Now showing items 761-780 of 1025

    • Derivation of High Spatial Resolution Albedo from UAV Digital Imagery: Application over the Greenland Ice Sheet 

      Ryan, Jonathan C.; Hubbard, Alun Lloyd; Box, Jason E.; Brough, Stephen; Cameron, Karen; Cook, Joseph M.; Cooper, Matthew; Doyle, Samuel H.; Edwards, Arwyn; Holt, Tom; Irvine-Fynn, Tristram; Jones, Christine; Pitcher, Lincoln H.; Rennermalm, Åsa K.; Smith, Laurence C.; Stibal, Marek; Snooke, Neal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-23)
      Measurements of albedo are a prerequisite for modeling surface melt across the Earth’s cryosphere, yet available satellite products are limited in spatial and/or temporal resolution. Here, we present a practical methodology to obtain centimeter resolution albedo products with accuracies of ±5% using consumer-grade digital camera and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies. Our method comprises ...
    • Sedimentology of the Lower Cretaceous at Kikutodden and Keilhaufjellet, southern Spitsbergen: implications for an onshore-offshore link 

      Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Olaussen, Snorre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-10)
      Detailed sedimentological investigations of the Lower Cretaceous succession of southernmost Spitsbergen indicate deposition during a long-term fall and rise in relative sea level. The Rurikfjellet Formation shows an overall regressive development and consists of offshore deposits grading upwards into progradationally stacked shoreface parasequences. The overlying Helvetiafjellet Formation shows a ...
    • Limited grounding-line advance onto the West Antarctic continental shelf in the easternmost Amundsen Sea Embayment during the last glacial period 

      Klages, Johann Philipp; Kuhn, Gerhard; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter; Smith, James; Graham, Alastair G C; Nitsche, F. O.; Frederichs, Thomas; Jernas, Patrycja Ewa; Gohl, Karsten; Wacker, Lukas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-07-25)
      Precise knowledge about the extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; c. 26.5–19 cal. ka BP) is important in order to 1) improve paleo-ice sheet reconstructions, 2) provide a robust empirical framework for calibrating paleo-ice sheet models, and 3) locate potential shelf refugia for Antarctic benthos during the last glacial period. However, reliable reconstructions ...
    • Surface water conditions and calcium carbonate preservation in the Fram Strait during marine isotope stage 2, 28.8–15.4 kyr 

      Zamelczyk, Katarzyna; Rasmussen, Tine Lander; Husum, Katrine; Godtliebsen, Fred; Hald, Morten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-14)
      We present a high-resolution record of calcium carbonate preservation alongside the distribution pattern of planktic foraminifera from the Fram Strait. The record covers the marine isotope stage (MIS) 2, 28.8 to 15.4 kyr, including the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the early deglaciation in multidecadal temporal resolution. The investigation is based on the distribution patterns of planktic ...
    • Visualizing tephra deposits and sedimentary processes in the marine environment: The potential of X-ray microtomography 

      Griggs, Adam J.; Davies, Siwan M.; Abbott, Peter M.; Coleman, Mark; Palmer, Adrian P.; Rasmussen, Tine Lander; Johnston, Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-12-30)
      Localized tephra deposition in marine sequences is the product of many complex primary and secondary depositional processes. These can significantl y influence the potential applicability of tephra depos- its as isochronous marker horizons and current techniques, used in isolation, may be insufficient to fully unravel these processes. Here we demonstrate the innovative application of X-ray ...
    • Water mass exchange between the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean on millennial time scale during MIS 4–2 

      Rasmussen, Tine Lander; Thomsen, Erik; Nielsen, Tove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The climate of the last glaciation circa 65,000–25,000 years ago was interrupted by about 15 abrupt temperature fluctuations, the so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events consisting of warm interstadials and cold stadials recorded in Greenland ice cores. The largest fluctuations occur in the North Atlantic region, but they have been registered over the most of the world. The events are linked to changes ...
    • Pink marine sediments reveal rapid ice melt and Arctic meltwater discharge during Dansgaard-Oeschger warmings 

