Now showing items 181-200 of 580

    • Utdanning av lærere for det nordlige Norge: De tidlige institusjoner i Trondheim 1717-1732 

      Skjelmo, Randi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-31)
      In this article I will give an account of the seminaries between 1717 and 1732 in the cathedral city of Trondheim, Norway. Key questions that the article seeks to answer are who initiated and supported these seminars, and also how they were organized and how staff and seminarians were recruited. Seminarium Scholasticum was initiated by the Danish Society for promoting Christian knowledge (Misjonskollegiet) ...
    • Digital Tools for Structure in a Mainstream Class 

      Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-11)
      The subject of the article is how digital structure and predictability affects the learning environment. This is key knowledge as regards both class management and learning. An intervention research design was employed. The intervention aimed to test digital aids in a mainstream class: a digital day planner board and a Time timer wristwatch with a countdown function. These aids are usually ...
    • Isaac Olsens kopibok- en kilde til tidlig misjon i Norge 

      Skjelmo, Randi; Willumsen, Liv Helene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The article "Isaac Olsen's copy book - a source to the early mission in Finnmark, Northern Norway" deals with the contents of a hand-written copy book by the teacher and preacher Isaac Olsen during the period 1703-1717. Isaac Olsen was a Norwegian who came to Finnmark just after 1700 and travelled among the sami people, teaching them in their home villages. Isaac Olsen learned the Sami language ...
    • Fire tekststykker knyttet til samemisjonæren Thomas von Westen 1717 - 1723 

      Skjelmo, Randi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-19)
      Thomas von Westen (1682-1727) was responsible for a mission concerning the Sámi population in Norway in the early Eighteenth-Century. The mission was initiated by the Danish-Norwegian King Frederik 4th and the Society for Promoting Lutheran Christianity in Copenhagen 1715. von Westen wrote a significant number of documents concerning the mission. These documents comprise instructions, reports, public ...
    • Aksjonslæring som grunnlag for utvikling av lærerstudenters U-kompetanse i FoU-oppgaven 

      Antonsen, Yngve; Thunberg, Odd Arne; Andreassen, Svein-Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-15)
      Den nye norske femårige grunnskolelærerutdanningen har som mål at studentene skal utvikle sin FoU-kompetanse. I artikkelen undersøker vi hvordan aksjonslæring i FoU-oppgaven kan bidra til lærerstudenters kompetanse i utviklingsarbeid. Vi har induktivt og deretter deduktivt analysert 51 kvalitative semistrukturerte intervjuer med lærerstudenter som har gjennomført aksjonslæring som en del av FoU-oppgaven ...
    • Investigating the Links of Social-Emotional Competencies: Emotional Well-being and Academic Engagement among Adolescents 

      Bru, Lars Edvin; Eriksen, Eli Vibeke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-04)
      This cross-sectional study examined the links of social-emotional competencies (SECs: emotional regulation, relationship skills, and planning of schoolwork) with emotional well-being (EWB) and academic engagement (behavioral and emotional) among 1085 lower secondary school students. A latent structural model was tested using Mplus. The model specified the SECs as the independent variables, EWB ...
    • Combined fMRI region- and network-analysis reveal new insights of top-down modulation of bottom-up processes in auditory laterality 

      Kazimierczak, Katarzyna; Craven, Alexander R.; Ersland, Lars; Specht, Karsten; Dumitru, Magda L.; Sandøy, Lydia B.; Hugdahl, Kenneth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-18)
      Dichotic listening along with the right-ear advantage (REA) has been a standard method of investigating auditory laterality ever since it was first introduced into neuropsychology in the early 1960s. Beginning in the 1980s, authors reported that it was possible to modulate the bottom-up driven perceptual REA by instructing subjects to selectively attend to and report only from the right or left ...
    • The Dyslexia Marker Test for Children: Development and Validation of a New Test 

      Nergård-Nilssen, Trude; Friborg, Oddgeir (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-28)
      This article describes the development and psychometric properties of a new Dyslexia Marker Test for Children (Dysmate-C). The test was designed to identify Norwegian students who need special instructional attention. The computerized test includes measures of letter knowledge, phoneme awareness, rapid automatized naming, working memory, decoding, and spelling skills. Data were collected data ...
    • Implications of the imposed and extensive use of online education in an early childhood education program 

      Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-15)
      The COVID-19 pandemic forced universities to engage in a transformation regarding how education is provided. The pandemic led to education being pushed in a new direction regarding digital practices. This paper discusses the implications related to this transformation by asking the following research question: After being subjected to the imposed and extensive use of online education due to the ...
    • Using the Schoolyard as a Setting for Learning Chemistry: A Sociocultural Analysis of Pre-service Teachers’ Talk about Redox Chemistry 

      Jegstad, Kirsti Marie; Höper, Jan; Remmen, Kari Beate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-11)
      The schoolyard as a setting for teaching and learning is rarely the focus of chemistry education. Therefore, a chemistry unit combining activities in the classroom and the schoolyard was designed to support pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) learning of redox chemistry. This study was conducted to investigate the PSTs’ talk about redox chemistry as they identified, photographed, and explained phenomena ...
    • Investigation of STEM Subject and Career Aspirations of Lower Secondary School Students in the North Calotte Region of Finland, Norway, and Russia 

