Now showing items 61-80 of 1294

    • DiffCloth: Diffusion Based Garment Synthesis and Manipulation via Structural Cross-modal Semantic Alignment 

      Zhang, Xujie; Yang, Binbin; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian; Zhang, Wenqing; Zhang, Shiyue; Lu, Guansong; Lin, Liang; Xu, Hang; Liang, Xiaodan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-15)
      Cross-modal garment synthesis and manipulation will significantly benefit the way fashion designers generate garments and modify their designs via flexible linguistic interfaces. However, despite the significant progress that has been made in generic image synthesis using diffusion models, producing garment images with garment part level semantics that are well aligned with input text prompts and ...
    • Coordinate Transformer: Achieving Single-stage Multi-person Mesh Recovery from Videos 

      Li, Haoyuan; Dong, Haoye; Jia, Hanchao; Huang, Dong; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian; Lin, Liang; Liang, Xiaodan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-15)
      Multi-person 3D mesh recovery from videos is a critical first step towards automatic perception of group behavior in virtual reality, physical therapy and beyond. However, existing approaches rely on multi-stage paradigms, where the person detection and tracking stages are performed in a multi-person setting, while temporal dynamics are only modeled for one person at a time. Consequently, their ...
    • Exploring the Potential of Sentinel-1 Ocean Wind Field Product for Near-Surface Offshore Wind Assessment in the Norwegian Arctic 

      Khachatrian, Eduard; Asemann, Patricia; Lihong, Zhou; Birkelund, Yngve; Ezau, Igor; Ricaud, Benjamin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-24)
      The exploitation of offshore wind resources is a crucial step towards a clean energy future. It requires an advanced approach for high-resolution wind resource evaluations. We explored the suitability of the Sentinel-1 Level-2 OCN ocean wind field (OWI) product for offshore wind resource assessments. The SAR data were compared to in situ observations and three reanalysis products: the global ...
    • A Comparison Between Oil-to-Water Volumetric Fractions Derived from L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery and in Situ Samples 

      Quigley, Cornelius Patrick; Johansson, Malin; Jones, Cathleen Elaine; Garcia, Óscar; Monaldo, Frank (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-20)
      We compare in-situ water volume measurements of mineral oil emulsion sampled from an oil slick in Santa Barbara, California, to acquisitions of airborne UAVSAR data acquired in June 2022. Estimating the water-to-oil fraction using the UAVSAR imagery, we find that low SNR in the co- and cross-polarimetric channels limits this capability above a certain oil-to-water volumetric threshold. Higher SNR ...
    • Hubs and Hyperspheres: Reducing Hubness and Improving Transductive Few-shot Learning with Hyperspherical Embeddings 

      Trosten, Daniel Johansen; Chakraborty, Rwiddhi; Løkse, Sigurd Eivindson; Wickstrøm, Kristoffer; Jenssen, Robert; Kampffmeyer, Michael (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-22)
      Distance-based classification is frequently used in transductive few-shot learning (FSL). However, due to the high-dimensionality of image representations, FSL classifiers are prone to suffer from the hubness problem, where a few points (hubs) occur frequently in multiple nearest neighbour lists of other points. Hubness negatively impacts distance-based classification when hubs from one class appear ...
    • Analysis of dust impacts observed with the Radio Plasma Wave instrument onboard ESA’s Solar Orbiter 

      Ferkic, Alen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-12-15)
      Dust particles are one of the major constituents of the interplanetary medium in our solar system. They are presumably formed by fragmentation processes of meteoroids and for a certain range of sizes and parameters the dust particles move radially outwards from the Sun. The Radio plasma Wave (RPW) instrument on Solar Orbiter can measure dust particles that impact the spacecraft. By measuring the ...
    • On the Distribution of Meteoric Smoke Particles above Andøya, Norway, and Estimated Collection During a Summer Rocket Campaign 

      Larsen Greaker, Herman (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-12-21)
      As meteoroids enter the Earth’s atmosphere, the majority will fully evaporate in the altitude region 70–110 km, due to the frictional heating from atmospheric interactions. The evaporated material is thought to re-condense and coagulate into nanometer sized particles called meteoric smoke particles (MSP). These particles are thought to be a central component in the formation of noctilucent clouds ...
    • A southern, middle, and northern Norwegian offshore wind energy resources analysis by a transfer learning method for Energy Internet 

      Chen, Hao; Birkelund, Yngve; Ricaud, Benjamin; Zhang, Qixia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      As renewable energy sources offshore wind energy develop quickly, countries like Norway with long coastlines are exploring their potential. However, the diverse wind resources across different regions of Norway present challenges for study for effective utilization of offshore wind energy. This study proposes a novel method that utilizes transfer learning techniques to analyse the resource differences ...
    • Self-Supervised Few-Shot Learning for Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation 

      Tomasetti, Luca; Hansen, Stine; Khanmohammadi, Mahdieh; Engan, Kjersti; Høllesli, Liv Jorunn; Kurz, Kathinka Dæhli; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-01)
      Precise ischemic lesion segmentation plays an essential role in improving diagnosis and treatment planning for ischemic stroke, one of the prevalent diseases with the highest mortality rate. While numerous deep neural network approaches have recently been proposed to tackle this problem, these methods require large amounts of annotated regions during training, which can be impractical in the medical ...
    • Improvements in September Arctic Sea Ice Predictions Via Assimilation of Summer CryoSat-2 Sea Ice Thickness Observations 

      Zhang, Yong-Fei; Bushuk, Mitchell; Winton, Michael; Hurlin, Bill; Gregory, William; Landy, Jack Christopher; Jia, Liwei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-15)
      Because of a spring predictability barrier, the seasonal forecast skill of Arctic summer sea ice is limited by the availability of melt-season sea ice thickness (SIT) observations. The first year-round SIT observations, retrieved from CryoSat-2 from 2011 to 2020, are assimilated into the GFDL ocean–sea ice model. The model's SIT anomaly field is brought into significantly better agreement with the ...
    • A Contextually Supported Abnormality Detector for Maritime Trajectories 

