Viser treff 421-440 av 2935

    • Comparing eDNA metabarcoding and conventional pelagic netting to inform biodiversity monitoring in deep ocean environments 

      Cote, D.; McClenaghan, B.; Desforges, J; Fahner, N.A.; Hajibabaei, M.; Chawarski, J.; Roul, S.; Singer, G.; Aubry, C.; Geoffroy, Maxime (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-09)
      The performance of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding has rarely been evaluated against conventional sampling methods in deep ocean mesopelagic environments. We assessed the biodiversity patterns generated with eDNA and two co-located conventional methods, oblique midwater trawls and vertical multinets, to compare regional and sample-level diversity. We then assessed the concordance of ...
    • Climate and juvenile recruitment as drivers of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) dynamics in two Canadian Arctic seas 

      Herbig, Jennifer; Fisher, Jonathan; Bouchard, Caroline; Niemi, Andrea; LeBlanc, Mathieu; Majewski, Andrew; Gauthier, Stéphane; Geoffroy, Maxime (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-22)
      Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) is the most abundant forage fish species in Arctic seas and plays a pivotal role in the transfer of energy between zooplankton and top predators. The dominance of Arctic cod and the Arctic’s relatively low biodiversity interact such that changing population dynamics of Arctic cod have cascading effects on whole Arctic marine ecosystems. Over the last decades, warming ...
    • A learning journey into contemporary bioregionalism 

      Wearne, Samuel; Hubbard, Ella; Jonas, Krisztina; Wilke, Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-10)
      Bioregioning is a new wave of bioregional discourse that appears to be attracting interest among sustainability researchers and practitioners.<p> <p>2. Through interviews with contemporary leaders and a reflexive research process, we explored bioregioning experiences across seven countries. Our paper outlines the motivations, practices and narratives that we encountered and positions these ...
    • Comparative population genetics of habitat-forming octocorals in two marine protected areas: eco-evolutionary and management implications 

      Horaud, Mathilde; Arizmendi-Meija, Rosana; Nebot-Colomer, Elisabet; López-Sendino, Paula; Antunes, Agostinho; Dellicour, Simon; Viard, Frédérique; Leblois, Raphael; Linares, Cristina; Garrabou, Joaquim; Ledoux, Jean-Baptiste (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-30)
      Current eforts to halt the decline of biodiversity are based primarily on protecting species richness. This narrow focus overlooks key components of biological diversity, particularly the infra-species genetic diversity, which is critical to consider with respect to genetic adaptation in changing environments. While comparative population genetics is recognized as a relevant approach to improve ...
    • Samiske kvinner utsatt for vold og overgrep: En interseksjonell tilnærming til fortellinger om hjelp fra barnevernet 

      Bersvendsen, Agnete; Saus, Merete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-25)
      I denne artikkelen har vi undersøkt fortellingene til samiske volds- og overgrepsutsatte kvinner når det gjelder det å få hjelp av barnevernet. Problemstillingen er: Hva forteller samiske kvinner med volds- og overgrepserfaringer i oppveksten om opplevelsen av hjelp fra barnevernet og andre instanser? Hvordan kan vi forstå deres opplevelse i et interseksjonalitetsperspektiv? Datamaterialet består ...
    • Development Of Model for Measuring Audit Quality in Maritime Safety Management 

      Sharma, Deepak Raj (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The effectiveness of International Safety Management (ISM) Code has been evaluated in many aspects. However, limited research has been attempted to evaluate the auditing mechanism, its quality, and links with the effectiveness of the Code. The aim of this Paper is to define the concepts of quality in auditing and thereafter propose a model for measuring audit quality in maritime safety management. ...
    • Music for autism: a protocol for an international randomized crossover trial on music therapy for children with autism 

      Loria, Marianna Ruiz; Groessing, Alexander; Guran, Alexandrina; Koçan, Asena U.; Mikus, Nace; Nater, Urs M.; Kouwer, Karlijn; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio; Salomon-Gimmon, Maayan; Todorova, Boryana; Wagner, Isabella C.; Gold, Christian; Silani, Giorgia; Specht, Karsten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-02)
      The notion of a connection between autism and music is as old as the first reported cases of autism, and music has been used as a therapeutic tool for many decades. Music therapy holds promise as an intervention for individuals with autism, harnessing their strengths in music processing to enhance communication and expression. While previous randomized controlled trials have demonstrated positive ...
    • Return of the evolute 

