Viser treff 461-480 av 2935

    • Urbanization and preparedness for outbreaks with high-impact respiratory pathogens 

      Hauge, Siri Helene; Meijerink, Hinta; Alveberg, Benedikte Louise; Berg, Are Stuwitz; Bergh, Anne; Bragstad, Karoline; De Blasio, Birgitte Freiesleben; Eriksen-Volle, Hanne-Merete; Feruglio, Siri Laura; Forland, Frode; Grøneng, Gry Marysol; Holme, Jørn Andreas; Hungnes, Olav; Iversen, Bjørn Gunnar; Johansen, Julie Denise Whittle; Jønsrud, Knut; Macdonald, Emily Ann; Nygård, Karin Maria; Nøkleby, Hanne Magdalene; Paulsen, Trine Hessevik; Rolfheim-Bye, Christina Lill; Rydland, Kjersti Margrethe; Tønnessen, Ragnhild; Veire, Kjetil Berg; Vold, Line; White, Richard Aubrey; Wisløff, Torbjørn; Wolden, Britt (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020)
    • Laboratoriediagnostikk ved cytomegalovirusinfeksjoner. Strategimøte 31. oktober 2013 

      Rollag, Halvor; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Tylden, Garth; Hoddevik, Gunnar Martin (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2014)
      I regi av ”Referansegruppe for ekstern kvalitetssikring i virologi og serologi” ble det holdt strategimøte om laboratoriediagnostikk ved cytomegalovirus infeksjon den 31. oktober 2013 i Oslo. Rapporten inneholder oppsummering og anbefalinger for diagnostikk slik det kom fram på møtet, samt sammendrag av foredragene (manuskriptene) som er gjengitt i sin helhet.
    • Perception et production des plosives du français L3 chez des apprenants norvégophones: Un début d'analyse 

      Andreassen, Helene N. (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022)
      SLM et PAM(-L2) (Flege, 1995 ; Best et Tyler, 2007) prédisent que les apprenants d’une nouvelle langue auront des difficultés de perception et de production lorsqu’ils sont confrontés à des sons similaires à des sons dans la L1. Les plosives /p t k b d ɡ/ constituent un bel exemple par le fait que leur implémentation phonétique est sujette à la variation inter-langue. Dans cette présentation, nous ...
    • Antibiotikaresistens – kunnskapshull, utfordringer og aktuelle tiltak 

      Steinbakk, Martin; Sunde, Marianne; Urdahl, Anne Margrete; Barkbu, Kjersti Nilsen; Sørum, Henning; Lunestad, Bjørn-Tore; Bonhorst, Janne Øvrebo; Nielsen, Kaare Magne; Lindbæk, Morten; Bjørnholt, Jørgen V. (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2014)
      Effektive antibiotika er en forutsetning for moderne medisinsk behandling; det gjelder i alle situasjoner der infeksjoner kan gi alvorlige utfall, som ved kreftsykdommer, innen nyfødtmedisin, ved transplantasjonskirurgi og ved en del vanlige kirurgiske inngrep hvor antibiotika benyttes forebyggende for å forhindre infeksjoner. Uten effektive antibiotika som forebyggende behandling vil risiko ved en ...
    • Primary and secondary prevention interventions for cognitive decline and dementia 

      Flodgren, Gerd Monika; Berg, Rigmor (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2016)
      Dementia is a syndrome characterised by deterioration in memory, thinking, behaviour, and the ability to perform everyday activities, which ultimately may lead to total dependence and death. Since the world’s population is steadily growing older, the number of people with dementia is also increasing. It is therefore of utmost importance to identify effective strategies to prevent or delay its onse ...
    • Bruk av Liverpool Care Pathway ved livets slutt. Hurtigoversikt 

      Meneses Echavez, Jose Francisco; Flodgren, Gerd Monika; Berg, Rigmor (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2016)
      Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) har blitt fremmet som en tiltaksplan for helhetlig omsorg til døende og deres pårørende i livets siste dager og timer. <p> <p>Vi utførte en hurtigoversikt for å vurdere effekten av LCP på palliativ omsorg til personer i livets sluttfase. Vi inkluderte to nylig publiserte kontrollerte studier som sammenlignet effektene av LCP med standard palliativ omsorg.
    • Stafylokokker. Strategimøte nr. 14, 2000 

      Bergh, Kåre; Tveten, Yngvar; Sundsfjord, Arnfinn; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Sandven, Per (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2001)
    • Refleksjonsverksted som ledelsesverktøy i NAV. "Det handler om en bevisstgjøring av kunnskap vi egentlig har" 

      Henriksen, Jan Erik; Hydle, Ida (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      I dette kapittelet beskriver vi erfaringene til ledere ved to NAV-kontor som har gjennomgått et lederutviklingsprogram basert på reflekterende prosesser. Vi har gjennomgått e-poster og referater fra planlegging og prosjektgjennomføring og analysert transkriberte samtaler med de syv deltagerne samt invitert to av deltagerne til selv å komme med skriftlige ytringer om programmet. Siden vi stiller ...
    • Stories, stones, and memories in the land of dormant reciprocity. Opening up possibilities for reconciliation with a politics that works tensions of dissensus and consensus with care 

      Henriksen, Jan Erik; Hydle, Ida Marie; Kramvig, Britt (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      In this article we address storytelling as an epistemic practice and ask if/how storytelling can become a tool for reconciliation, specifically in relation to violent acts of past and present colonising. In Sápmi, telling stories is essential in everyday life. Stories are told to engage actively with questions, as opposed to referring to an absent past, or to bringing forth explanations or arguments. ...
    • Recognition, Reconciliation and Restoration: Applying a Decolonized Understanding in Social Work and Healing Processes. 

