Viser treff 361-380 av 541

    • Anomaly Detection for Environmental Data Using Machine Learning Regression 

      Yuan, Fuqing; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Environmental data exhibits as huge amount and complex dependency. Utilizing these data to detect anomaly is beneficial to the disaster prevention. Big data approach using the machine learning method has the advantage not requiring the geophysical and geochemical knowledge to detect anomaly. This paper using the popular support vector regression (SVR ) to model the correlation between factors. ...
    • Endurance Test on Carbon Film Fixed Resistor under Escalated Voltage Stress 

      Yuan, Fuqing; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018)
      Film fixed resistor is a basic unit in the electronic devices. As it is less frequently failed than other units such as capacitor, the reliability and robustness of it are less concerned both in the academics and in the industries. This paper investigates the endurance of the carbon film fixed resistor. The resistance shift and life of it under the escalated voltage stress level are the aim. A PCB ...
    • Column leaching heavy metal from tailings following simulated climate change in the Arctic area of Norway 

      Fu, Shuai; Lu, Jinmei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This study aimed to assess how the current climate change perspective, with various air temperature (4°C, 10°C, 14°C and 18°C) affected metal releasing from tailings. Heavy metals pollution from tailings leaching are of increasing concern. Column leaching experiment was conducted for 15 weeks to a series of tailings with 20 mm/week water leaching four temperature situations. Leachate chemical physics ...
    • Risk Assessment of Hazards Due to the Installation and Maintenance of Onshore Wind Turbines 

      Mustafa, Albara Mohamad Yazid Faisal; Mahadin, Aziz (Peer reviewed; Book; Chapter, 2018-06-11)
      In this work, an assessment of four types of risks is carried out for wind turbines during four phases, namely: transportation, installation, operation and maintenance. This work mainly focuses on onshore type of wind turbines and briefly mentioning the offshore wind turbines. The introduction gives an overview of the main parts and components of wind turbine, in addition to discussing the process ...
    • Failure intensity of offshore power plants under varying maintenance policies 

      Perera, Lokukaluge Prasad; Machado, Mario M.; Valland, Anders; Manguinho, Diego A.P. (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019-01-06)
      System reliability of an offshore power plant with several gas turbine engines is analyzed in this study to understand the failure intensity of a selected gas turbine engines under varying maintenance activities. A set of event data of a selected gas turbine engine is considered to identify system failure intensity levels, where unknown maintenance actions were implemented (i.e. various repairs ...
    • Ship speed power performance under relative wind profiles in relation to sensor fault detection 

      Perera, Lokukaluge Prasad; Mo, Brage (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-19)
      Statistical Data analysis and visualization approaches to identify ship speed power performance under relative wind (i.e. apparent wind) profiles are considered in this study. Ship performance and navigation data of a selected vessel are analyzed, where various data anomalies, i.e. sensor related erroneous data conditions, are identified. Those erroneous data conditions are investigated and several ...
    • Development of strategic asset management planning in the petroleum industry 

      Kusumawardhani, Mayang; Markeset, Tore; Kumar, Rajesh (Tidsskriftsartikkel; Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      <i>Purpose</i> – Due to the certain risk carried in offshore petroleum installations, the integrity of these installations needs to be maintained at all times. Thus, asset integrity management (AIM) needs to be formulated and monitored to achieve the integrity objective. The purpose of this paper is to study the practices and progression of strategic AIM planning in the petroleum industry. ...
    • CFD modelling of pressure and shear rate in torsionally vibrating structures using ANSYS CFX and COMSOL Multiphysics 

      Brunner, Daniel; Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Boiger, Gernot (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper discusses numerical methodologies to simulate micro vibrations on a nontrivial torsionally oscillating structure. The torsional structure is the tip of a viscosity-density sensor using micro vibrations to measure the fluid properties. A 2D transient simulation of the fluid domain surrounding the tip of the sensor has been conducted in ANSYS CFX and COMSOL Multiphysics software. ANSYS CFX ...
    • Thermography and tensile tests of steel samples. Study of material properties and internal friction effects 

      Stange, Even (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      The thesis presents analysis of material properties and internal effects in steel samples, with varying temperatures. Uniaxial tensile tests were conducted in both room temperature and low temperatures, to generate graphical measures of the mechanical properties. The steel samples were monitored with thermography throughout the course of the tensile tests, to investigate the heat generation associated ...
    • Friction tests on polyurethane and concrete. Rolling friction tests and sliding friction tests on anti-abrasion polyurethane, anti-seepage polyurethane and concrete. 

      Hansen, Kristian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      The climate in arctic areas of the world is a challenge for airports. Snow and ice accumulates on the runways, forcing airports to close for snow clearing. Pilots need to know that the friction is at a respectable level before they land, and may have to return if not. This thesis looked at a polymer called polyurethane, and if this material could be used as a new runway material, considering both ...
    • Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in the Arctic. The effect of low temperature on oil spill response operations in the Arctic with respect to overall equipment effectiveness 

      Rolandsen, Markus Helfjord (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-02)
      Effectiveness is an important term in oil spill response operations. Literature often relate to the level of effectiveness connected to either mechanical containment and recovery, in-situ burning or chemical dispersant application. The term effectiveness in oil spill response operations can be related to existing theory and the perspective of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). The perspective ...
    • Icing Effects on Power Lines and Anti-icing and De-icing Methods 

      Solangi, Ali Raza (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-30)
      Icing on power lines may lead to compromise safety and reliability of electric supply network. Prolong icing can lead to power breakdown and collapse of towers. Since power transmission lines are mostly overhead and could face the direct impact of icing, and it is one of the main challenges faced by power distribution companies in cold regions. When the ice accretion crosses the safety limit then ...
    • Navigation in the Arctic. How can simulator training be used for assessment and reduction of risk? 

