Now showing items 201-220 of 5228

    • Sustainability and justice: farm animals in rural tourism and lessons to be learned 

      Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12)
      Farm animals are virtually ignored in tourism studies concerning sustainability and justice. This study argues that this conflicts with animal ethics and is a missed opportunity to reflect on sustainability and justice in tourism. It adopts an ecofeminist care ethics perspective and conducts autoethnographic research into farm animals, considered ‘silenced’ individuals belonging to a marginalised ...
    • The gift of community 

      Jentoft, Svein (Book; Bok, 2023)
      This book is a followup, or a continuation rather, of the one I published in 2019 as part of the Too Big To Ignore (TBTI) Global Book Series, titled ‘Life Above Water: Essays on Human Experiences of Small-Scale Fisheries’. The design and purpose of the current book are the same. The introduction in the 2019 book could also work here, even if this book has a sharper focus on communities. Both consist ...
    • Comparative assessment of Chinese mitten crab aquaculture in China: Spatiotemporal changes and trade-offs 

      Liu, Xin; Wu, Huijun; Wang, Yuan; Liu, Yajie; Zhu, Hui; Li, Zeru; Shan, Pengguang; Yuan, Zengwei (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-12)
      The increasing human demand for high-quality animal protein has provided impetus for the development of aquaculture. Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) is a catadromous species rapidly being cultured in China but scientific literature documenting its life cycle environmental and economic consequences remains scarce. This study aims to address this gap by examining the spatio-temporal evolution ...
    • The Image Fallacy: Rethinking the Tragedy of the Commons 

      Jentoft, Svein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-05)
      An image is what we have in our head and what we make up in an allegory, a name, a metaphor, a text, a map or in a drawing. None of these should be confused with the thing that is being imagined. They are not the real thing, just our imaginations of it. Still, we could not do without them, for instance when governing small-scale fisheries. They make us understand what we are up to and the track we ...
    • Discovery and structural assignment of (S)-sydosine from amphipod-derived Aspergillus sydowii MBC15-11F through HRMS, advanced Mosher, and molecular modelling analyses 

      Qader, Mallique; Mweetwa, Larry L; Rämä, Teppo; Thissera, Bathini; Milne, Bruce F; Abdelmohsen, Usama R; Orfali, Raha; Tawfike, Ahmed; Esheli, Manal; Oluwabusola, Emmanuel T; Jaysainghe, Lalith; Jaspars, Marcel; Rateb, Mostafa E (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-21)
      Aims - This study aims to prioritize fungal strains recovered from under-explored habitats that produce new metabolites. HRMS dereplication is used to avoid structure redundancy, and molecular modelling is used to assign absolute configuration.<p> <p>Methods and results - MBC15-11F was isolated from an amphipod and identified using ITS, 28S, and β-tubulin phylogeny as Aspergillus sydowii. Chemical ...
    • Adjusting the Fitting of Fluorescence-Based Dose-Response Kinase Inhibition Assay to Account for Fluorescent Inhibitors 

      Petit, Guillaume Axel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-11)
      Fluorescence is routinely used to monitor kinase inhibition in commercial assays. Occasionally fluorescent compounds can interfere with the fluorescent reading. To address this issue, the problematic data are usually truncated to improve the fit, however, this approach raises ethical and reproducibility concerns. Instead, it is suggested to adjust the fitting formula, to account for the autofluorescence ...
    • Marine heatwaves are not a dominant driver of change in demersal fishes 

      Fredston, Alexa L.; Cheung, William W. L.; Frölicher, Thomas L.; Kitchel, Zoë J.; Maureaud, Aurore A.; Thorson, James T.; Auber, Arnaud; Mérigot, Bastien; Palacios-Abrantes, Juliano; Palomares, Maria Lourdes D.; Pecuchet, Laurene Anne Marie; Shackell, Nancy L.; Pinsky, Malin L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-30)
      Marine heatwaves have been linked to negative ecological effects in recent decades1,2. If marine heatwaves regularly induce community reorganization and biomass collapses in fishes, the consequences could be catastrophic for ecosystems, fisheries and human communities3,4. However, the extent to which marine heatwaves have negative impacts on fish biomass or community composition, or even whether ...
    • Choice of climate risk adaptive measures in shrimp farming—A case study from the Mekong, Vietnam 

