Viser treff 721-740 av 1025

    • Interaction of submarine tailings with natural sediments in three northern Norwegian coastal areas. Sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical constraints 

      Figenschau, Nikolai (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      Submarine tailings placements (STPs) is an alternative practice of handling mine waste, which involves deposition of tailings into submarine environments. However, the environmental impacts of STPs remain poorly understood. This thesis is a contribution to improve the understanding of how submarine tailings placements interact with natural sediments. It is based on multi-proxy analyses of 10 sediment ...
    • Controls on fluid-flow systems in the Loppa High, SW Barents Sea 

      Wollberg, Anders Clausen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-14)
      The SW Barents Sea is a large hydrocarbon-prone epicontinental Sea comprised of a complex mosaic of deep sedimentary basins and structural highs. Uplift and erosion have been affecting the area on a large scale since the Cenozoic and have had a major impact on the petroleum systems in the area, resulting in spillage of hydrocarbons. The origin of the hydrocarbons are from deep source rocks, which ...
    • Sedimentary processes and paleoenvironment reconstructions in fjords comprising the Bergsfjord peninsula, Northern Norway 

      Kollsgård, Christine Tømmervik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-16)
      Low-resolution bathymetry, high-resolution seismic data (chirp) and multi-proxy analyses of three sediment gravity cores were integrated to study sedimentary processes with the purpose of reconstructing paleoenvironments in the three north Norwegian fjords Øksfjorden, Bergsfjorden and Jøkelfjorden since the last glacial. These three fjords are located on the Bergsfjorden peninsula and surround the ...
    • A sedimentological study of the Lower Cretaceous Glitrefjellet Member, Svalbard 

      Engen, Thea Marie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      Detailed facies analysis of the Early Cretaceous Helvetiafjellet Formation (Barremian-Aptian) indicates deposition during a long-term transgression. The formation has received a lot of attention in previous published papers, particularly the lowermost Festningen Member has been detailed in numerous papers. However, the uppermost Glitrefjellet Member is typically poorly exposed in outcrops, and ...
    • Characterisation of palaeosols in the Lower Cretaceous Helvetiafjellet Formation, Svalbard. Palaeo-climatic implications 

      Tennvassås, Ingrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      Although the Cretaceous period is known to have been dominated by greenhouse conditions, the Early Cretaceous climatic conditions in Svalbard have been under some debate. Both indicators of warm climate such as coal seams, Ornithopod tracks and warm-water dinoflagellates, and indicators of cold climate such as arctic belemnites, glendonites and ice rafted debris have been reported. This study ...
    • Natural and anthropogenic deposition in Bøkfjorden 

      Ladstein, Anette Klev (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      The aim for this study is to characterise and distinguish natural and anthropogenic deposition in Bøkfjorden, and to identify the spreading and the impact of submarine tailings placements on the seafloor. The analyses are based on the integration of swath bathymetry, high-resolution seismics and multi-proxy analyses of four sediment cores The physical properties, including magnetic susceptibility ...
    • Integrated characterization of the Upper Permian Kapp Starostin Formation in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. From outcrop to geomodel. 

      Larssen, Kristine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-14)
      Natural fractures significantly contribute to improved reservoir quality and recovery factor, especially in carbonate reservoirs. It is important to characterize the matrix and fracture properties, as well as their interaction, in order to describe the natural fracture system and improve the understanding of its effects on a reservoir. This study integrates multi-scale outcrop data from central ...
    • Bottom water acidification and warming on the western Eurasian Arctic shelves: Dynamical downscaling projections 

      Wallhead, P. J.; Bellerby, R.G.J.; Silyakova, A.; Slagstad, D.; Polukhin, A. A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-10-25)
      The impacts of oceanic CO2 uptake and global warming on the surface ocean environment have received substantial attention, but few studies have focused on shelf bottom water, despite its importance as habitat for benthic organisms and demersal fisheries such as cod. We used a downscaling ocean biogeochemical model to project bottom water acidification and warming on the western Eurasian Arctic ...
    • U-Pb zircon provenance of metamorphosed clastic sediments in the Brusque Metamorphic Complex, Dom Feliciano Belt, southeastern Brazil 

      Eiesland, Ragnhild (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      The Brusque Metamorphic Complex is situated in the northern part of the Dom Feliciano Belt in the state of Santa Catarina, southeastern Brazil. The complex is composed of Neoproterozoic sequences of volcanic and sedimentary rocks, which were folded and metamorphosed at greenschist to low-amphibolite facies conditions. U-Pb dating of detrital zircon grains in five samples of clastic metasedimentary ...
    • Metamorphic evolution in external zones of the Dom Feliciano-Kaoko orogenic system. Examples from the Brusque Metamorphic Complex, Dom Feliciano Belt (Brazil) and the Central Kaoko Zone, Kaoko Belt (Namibia) 

      Asvald, Caroline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      The Brusque Metamorphic Complex in the Dom Feliciano Belt (Brazil) and the Central Kaoko Zone in the Kaoko Belt (Namibia) represent foreland fold- and thrust belts in external parts of the northern Dom Feliciano-Kaoko orogenic system. Petrographic and field observations of metapelitic samples from the Brusque Metamorphic Complex suggests that the western part of the complex can be subdivided into ...
    • Combining geophysical data with a mathematical model to describe vertical two-phase flow 

