noe er som det er. Da ønsker vi en forklaring. Det er ikke alle svar på et hvorfor-spørsmål som vil tilfredsstille den som spør. Dette har mange grunner. Det kommer an på den som spør, det kommer an på det svaret som kan gis ut fra naturen til det saken dreier seg om, og det kommer an på våre muligheter for å gi fullstendige ...
    • Möglichkeitsräume norwegischer Komponistinnen. Perspektiven des Arbeitsgesprächs des Forschungszentrums Musik und Gender 2011 

      Mittner, Lilli (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2015)
      Der »Global Gender Gap Report«, in dem die Differenz der Geschlechter anhand von Indikatoren aus den Gebieten Wirtschaft, Gesundheit, Bildung und Politik gemessen wird, platziert die skandinavischen Länder schon seit mehreren Jahren auf den vordersten Plätzen. 2008 lag Norwegen sogar auf Platz. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern waren damit in keinem anderen Land geringer. Zum sechsten ...
    • Care pathways and factors associated with interhospital transfer to neurotrauma centers for patients with isolated moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a population-based study from the Norwegian trauma registry 

      Cuevas-Østrem, Mathias; Thorsen, Kjetil; Wisborg, Torben; Røise, Olav; Helseth, Eirik; Jeppesen, Elisabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-26)
      Background Systems ensuring continuity of care through the treatment chain improve outcomes for traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. Non-neurosurgical acute care trauma hospitals are central in providing care continuity in current trauma systems, however, their role in TBI management is understudied. This study aimed to investigate characteristics and care pathways and identify factors associated ...