Now showing items 581-600 of 5228

    • The plant vampire diaries: a historic perspective on Cuscuta research 

      Hartenstein, Maleen; Albert, Markus; Krause, Kirsten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-08)
      The angiosperm genus <i>Cuscuta</i> lives as an almost achlorophyllous root- and leafless holoparasite and has therefore occupied scientists for more than a century. The ‘evolution’ of <i>Cuscuta</i> research started with early studies that established the phylogenetic framework for this unusual genus. It continued to produce groundbreaking cytological, morphological, and physiological insight ...
    • Spatio-temporal patterns of eukaryotic biodiversity in shallow hard-bottom communities from the West Antarctic Peninsula revealed by DNA metabarcoding 

      Preckler, Carlos Angulo; Turon, Marta; Præbel, Kim; Avila, Conxita; Wangensteen, Owen S. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-05)
      Aim: We studied molecular eukaryotic biodiversity patterns in shallow hard-bottom Antarctic benthic communities using community DNA metabarcoding. Polar ecosystems are extremely exposed to climate change, and benthic macroinvertebrate communities have demonstrated rapid response to a range of natural and anthropogenic pressures. However, these rich and diverse ecosystems are poorly studied, ...
    • Water Flow Requirements of Post-smolt Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Reared in Intensive Seawater Flow-through Systems: A Physiological Perspective 

      Calabrese, Sara; Imsland, Albert K. D.; Nilsen, Tom Ole; Kolarevic, Jelena; Ebbesson, Lars O.E.; Hosfeld, Camilla Diesen; Fivelstad, Sveinung; Pedrosa, Cindy; Terjesen, Bendik Fyhn; Stefansson, Sigurd O.; Takle, Harald Rune; Sveier, Harald; Mathisen, Frode; Handeland, Sigurd Olav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-26)
      Environmental challenges related to open sea cage production of Atlantic salmon have sparked interest in developing commercial-scale semi-closed sea systems for post-smolt Atlantic salmon (100–1000 g). Determining the mass-specific water flow required by post-smolts will largely influence the design and dimensioning of such systems. In this experiment, post-smolts were exposed to four levels of ...
    • Molecular phylogeny of the Orthalicoidea land snails: Further support and surprises 

      Salvador, Rodrigo Brincalepe; Silva, Fernanda Santos; Cavallari, Daniel caracanhas; Köhler, Frank; Slapcinsky, John; Breure, Abraham S. H. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-26)
      The superfamily Orthalicoidea comprises approximately 2,000 species of terrestrial gastropods, mostly concentrated in the Neotropics but also present in southern Africa and Oceania. We provide a multi-marker molecular phylogeny of this superfamily, reassessing its family- and genus-level classification. We exclude two families from the group, Odontostomidae and Vidaliellidae, transferring them to ...
    • Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals seasonal and spatial variation in the vertebrate fauna of Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland 

      Schiøtt, Sascha; Jensen, Mads Reinholdt; Sigsgaard, Eva Egelyng; Møller, Peter Daniel Rask; Thomsen, Philip Francis; Rysgaard, Søren; de Paula Avila, Marcelo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-23)
      Ilulissat Icefjord in Greenland is experiencing the effects of climate change, with the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier being one of the fastest-moving and most productive ice streams in Greenland. This is likely affecting the distribution of species in the fjord, including those important to local fisheries. Due to heavy ice conditions, few studies on environmental and ecological conditions exist from ...
    • Sustainable Ornamental Fish Aquaculture: The Implication of Microbial Feed Additives 

      Hoseinifar, Seyed Hossein; Maradonna, Francesca; Faheem, Mehwish; Harikrishnan, Ramasamy; Devi, Gunapathy; Ringø, Einar; Van Doan, Hien; Ashouri, Ghasem; Gioacchini, Giorgia; Carnevali, Oliana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-09)
      Ornamental fish trade represents an important economic sector with an export turnover that reached approximately 5 billion US dollars in 2018. Despite its high economic importance, this sector does not receive much attention. Ornamental fish husbandry still faces many challenges and losses caused by transport stress and handling and outbreak of diseases are still to be improved. This review will ...
    • Novel frontier in wildlife monitoring: Identification of small rodent species from fecal pellets using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) 

      Tuomi, Maria; Murguzur, Francisco Javier Ancin; Hoset, Katrine S.; Soininen, Eeva M; Vesterinen, Eero J.; Utsi, Tove Aagnes; Kaino, sissel; Bråthen, Kari Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-19)
      Small rodents are prevalent and functionally important across the world's biomes, making their monitoring salient for ecosystem management, conservation, forestry, and agriculture. There is a growing need for cost-effective and noninvasive methods for large-scale, intensive sampling. Fecal pellet counts readily provide relative abundance indices, and given suitable analytical methods, feces could ...
    • Multiproxy analyses of paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic changes during the Danian-Selandian in East Central Sinai: An integrated stable isotope and planktic foraminiferal data 

