Viser treff 181-200 av 394

    • Recent advances in hyperspectral imaging for melanoma detection 

      Johansen, Thomas Haugland; Møllersen, Kajsa; Ortega, Samuel; Fabelo, Himar; Garcia, Aday; Callico, Gustavo; Godtliebsen, Fred (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-22)
      Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Skin cancers are classified as nonmelanoma and melanoma, with the first type being the most frequent and the second type being the most deadly. The key to effective treatment of skin cancer is early detection. With the recent increase of computational power, the number of algorithms to detect and classify skin lesions has increased. The overall ...
    • Arctic hydroclimate variability during the last 2000 years: current understanding and research challenges 

      Linderholm, Hans W.; Nicolle, Marie; Francus, Pierre; Gajewski, Konrad; Helama, Samuli; Korhola, Atte; Solomina, Olga; Yu, Zicheng; Zhang, Peng; D'Andrea, William J.; Debret, Maxime; Divine, Dmitry V; Gunnarson, Björn E.; Loader, Neil J.; Massei, Nicolas; Seftigen, Kristina; Thomas, Elizabeth K.; Werner, Johannes; Andersson, Sofia; Berntsson, Annika; Luoto, Tomi P.; Nevalainen, Liisa; Saarni, Saija; Väliranta, Minna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-10)
      Reanalysis data show an increasing trend in Arctic precipitation over the 20th century, but changes are not homogenous across seasons or space. The observed hydroclimate changes are expected to continue and possibly accelerate in the coming century, not only affecting pan-Arctic natural ecosystems and human activities, but also lower latitudes through the atmospheric and ocean circulations. However, ...
    • Group Cohomology and Extensions 

      Breivik, Markus Nordvoll (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-08-31)
      The goal of this thesis is to classify all extensions where the kernel has order p^s and the cokernel has order p^t, p is a prime, and 1 ≤ s,t ≤ 2. We determine (up to weak congruence) the different combinations of kernel, cokernel and operators, and for each case, calculate the second cohomology group. By comparing resolutions, we get an explicit correspondence between the second cohomology group ...
    • Bayesian analysis of the occurrence of myocardial infarction in the LGM framework 

      Tesfay, Yohannes Tedla (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-21)
      The goal of this thesis is analyse the incidence rate of the first ever myocardial infarction (MI) and the survival time after the MI. The data used for this purpose is from the Troms\o{} study surveys collected in the period from 1974 to 2008. This thesis provides a general introduction to latent Gaussian models and the methodology of integrated nested Laplace approximation. Specifically, the data ...
    • Inter-outbreak stability reflects the size of the susceptible pool and forecasts magnitudes of seasonal epidemics 

      Rypdal, Martin Wibe; Sugihara, George (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-30)
      For dengue fever and other seasonal epidemics we show how the stability of the preceding inter-outbreak period can predict subsequent total outbreak magnitude, and that a feasible stability metric can be computed from incidence data alone. As an observable of a dynamical system, incidence data contains information about the underlying mechanisms: climatic drivers, changing serotype pools, the ecology ...
    • Maximizing Interpretability and Cost-Effectiveness of Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Predictive Models Using Feature-Specific Regularized Logistic Regression on Preoperative Temporal Data 

      Kocbek, Primoz; Fijacko, Nino; Soguero-Ruiz, Cristina; Mikalsen, Karl Øyvind; Maver, Uros; Brzan, Petra Povalej; Stozer, Andraz; Jenssen, Robert; Skrøvseth, Stein Olav; Stiglic, Gregor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-19)
      This study describes a novel approach to solve the surgical site infection (SSI) classification problem. Feature engineering has traditionally been one of the most important steps in solving complex classification problems, especially in cases with temporal data. The described novel approach is based on abstraction of temporal data recorded in three temporal windows. Maximum likelihood L1-norm ...
    • Homogeneous integrable Legendrian contact structures in dimension five 

      Doubrov, Boris; Medvedev, Alexandr; The, Dennis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-04)
      We consider Legendrian contact structures on odd-dimensional complex analytic manifolds. We are particularly interested in integrable structures, which can be encoded by compatible complete systems of second order PDEs on a scalar function of many independent variables and considered up to point transformations. Using the techniques of parabolic differential geometry, we compute the associated ...
    • Differential invariants of self-dual conformal structures 

      Kruglikov, Boris; Schneider, Eivind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-06-17)
      We compute the quotient of the self-duality equation for conformal metrics by the action of the diffeomorphism group. We also determine Hilbert polynomial, counting the number of independent scalar differential invariants depending on the jet-order, and the corresponding Poincaré function. We describe the field of rational differential invariants separating generic orbits of the diffeomorphism ...
    • Emergent Scale Invariance and Climate Sensitivity 

      Rypdal, Martin Wibe; Fredriksen, Hege-Beate; Myrvoll-Nilsen, Eirik; Rypdal, Kristoffer; Sørbye, Sigrunn Holbæk (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-28)
      Earth’s global surface temperature shows variability on an extended range of temporal scales and satisfies an emergent scaling symmetry. Recent studies indicate that scale invariance is not only a feature of the observed temperature fluctuations, but an inherent property of the temperature response to radiative forcing, and a principle that links the fast and slow climate responses. It provides a ...
    • Climate variability in the subarctic area for the last 2 millennia 

      Nicolle, Marie; Debret, Maxime; Massei, Nicolas; Colin, Christophe; de Vernal, Anne; Divine, Dmitry V; Werner, Johannes; Hormes, Anne; Korhola, Atte; Linderholm, Hans W. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-25)
      To put recent climate change in perspective, it is necessary to extend the instrumental climate records with proxy data from paleoclimate archives. Arctic climate variability for the last 2 millennia has been investigated using statistical and signal analyses from three regionally averaged records from the North Atlantic, Siberia and Alaska based on many types of proxy data archived in the ...
    • Differential invariants of Einstein-Weyl structures in 3D 