      Piene, Ragni; Riener, Cordian; Shapiro, Boris (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Below we consider the evolutes of plane real-algebraic curves and discuss some of their complex and real-algebraic properties. In particular, for a given degree d ≥ 2, we provide lower bounds for the following four numerical invariants: 1) the maximal number of times a real line can intersect the evolute of a real-algebraic curve of degree d; 2) the maximal number of real cusps which can occur on ...
    • Genetic Overlap Between Global Cortical Brain Structure, C-Reactive Protein, and White Blood Cell Counts 

      Parker, Nadine; Cheng, Weiqiu; Hindley, Guy; O'Connell, Kevin Sean; Karthikeyan, Sandeep; Holen, Børge; Shadrin, Alexey; Rahman, Zillur; Karadag, Naz; Bahrami, Shahram; Lin, Aihua; Steen, Nils Eiel; Ueland, Thor; Aukrust, Pål; Djurovic, Srdjan; Dale, Anders; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Frei, Oleksandr; Andreassen, Ole (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-20)
      BACKGROUND: For many brain disorders, a subset of patients jointly exhibit alterations in cortical brain structure and elevated levels of circulating immune markers. This may be driven in part by shared genetic architecture. Therefore, we investigated the phenotypic and genetic associations linking global cortical surface area and thickness with blood immune markers (i.e., white blood cell counts ...
    • Fish assemblages at the Yermak Plateau and in northern Svalbard waters during the period 2012–2020 

      Gjøsæter, Harald; Ingvaldsen, Randi Brunvær; Hallfredsson, Elvar Halldor; Johannesen, Edda (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-20)
      During several surveys covering the north-western and northern Svalbard waters, and the deeper Yermak Plateau north of Svalbard during the period 2012–2020, 291 standardized hauls with a demersal trawl were made. All fishes in the catches were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, mostly to species. In addition to the data generated from the trawl catches, bottom temperature, salinity, ...
    • Laparoscopic rectal cancer resection yields comparable clinical and oncological results with shorter hospital stay compared to open access: a 5-year national cohort 

      Myrseth, Elisabeth; Gjessing, Petter Fosse; Nymo, Linn Såve; Kørner, Hartwig; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Norderval, Stig (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-04)
      Purpose Although widely applied, the results following laparoscopic rectal resection (LRR) compared to open rectal resection (ORR) are still debated. The aim of this study was to assess clinical short- and long-term results as well as oncological resection quality following LRR or ORR for cancer in a 5-year national cohort.<p> <p>Methods Data from the Norwegian Registry for Gastrointestinal Surgery ...
    • Climate warming accelerates somatic growth of an Arctic fish species in high-latitude lakes 

      Kotowych, Nicholas; Smalås, Aslak; Amundsen, Per-Arne; Primicerio, Raul (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-05)
      High-latitude aquatic ecosystems are responding to rapid climate warming. A longer ice-free season with higher water temperatures may accelerate somatic growth in lake ectotherms, leading to widespread ecological implications. In fish, rising temperatures are expected to boost rates of food intake and conversion, and predictions based on empirical relationships between temperature and growth suggest ...
    • NORDeHEALTH – Learning from the Nordic Experiences of Patient Online Record Access 

      Hägglund, Maria; Kharko, Anna; Bärkås, Annika; Blease, Charlotte; Cajander, Åsa; DesRoches, Catherine; Fagerlund, Asbjørn Johansen; Hagström, Josefin; Huvila, Isto; Hörhammer, Iiris; Kane, Bridget; Klein, Gunnar O.; Kristiansen, Eli; Moll, Jonas; Muli, Irene; Rexhepi, Hanife; Riggare, Sara; Scandurra, Isabella; Simola, Saija; Soone, Hedvig; Wang, Bo; Zolbin, Maedeh Ghorbanian; Åhlfeldt, Rose-Mharie; Kujala, Sari; Johansen, Monika Alise (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      The Nordic countries are forerunners in online record access (ORA) which has now become widespread. The importance of accessible and structured health data has also been highlighted by policymakers internationally. To ensure the full realization of ORA’spotential in the short and long term, there is a pressing need to study ORA from a cross-disciplinary, technical, clinical, humanistic, and social ...
    • Meaning of wellness in caring science based on Rodgers's evolutionary concept analysis 

