Now showing items 1-20 of 556

    • Bakestones in Northern Norway: An Archaeological Witness to Medieval Foodways and Maritime Trade 

      Wickler, Stephen Kent (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-01)
      BAKESTONES ARE A 11TH-CENTURY EARLY MEDIEVAL INNOVATION associated with flatbread production that reflect a distinctive Norwegian food culture spanning some 600 years. Large scale manufacture of chlorite schist bakestones at Ølve-Hatlestrand, western Norway, was linked to further distribution in Norway from the port of Bergen. Bakestones were an important item of maritime trade transported to northern ...
    • Greening of Svalbard 

      Karlsen, Stein Rune; Elvebakk, Arve; Stendardi, Laura; Høgda, Kjell Arild; Macias-Fauria, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-21)
      Svalbard, located between 76°30′N and 80°50′N, is among the regions in the world with the most rapid temperature increase. We processed a cloud-free time-series of MODIS-NDVI for Svalbard. The dataset is interpolated to daily data during the 2000–2022 period with 232 m pixel resolution. The onset of growth, with a clear phenological definition, has been mapped each year. Then the integrated NDVI ...
    • Timing and extent of primary moult in breeding Black-legged Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla at different colonies in the north-east Atlantic 

      Furness, Robert W.; Barrett, Robert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-24)
      Timing of moult of the inner primaries by breeding Black-legged Kittiwakes is very similar among colonies ranging from southern England to northern Norway, but can be much later at very high-latitude colonies, such as at Svalbard, where breeding is delayed by the late spring thaw. Breeding adult Black-legged Kittiwakes almost all replaced the first and second (innermost) primary feathers on their ...
    • Musikktalenter i flow 

      Ingvaldsen, Torbjørn Lunde (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-01-03)
      Formålet med denne studien innenfor fagområdet instrumentaldidaktikk har vært å undersøke hvorvidt elever som er tatt opp på et talentprogram for musikalske talenter opplever fenomenet flow i sin hverdag. Videre har studien sett på hvilke mulige positive effekter opplevelse av fenomenet kan ha overfor elevenes motivasjon og utvikling av kunnskap. Studiens teoretiske rammeverk består av Csíkszentmihályis ...
    • Blurring Boundaries Between Scientific and Artistic Representation of Landscapes 

      Ihle, Marc-Eduard; Wichmann, Volker (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024)
      This paper presents an educational experiment that merges art and science to deepen landscape architecture students' comprehension of scientific data. It explores tools and methodologies aimed at fostering more intuitive insights into data, bridging both analytical and artistic readings and expression. The study investigates techniques for representing landscapes and vegetation vitality using point ...
    • Local climate modulates the development of soil nematode communities after glacier retreat 

      Guerrieri, Alessia; Cantera, Isabel; Marta, Silvio; Bonin, Aurélie; Carteron, Alexis; Ambrosini, Roberto; Caccianiga, Marco; Anthelme, Fabien; Azzoni, Roberto Sergio; Almond, Peter; Alviz Gazitúa, Pablo; Cauvy-Fraunié, Sophie; Ceballos Lievano, Jorge Luis; Chand, Pritam; Chand Sharma, Milap; Clague, John; Cochachín Rapre, Justiniano Alejo; Compostella, Chiara; Cruz Encarnación, Rolando; Dangles, Olivier; Deline, Philip; Eger, Andre; Erokhin, Sergey; Franzetti, Andrea; Gielly, Ludovic; Gili, Fabrizio; Gobbi, Mauro; Hågvar, Sigmund; Khedim, Norine; Meneses, Rosa Isela; Peyre, Gwendolyn; Pittino, Francesca; Proietto, Angela; Rabatel, Antoine; Urseitova, Nurai; Yang, Yan; Zaginaev, Vitalii; Zerboni, Andrea; Zimmer, Anaïs; Taberlet, Pierre Robert Michel; Diolaiuti, Guglielmina Adele; Poulenard, Jerome; Fontaneto, Diego; Thuiller, Wilfried; Ficetola, Gentile Francesco (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-08)
      The worldwide retreat of glaciers is causing a faster than ever increase in ice-free areas that are leading to the emergence of new ecosystems. Understanding the dynamics of these environments is critical to predicting the consequences of climate change on mountains and at high latitudes. Climatic differences between regions of the world could modulate the emergence of biodiversity and functionality ...
    • Hagfish genome elucidates vertebrate whole-genome duplication events and their evolutionary consequences 