      Farouk, Sherif; Jain, Sreepat; Ahmad, Fayez; Abu-Alam, Tamer; Al-Kahtany, Khaled; El Agroudy, Ibrahim S.; Bazeen, Youssef S.; Shaker, Fatma (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-18)
      Forty-three planktic foraminifera samples from the Themed section (East Central Sinai; Egypt) spanning the Zone Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina (Pα) to the Subzone Acarinina subsphaerica (P4b) have been studied. Data from δ<sup>13</sup>C, δ18O, and planktic foraminifera-based species diversity, depth habitat, preference for warm and cool surface waters, and nutrients (oligotrophic, mesotrophic, ...
    • Determination of growth, mass, and body mass index of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): Implications for conservational status assessment of populations 

      Stepien, Emilie Nicoline; Nabe–Nielsen, Jacob; Hansen, Kirstin Anderson; Kristensen, Jakob Højer; Blanchet, Marie-Anne; Brando, Sabrina; Desportes, Geneviève; Lockyer, Christina; Marcenaro, Lauro; Bunskoek, Paulien; Kemper, José; Siebert, Ursula; Olsen, Morten Tange; Wahlberg, Magnus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-27)
      Longitudinal data on individual growth and seasonal changes in body mass, girth, and blubber thickness are rarely available for cetaceans, making it difficult to assess their population composition and individual nutritional condition. During different time intervals from 1997 to 2020, we collected longitudinal data on length, body mass, girth,and blubber thickness from seventeen harbour porpoises ...
    • Hair cortisol concentration and body mass in moose (Alces alces) infested with deer keds (Lipoptena cervi) 

      Madslien, Knut Ivar Engesæter; Stubsjøen, Solveig Marie; Viljugrein, Hildegunn; Ytrehus, Bjørnar; Solberg, Erling Johan; Kapronczai, Luciene; Mysterud, Atle; Godfroid, Jacques; Janz, David M.; Cattet, Marc (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-01)
      The deer ked (<i>Lipoptena cervi</i>), a hematophagous ectoparasite of cervids, is currently spreading in Scandinavia, and the moose (<i>Alces alces</i>) is its main host. However, little is known about the impact of deer keds on moose. We analyzed the hair cortisol concentration (HCC) from 262 moose harvested in the fall in relation to age class, sex, body mass (BM), and deer ked infestation ...
    • A serological screening for potential viral pathogens among semi-domesticated Eurasian tundra reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Finland 

      Tryland, Morten; Cunha, Cristina Wetzel; Fuchs, Boris; Breines, Eva Marie; Li, Hong; Jokelainen, Pikka; Laaksonen, Sauli (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-22)
      Reindeer herding and husbandry is a traditional and important livelihood in Fennoscandia, and about 200,000 semi-domesticated reindeer are herded in Finland. Climatic changes, leading to ice-locked winter pastures, and encroachment of pasture-land have led to changes in reindeer husbandry, increasing the extent of supplementary or full ration feeding, which has become very common in Finland. Keeping ...
    • A Screening for Virus Infections among Wild Eurasian Tundra Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Iceland, 2017–2019 

      Tryland, Morten; Sanchez Romano, Javier; Nymo, Ingebjørg Helena; Mørk, Torill; Þórarinsdóttir, Rán; Breines, Eva Marie; Li, Hong; Cunha, Cristina Wetzel; Thórisson, Skarphéðinn G. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-23)
      A winter population of around 4000–5000 wild Eurasian tundra reindeer (<i>Rangifer t. tarandus</i>) in the eastern part of Iceland represents descendants from 35 semi-domesticated reindeer imported to Iceland from Finnmark county, Norway, in 1787. While previous studies have indicated that they host fewer parasite species as compared to reindeer in Fennoscandia, little information exists on their ...
    • Spawning time in adult polar cod (Boreogadus saida) altered by crude oil exposure, independent of food availability 

      Strople, Leah Catherine; Vieweg, Ireen; Yadetie, Fekadu; Odei, Derrick Kwame; Thorsen, Anders; Karlsen, Odd André; Goksøyr, Anders; Sørensen, Lisbet; Sarno, Antonio; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Frantzen, marianne; Hansen, Øyvind J; Puvanendran, Velmurugu; Nahrgang, Jasmine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-03)
      Fish early life stages are well known for their sensitivity to crude oil exposure. However, the effect of crude oil exposure on adults and their gametes during their spawning period is not well studied. Polar cod, a key arctic fish, may be at risk for crude oil exposure during this potentially sensitive life stage. Additionally, this species experiences lower food availability during their spawning ...
    • The potential of anthocyanin-loaded alginate hydrogel beads for intelligent packaging applications: Stability and sensitivity to volatile amines 

