Viser treff 41-60 av 108

    • Vertskapets rolle i opplevelsesrommet. Kan vertskapet gjøre en forskjell? 

      Lyrek, Trine K. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-23)
      Vertskaps rollen er helt sentral i reiselivet. Det er vertskapet som ofte er ansiktet utad og representerer bedriften. Problemstillinga i denne masteroppgaven lyder: Hvilke faktorer kan være med på å sikre høyest mulig kundetilpasset vertskap for gjestene hoe en overnattingsbedrift? Hoved essensen av det jeg skriver om er vertskapsrollen, opplevelsesrommet og kundetilpassning. Jeg valgte å bruke ...
    • Promoting Norway in social media in China: Visit Norway’s co-created storytelling on Sina Weibo 

      Li, Mengyao (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Social media has changed how tourists obtain information about destinations. Utilizing social media provides both opportunities and challenges for the promotion of destinations. In this Master’s thesis, I explored how the Norwegian national destination management organisation (DMO), Visit Norway, promoted Norway as a tourist destination on one of the most popular Chinese social media platforms, Sina ...
    • Performing Disney: Exploring guests' narratives of Disney theme parks 

      McCormick, Mary Helene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-15)
      This thesis focuses on performances in relation to Disney theme parks. The project asks: How do guests narrate their Disney theme park performances? This question is examined by conducting semi-structured interviews with people who had been to a Disney theme park within the last three years. The findings were analyzed looking at ways guests performed in relation to fellow performers, and the setting. ...
    • Crossing the Finnmark plateau is an Extraordinary Experience: Important elements that need to be in place for skiers to immerse in the experience 

      Laurhammer, Caroline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-13)
      Since the 1960s, there has been an increased focus in tourism research related to the study of the phenomenon of tourism experiences. Understanding this phenomenon is of great value to the tourism industry, since it might help tourism providers offer memorable tourism experiences, create positive word of mouth, and generate potential return visitors. To that end, this Master’s thesis reports on a ...
    • Destinasjonsselskapenes rolle i samisk reiseliv - Hvordan forløser vi potensialet i samisk reiseliv på dens egne premisser? 

      Schlecht, Antje (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-24)
      Utgangspunktet for dette prosjektet er spørsmål om hvordan man forløser potensialet i samisk reiseliv på dens egne premisser. Med bakgrunn i reisemålsutviklingsprosjektene Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino og Kárášjohka-Porsáŋgu/Karasjok-Porsanger, samt planlagte utviklingsprosjekt i Deatnu/Tana og Unjárga/Nesseby, ser jeg på hvordan Sápmi Næringshage (SNH, etab. 2016) kan bidra til å sikre langsiktige ...
    • Bærekraftig utvikling av reiselivet i Moskenes kommune 

      Kolinsky, Milan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-25)
      Denne oppgaven diskuterer forståelse og arbeidet med bærekraftig reiselivsutvikling i Moskenes kommune i Lofoten fra perspektivet av sentrale reiselivsinteressenter i kommunen. Det lille lokalsamfunnet med sine ca. 1000 faste innbyggere er i høy grad påvirket av den betydelige veksten i turisttrafikken som har utviklet seg i løpet av de siste 10 årene, noe som førte til større behov for bærekraftige ...
    • Searching for Motivation. An exploration of why tourists travel to Alta, guided by NordNorsk Reiseliv’s Travel Styles. 

      Langhelle, Ingrid Birknes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-01)
      This thesis explores the topic of motivation and what motivates tourists to travel. The specific focus is on Alta, why people travel there and what motivates them to pick different travel experiences within the destination. NordNorsk Reiseliv’s Travel Styles have been used as a framework for this investigation and this thesis also explores the usefulness of this kind of categorisation of tourist. ...
    • «Herrer i eget hus» - Finnmarksloven i media 

      Eira, Stine Sand (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2013-12-20)
      Forholdet mellom samer og nordmenn, og rettigheter til land og vann, ble igjen satt på dagsordenen i Finnmark i forbindelse med debatten om finnmarksloven. En gjennomgang av to finnmarksaviser viser at uenighetene først og fremst handlet om hvorvidt loven førte til privatisering, eller om finnmarkingene nå ble herrer i eget hus. Artikkelen viser at ulike forståelser av likhet, etnisitet og rettferdighet ...
    • Tourism development in mining community 

      Kozhin, Semen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-01)
      The aim of this research project is to study the development of tourism in the mining community. As a case of study, the city of Kirovsk (Murmansk region, Russia) was chosen. Kirovsk have for the last 90 year been considered a monotown, much dependent upon mining as an economic practice. Presently tourism is being introduced and Kirovsk have been successful in relation to tourism investments. With ...
    • From ‘gaze’ to engage: Exploring Digital Technology Usage in North Norwegian Museum Narratives in relation to Tourism Experiences and Imaginaries 