      Rasmussen, Tine Lander; Thomsen, Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-11-22)
      The climate of the last glaciation was interrupted by numerous abrupt temperature fluctuations, referred to as Greenland interstadials and stadials. During warm interstadials the meridional overturning circulation was active transferring heat to the north, whereas during cold stadials the Nordic Seas were ice-covered and the overturning circulation was disrupted. Meltwater discharge, from ice sheets ...
    • Brine formation in relation to climate changes and ice retreat during the last 15,000 years in Storfjorden, Svalbard, 76–78°N 

      Rasmussen, Tine Lander; Thomsen, Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-10-06)
      Storfjorden, Svalbard, is an area of intense brine formation. The brine is cold, dense, rich in oxygen and CO2, and has reduced pH. Storfjorden is unique because it contains well-preserved agglutinated foraminifera dating back to the beginning of the last deglaciation. We have investigated the distribution of calcareous and agglutinated benthic foraminifera, benthic oxygen and carbon isotopes, ...
    • Cold-seep ostracods from the western Svalbard margin: direct palaeo-indicator for methane seepage? 

      Yasuhara, Moriaki; Sztybor, Kamila; Rasmussen, Tine Lander; Okahashi, Hisayo; Sato, Runa; Tanaka, Hayato (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-05)
      Despite their high abundance and diversity, microfossil taxa adapted to a particular chemosynthetic environment have rarely been studied and are therefore poorly known. Here we report on an ostracod species, Rosaliella svalbardensis gen. et sp. nov., from a cold methane seep site at the western Svalbard margin, Fram Strait. The new species shows a distinct morphology, different from other ...
    • Visualizing and interpreting surface displacement patterns on unstable slopes using multi-geometry satellite SAR interferometry (2D InSAR) 

      Eriksen, Harald Øverli; Lauknes, Tom Rune; Larsen, Yngvar; Corner, Geoffrey D.; Bergh, Steffen G; Dehls, John; Kierulf, Halfdan Pascal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-02-05)
      It is well known that satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) is capable of measuring surface displacement with a typical accuracy on the order of millimeters to centimeters. However, when the true deformation vector differs from the satellite line-of-sight (LOS), the sensitivity decreases and interpretation of InSAR deformationmeasurements becomes challenging. By combining displacement data ...
    • Evaluering av automatiske snøskredvarslingsanlegg 

      Lome, Kristin Brandtsegg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-12-01)
      Noen veger blir stengt på ubestemt tid på grunn av snøskredfare. Dette er frustrerende for trafikanter og det skaper økonomiske konsekvenser for næringslivet. Statens vegvesen (SVV) har testet ut to teknologier for å detektere og varsle snøskred i sanntid; doppler radar og geofoner. Radaren bruker radiobølger for å måle retning og avstand til et objekt og kan dermed benyttes til å bestemme om skredet ...
    • Deglaciation of the Eurasian ice sheet complex 

      Patton, Henry; Hubbard, Alun Lloyd; Andreassen, Karin; Auriac, Amandine; Whitehouse, Pippa L.; Stroeven, Arjen P.; Shackleton, Calvin; Winsborrow, Monica; Heyman, Jakob; Hall, Adrian M. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-06-14)
      The Eurasian ice sheet complex (EISC) was the third largest ice mass during the Last Glacial Maximum with a span of over 4500 km and responsible for around 20 m of eustatic sea-level lowering. Whilst recent terrestrial and marine empirical insights have improved understanding of the chronology, pattern and rates of retreat of this vast ice sheet, a concerted attempt to model the deglaciation of the ...
    • Correspondence: Reply to ‘Challenges with dating weathering products to unravel ancient landscapes’ 

      Fredin, Ola; Viola, Giulio; Zwingmann, Horst; Sørlie, Ronald; Brönner, Marco; Lie, Jan-Erik; Grandal, Else Margrethe; Müller, Axel; Margreth, Annina; Vogt, Christoph; Knies, Jochen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-15)
      As the title of the correspondence by Fossen et al. suggests, determining the age of landscape elements of the Earth surface is difficult. We thus welcome the opportunity to clarify our arguments on the contentious themes touched upon by Fredin et al.
    • The inheritance of a Mesozoic landscape in western Scandinavia 

