Now showing items 941-960 of 1025

    • Sub sea surface temperatures in the Polar North Atlantic during the Holocene: Planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca temperature reconstructions 

      Sørensen, Steffen Aagaard; Husum, Katrine; Hald, Morten; Marchitto, Thomas; Godtliebsen, Fred (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Holocene sea surface temperatures in the eastern Fram Strait are reconstructed based on Mg/Ca ratios measured on the planktic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin). The reconstructed sub sea surface temperatures (sSSTMg/Ca) fluctuate markedly during the earliest Holocene at ~11.7 and 10.5 kyr BP. This is probably in response to the varying presence of sea-ice and deglacial meltwater. Between ...

      Eriksen, Glenn Martin Dagsvold (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-12-15)
      Mantle sources under the Eastern Finnmark Region (EFR) appears to have inherited small scale heterogeneity from Precambrian geodynamics. Compositions varying from depleted and slightly enriched (similar to N-MORB and E-MORB), to enriched (similar to OIB type), are present in the EFR. Geochemical trends also indicates that some mantle sources has been to some extent influenced by subducting sediments, ...
    • Mineralogy,geochemistry and ore potential of an ultramafic rock from the Kvaløya Island. 

      Pryadunenko, Anna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-12-29)
      A low-grade metamorphic ultramafic rock at the Kvaløya Island, North Norway, shows Ni content up to 2 500 ppm. Olivine is absent from the rock, and Ni is principally bonded in pentlandite, violarite and millerite. Among other sulphide minerals found in the rock are pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and heazlewoodite (?). Two generations of pyrite are observed in the rock. Second ...
    • Paleo-klimatisk og oseanografisk utvikling i Ingøydjupet, gjennom deglasiasjon og Holosen, basert på undersøkelser av kornfordeling og bentiske foraminiferer 

      Skari, Øystein Aasen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-21)
      To kjerner fra Ingøydjupet i sørvest Barentshavet, 11HH-152MC og JM06-012GC, er blitt undersøkt for å undersøke den paleo-klimatiske og paleo oseanografiske utviklingen i Barentshavet. Dette er rekonstruert basert på undersøkelser av bentiske foraminiferer og kornfordeling. Kjernenes lengde er på henholdsvis ca 50 cm og 200 cm og 3 radiokarbon dateringer ligger til grunn for alderskronologien. ...
    • Tectonic environment, geochemistry and petrology of the Tromsøysound iron ore 

      Pettersen, Eirik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-15)
      The geochemistry, mineralogy and associated basic rocks of the Tromsøysound iron ore field was studied for this thesis. The iron ore field is located in the Tromsø Nappe an ultra-high-pressure terrain in Troms, Northern-Norway, and has undergone some partial melting and metasomatism. The ore mineral is magnetite. The tectonic environment is investigated but inconclusive.
    • Petrography, geochemistry and genesis of the Skiftesmyr Cu-Zn VMS deposit, Grong, Norway 

      Walsh, Kristoffer Jøtne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-15)
      The Skiftesmyr Cu-Zn VMS-deposit is located in the Grong municipality of Northern Trøndelag, Norway. The mineralization has been known since at least 1903, when mention of small workings in the area were first published, and has later been the subject of several exploration projects by different companies, of which MetPro AS is the latest. The Skiftesmyr deposit is a part of the Gjersvik Nappe, ...
    • Jettan, Nordnesfjellet, Kåfjord, Troms – indre geometri og struktur, kinematikk og styrande faktorar av eit ustabilt fjellparti, basert på strukturellanalyse, geomorfologi og overvakingsdata 

      Skrede, Ingrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-21)
      Det ustabile fjellpartiet, Jettan, har blitt studert med ei multidisiplinær tilnærming. Dette inkluderer strukturelle og geomorfologiske analyser i felt, studiar av sann-tid og periodisk overvaking og bruk av kart og digitale elevasjonsmodellar. Formålet har vore å avdekke indre struktur og geometri, kinematikken og kontrollerande faktorar for dei ustabile massane. Det ustabile fjellpartiet er ...
    • Deglasiasjon og postglasial dalinnfyllingshistorie i Målselvdalen : en syntese basert på egne undersøkelser i øvre Målselvdalen og tidligere arbeid i midtre og nedre Målselvdalen 

      Granheim, Tommy Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-08-14)
      Dalinnfylling i Målselvdalen Øst er kartlagt og beskrevet på bakgrunn av feltarbeid, kvartærgeologisk kartlegging og littaraturstudier. Det er også basert på tidligere (av andre) undersøkelser i Målselvdalen. Målet har vært å beskrive deglasial og postglasial innfylling av Målselvdalen Øst.
    • Isstrømdynamikk og havbunnsgeomorfologi fra deglasiasjonen av det sørvestlige Barentshav, basert på 3D-, 2D-seismisk og batymetrisk data 

      Sommerseth, Audun Strand (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-08-15)
      Batymetridata og 2D og 3D seismisk data og er brukt for å kartlegge formelementer i det sørvestlige Barentshavet. Megaskala glasiale lineasjoner (MSGL) kartlagt i de glasiale trauene indikerer tidligere isstrømaktivitet i Bjørnøyrenna og Djuprenna. Dynamiske endringer i strømningsretning er påvist fra MSGL med ulike orienteringer som kutter hverandre. Ut fra kartlagte MSGL er 10 strømningssett laget. ...
    • The Nussir copper deposit: petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry and distribution of ore mineralization 