      Tomperi, Päivi; Kvivesen, Mona; Manshadi, Saeed Dehghan; Uteng, Stig; Shestova, Yulia; Lyash, Oleg; Lazareva, Irina; Lyash, Asya (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-03-09)
      This study investigates the suitability of the STEM Career Interest Survey (STEM-CIS) to measure secondary school students’ aspirations towards STEM subjects and careers. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to assess the initial structural validity of the adapted STEM-CIS survey, where the science subscale was extended to four science disciplines, to align with the way science is ...
    • ‘I are in New York’: Om tilegnelsen av samsvarsbøyning i engelsk blant innlærere med norskspråklig bakgrunn 

      Killie, Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07)
      Artikkelen diskuterer tilegnelsen av samsvarsbøyning (mellom subjekt og verbal) ved be i engelsk blant 12–13- og 15–16-åringer med norsk språkbakgrunn. Det legges fram data fra the Corpus of Young Learner Language som tyder på at en del 12–13-åringer overgeneraliserer formen are i presens, mens innlærere fra begge aldersgrupper overgeneraliserer was i preteritum. Mens overgeneraliseringa av are ...
    • Sentrale områder i praksisopplæringen for lærerstudenters profesjonelle utvikling – en systematisk forskningsgjennomgang (2005–2020) 

      Sørensen, Yvonne; Bjørndal, Kristin Emilie W (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-20)
      Denne artikkelen presenterer en systematisk forskningsgjennomgang som retter oppmerksomheten mot praksisopplæring i lærerutdanning som arena for lærerstudenters profesjonelle utvikling. Totalt 84 empiriske nasjonale og internasjonale studier, publisert i tidsrommet 2005–2020, inngår i studien og er analysert ved hjelp av tematisk analyse. Forskningsspørsmålet vi besvarer, er: Hvilke områder i ...
    • To Do or To Listen? Student Active Learning vs. the Lecture 

      Opdal, Pål Anders (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-04)
      This paper is a discussion of the concept ‘student active forms of learning’. It aims not at conclusions, but at a perspicuous representation—a map for future navigation and understanding of the concept. From the perspective of philosophy of education, I characterize and discuss issues relating to student active learning in the paper. The context for my discussion is higher education. Further, I ...
    • Perceptions of Cultural Diversity among Pre-service Teachers 

      Larsen, Annelise Brox (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-14)
      The present article examines how a group of Norwegian pre-service teachers of English and other foreign languages perceived the term “cultural diversity” when student-centred learning activities were used. A qualitative inquiry, comprising data retrieved from three student-centred activities: student narratives, role-playing, and focus group discussion are thematically analysed. Theoretical ...
    • Key areas in the practicum for student teachers' professional development - A systematic review (2005-2020) 

      Sørensen, Yvonne; Bjørndal, Kristin Emilie W (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-20)
      Denne artikkelen presenterer en systematisk forskningsgjennomgang som retter oppmerksomheten mot praksisopplæring i lærerutdanning som arena for lærerstudenters profesjonelle utvikling. Totalt 84 empiriske nasjonale og internasjonale studier, publisert i tidsrommet 2005–2020, inngår i studien og er analysert ved hjelp av tematisk analyse. Forskningsspørsmålet vi besvarer, er: Hvilke områder i ...
    • Creativity in problem solving: Integrating two different views of insight 

      Haavold, Per Øystein; Sriraman, Bharath (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-02)
      Even after many decades of productive research, problem solving instruction is still considered inefective. In this study we address some limitations of extant problem solving models related to the phenomenon of insight during problem solving. Currently, there are two main views on the source of insight during problem solving. Proponents of the frst view argue that insight is the consequence of ...
    • En veiledende dialogisk tilnærming til begrepet dybdelæring i sangundervisningen 

      Rønnes, Kari Olene Oma; Wara, Tatiana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-20)
      Artikkelen er et bidrag til sangfaglige og sangpedagogiske perspektiver på dybdelæring. Forskningsog utviklingsprosjektet (FoU) ble gjennomført som en del av sangstudentenes praksisopplæring sammen med sangelever ved kommunale kulturskoler, og med oppmerksomhet mot begrepet dybdelæring. Det empiriske materialet er produsert gjennom deltakende observasjon, fokusgruppeintervjuer og sangstudentenes ...
    • Spesialrom for Kunst og håndverk i grunnskolen – analyse av retningslinjer 1889–1992 

      Moe, Harald Eivind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-29)
      I dag bestemmer den enkelte kommune hvordan spesialrom skal utformes ut fra gjeldende læreplan for grunnskolen og innenfor rammene av opplæringsloven, plan og bygningsloven samt byggetekniske for­skrifter. Før 1983 fantes det imidlertid nasjonale retningslinjer for utforming av spesialrom i den nor­ske grunn­skolen. Jeg har anvendt kritisk diskursanalyse og analysert slike retningslinjer fra 1889 ...
    • Time-of-Day Effects in Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Changes in Effective Connectivity and Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent Signal 

      Vaisvilaite, Liucija; Hushagen, Vetle; Grønli, Janne; Specht, Karsten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-29)
      Introduction: In the light of the ongoing replication crisis in the field of neuroimaging, it is necessary to assess the possible exogenous and endogenous factors that may affect functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The current project investigated time-of-day effects in the spontaneous fluctuations (<0.1 Hz) of the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal.<p> <p>Method: Using ...