      Kruglikov, Boris; Schneider, Eivind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-22)
      Einstein–Weyl structures on a three-dimensional manifold <i>M</i> are given by a system <i>E</i> of PDEs on sections of a bundle over <i>M</i>. This system is invariant under the Lie pseudogroup <i>G</i> of local diffeomorphisms on <i>M</i>. Two Einstein–Weyl structures are locally equivalent if there exists a local diffeomorphism taking one to the other. Our goal is to describe the quotient equation ...
    • Reflection groups, arrangements, and invariant real varieties 

      Friedl, Tobias; Riener, Cordian; Sanyal, Raman (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-10-18)
      Let <i>X</i> be a nonempty real variety that is invariant under the action of a reflection group <i>G</i>. We conjecture that if <i>X</i> is defined in terms of the first <i>k</i> basic invariants of <i>G</i> (ordered by degree), then <i>X</i> meets a <i>k</i>-dimensional flat of the associated reflection arrangement. We prove this conjecture for the infinite types, reflection groups of rank at most ...
    • On the Isotypic Decomposition of Cohomology Modules of Symmetric Semi-algebraic Sets: Polynomial Bounds on Multiplicities 

      Basu, Saugata; Riener, Cordian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-30)
      We consider symmetric (under the action of products of finite symmetric groups) real algebraic varieties and semi-algebraic sets, as well as symmetric complex varieties in affine and projective spaces, defined by polynomials of degrees bounded by a fixed constant <i>d</i>. We prove that if a Specht module, S<sup>λ</sup>⁠, appears with positive multiplicity in the isotypic decomposition of the ...
    • On the equivariant Betti numbers of symmetric definable sets: vanishing, bounds and algorithms 

      Basu, Saugata; Riener, Cordian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-02)
      Let R be a real closed field. We prove that for any fixed <i>d</i>, the equivariant rational cohomology groups of closed symmetric semi-algebraic subsets of R<sup><i>k</i></sup> defined by polynomials of degrees bounded by <i>d</i> vanishes in dimensions <i>d</i> and larger. This vanishing result is tight. Using a new geometric approach we also prove an upper bound of [mathematical formula] on the ...
    • Assessing the performance of the BARCAST climate field reconstruction technique for a climate with long-range memory 

      Nilsen, Tine; Werner, Johannes; Divine, Dmitry V; Rypdal, Martin wibe (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-29)
      The skill of the state-of-the-art climate field reconstruction technique BARCAST (Bayesian Algorithm for Reconstructing Climate Anomalies in Space and Time) to reconstruct temperature with pronounced long-range memory (LRM) characteristics is tested. A novel technique for generating fields of target data has been developed and is used to provide ensembles of LRM stochastic processes with a prescribed ...
    • Clustering and climate associations of Kawasaki Disease in San Diego County suggest environmental triggers 

      Rypdal, Martin wibe; Rypdal, Veronika Gjertsen; Burney, Jennifer A.; Cayan, Daniel; Bainto, Emelia; Skochko, Shannon; Tremoulet, Adriana H.; Creamean, Jessie; Shimizu, Chisato; Kim, Ji-Hoon; Burns, Jane C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-12)
      Kawasaki Disease (KD) is the most common cause of pediatric acquired heart disease, but its etiology remains unknown. We examined 1164 cases of KD treated at a regional children’s hospital in San Diego over a period of 15 years and uncovered novel structure to disease incidence. KD cases showed a well-defined seasonal variability, but also clustered temporally at much shorter time scales (days to ...
    • Spatio-temporal variability of Arctic summer temperatures over the past 2 millennia 

      Werner, Johannes; Divine, Dmitry V; Ljungqvist, Fredrik Charpentier; Nilsen, Tine; Francus, Pierre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-24)
      <p>In this article, the first spatially resolved and millennium-length summer (June–August) temperature reconstruction over the Arctic and sub-Arctic domain (north of 60°N) is presented. It is based on a set of 44 annually dated temperature-sensitive proxy archives of various types from the revised PAGES2k database supplemented with six new recently updated proxy records. As a major advance, an ...
    • Projectable Lie algebras of vector fields in 3D 

      Schneider, Eivind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-15)
      Starting with Lie’s classification of finite-dimensional transitive Lie algebras of vector fields on <b>C<sup>2</sup></b> we construct transitive Lie algebras of vector fields on the bundle <b>C<sup>2</sup> x C</b> by lifting the Lie algebras from the base. There are essentially three types of transitive lifts and we compute all of them for the Lie algebras from Lie’s classification. The simplest ...
    • Exceptionally simple PDE 

      The, Dennis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-08)
      We give local descriptions of parabolic contact structures and show how their flat models yield explicit PDE having symmetry algebras isomorphic to all complex simple Lie algebras except <math><msub is="true"><mrow is="true"><mi mathvariant="fraktur" is="true">sl</mi></mrow><mrow is="true"><mn is="true">2</mn></mrow></msub></math>. This yields a remarkably uniform generalization of the Cartan–Engel ...
    • Control of Blood Glucose for Type-1 Diabetes by Using Reinforcement Learning with Feedforward Algorithm 

      Ngo, Phuong; Wei, Susan; Holubova, Anna; Muzik, Jan; Godtliebsen, Fred (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-30)
      <p><i>Background</i>: Type-1 diabetes is a condition caused by the lack of insulin hormone, which leads to an excessive increase in blood glucose level. The glucose kinetics process is difficult to control due to its complex and nonlinear nature and with state variables that are difficult to measure.</p> <p><i>Methods</i>: This paper proposes a method for automatically calculating the basal and ...