      Eriksson, Monica; Ekström-Bergström, Anette; Arvidsson, Susann; Jormfeldt, Henrika; Thorstensson, Stina; Åström, Ulrica; Lundgren, Ingela; Roxberg, Åsa Kristina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-28)
      Background: Wellness is a holistic, multidimensional, and process-oriented property on a continuum. It has been used interchangeably with and is undifferentiated from concepts such as health and well-being without an in-depth clarification of its theoretical foundations and a reflection on its meaning. The concept of wellness is frequently used, but its definition remains unclear.<p> <p>Aim: To ...
    • Loss of species and genetic diversity during colonization: Insights from acanthocephalan parasites in northern European seals 

      Sromek, Ludmila; Ylinen, Eeva; Kunnasranta, Mervi; Maduna, Simo; Sinisalo, Tuula; Michell, Craig T.; Kovacs, Kit M.; Lydersen, Christian; Ieshko, Evgeny; Andrievskaya, Elena; Alexeev, Vyacheslav; Leidenberger, Sonja; Hagen, Snorre; Nyman, Tommi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-19)
      Studies on host–parasite systems that have experienced distributional shifts, range fragmentation, and population declines in the past can provide information regarding how parasite community richness and genetic diversity will change as a result of anthropogenic environmental changes in the future. Here, we studied how sequential postglacial colonization, shifts in habitat, and reduced host ...
    • Friluftsliv and olggonastin–multiple and complex nature cultures 

      Skille, Eivind Åsrum; Pedersen, Steinar; Skille, Øystein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-07)
      The Scandinavian concept of friluftsliv has become established in the international literature on outdoor life. However, when emphasising fri-luftsliv as a recreational way of outdoor life, other understandings and nuances are disguised. With a post-colonial and Indigenous methodolo-gical perspective, the authors argue that the Sámi words olggonastin, meahcástallan and olggustállan are often more ...
    • Annual Volume and Distribution of Physical Training in Norwegian Female Cross-Country Skiers and Biathletes: A Comparison Between Sports, Competition Levels, and Age Categories — The Female Endurance Athlete Project 

      Osborne, John Owen; Solli, Guro Strøm; Engseth, Tina Pettersen; Welde, Boye; Morseth, Bente; Noordhof, Dionne Adriana; Sandbakk, Øyvind Bucher; Andersson, Bror Erik Petrus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-11)
      Purpose To describe and compare the annual physical training characteristics between Norwegian female cross-country (XC) skiers and biathletes across competition levels and age categories. Methods Daily training sessions for one year were recorded for 45 XC skiers and 26 biathletes, comprising international/national-team [inter(national)] and non-national/regional-team members (non-national) ...
    • Kombinerte stillinger kan fremme samarbeid mellom sykepleierutdanning og praksisfelt 

      Skaug, Eli-Anne; Røssland, Anneline; Lyberg, Anne Marit; Raustøl, Anne; Helgesen, Ann Karin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-22)
      Samarbeid mellom utdanningsinstitusjon og praksisfelt er av betydning for studentens læring i praksisstudier. Denne studien er en del av et større prosjekt hvor et overordnet mål er å styrke samarbeidet mellom utdanningsinstitusjon og praksisfelt blant annet ved bruk av kombinerte stillinger. Hensikt med delstudien er å utforske erfaringene lærere og sykepleiere høstet i kombinert stilling. Data ...
    • Kickstart in nursing home-Nursing students experiences of a model for active and collaborative learning in clinical placement 

      Tveit, Bodil; Aamlid, Hege Ingeborg; Amsrud, Kirsten Eika; Helgesen, Ann Karin; Raustøl, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-15)
      Aims and objectives: To explore students' experiences from a pilot project testing out a model for active, collaborative learning in first-year placement at a nursing home.<p> <p>Background: There is a need for innovative learning activities and projects to improve clinical education in nursing homes. Active, collaborative approaches in placement learning may enhance students learning ...
    • Overshooting the critical threshold for the Greenland ice sheet 

      Bochow, Nils; Poltronieri, Anna; Robinson, Alexander; Montoya, Marisa; Rypdal, Martin Wibe; Boers, Niklas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-18)
      Melting of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) in response to anthropogenic global warming poses a severe threat in terms of global sea-level rise (SLR)1 . Modelling and palaeoclimate evidence suggest that rapidly increasing temperatures in the Arctic can trigger positive feedback mechanisms for the GrIS, leading to self-sustained melting<sup>2–4</sup> , and the GrIS has been shown to permit several ...