      Henriksen, Jan Erik; Hydle, Ida Marie; Kramvig, Britt (Book; Bok, 2019)
      The 4th International Indigenous Voices in Social Work Conference hosted by UiT The Artic University of Norway asked how the marginalization and exclusion of indigenous voices can be detected, prevented and healed. The conference also invited participants to take part in a dialogue on the use of reconciliation and decolonization as a restorative practice, Our aim is to provide new knowledge on the ...
    • Space and atmospheric physics on Svalbard: a case for continued incoherent scatter radar measurements under the cusp and in the polar cap boundary region 

      Baddeley, Lisa; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Haaland, Stein Egil; Heino, Erkka Petteri; Mann, Ingrid Brigitte; Miloch, Wojciech Jacek; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Partamies, Noora; Spicher, Andres; Vierinen, Juha-Pekka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-04)
      Incoherent scatter radars (ISRs) represent the only instrument (both ground and space based) capable of making high temporal and spatial resolution measurements of multiple atmospheric parameters—such as densities, temperatures, particle velocities, mass flux—over an altitude range covering the entire mesosphere/lower thermosphere/ionosphere (MLTI) system on a quasi-continuous basis. The EISCAT ...
    • Examining the roots of turnover intentions in the Royal Norwegian Navy, the role of embeddedness, work-life conflict and predictability 

      Nordmo, Morten; Norrøne, Tore Nøttestad; Nikolaisen, Kristian; Svarstad, Daniel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-08)
      Retaining qualified personnel is a priority for armed forces, and turnover presents a serious problem. This study uses job embeddedness theory to investigate embeddedness factors, predictability and work–life conflict as predictors of turnover intentions in commissioned officers (COs) and non-commissioned officers (NCOs) in the Royal Norwegian Navy. The study posits that career prospects, ...
    • Changes in health-related rehabilitation trajectories following a major Norwegian welfare reform 

      Wittlund, Sina; Lorentzen, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-28)
      Background In this study we investigated the health-related rehabilitation trajectories of young Norwegian adults between 2004–2019. The study period is interesting because it overlaps with an extensive welfare system reform that occurred in Norway between 2006–2011. In parallel with the reform there was a substantial increase in healthrelated welfare dependency among young people due to mental ...
    • Forordet til Knud Leems Lexicon Lapponicum (1768-1781): Oversatt til norsk, med en innledning og kommentarer 

      Aspaas, Per Pippin (Book; Bok, 2021)
      Utgitt som vol. XVII i serien Bibliotheca Neolatina Upsaliensis, som redigeres av klassisk-filologene Peter Sjökvist og Krister Östlund ved Uppsala Universitet
    • Sámi concepts of pattern in the mathematics curriculum 

      Varjola, Carita Elisabeth Eira; Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Siri, May-Torill (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      Norway’s new mathematics curriculum took effect in 2020. The word mønster (English: ”pattern”) appears 13 times in the curriculum text. This paper aims at providing insight into how the curriculum’s term ”pattern” can be translated into North Sámi in a way that supports a mathematics teaching rooted in local Sámi culture and language. Five Sámi words for patterns are analysed to highlight different ...
    • Video Recordings of Interactions 

      Warth, Line Lundvoll (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      Video recordings are an important resource for capturing in-dept social interaction and collaboration in workplace studies. Video-recorded observations can be used to analyse knowledge expansion in collaborative work when practitioners use videoconferences (VCs). Interaction analysis of a problem-solving activity is carried out, pointing to sequences in the work where knowledge expand, and problems ...
    • Application of Dual Quaternions to the problem of trajectory tracking with quadrotor-gimbal platform 

      Johansen, Tor-Aleksander; Kristiansen, Raymond (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      We address the problem of state feedback trajectory tracking of the composite quadrotor-gimbal platform using the dual quaternion framework by extending the previuous result in [1] to the composite case. More precisely; we model the composite system using dual quaternion coordinates and derive the error dynamics which by inserting a PD + based control law has equilibrium points that is shown to be ...
    • The Magic of the Multiverse: Easter Eggs, Superhuman Beings, and Metamodernism in Marvel’s Story Worlds. 

      Undheim, Sissel (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-08-30)
      Popular culture provides a fertile ground for a host of narratives, symbols, and characters known from history of religions. Dispersed and consumed on a multitude of new emerging media platforms, these narratives, symbols, and characters become ingredients in artistic processes of imagination and adaptation where religion can be played with in a variety of ways. In these processes of production, ...
    • Hvordan god rekrutteringspraksis kan hindre destruktiv ledelse og fremme samskapende ledelse 

      Moe, Helene Tronstad (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-07-13)
      The purpose of the chapter is to increase the understanding of how recruitment practices affect management practices. To explore the consequences of hiring inadequate managers, the author poses the following three research questions: 1) Why are unqualified candidates employed in management positions? 2) What are the consequences of poor managerial recruitment at a micro and macro level? 3) How can ...
    • "Good parenting” among middle-class families: A narrative positioning analysis of Norwegian child welfare workers’ stories 

      Fævelen, Malin Jørgine; Sørly, Rita; Kojan, Bente Heggem (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-28)
      This article investigates norms of parenting in the context of the Norwegian child welfare service (CWS). Research from both international and Norwegian contexts shows that current parenting ideals are built on middle-class values that are often taken for granted. However, there is limited knowledge about the interaction between the CWS and middle-class families. Through narrative positioning analysis, ...