      Yu, Daqi; Ren, Yandong; Uesaka, Masahiro; Beavan, Alan; Muffato, Matthieu; Shen, Jieyu; Li, Yongxin; Sato, Iori; Wan, Wenting; Clark, James; Keating, Joseph; Carlisle, Emily; Dearden, Richard; Giles, Sam; Randle, Emma; Sansom, Robert; Feuda, Roberto; Fleming, James Frederick; Sugahara, Fumiaki; Cummins, Carla; Patricio, Mateus; Akanni, Wasiu; D'Aniello, Salvatore; Bertolucci, Christiano; Irie, Naoki; Alev, Cantas; Sheng, Guojun; de Mendoza, Alex; Maeso, Ignacio; Irimia, Manuel; Fromm, Bastian; Peterson, Kevin J; Das, Sabyasachi; Hirano, Masayuki; Rast, Jonathan P; Cooper, Max; Paps, Jordi; Pisani, Davide; Kuratani, Shigeru; Martin, Fergal J.; Wang, Wen; Donoghue, Philip C J; Zhang, Yong E.; Pascual-Anaya, Juan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-12)
      Polyploidy or whole-genome duplication (WGD) is a major event that drastically reshapes genome architecture and is often assumed to be causally associated with organismal innovations and radiations. The 2R hypothesis suggests that two WGD events (1R and 2R) occurred during early vertebrate evolution. However, the timing of the 2R event relative to the divergence of gnathostomes ( jawed vertebrates) ...
    • Ancient DNA and osteological analyses of a unique paleo-archive reveal Early Holocene faunal expansion into the Scandinavian Arctic 

      Boilard, Aurélie; Walker, Samuel James; Lødøen, Trond; Henriksen, Mona; Takken-Beijersbergen, Liselotte M.; Star, Bastian; Robu, Marius; Tøssebo, Christine; Albrektsen, Cornelia Marie; Soleng, Yvonne; Aksnes, Sverre S; Jørgensen, Roger; Hufthammer, Anne Karin; Kolfschoten, Thijs van; Lauritzen, Stein Erik; Boessenkool, Sanne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-29)
      Paleo-archives are essential for our understanding of species responses to climate warming, yet such archives are extremely rare in the Arctic. Here, we combine morphological analyses and bulk-bone metabarcoding to investigate a unique chronology of bone deposits sealed in the high-latitude Storsteinhola cave system (68°50′ N 16°22′ E) in Norway. This deposit dates to a period of climate warming ...
    • LocoGSE, a sequence-based genome size estimator for plants 

      Guenzi-Tiberi, Pierre; Istace, Benjamin; Alsos, Inger Greve; Coissac, Eric; Lavergne, Sébastien; Aury, Jean-Marc; Denoeud, France (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-13)
      Extensive research has focused on exploring the range of genome sizes in eukaryotes, with a particular emphasis on land plants, where significant variability has been observed. Accurate estimation of genome size is essential for various research purposes, but existing sequence-based methods have limitations, particularly for low-coverage datasets. In this study, we introduce LocoGSE, a novel ...
    • Uncovering Holocene climate fluctuations and ancient conifer populations: Insights from a high-resolution multi-proxy record from Northern Finland 

      Salonen, J. Sakari; Kuosmanen, Niina; Alsos, Inger Greve; Heintzman, Peter D.; Rijal, Dilli Prasad; Schenk, Frederik; Bogren, Freja; Luoto, Miska; Philip, Annemarie; Piilo, Sanna; Trasune, Liva; Väliranta, Minna; Helmens, Karin F. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-08)
      A series of abrupt climate events linked to circum-North Atlantic meltwater forcing have been recognised in Holocene paleoclimate data. To address the paucity of proxy records able to characterise robustly the regional impacts of these events, we retrieved a sub-centennial resolution, well-dated core sequence from Lake Kuutsjarvi, ¨ northeast Finland. By analysing a range of paleo-environmental ...
    • Physiological responses of Atlantic cod to climate change indicate that coastal ecotypes may be better adapted to tolerate ocean stressors 

      Perry, Diana; Tamarit, Elena; Sundell, Erika; Axelsson, Michael; Bergman, Sanne; Gräns, Albin; Gullström, Martin; Sturve, Joachim; Wennhage, Håkan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-05)
      Healthy ecosystems and species have some degree of resilience to changing conditions, however as the frequency and severity of environmental changes increase, resilience may be diminished or lost. In Sweden, one example of a species with reduced resilience is the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). This species has been subjected to overfishing, and with additional pressures such as habitat degradation and ...
    • Rapid adaptation of cellular metabolic rate to the MicroRNA complements of mammals and its relevance to the evolution of endothermy 

      Fromm, Bastian; Sorger, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-21)
      The metabolic efficiency of mammalian cells depends on the attenuation of intrinsic translation noise by microRNAs. We devised a metric of cellular metabolic rate (cMR), rMR/Mexp optimally fit to the number of microRNA families (mirFam), that is robust to variation in mass and sensitive to body temperature (T<sub>b</sub>), consistent with the heat dissipation limit theory of Speakman and Kro´ l ...
    • Using ancient sedimentary DNA to forecast ecosystem trajectories under climate change 