      Udaya, Eman (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-01)
      Museums are important heritage sites, cultural institutions, and tourist attractions. They hold a special authoritative status in providing legitimacy and authentic representation of art, artefacts, history, people, and cultures. The entry of digital technology in the museum space has brought forward numerous possibilities and complexities. Through this study, I will explore the use of digital ...
    • Tourist Motivations & Terrestrial Space Tourism 

      Le Dily, Clément (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-01)
      This thesis aims to explain the interactions between tourist motivations and their impact on general motivation for terrestrial space tourism. This study comes in as terrestrial Space tourism destinations have been forgotten by academics over the last decade, while still representing potent and successfull tourism destinations.
    • Welcoming tourism with trepidation: Exploring local understandings of tourism in Rosendal 

      Lillebø, Helene Olderkjær (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-01)
      Tourism can play a significant role for places and people, and can contribute to change how places are experienced. This thesis explores how tourism is understood to shape and change the village of Rosendal by looking at how the past, present and future presence of tourism is experienced and understood from a local perspective. Qualitative interviews with inhabitants and tourism businesses in Rosendal ...
    • Doing the Right Thing in Tourism: a Finnmark Case Study 

      McKee, Mark (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-19)
      This thesis considers how conflicting ideas of the acceptable and unacceptable in tourism are conceptualised by tourism actors. A flexibly designed, meaning-based case study of a small-scale tourism business in a peripheral area of Finnmark is developed in successive stages. Theoretical consideration is given to tourism’s present meaning(s) relative to past understandings, and how tourism worlds can ...
    • Anime in Tourism: An Analysis of Norwegian Anime Enthusiasts’ Motivation for Conducting Anime-Induced Travels to Japan 

      Steine, Isabella M T (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      Anime is a part of Japan’s biggest growing markets outside of Japan (JNTO, n.d. a; AJA, 2018). What attracts overseas consumers to watch anime ranges from everything to having coherent and interesting storylines, Japanese culture elements (Thelle, 2009; Yegulalp, 2018) to unique styles and drawings (JNTO, 2011; Yegulalp, 2018). Anime can also be connected to tourism and is more specifically referred ...
    • The Art of Performing Sound in Sámi Tourism: Decolonising Sápmi by Sounding Care in Verdde Tourism 

      Kvalsvik, Ellen-Johanne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      Waitt and Duffy (2010) emphasised the loss of information in tourism research by arguing that a new understanding of knowledge, social power and interconnection between actors and tourism can be uncovered by focusing our attention on the ear and the world of sound. This thesis focuses on the importance of sound and soundscape in Sámi tourism. Inspired by abductive procedures (Alvesson & Sköldberg, ...
    • A community-based Tourism Approach for Sensitive Tourist Destinations: The Case of the Elmina Castle and the Community. 

      Owusu, Kelvin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      The historical slave castles and forts along the coast of Ghana presents a touristic experience full of emotions. These sensitive sites attract a number tourist to Ghana bringing revenue for government expenditure. Whereas these sites are owned and run by government, communities within which these sites are located have had poor development due to their isolation from tourism development. The neglect ...
    • Searching for Seeds of Hope Out of the Darkness: The Study of Local Community Perceptions of Post-disaster Tourism in Bam, Iran. 

      Alikhani, Elahe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-14)
      Dark or disaster tourism is a phenomenon in tourism studies, which refers to an interest in travelling to places, which have suffered from natural or human-made disasters. Even though in recent years the study of dark tourism has increased, few efforts have been undertaken to research local communities’ perceptions of dark or disaster tourism. There is a sensitivity to conducting such research, as ...
    • Hiking to the "Real" Northernmost Point. Performing Identiy on the way to Knivskjellodden 

      Berg, Bjørn-Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-16)
      Summary: Over the last decade hiking tourism has grown in Norway. This is exemplified by the increasing numbers of tourists that visits Trolltunga, Prekestolen and Kjerag. These are the most prominent examples, which appears to be part of a larger trend. Knivskjellodden has likewise, seen a rise in visitor numbers over the last decade. This aim of this thesis is to build an understanding of ...
    • “So, is that a lifestyle? I think it’s a life”: An examination of a climbing lifestyle and how it affects perceptions towards natural environment. 

      Kalwak, Marcin Jedrzej (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      In recent years, the activity of climbing, with its range of types and styles, has become popular. Up to now, it has been often associated with risk and inaccessibility. Nowadays, this association is changing. The perception of climbing is shifting towards a more accessible, and attractive sport/ activity. This thesis explores the attitude of rock climbers towards nature, specifically, environmental ...
    • Tourism in the Subarctic and the Baltic Sea regions of Europe 

      Wråkberg, Urban (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      It is argued that the cultural dimensions of the Arctic and Subarctic have much to offer contemporary tourism, both as sources of new contents in tours and as an important field in tourism research and management training. In Norway, the Euroarctic is marketed to tourists focusing on nature and wildlife. A limited set of branding elements is used: northern lights, ice hotels, dogsledding, “safaris” ...