Viser treff 141-160 av 5189

    • To keep or not to keep track of time in eternal sunshine? Diel activity patterns of Svalbard arthropods during polar day 

      Huntsaar, Maria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-02-16)
      Organisms on Earth are exposed to cyclic changes in environmental variables due to Earth’s rotation around it’s axis. As a response, many organisms adapt their behaviour in a rhythmic manner, which is often cued by 24h light-dark cycles. However, in the Arctic, traditional 24h light- dark cycle cues do not exist for long periods at the time. Arthropods play an important role in the high latitude ...
    • Long-term warming-induced trophic downgrading in the soil microbial food web 

      Dahl, Mathilde Borg; Söllinger, Andrea; Sigurðsson, Páll; Janssens, Ivan; Peñuelas, Josep; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Richter, Andreas; Tveit, Alexander; Urich, Tim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-01)
      Climatic warming has been hypothesized to accelerate organic matter decomposition by soil microorganisms and thereby enhance carbon (C) release to the atmosphere. However, the long-term consequences of soil warming on belowground biota interactions are poorly understood. Here we investigate how geothermal warming by 6 °C for more than 50 years affects soil microbiota. Using metatranscriptomics we ...
    • Norwegian killer whale movements reflect their different preytypes 

      Vogel, Emma Frances; Rikardsen, AH; Blanchet, Marie-Anne; Blévin, Pierre; Biuw, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-21)
      Norwegian killer whales (Orcinus orca) are thought to be generalists that feed primarily on fish, but some individuals have been observed targeting pinnipeds. In the study reported here, field observations of foraging behaviours formed the basis of a priori classification as either seal-eaters or fish-eaters. Concurrent collection of photographic identification and biopsies for stable isotope analysis ...
    • Fasting and its implications for fish welfare in Atlantic salmon aquaculture 

      Hvas, Malthe; Kolarevic, Jelena; Noble, Christopher; Oppedal, Frode; Stien, Lars Helge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-20)
      Periods of fasting occur for a multitude of reasons in Atlantic salmon aquaculture. Feed withdrawal is widely used prior to transport, parasite treatments, preslaughter and for depuration purposes in recirculating aquaculture systems. Voluntary fasting is a coping response when fish have poor health or are exposed to poor farm environments. Owing to increased attention to animal welfare in aquaculture, ...
    • Using neural networks to examine trending keywords in Inventory Control 

      Sadowski, Adam; Sadowski, Michał; Engelseth, Per; Galar, Zbigniew; Skowron-Grabowska, Beata (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-27)
      Inventory control is one of the key areas of research in logistics. Using the SCOPUS database, we have processed 9,829 articles on inventory control using triangulation of statistical methods and machine learning. We have proven the usefulness of the proposed statistical method and Graph Attention Network (GAT) architecture for determining trend-setting keywords in inventory control research. We ...
    • The Impact on Environmental Taxes on Transportation and Storage Enterprises’ Development – The Case of Balkan Countries. 

      Sadowski, Adam; Misztal, Anna; Kowalska, Magdalena; Engelseth, Per; Bujak, Andrzej; Skowron-Grabowska, Beata (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-19)
      Sustainable development counteracts climate change and strives for a good quality of life. It is a development based on economic, social and environmental goals which should be evaluated. Environmental taxes have to ensure enterprises’ development follows sustainability principles. The basis of environmental taxes is a physical unit of harmful substance emissions with a proven negative impact on the ...
    • Establishment of killer whale cell cultures and their responses to pollutant exposure 

      Bjørneset, Juni (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-03-15)
      The cosmopolitan apex predator killer whale (Orcinus orca) is one of the species worldwide with the highest levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in their tissues. The knowledge of how POPs may affect the species is limited, likely due to the ethical, legal, and practical challenges of researching toxicology on free-ranging marine mammals. The use of in vitro models has proved to be a ...
    • Exploring the gap between top-down sustainability objectives and perceived local sustainability challenges – the case of Senja Municipality 

      Ahlquist, Ina Helene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-08-14)
      Achieving social, environmental, and economic sustainability has become the aim of nations and organizations across the globe. One of the attempts to operationalize sustainability is through the integration of the sustainable development goals in coastal governance. However, the perceived characteristics of challenges for sustainability, and thus also solutions to them, may differ depending on the ...
    • A Novel Biosurfactant-Based Oil Spill Response Dispersant for Efficient Application under Temperate and Arctic Conditions 

      Farooq, Umer; Szczybelski Ciordia, Ariadna Sabina; Ferreira, Frederico Castelo; Faria, Nuno Torres; Netzer, Roman (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-15)
      Synthetic oil spill dispersants have become essential in offshore oil spill response strategies. However, their use raises significant concerns regarding toxicity to phyto- and zooplankton and other marine organisms, especially in isolated and vulnerable areas such as the Arctic and shorelines. Sustainable alternatives may be developed by replacing the major active components of commercial dispersants ...
    • Bioglider: an integrated glider solution for enhancing environmental knowledge 

