Now showing items 281-300 of 556

    • DNA barcoding a taxonomically complex hemiparasitic genus reveals deep divergence between ploidy levels but lack of species-level resolution 

      Wang, Xumei; Gusarova, Galina; Ruhsam, Markus; de Vere, Natasha; Metherell, Chris; Hollingsworth, Peter M.; Twyford, Alex D. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-24)
      DNA barcoding is emerging as a useful tool not only for species identification but also for studying evolutionary and ecological processes. Although plant DNA barcodes do not always provide species-level resolution, the generation of large DNA barcode data sets can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying the generation of species diversity. Here, we study evolutionary processes in taxonomically ...
    • Potential of the Gap 

      Torell, Lisa (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2018-05-28)
      Potential of the Gap has been about method and place. In site-specific, contextual or relational art, the relationships between and relationships to are critical to the critical artistic licence. That is, relations between or to man, object, situation and context. I have engaged with the relationship between place, language and identity in relation to systems and logic. Convention and function. It ...
    • Pannaria pyxinoides comb. nov., an overlooked lichen from Northern New Zealand 

      Elvebakk, Arve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018-07)
      The name <i>Psoroma pyxinoides</i>, which has been considered to be a synonym of <i>Pannaria sphinctrina</i>, is shown here to represent a distinct species, differing from <i>P. sphinctrina</i> by thallus characters and in spore and pycnidium morphology. Those characters indicate a relationship with <i>Pannaria allorhiza</i>. Like the latter species, <i>P. pyxinoides</i> is endemic to northern New ...
    • Psoroma spinuliferum (Pannariaceae), a new corticolous lichen species from Alaska with two different types of cephalodia 

      Elvebakk, Arve; Tønsberg, Tor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-30)
      The species <i>Psoroma spinuliferum</i> is described here as new to science. It is only known from the holotype on a <i>Picea sitchensis</i> trunk near a sea-shore in southern, coastal Alaska. The species is distinct in having short, brittle, spinule-like hairs on both apothecium margins, thalline squamules and on pulvinate to coarsely coralloid cephalodia with emerald-colored <i>Nostoc</i> photobionts. ...
    • A new species of the haematophagous genus Austroconops Wirth & Lee (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae: Leptoconopinae) from middle Cretaceous amber of Charente-Maritime, France 

      Dominiak, Patrycja; Szadziewski, Ryszard; Nel, Andre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-20)
      <i>Austroconops perrichoti</i>, a new species of biting midge (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), is described from uppermost Albian-lowermost Cenomanian amber of Charente-Maritime (NW France), from three female specimens. A similar species, <i>Austroconops borkenti</i> Szadziewski & Schlüter, 1992, from Upper Cretaceous, Cenomanian, French amber of Anjou, is redescribed and illustrated. A key to males and ...
    • The taxonomic status of two species of predaceous midges in the genera Bezzia and Palpomyia described by STÆGER (1839) in the genus Ceratopogon (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae: Palpomyiini) 

      Dominiak, Patrycja; Szadziewski, Ryszard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-28)
      Lectotypes are designated for the predaceous midges, <i>Ceratopogon circumdatus</i> Stæger, 1839, and <i<Ceratopogon binotatus</i> Stæger, 1839 housed in the Copenhagen Zoological Museum, Denmark, and both species are redescribed and photographed. <i>Ceratopogon circumdatus</i> is removed from synonymy with <i>Bezzia solstitialis</i> (Winnertz, 1852) and recognized as a new synonym of <i>Bezzia ...
    • Holocene floristic diversity and richness in northeast Norway revealed by sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) and pollen 

      Clarke, Charlotte; Edwards, Mary Elizabeth; Brown, Antony Gavin; Gielly, Ludovic; Lammers, Youri; Heintzman, Peter D.; Murguzur, Francisco Javier Ancin; Bråthen, Kari Anne; Goslar, Tomasz; Alsos, Inger Greve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-30)
      We present a Holocene record of floristic diversity and environmental change for the central Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, based on ancient DNA extracted from the sediments of a small lake (<i>sed</i>aDNA). The record covers the period c. 10 700 to 3300 cal. a BP and is complemented by pollen data. Measures of species richness, sample evenness and beta diversity were calculated based on <i>sed</i>aDNA ...
    • Minimizing polymerase biases in metabarcoding 