      Hansen, Johanne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      This thesis combines a geological model with a mathematical model to describe the vertical propagation of a gas plume through layers with different physical properties. The geological model is based on geophysical data from the Sørvestsnaget Basin and the mathematical model is derived based on the classical Buckley-Leverett theory for two-phase flow. The model estimates the velocity of a vertical ...
    • Use of 2D-seismic data and available wells to investigate the source potential of the Palaeozoic interval in the Loppa High area, SW Barents Sea 

      Hetland, Asbjørn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      While most established plays in the Barents Sea have occurred in the Mesozoic, the Alta and Gohta discoveries prove a new carbonate play concept, with a source rock that does not stem from the Jurassic. Based on depositional environment and TOC values from the Palaeozoic interval a source rock with Top Ørn as its bottom and Top Røye as its top was interpreted. Basin modelling carried out on this ...
    • Holocene Glacial Dynamics of the Barentsøya ice cap, Svalbard 

      Leister, Juliane (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-13)
      This study investigates the glacial dynamics of Barentsjøkulen, a small ice cap located on Barentsøya, Svalbard. In order to reconstruct Barentsjøkulen’s glacial history, three geomorphological maps of the glacier forefields of its main outlet glaciers, Besselsbreen, Duckwitzbreen and Freemanbreen, were created. The maps cover a total area of ca. 117 km2 and were generated based on swath bathymetric ...
    • Glacial history and forefield development of Aldegondabreen since the Little Ice Age maximum extent 

      Kirkebøen, Kristine Øksenvåg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      A geomorphological map has been produced to investigate the glacial history of Aldegondabreen, a small land terminating valley glacier located on the western coast of Spitsbergen. The glacier has changed its dynamic from a tidewater glacier into a land-terminating glacier during the last advance/retreat cycle, and the focus is therefore to reconstruct the glacial history of this cycle. The map ...
    • A new genus and two new species of Thyasiridae associated with methane seeps off Svalbard, Arctic Ocean 

      Åström, Emmelie; Oliver, Graham; Carroll, Michael Leslie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-16)
      Bivalves have been found in unique benthic assemblages associated with active methane seeps and mounds along the western and southern margins of the Svalbard shelf (75–79°N) at 350–380 m depth. Among the samples collected were a number of shells of Thyasiridae that are distinct from any species previously described. Here we describe one new genus Rhacothyas gen. nov. and two new species Thyasira ...
    • Geological controlling parameters on seismic imaging of igneous intrusions on Svalbard 

      Toonen, Ruud (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Imaging and mapping igneous intrusions such a sills and dykes has been one of the challenges in recent years. However, igneous intrusions in seismic data have properties that make them good targets for visualization, such as high amplitude and sophisticated shapes. 3D visualization methods are especially well suited for sill reflections. One of the main limitations of tying offshore seismic data to ...
    • Cascading lake drainage on the Greenland Ice Sheet triggered by tensile shock and fracture 

      Christoffersen, Poul; Bougamont, Marion; Hubbard, Alun; Doyle, Samuel H.; Grigsby, Shane; Pettersson, Rickard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-14)
      Supraglacial lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet are expanding inland, but the impact on ice flow is equivocal because interior surface conditions may preclude the transfer of surface water to the bed. Here we use a well-constrained 3D model to demonstrate that supraglacial lakes in Greenland drain when tensile-stress perturbations propagate fractures in areas where fractures are normally absent or ...
    • Glacigenic sedimentation pulses triggered postglacial gas hydrate dissociation 

      Karstens, Jens; Haflidason, Haflidi; Becker, Lukas W.M.; Berndt, Christian; Rüpke, Lars; Planke, Sverre; Liebetrau, Volker; Schmidt, Markus; Mienert, Jürgen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-02-12)
      Large amounts of methane are stored in continental margins as gas hydrates. They are stable under high pressure and low, but react sensitively to environmental changes. Bottom water temperature and sea level changes were considered as main contributors to gas hydrate dynamics after the last glaciation. However, here we show with numerical simulations that pulses of increased sedimentation dominantly ...
    • Magnetotelluric signatures of the complex tertiary fold–thrust belt and extensional fault architecture beneath Brøggerhalvøya, Svalbard 

      Beka, Thomas Ibsa; Bergh, Steffen G; Smirnov, Maxim; Birkelund, Yngve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-18)
      Magnetotelluric (MT) data were recently collected on Brøggerhalvøya, Svalbard, in a 0.003–1000 s period range along a curved WNW–ESE profile. The collected data manifested strong three-dimensional (3D) effects. We modelled the full impedance tensor with tipper and bathymetry included in 3D, and benchmarked the result with determinant data two-dimensional (2D) inversion. The final inversion results ...
    • Prospecting biotechnologically-relevant monooxygenases from cold sediment metagenomes: An in silico approach 

      Musumeci, Matias A.; Lozada, Mariana; Rial, Daniela V.; Cormack, Walter P. Mac; Jansson, Janet K.; Sjöling, Sara; Carroll, JoLynn; Dionisi, Hebe M. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-09)
      The goal of this work was to identify sequences encoding monooxygenase biocatalysts with novel features by in silico mining an assembled metagenomic dataset of polar and subpolar marine sediments. The targeted enzyme sequences were Baeyer–Villiger and bacterial cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYP153). These enzymes have wide-ranging applications, from the synthesis of steroids, antibiotics, mycotoxins ...