      Mohammadalinejhad, Samira; Kurek, Marcin; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Lerfall, Jørgen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-08-05)
      pH indicators have emerged as promising tools for real-time monitoring of product freshness and quality in intelligent food packaging applications. However, ensuring the stability of these indicators is critical for practical use. This study aims to evaluate the stability of anthocyanins-loaded alginate hydrogel beads of varying sizes at different temperatures under accelerated light conditions and ...
    • What we do in the dark: Prevalence of omnivorous feeding activity in Arctic zooplankton during polar night 

      Kunisch, Erin; Graeve, Martin; Gradinger, Rolf Rudolf; Flores, Hauke; Varpe, Øystein; Bluhm, Bodil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-07-04)
      During the productive polar day, zooplankton and sea-ice amphipods fulfill a critical role in energy transfer from primary producers to higher trophic-level species in Arctic marine ecosystems. Recent polar night studies on zooplankton and sea-ice amphipods suggest higher levels of biological activity than previously assumed. However, it is unknown if these invertebrates maintain polar night activity ...
    • New species of Miradiscops (Gastropoda: Scolodontidae) from Martinique 

      Ravalo, Lorenzo G. O.; Gargominy, Olivier; Salvador, Rodrigo Brincalepe (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-08-02)
      Only 17 endemic land snail species are known so far on the Lesser Antillean island of Martinique, most of which are macrogastropods that are easily visible, and thus, easily collectable. On the other hand, species of microgastropods remain undersampled and overlooked. Based on recently collected shells from Mount Vauclin, we describe a new species of Scolodontidae, Miradiscops madinina sp. nov. from ...
    • Recent progress in marine mycological research in different countries, and prospects for future developments worldwide 

      Pang, Ka-Lai; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Adams, Sarah J.; Alves, Artur; Azevedo, Egídia; Bahkali, Ali H.; Barata, Margarida; Burgaud, Gaëtan; Fryar, Sally C.; González, Maria C.; Jin, Jing; Mehiri, Mohamed; Meslet-Cladiére, Laurence; Prado, Soizic; Rämä, Teppo; Reich, Marlis; Roullier, Catherine; Sarma, Vemuri Venkateswara; Tibell, Leif; Tibell, Sanja; Velez, Patricia; Walker, Allison K. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-27)
      Early research on marine fungi was mostly descriptive, with an emphasis on their diversity and taxonomy, especially of those collected at rocky shores on seaweeds and driftwood. Subsequently, further substrata (e.g. salt marsh grasses, marine animals, seagrasses, sea foam, seawater, sediment) and habitats (coral reefs, deep-sea, hydrothermal vents, mangroves, sandy beaches, salt marshes) were explored ...
    • «Det sku´ vær lys i husan». Hvordan har kraftnettselskapet Arva bygget sin innovasjonskapasitet gjennom prosjektet Smart Senja? 

      Glad, Elin; Solhaug, Randi Merete (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)
      Tema for oppgaven er innovasjon i kraftnettbransjen. Formålet har vært å forsøke å finne ut hvordan et kraftnettselskap i Nord-Norge, Arva AS, bygger sin innovasjonskapasitet gjennom innovasjonsprosjektet Smart Senja. Hensikten med prosjektet er å finne nye, bærekraftige og samfunnsøkonomiske løsninger på utfordringene med et gammelt og underdimensjonert strømnett på Nord-Senja. Bakgrunnen for ...
    • Puslespill eller svarteper. Er psykologisk trygghet en viktig spillebrikke i tverrfaglig samarbeid 

      Hevrøy, Linda; Slettevold, Lillian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)
      Denne studien er en case-studie av Familiens hus i en kommune. Som kommunalt ansatte i oppvekstfeltet opplever vi at det er vanskelig å få til et godt tverrfaglig samarbeid i komplekse saker med mange hjelpere. Når tverrfaglig samarbeid ikke virker kan det få alvorlige konsekvenser for barn, unge og familier. Gjennom flere tilsyn og rapporter er det avdekket svikt på dette området (NOU 2017: 12). ...
    • Psykologisk trygghet, arenaer og samhandling i akuttpsykiatrien 

      Tobiassen, Rakel M. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-30)
      Ved hjelp av kvalitativ metode har jeg studert hva som er forløperne til utviklingen av psykologisk trygghet for sykepleierne i akuttpsykiatrien. Slik kan jeg bidra med kunnskap om hva som sykepleierne selv oppgir er viktige faktorer for psykologisk trygghet. Dette kan bidra til et godt arbeidsmiljø og dermed økt stabilisering av sykepleierne som arbeidskraft og gir økt pasientsikkerhet i behandlingen. ...