Viser treff 221-240 av 580

    • Decoding the Digital Gap in Teacher Education: Three Perspectives across the Globe 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Madsen, Siri Sollied (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-03-08)
      Educational use of technology is regularly assessed, and results often show a gap between educational policies and what is actually practiced. This chapter will help clarify how teacher educators experience the changing educational contexts due to the digital revolution, how their meaning-making shifts, and how outside forces influence those processes. The results are based on comparative ...
    • A practical-theoretical perspective on the inclusive school in Norway 

      Olsen, Mirjam Harkestad (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-03-01)
      The purpose of this chapter has been to examine how the intention to include is revealed in the field of practice in Norway. Norway has high ambitions when it comes to offering an inclusive school, ambitions that are clarified both ideologically and formally. Nevertheless, there appears to be a gap between ideology and how the pupils experience inclusion. The chapter is based on a qualitative ...
    • Using pathologies as starting points for inquiry-based mathematics education: The case of the palindrome 

      Roksvold, Jan Nyquist; Haavold, Per Øystein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01)
      Inquiry-based mathematics education (IBME) is an increasingly important ingredient of the mathematics education in the Nordic countries. The central principle of IBME is that the students are to work in ways similar to how professional mathematicians work. In this qualitative case study, we investigate whether mathematical pathologies induce students to work like mathematicians, and thus if ...
    • I Want to Participate—Communities of Practice in Foraging and Gardening Projects as a Contribution to Social and Cultural Sustainability in Early Childhood Education 

      Bergan, Veronica; Krempig, Inger Wallem; Utsi, Tove Aagnes; Bøe, Kari Wallem (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-14)
      Learning and development in early childhood is highly dependent on social interaction and exploration through continuous encounters with the real world. Foraging and gardening are outdoor pedagogical practices that have relevance to education for sustainability. Previous work suggests that engagement in such activities can be characterized by the concept “community of practice” (CoP). In this paper, ...
    • “The working language is Norwegian. Not that this means anything, it seems”: when expectations meet the new multilingual reality 

      Hiss, Florian; Loppacher, Anna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-27)
      Linguistic and cultural diversity in Northern Norwegian working life has increased dramatically in the twenty-first century. Based on a series of telephone interviews with company representatives, this article presents an overview of the new multilingual reality in many workplaces and analyzes how managers and administrators position their expectations and experiences of it. Participants’ responses ...
    • Practising school-home collaboration in upper secondary schools: to solve problems or to promote adolescents’ autonomy? 

      Vedeler, Gørill Warvik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-03)
      This article explores school-home collaboration as a pedagogical phenomenon and contributes to a rationale for collaboration between school and parents in upper secondary education. The theory of practice architectures is used as an analytical lens . It sheds light on arrangements that enable or constrain the semantic, social, and physical spaces where students, parents, and teachers encounter each ...
    • Reported language attitudes among Norwegian speaking in-migrants in Tromsø 

      Sætermo, Monica; Sollid, Hilde (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-03)
      Today, in an era of increased mobility and migration, there is also increased in-migration within regions and countries. In the case of Norway, there is high tolerance for dialect use, and in this context, it is interesting to ask which kinds of sociolinguistic strategies in-migrants consider to be available given their current situation. This article explores the reported language attitudes from ...
    • Curve-Based Classification Approach for Hyperspectral Dermatologic Data Processing 

      Uteng, Stig; Quevedo, Eduardo; Callico, Gustavo M.; Castaño, Irene; Carretero, Gregorio; Almeida, Pablo; Garcia, Aday; Hernandez, Javier A.; Godtliebsen, Fred (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-20)
      This paper shows new contributions in the detection of skin cancer, where we present the use of a customized hyperspectral system that captures images in the spectral range from 450 to 950 nm. By choosing a 7 × 7 sub-image of each channel in the hyperspectral image (HSI) and then taking the mean and standard deviation of these sub-images, we were able to make fits of the resulting curves. These ...
    • «Jeg er så veldig redd for hvordan jeg påvirker elevene.» Utfordringer og muligheter i undervisningen av folkehelse og livsmestring i norskfaget 

      Lauritzen, Lise-Mari; Antonsen, Yngve; Nesby, Linda Hamrin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-10)
      I den nye læreplanen (LK20) ble folkehelse og livsmestring innført som tverrfaglig tema i norsk skole. Denne studien undersøker begrepsforståelse, skjønnlitteraturens betyd­ning og didaktikk knyttet til temaet. Våren 2019 ble 13 norsklærere fra fem videre­gående skoler intervjuet ved bruk av en semi-strukturert intervjuguide. Den tematiske analysen av datamaterialet viser følgende resultater: Lærerne ...
    • Semiotic landscapes as constructions of multilingualism – a case study of two kindergartens 

      Pesch, Anja Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-20)
      This article explores the construction of multilingualism in the semiotic landscapes of two kindergartens, one in Norway and one in Germany. <i>Semiotic landscape</i> is here understood as the visual linguistic environment, including various semiotic resources, such as texts, symbols, drawings or pictures. In kindergarten, semiotic landscapes construct and transform views on languages and multilingualism ...
    • Prevalence and Characteristics of Post-traumatic Nightmares in War- and Conflict-Affected Students. 