      Nichols, Ruth V.; Vollmers, Christopher; Newsom, Lee A.; Wang, Yue; Heintzman, Peter D.; Leighton, McKenna; Green, Richard E.; Shapiro, Beth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-24)
      DNA metabarcoding is an increasingly popular method to characterize and quantify biodiversity in environmental samples. Metabarcoding approaches simultaneously amplify a short, variable genomic region, or “barcode,” from a broad taxonomic group via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using universal primers that anneal to flanking conserved regions. Results of these experiments are reported as ...
    • Human–environment dynamics during the Iron Age in the Lofoten Islands, Norway 

      Balascio, Nicholas L.; Wickler, Stephen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-01)
      Integrated archaeological and paleoenvironmental investigations provide long-term perspectives on human–environment interactions. In the North Atlantic region, early human settlements were established in marginal agricultural environments and were susceptible to various environmental stressors. The Lofoten Islands have had an important role in the history of this region, particularly during the ...
    • Bryophytes facilitate outcrossing of Mitella by functioning as larval food for pollinating fungus gnats 

      Okuyama, Yudai; Okamoto, Tomoko; Kjærandsen, Jostein; Kato, Makoto (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-11)
    • Maze Decadence 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Others; Andre, 2018)
    • Bycatch in trawl-fisheries. Sub-project 3 

      Sundet, Jan Henry; Hauan, Marit Anne (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2000)
      The main goals of this sub-project were to evaluate whether interviewing fishers could be an appropriate method to reveal quantities of the bycatches in the Norwegian trawl fisheries, and to describe the knowledge about and the fishermen's attitudes to the bycatch problem. In total 11 crew members on trawlers from a fishing company in Lofoten were interviewed. The data from the interviews showed ...
    • Alt eller ingenting: Annerledesgjøren og agens i to (post)koloniale kunstprosjekter 

      Baglo, Cathrine; Stien, Hanne Hammer (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-22)
      Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i to kunstprosjekter som på ulike måter tematiserer europeisk utstillingskultur og nordisk kolonialisme i fortid og nåtid; «European Attraction Limited» av Lars Cuzner og Cassius Fadlabi (2011–14) og Joar Nangos «European Everything» (2017). Prosjektene diskuteres i lys av en historisk utstillingspraksis som prosjektene påkaller på en direkte eller indirekte måte, nemlig ...
    • Ferdinando Carulli - samlede verker for to gitarer - bind 1 

      Andersen, Karsten; Andreassen, Tore Morten (Others; Andre, 2018)
      <p><i>Introduction</i>: Carulli skrev over fire hundre verk for gitar. Derav ca. hundre- og femti soloverker, sytti duetter ( to gitarer), femti for gitar/ fløyte-fiolin, førti for gitar/piano, tjue trioer, seks for gitar/sang, tre gitarkonserter og to for tre gitarer.</p> <p>Verkene for to gitarer spenner fra enkle metodiske duetter for nybegynnere til store konsertstykker. Nå presenteres alle ...
    • The Lost World - score 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten (Others; Andre, 2018)
    • Gitaretyder - etyder for plekteranslag og fingerspill nivå 3-5 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten; Andersen, Karsten (Others; Andre, 2016)
    • Olé Guapa by A. Malando 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten; Andersen, Karsten (Others; Andre, 2018)
    • Narratives of Sámi School History in Finland: The Histories of Assimilation Made Visible 

      Nyyssönen, Jukka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This article analyses narratives that have been produced about the Sámi school experience in Finland. The sources consist of studies in Sámi school history and history of education in Finland, as well as in pedagogical studies made since the 1980s, comparing the narratives found in each case. The narrative of assimilation dominates the field for good, historically verifiable reasons. This genre of ...
    • Lærebokas makt: En studie av lærebøker for instrumentalelever 

      Blix, Hilde (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-07)
      Denne artikkelen bygger på en studie av lærebøker for nybegynnere på et Musikkinstrument. Målet med studien var å undersøke de mest brukte instrumentallærebøkene i Norge i et Freireinspirert kritisk pedagogisk perspektiv. I studien analyseres innholdet i 26 lærebøker for 15 forskjellige instrumenter. Analysen tar utgangspunkt i et kritisk pedagogisk perspektiv på lærebøkenes faglige innhold og ...
    • Navigare est necesse for alto flute & guitar 

      Andreassen, Tore Morten; Andersen, Karsten (Others; Andre, 2018)