      Mun, Yulia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-06-28)
      The geology, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Nussir copper deposit in Finnmark, Northern Norway were studied during writing this thesis. The Nussir deposit of copper is a sedimentary-hosted hydrothermal deposit affected by low grade methamorphism and ductile deformation. The copper mineralization includes chalcopyrite, chalcocite, bornite, covellite, and digenite. The deposit contains ...
    • Slope displacement patterns observed using satellite InSAR data in the Storfjord-Kåfjord-Lyngen region, Troms 

      Eriksen, Harald Øverli (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-15)
      Norway is particularly susceptible to large rockslides due to its many fjords and steep mountains. One of the most dangerous hazards related to rock slope failures are tsunamis that can lead to large loss of life. Many rockslides are clustered east of the Storfjord and Lyngen fjord in Troms county, northern Norway, where several mapped unstable rock slopes occur within the zone of sporadic permafrost. ...
    • Late Paleozoic-Cenozoic fault correlation and characterization of fault rocks in western Troms, North Norway 

      Koehl, Jean-Baptiste Philippe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-29)
      The present work focuses on the mapping and description of onshore brittle fault zones on the SW Barents Sea Margin, within gneisses and granitic intrusions belonging to the West Troms Basement Complex. The description of the brittle structures includes the geometry, kinematics and fault rock characteristics, using DEM satellite imaging, structural field work and a microstructural analysis of the ...
    • Landform assemblages in inner Kongsfjorden, Svalbard: evidence of recent glacial (surge) activity 

      Streuff, Katharina Teresa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-15)
      Swath bathymetry and chirp data have been used to investigate the submarine landform assemblages in inner Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, to reconstruct glacial dynamics during the Late Holocene. Multiple sets of landforms include two types of glacial lineations (groove-ridge features and small, drumlinoid ridges), terminal moraines and associated debris lobes, as well as small push moraines, and indicate ...
    • Geomorfologi av glasiale sedimenter basert på 3D seismikk fra Nordkappbanken, SV Barentshav 

      Richardsen, Morten (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-15)
      Den kvartære lagpakken er analysert med fokus på glasial geomorfologi. Dette er gjort ved bruk av tre-dimensjonale (3D) seismiske data fra Nordkappbanken, sørvestlige Barentshav. I tillegg til havbunnen er det identifisert 2 begravde flater som begge er påvirket av glasiale prosesser. Geomorfologien til den stratigrafisk grunneste av de begravde flatene viser flere store depresjoner som er opp til ...
    • Geological setting and origin of a gold-mineralized zone at Myrefjellet, Mauken, Troms 

      Alnes, Arne Mikalsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-07)
      In 2008 Scandinavian Highlands discovered a gold mineralization within the Mauken basement window. The Mauken basement window is a thought to be an eastward continuation of the West Troms Basement Complex which is a series of rocks with an age span from Neoarchaean to Paleoproterozic. The mineralization found in a steeply dipping NW-SE striking shear zone and is hosted in a meta-sedimentary unit. ...
    • Ice stream dynamics inferred from seismic geomorphology from the Bjørnøyrenna and Nordkappbanken area, SW Barents Sea 

      Khan, Mohammad Ibrahim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-15)
      The aim of this master thesis is to investigate ice streams dynamics in Bjørnøyrenna and Nordkappbanken areas in south-west Barents Sea shelf Ice streams are responsible for the drainage of majority of ice from ice sheet and play a key role in the dynamic nature and stability of ice sheets, based mainly on six 3D seismic data sets,. Regional 2D lines are also used to establish the regional stratigraphy ...
    • Relationships between metamorphism and deformation in the Nordmannvik nappe, south of Lyngseidet: a focus on high grade relics 

      Hibelot, Thomas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-13)
      The Nordmannvik nappe (Lyngen fjord, northern Norway) is a high grade tectonic unit dominated by mylonitic garnet-kyanite-mica gneisses, with additional calc-sillicates, mafics and high grade relics. The unit was principaly deformed during the Scandian event of the Caledonian orogeny, reaching at least an upper amphibolite facies. A metamorphic peak, set at a minimum of 750°C / 0.9 GPa, has been ...
    • Fluid flow features along the Bjørnøyrenna Fault Complex west of West Loppa High, SW Barents Sea 

      Larsen, David Selvåg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-11-15)
      This master thesis contributes to better understand the occurrence and development of giant to medium scale vertical fluid flow structures in the area west of the Loppa High at the Bear Island Fault Complex (BIFC). The study area lies in the SW-Barents Sea and the study was based on the interpretation of a 3D seismic cube “West Loppa 2008”. Fluid emissions features and accumulation area visualized ...
    • Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the mafic-ultramafic rock association from NW Senja, West Troms Basement Complex 

      Priyatkina, Nadezda (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-01-31)
      The studied mafic-ultramafic rock association occurs within Archean tonalitic gneisses and metasupracrustal suites of the Astridal belt belonging to the West Troms Basement Complex in the northwestern part of the Senja Island. The rock association appears in lens-shaped bodies, up to 200 m long, which are oriented conformal to the major metamorphic fabric of the host rock. The rock association is ...
    • Sand waves and sediment transport on the SW Barents sea continental slope 

      Waage, Malin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-15)
      I study a sand-wave field in ~600 meters water depth on the continental slope offshore Northern Norway. Using multibeam bathymetry data from 2008 and 2011 and P-Cable high-resolution 3D seismic data from 2011, I characterize the field. Sand waves reach up to 6.6 m in height and have wavelengths as large as 140 m. They are mostly asymmetric in shape with the steepest side dipping to the northwest, ...