      Røds, Johan-Fredrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Over the recent years, the ship traffic in the polar areas has increased. There is reason to believe that this traffic, and especially the cruise traffic, will increase further as the ice retracts towards the poles. There is also reason to believe that with the continued focus and exposure of the Polar Region, the cruise tourism to the region will grow.The increased presence in the polar areas will ...
    • Pellets på avveie. Fra vugge til hav 

      Kommedal, Thore (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-03)
      Denne masteroppgaven ser nærmere på hvordan plastikkindustrien i Norge er organisert, og hvordan to aktører innen næringen praktiserer HMS for å redusere og forebygge utslipp av råstoff til plastproduksjons. Oppgaven er gjennomført som en casestudie med utgangspunkt i et samtidsaktuelt problem- plastforurensning med følgende problemstilling: Hvordan ivaretas helse miljø og sikkerhet (HMS) i ...
    • Blir kommunenes beredskap for miljø- og kjemikaliehendelser bedre ved innføring av nye krav? En studie av hvordan kommuner integrerer nye krav i forskrift for miljørettet helsevern inn i eksisterende beredskapsarbeid 

      Midtgård, Marianne Cecilie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-07-12)
      Samfunnet vårt i dag er avhengig av en rekke kjemikalier i industri og næringsliv (Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet, Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet & Forsvarsdepartementet, 2016). Vest-tank ulykken i 2007 i Gulen kommune, hvor en tank på et industrianlegg eksploderte. Anlegget skulle rense forurenset vann fra lasteskip. Det kom frem etter ulykken at Vest-tank også drev med ulovlig håndtering av ...
    • Nettverksorganisasjoners betydning for kunnskapstilgang og innovasjon 

      Underthun, Anders; Svare, Helge; Gausdal, Anne Haugen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-04)
      I denne artikkelen undersøker vi om regionale innovasjonsnettverksorganisasjoner (RINOer) bidrar til bedre kunnskapstilgang og innovasjon. Hvilke organiserte aktiviteter eller funksjoner i RINOen er i så fall relevante? Og i hvilken grad påvirker andre kjennetegn ved RINOene eller bedriftene som deltar, et slikt utfall? Bedriftene i studien rapporterer at RINO-deltakelsen har bidratt positivt både ...
    • Maritim sikkerhet under internasjonale operasjoner. En casestudie av risikopersepsjon og – kommunikasjon mellom norske rederier og Den Norske Krigsforsikring for Skip 

      Eidnes, Ingrid Batalden (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Maritim sikkerhet ble spesielt kjent etter utbruddet av somalisk piratvirksomhet i årene etter 2008 (Bueger, 2014). Piratvirksomheten utenfor Somalia har lenge representert en trussel mot den internasjonale handelen på grunn av den fysiske påvirkningen den har på skip og dens besetning, samt den avskrekkende effekten den har på handelen i regionen (Winn & Lewis, 2017). Denne studien har sett nærmere ...
    • Sertifiserer de seg sikrere? - En casestudie av frivillige miljøsertifiseringers innvirkning på sikkerhetsstyringen i oppdrettsnæringen 

      Woll, Gøran Bredahl (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Denne masteroppgaven er et bidrag til diskusjonen rundt sikkerhetsstyringen i den norske oppdrettsnæringen. Oppgaven ser på frivillige miljøsertifiseringers påvirkning av sikkerhetsstyringen. Jeg har undersøkt om disse miljøsertifiseringene, som et biprodukt, også kan øke sikkerhetsstyringen i oppdrettsnæringen. Oppgaven er gjennomført som en kvalitativ case-studie og min empiri er innhentet gjennom ...
    • Løslatelse av radikaliserte straffedømte: Hvordan kan vi redusere risiko gjennom forebyggende arbeid? 

      Evenseth, Lise Lotte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Endringer i norsk terrorlovgivning og økt nasjonal straffeforfølgelse av syriafarerne har ført til at en rekke radikaliserte personer befinner seg i norske fengsler. Uønskede hendelser i Paris og København 2015 har illustrert hvor alvorlig konsekvensene av fengselsradikalisering kan være. Det er behov for å videreføre det rehabiliterende forebyggingsarbeidet som gjennomføres i fengslene, også etter ...
    • Midlertidige ansatte og sikkerhetskultur i varehandelen. En studie av sikkerhetskultur i byggevarehandelen, og hvordan sikkerhetskulturen påvirkes av midlertidige ansatte. 

      Åmotsbakken, Didrik Higraff (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Formålet med denne enkelt case studien var å kartlegge sikkerhetskulturen i deler av den norske byggevarehandelen, og midlertidig ansatte sin mulige påvirkning på sikkerhetskulturen. Studiens problemstilling har vært: I hvilken grad har organisasjon X en god sikkerhetskultur, og hvordan påvirkes den av midlertidige ansatte? For å besvare problemstillingen har to forskningsspørsmål blitt ...