      Fredin, Ola; Viola, Giulio; Zwingmann, Horst; Sørlie, Ronald; Brönner, Marco; Lie, Jan-Erik; Grandal, Else Margrethe; Müller, Axel Bernd; Margreth, Annina; Vogt, Christoph; Knies, Jochen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-28)
      In-situ weathered bedrock, saprolite, is locally found in Scandinavia, where it is commonly thought to represent pre-Pleistocene weathering possibly associated with landscape formation. The age of weathering, however, remains loosely constrained, which has an impact on existing geological and landscape evolution models and morphotectonic correlations. Here we provide new geochronological evidence ...
    • Assessing impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod fishery 

      Carroll, JoLynn; Vikebø, Frode Bendiksen; Howell, Daniel; Broch, OJ; Nepstad, Raymond; Augustine, Starrlight; Skeie, Geir Morten; Bast, Radovan; Juselius, Jonas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-04)
      We simulate oil spills of 1500 and 4500 m3/day lasting 14, 45, and 90 days in the spawning grounds of the commercial fish species, Northeast Arctic cod. Modeling the life history of individual fish eggs and larvae, we predict deviations from the historical pattern of recruitment to the adult population due to toxic oil exposures. Reductions in survival for pelagic stages of cod were 0–10%, up to a ...
    • Acoustic generation of underwater cavities - Comparing modeled and measured acoustic signals generated by seismic air gun arrays 

      Khodabandeloo, Babak; Landrø, Martin; Hanssen, Alfred (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-14)
      Underwater vapor cavities can be generated by acoustic stimulation. When the acoustic signals from several air guns are reflected from the sea surface, the pressure drop at some locations is sufficient for cavity growth and subsequent collapse. In this paper the generation of multiple water vapor cavities and their collapses are numerically modeled and the results are validated by comparing with ...
    • Seepage from an arctic shallow marine gas hydrate reservoir is insensitive to momentary ocean warming 

      Hong, Wei-Li; Torres, Marta E.; Carroll, JoLynn; Cremiere, Antoine; Panieri, Giuliana; Yao, Haoyi; Serov, Pavel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-06-07)
      Arctic gas hydrate reservoirs located in shallow water and proximal to the sediment-water interface are thought to be sensitive to bottom water warming that may trigger gas hydrate dissociation and the release of methane. Here, we evaluate bottom water temperature as a potential driver for hydrate dissociation and methane release from a recently discovered, gas-hydrate-bearing system south of ...
    • Episodic release of CO2 from the high-latitude North Atlantic Ocean during the last 135 kyrs 

      Ezat, Mohamed; Rasmussen, Tine Lander; Honisch, Barbel; Groeneveld, Jeroen; DeMenocal, P. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-02-22)
      Antarctic ice cores document glacial-interglacial and millennial-scale variability in atmospheric pCO2 over the past 800 kyr. The ocean, as the largest active carbon reservoir on this timescale, is thought to have played a dominant role in these pCO2 fluctuations, but it remains unclear how and where in the ocean CO2 was stored during glaciations and released during (de)glacial millennial-scale ...
    • Comparison and classification of an Arctic Transitional snow climate in Tromsø, Norway 

      Velsand, Paul (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-10-11)
      Winter tourism in Tromsø has increased significantly over the last years, consequently also the skiing tourism. It is advertised that Tromsø has a mild coastal climate compared to other destinations at similar latitudes. Existing snow climate classes separate covers into a maritime, continental and a transitional class where persistent weak layers are rare in the maritime class. Rain and average air ...
    • Volume measurements and change of Longyearbreen and Tellbreen, Svalbard 

      Lidström, Marta Stina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-08-12)
      Climate change is a comprehensive field of research. The cryosphere is only a small portion of the entire spectrum but is still a very important constituent to try and understand. Thermal expansion of the oceans is the second largest cause for sea level rise around the world after the global melting of glaciers and ice sheets combined. Even the smallest valley glaciers, with small individual volumes, ...