      Alsos, Inger Greve; Boussange, Victor; Rijal, Dilli Prasad; Beaulieu, Marieke-Lise; Brown, Antony Gavin; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Pellissier, Loïc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-27)
      Ecosystem response to climate change is complex. In order to forecast ecosystem dynamics, we need high-quality data on changes in past species abundance that can inform process-based models. Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) has revolutionised our ability to document past ecosystems' dynamics. It provides time series of increased taxonomic resolution compared to microfossils (pollen, spores), and ...
    • Multiplexing PCR allows the identification of within-species genetic diversity in ancient eDNA 

      Lammers, Youri; Taberlet, Pierre Robert Michel; Coissac, E.; Elliott, Lucas Dane; Merkel, Marie Kristine Føreid; Pitelkova, Iva; Alsos, Inger Greve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-08)
      Sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) has rarely been used to obtain population-level data due to either a lack of taxonomic resolution for the molecular method used, limitations in the reference material or inefficient methods. Here, we present the potential of multiplexing different PCR primers to retrieve population-level genetic data from sedaDNA samples. Vaccinium uliginosum (Ericaceae) is a ...
    • Steppe-tundra composition and deglacial floristic turnover in interior Alaska revealed by sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) 

      Clarke, Charlotte L.; Heintzman, Peter D.; Lammers, Youri; Monteath, Alistair J.; Bigelow, Nancy H.; Reuther, Joshua D.; Potter, Ben A.; Hughes, Paul D.M.; Alsos, Inger Greve; Edwards, Mary Elizabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-05-16)
      When tracing vegetation dynamics over long timescales, obtaining enough floristic information to gain a detailed understanding of past communities and their transitions can be challenging. The first high-resolution sedimentary DNA (sedaDNA) metabarcoding record from lake sediments in Alaska—reported here—covers nearly 15,000 years of change. It shows in unprecedented detail the composition of ...
    • Elevmedvirkning i instrumentalopplæringen 

      Ryeng, Silje (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
      Formålet med studien har vært å undersøke hvordan elever på musikklinja opplever medvirkning i instrumentalopplæringen på sine fordypningsinstrument. Tematikken er relevant i lys av læreplanverkets (LK20) fokus på demokrati og elevmedvirkning. Problemstillingen for oppgaven har vært: Hva er elevenes opplevelse av medvirkning i instrumentalopplæringen i den videregående skole? Jeg har brukt tre ...
    • Description of a new species of Stenula Barnard, 1962 (Amphipoda: Stenothoidae) from British Columbia, Canada associated with Bouillonia sp. (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Tubulariidae), with a key to the world species of Stenula 

      Tandberg, Anne Helene Solberg; Vader, Wim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-24)
      A new species of the amphipod family Stenothoidae found living in association with tubulariid hydroids in British Columbia, Canada is described. Stenula traudlae sp. nov., which has a rounded naked telson, a rounded posterodistal tooth on Ep3, and a heavily spinose P5, is described morphologically. We also include an updated key to world species of Stenula s.l. Associations of amphipods with tubulariids ...
    • Chaetocladius (Amblycladius) britae Säwedal, 1976 (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) representing a little-known subgenus from the High-North, discovered in Norway and DNA barcoded for the first time 

      Andersen, Trond; Mendes, Humberto Fonseca; Sanz La Parra, Annui Malla; Kjærandsen, Jostein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-20)
      New records of Chaetocladius britae Säwedal, 1976 are presented, representing the first records of the species in Norway. Twenty-four male specimens were caught in a Malaise trap set in a tiny ravine with an underground spring brook with associated tiny pools of standing water connected to the meandering River Nakkelva at Breivikeidet in Troms, northern Norway. The poorly known species was originally ...
    • Økobevisst fotografi. Fremvekst av nye praksiser og tenkemåter. 

      Stien, Hanne Hammer; Fjellestad, Marthe Tolnes (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-13)
      Current practices of eco-conscious photography, informed by the ongoing climate crisis and post-humanist theory, share characteristics such as collectivity, co-creation, and pro- cess orientation. By way of examples from the UK and the Nordic region, we investigate how these aspects are made (in)visible within the framework of photographic institu- tions: artist-led organizations, photographic ...
    • Restituerande landskapsmiljø 

      Furelid, Tomine Haaland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-02)
      I 2021 kjøpte Tromsø kommune Sydspissen hotell for å danne dagsenter for eldre, men også for dei som slit med psykisk helse og rus. Losen lågterskelsenter skal dra størst nytte av bygget, som er eit gratis psykisk helsetilbod i Tromsø kommune. Kommunen har store ambisjonar om å slå saman mange ulike brukargrupper som kan vere utfordrande å skape felles rom for. I denne satsinga går alle midlane til ...