      Le, Thi Thanh Ngan; Armstrong, Claire W. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-06)
      Extreme climate events challenge the livelihoods of shrimp farmers worldwide. A comprehensive analysis of farmers’ choices of adaptive measures is essential for developing approaches that can lessen the effects of these climate risks. This study presents the determinants that influence the choice of adaptive measures in response to two climate risks, drought, and irregular weather, using a survey ...
    • Anti-microbial activity and immunomodulation of recombinant hepcidin 2 and NK-lysin from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) 

      Li, Xinyu; Chi, Heng; Dalmo, Roy Ambli; Tang, Xiaoqian; Xing, Jing; Sheng, Xiuzhen; Zhan, Wenbin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-21)
      Infections due to pathogens impact global aquaculture economy, where diseases caused by bacteria should be in particular focus due to antibiotic resistance. Hepcidin and NK-lysin are important innate immune factors having potential to be exploited as alternatives to antibiotics due to their antimicrobial activity and immunomodulatory capacity. In this study, the recombinant proteins of hepcidin 2 ...
    • Quantifying zoobenthic blue carbon storage across habitats within the Arctic’s Barents Sea 

      Souster, Terri Ann; Barnes, David K. A.; Primicerio, Raul; Jørgensen, Lis Lindal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-26)
      Introduction: The Arctic sea ice extent in September (when it is at its lowest) has declined 13% Q10 per decade, and the Arctic Ocean is becoming a more Atlantic-influenced system. Rapid climate-forced changes are taking place in many high-latitude marine ecosystems. The Barents Sea is one such highlatitude shelf ecosystem, between approximately 70° and 80°N in the Norwegian Arctic. The purpose ...
    • Grazing intensity drives a trophic shift in the diet of common alpine birds 

      Chiffard, Jules; Bentaleb, Ilham; Yoccoz, Nigel; Fourel, François; Blanquet, Elodie; Besnard, Aurélien (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-18)
      Large mammalian herbivores (LMH) shape vertebrate communities and structure food webs in many terrestrial ecosystems. However, the mechanisms that underlie the effects of LMH on other vertebrates are poorly understood. In France, domestic LMH have grazed alpine and mountain grasslands for thousands of years, profoundly influencing landscapes and wildlife. As LMH modify habitat structure, favour ...
    • A hands-on framework for the design and implementation of plant-based food experiences 

      Bertella, Giovanna; Brall, Vanessa; Berti, Lia (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      This chapter presents how to promote plant-based food consumption as both an ordinary and extraordinary experience. Studies on social, sustainability and experiential marketing are reviewed, and two cases in Arctic Norway are investigated that highlight the plant-based eating challenges of limited local production of vegetables and a dominant animal-based food culture. The cases concern a nonprofit ...
    • What Is the Impact of Accidentally Transporting Terrestrial Alien Species? A New Life Cycle Impact Assessment Model 

      Borgelt, Jan Simon; Dorber, Martin; Géron, Charly; Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus; Huijbregts, Mark A. J.; Verones, Francesca (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-08)
      Alien species form one of the main threats to global biodiversity. Although Life Cycle Assessment attempts to holistically assess environmental impacts of products and services across value chains, ecological impacts of the introduction of alien species are so far not assessed in Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Here, we developed country-to-country-specific characterization factors, expressed as the ...
    • Tracking aquatic animals to understand a world increasingly shaped by a changing climate and extreme weather events 