      Schultz, Jon-Håkon; Forsberg, June Thorvaldsen; Harb, Gerlinde; Alisic, Eva (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-19)
      Introduction: Recurrent nightmares, frequently associated with traumatic experiences, may impair quality of life and daily functioning. However, there have been few studies of posttraumatic nightmares occurring among children and youth, in particular for trauma-exposed populations in conflict zones.<p> <p>Methods: Using two quantitative data sets, this study investigates the prevalence and ...
    • The impact of specialised content courses on student teaching in a Norwegian teacher education programme 

      Olufsen, Magne; Karlsen, Solveig; Sæleset, Johannes; Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-07)
      In recent decades, most Nordic countries have seen reforms in their teacher education programme, giving rise to an ongoing debate on these programmes’ content, structure, and quality. As part of a recent reform of teacher education in Norway, new Master’s-level programme have been introduced to educate teachers for grades 5–10, whereby pre-service teachers (PSTs) take specialised content courses and ...
    • Refugees' Encounters With Nordic Rural Areas - Darkness, Wind and "Hygge"! 

      Paulgaard, Gry; Herslund, Lise Byskov (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-15)
      The paper investigates how refugees settled in rural Norway and Denmark experience and interact with their new rural places of residence. Theoretically, the paper finds inspiration in “phenomenology of practices” (Simonsen, Prog. Hum. Geogr., 2012, 37, 10–26), which emphasizes the bodily and sensory experiences of daily life that spur feelings of, for example, “orientation” or “disorientation”. The ...
    • Flerstemmighet i veiledningssamtaler? En kasusstudie om triadisk FoU-veiledning i grunnskolelærerutdanningen 

      Olsen, Rigmor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-05)
      FoU-veiledning er en veiledningssituasjon i norsk grunnskolelærerutdanning (GLU) som er viet liten oppmerksomhet i forskning. Formålet med studien er å få innsikt i samhandlingen der studenter, praksislærer og universitetslærer deltar i triadisk FoU-veiledning. Det er økende behov for triadisk samhandling i norsk lærerutdanning, og FoU-veiledning har potensial til å imøtekomme dette. Veiledningssamtaler ...
    • Introduction: Multilingual encounters in Northern Norway 

      Hiss, Florian; Pesch, Anja Maria; Sollid, Hilde (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-03)
      Norway has always been a multilingual society; Sámi languages have been spoken in vast geographical areas since prehistoric times, the Kven and other historical minority groups settled in the country, the Norwegian language has a great variety of dialects and the long coastline has eased mobility and enabled multiple multilingual encounters lasting short or long periods of time. In recent years, ...
    • Meaning making in a sixth-grade mathematics classroom through touch screen technology 

      Manshadi, Saeed (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-05)
      This paper presents a case study of two sixth-grade students’ use of an iPad as an instructional tool for mathematics. Based on their written and oral responses, we investigated and analyzed their meaning making process with mathematical content in a classroom where the iPad was a central tool for teaching practices. The analyses were based on Steinbring’s [(2005). The construction of new mathematical ...
    • ‘The teachers do not see us.’ The challenges of teacher education in rural areas 

      Johanson, Lisbeth Bergum; Karlsen, Silje Solheim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-28)
      The northernmost region of Norway has difficulties in recruiting qualified teachers, in 2019 9.5 % of the teachers in Finnmark were unskilled. To ensure education for people who, for various reasons, are unable to move to education centres to study, UiT the Arctic University of Norway offers a flexible teacher education model from campus Alta. This is a model which alternates between teaching on ...
    • Vikings and iPads: how iPads may influence historical thinking in the classroom 

      Pedersen, Helge Christian; Johanson, Lisbeth Bergum (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-28)
      The last few years have seen the introduction of technology in Norwegian classrooms without much research data on how this affects learning. This article discusses whether the introduction of iPads in a Norwegian classroom influences how history is taught and what the pupils learn. One could imagine that when iPads with its learning applications and unlimited access to the internet replaces textbooks ...
    • Recognition and equal educational opportunities 

      Kristiansen, Andrew (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-29)
      This article discusses how recognition may contribute towards giving underprivileged groups and students, a voice in education. Traditional measures aimed at forwarding equal opportunities for all, like redistributing resources and improving objective conditions have had limited success. The inequality gap between privileged and underprivileged, rural and urban, indigenous and descendants of ...
    • Spilt kunnskap på lektorutdanninga. Førsteårsstudentenes erfaringer med «Kunnskapsspillet» 

      Strandbu, Astrid; Weines, Jørn; Esaiassen, Margrethe (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-16)
      Forskning viser at læringsmetoder som engasjerer studentene kan bidra til økt læringslyst og læringsutbytte. Et eksempel er bruk av spill som pedagogisk virkemiddel. Ved lektorutdanninga 8-13 ved UiT har Kunnskapsspillet stått sentralt i kvalitetsutviklingen av et førstesemesteremne i pedagogikk hvor formålet var å styrke profesjonsrelevans og økte studentenes trivsel og trygghet. I artikkelen ...