      Olesen, Kristoffer Vinther; Boubekki, Ahcene; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian; Jenssen, Robert; Christensen, Anders Nymark; Hørlück, Sune; Clemmensen, Line H. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-31)
      The analysis of maritime traffic patterns for safety and security purposes is increasing in importance and, hence, Vessel Traffic Service operators need efficient and contextualized tools for the detection of abnormal maritime behavior. Current models lack interpretability and contextualization of their predictions and are generally not quantitatively evaluated on a large annotated dataset comprising ...
    • Mapping the extent of giant Antarctic icebergs with deep learning 

      Braakmann-Folgmann, Anne Christina; Shepherd, Andrew; Hogg, David; Redmond, Ella (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-09)
      Icebergs release cold, fresh meltwater and terrigenous nutrients as they drift and melt, influencing the local ocean properties, encouraging sea ice formation and biological production. To locate and quantify the fresh water flux from Antarctic icebergs, changes in their area and thickness have to be monitored along their trajectories. While the locations of large icebergs are operationally tracked ...
    • ADNet++: A few-shot learning framework for multi-class medical image volume segmentation with uncertainty-guided feature refinement 

      Hansen, Stine; Gautam, Srishti; Salahuddin, Suaiba Amina; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian; Jenssen, Robert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-08-02)
      A major barrier to applying deep segmentation models in the medical domain is their typical data-hungry nature, requiring experts to collect and label large amounts of data for training. As a reaction, prototypical few-shot segmentation (FSS) models have recently gained traction as data-efficient alternatives. Nevertheless, despite the recent progress of these models, they still have some essential ...
    • GNSS Scintillations in the Cusp, and the Role of Precipitating Particle Energy Fluxes 

      Ivarsen, Magnus Fagernes; Jin, Yaqi; Spicher, Andres; St-Maurice, Jean-Pierre; Park, Jaeheung; Billett, Daniel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-16)
      Using a large data set of ground-based GNSS scintillation observations coupled with in situ particle detector data, we perform a statistical analysis of both the input energy flux from precipitating particles, and the observed occurrence of density irregularities in the northern hemisphere cusp. By examining trends in the two data sets relating to geomagnetic activity, we conclude that observations ...
    • Automated tilt compensation in acoustic microscopy 

      Gupta, Shubham Kumar; Habib, Anowarul; Kumar, Prakhar; Melandsø, Frank; Ahmad, Azeem (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-12)
      Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) is a potent and nondestructive technique capable of producing three-dimensional topographic and tomographic images of specimens. This is achieved by measuring the differences in time of flight (ToF) of acoustic signals emitted from various regions of the sample. The measurement accuracy of SAM strongly depends on the ToF measurement, which is affected by tilt in ...
    • View it like a radiologist: Shifted windows for deep learning augmentation of CT images 

      Østmo, Eirik Agnalt; Wickstrøm, Kristoffer; Radiya, Keyur; Kampffmeyer, Michael; Jenssen, Robert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-23)
      Deep learning has the potential to revolutionize medical practice by automating and performing important tasks like detecting and delineating the size and locations of cancers in medical images. However, most deep learning models rely on augmentation techniques that treat medical images as natural images. For contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography (CT) images in particular, the signals producing the ...
    • On mechanisms for high-frequency pump-enhanced optical emissions at 557.7 and 630.0gnm from atomic oxygen in the high-latitude F-region ionosphere 

      Leyser, Thomas B.; Sergienko, Tima; Brändström, Urban; Gustavsson, Björn Johan; Rietveld, Michael T. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-13)
      The EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association) Heating facility was used to transmit powerful high-frequency (HF) electromagnetic waves into the Fregion ionosphere to enhance optical emissions at 557.7 and 630.0 nm from atomic oxygen. The emissions were imaged by several stations of ALIS (Auroral Large Imaging System) in northern Sweden, and the EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter radar ...
    • Impact of the Nares Strait sea ice arches on the long-term stability of the Petermann Glacier ice shelf 

      Prakash, Abhay; Zhou, Qin; Hattermann, Tore; Kirchner, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-12)
      One of the last remaining floating tongues of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), the Petermann Glacier ice shelf (PGIS), is seasonally shielded from warm Atlantic water (AW) by the formation of sea ice arches in the Nares Strait. However, continued decline of the Arctic sea ice extent and thickness suggests that arch formation is likely to become anomalous, necessitating an investigation into ...
    • Discriminative multimodal learning via conditional priors in generative models 

      Andrade Mancisidor, Rogelio; Kampffmeyer, Michael Christian; Aas, Kjersti; Jenssen, Robert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-02)
      Deep generative models with latent variables have been used lately to learn joint representations and generative processes from multi-modal data, which depict an object from different viewpoints. These two learning mechanisms can, however, conflict with each other and representations can fail to embed information on the data modalities. This research studies the realistic scenario in which all ...
    • Sub-ppm Methane Detection with Mid-Infrared Slot Waveguides 

      Yallew, Henock Demessie; Vlk, Marek; Datta, Anurup; Alberti, Sebastian; Zakoldaev, Roman A.; Høvik, Jens; Aksnes, Astrid; Jagerska, Jana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-21)
      Hybrid integration of photonic chips with electronic and micromechanical circuits is projected to bring about miniature, but still highly accurate and reliable, laser spectroscopic sensors for both climate research and industrial applications. However, the sensitivity of chip-scale devices has been limited by immature and lossy photonic waveguides, weak light–analyte interaction, and etalon effects ...