      Lennox, Robert J.; Afonso, Pedro; Birnie-Gauvin, Kim; Dahlmo, Lotte Svengård; Nilsen, Cecilie Iden; Arlinghaus, Robert; J. Cooke, Steven; Souza, Allan T.; Jarić, Ivan; Prchalová, Marie; Říha, Milan; Westrelin, Samuel; Twardek, William M; Aspillaga, Eneko; Kraft, Sebastian; Šmejkal, Marek; Baktoft, Henrik; Brodin, Tomas; Hellström, Gustav; Villegas-Ríos, David; Vollset, Knut Wiik; Adam, Timo; Sortland, Lene; Bertram, Michael G.; Crossa, Marcelo; Vogel, Emma Frances; Gillies, Natasha; Reubens, Jan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-06)
      Despite great promise for understanding the impacts and extent of climate change on aquatic animals, their species, and ecological communities, it is surprising that tracking tools, like biotelemetry and biologging devices, have not been extensively used to understand climate change or develop and evaluate potential interventions that may forestall or mitigate its effects. In this review, we provide ...
    • From propriety to validity in new ventures: A nine-year study of three startup companies 

      Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Foss, Lene; Rutherford, Matthew (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-10)
      New ventures introducing new technological innovations must, to survive, negotiate legitimacy with stakeholders who provide critical resources (e.g., Zimmerman and Zeitz, 2002). Legitimacy - “a generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and definitions” (Suchman, 1995, p. ...
    • Growth strategies of Chlorella vulgaris in seawater for a high production of biomass and lipids suitable for biodiesel 

      Rautenberger, Ralf; Detain, Alexandre; Skjånes, Kari; Schulze, Peter Simon Claus; Kiron, Viswanath; Morales Sanchez, Daniela (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-09)
      Chlorella vulgaris is a freshwater microalga that synthesises large amounts of saturated lipids, which makes it suitable for production of bioenergy and biofuels. Since its cultivation usually requires freshwater, it competes with agriculture, economic development and ecological conservation for this limited natural resource. This study investigated the possibility of the partial replacement of ...
    • Revealing the Host-Dependent Nature of an Engineered Genetic Inverter in Concordance with Physiology 

      Chan, Dennis Tin Chat; Bernstein, Hans Christopher; Baldwin, Geoff S. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-16)
      Broad-host-range synthetic biology is an emerging frontier that aims to expand our current engineerable domain of microbial hosts for biodesign applications. As more novel species are brought to “model status,” synthetic biologists are discovering that identically engineered genetic circuits can exhibit different performances depending on the organism it operates within, an observation referred ...
    • Using neural networks to examine trending keywords in Inventory Control 

      Sadowski, Adam; Sadowski, Michał; Engelseth, Per; Galar, Zbigniew; Skowron-Grabowska, Beata (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-27)
      Inventory control is one of the key areas of research in logistics. Using the SCOPUS database, we have processed 9,829 articles on inventory control using triangulation of statistical methods and machine learning. We have proven the usefulness of the proposed statistical method and Graph Attention Network (GAT) architecture for determining trend-setting keywords in inventory control research. ...
    • Does soak time influence the effect of artificial light on catch efficiency in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pot fishery? 

      Cerbule, Kristine; Herrmann, Bent; Grimaldo, Eduardo; Grimsmo, Leif; Karlsen, Junita D. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-09)
      In the Barents Sea commercial snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery, an increase in catch efficiency of the conical pots is important for the profitability of the industry. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) have previously been tested for increasing catch efficiency of the snow crab pots. These earlier experiments have shown varying results ranging from large increase in snow crab catches to no ...
    • Kvalitetsutfordringer på stor snurrevadtorsk - årsaker og mulige tiltak 

      Tobiassen, Torbjørn Inge; Joensen, Sjúrður; Kristoffersen, Silje; Martinsen, Gustav; Hansen, Kristin Beate; Olsen, Stein Harris; Esaiassen, Margrethe (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024-01-22)
      Stor snurrevadfanget fisk har andre typer skader enn fisk som er fanget med andre redskap, eksempelvis garn. Målsettingen med arbeidet som presenteres her var å kartlegge type og omfanget av skader på stor snurrevadfanget torsk, samt finne årsakene til slike skader. Det synes å bli flere innvendige skader på snurrevadfanget fisk, slik som knekt rygg og bloduttredelser nær svømmeblæra. Disse ...