      Poncon, Yves; Mortier, Laurent; Picheral, Marc; Fitzek, Peer; Hayes, Dan; Abdi, Ehsan; Zdroik, Jakub; Beszczynska-Möller, Agnieszka; Coindat, Jerome; Dunn, Muriel Barbara; Ramasco, Virginie; Thorstensen, Morten; Camus, Lionel; Priou, Pierre; Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Pedersen, Geir; Arbi, Tarak; Geller, Benoit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-11)
      This paper presents a technological solution for the observation and monitoring of the marine ecosystem. Three complementary devices, one optic imaging and one scientific acoustic instrument as well as one acoustic communication modem, have been integrated on glider platforms, providing qualitative and quantitative zooplankton and fish ecology observations, which are especially relevant in Nordic ...
    • Overskudd og ressursrente -mer for Nord-Norge? 

      Flaaten, Ola; Heen, Eirik Eriksen; Heen, Knut (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Artikkelen beskriver utviklingen i fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen i Nord-Norge, med spesiell vekt på Finnmark og Nord-Troms. Norsk økonomisk sone har her det biologiske grunnlaget for landets viktigste fiskerier. Fiskeriene har gått fra å være en åpen næring til en lukket og eksklusiv «klubb». Konsekvensene for næringen i Nord-Norge har vært sentralisering i færre enheter og svekking av mange lokalsamfunn. ...
    • Cross-cultural co-creation of a tourist site: the emic and etic makings 

      Lee, Young-Sook; Mathisen, Line; Søreng, Siri Ulfsdatter (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-10-17)
      This chapter discusses how an Arctic destination, North Cape, is co-created through time and space aided by tourists' engagement. We present two cases: (1) Thai visitors to the North Cape; and (2) North Cape as a brand in South Korea, drawing on qualitative methods. We argue that cross-cultural co-creation in tourism experiences depends on the knowledge of different emic and etic perceptions of the ...
    • Mining various genomic resources to resolve old alpha-taxonomy questions: A test of the species hypothesis of the Proteocephalus longicollis species complex (Cestoda: Platyhelminthes) from salmonid fishes 

      Brabec, Jan; Rochat, Eloïse Coralie; Knudsen, Rune; Scholz, Tomas; Costa, Isabel Blasco (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-24)
      High-throughput sequencing strategies became commonly employed to study non-model parasites, but the corresponding genomes and transcriptomes were seldom mined following the original publication. Similar to the data generated with genome skimming techniques based on shallow-depth shotgun gen omes, various genomic and transcriptomic resources can be screened for useful molecular phylogenetic markers ...
    • Comparative analysis of the cytoarchitecture of the excretory bladder of adult Digenea (Platyhelminthes) with consideration of the presence of mineralized excretory corpuscles in marine and freshwater adult worms 

      Poddubnaya, Larisa G.; Hemmingsen, Willy; MacKenzie, Ken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-01)
      The ultrastructural differences are shown between the cytoarchitecture of the excretory bladder and excretory inclusions in four digenean species, two azygiids, the marine Otodistomum cestoides and the freshwater Azygia lucii, the marine derogenid Derogenes varicus and the freshwater allocreadiid Acrolichanus auriculatus. The unusual cytoarchitecture of the bladder epithelium of the azygiid digeneans, ...
    • Simple pot modification improves catch efficiency and species composition in a tropical estuary mud crab (Scylla serrata) fishery 

      Madhu, V.R.; Anand, Sreelakshmi B.; Cerbule, Kristine; Herrmann, Bent (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-08)
      Pots are widely used fishing gear type for targeting different crustacean and fish species. Pot entrance size and design are among the most important technical parameters that influence the catch efficiency of certain species. An optimal pot entrance design should allow an efficient entry for the target species while preventing subsequent escape. The tropical estuary pot fishery targeting mud crab ...
    • Impact of ground gear design on catch efficiency in demersal trawl fishery 

      Fakıoğlu, Y.E.; Gökçe, G.; Özbilgin, H.; Cerbule, Kristine; Herrmann, Bent (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-03)
      The choice of ground gear design in demersal trawls can significantly affect both catch composition and efficiency. The preference for a specific design depends on the fishing ground. In the North-Eastern Mediterranean, two types of ground gears, Single Line and Double Line are commonly used. Therefore, this study compared the catch performance for trawls using these ground gears during research ...
    • Effect of artificial lights on catch efficiency and capture patterns in Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica) gillnet fishery 

      Yu, Mengjie; Herrmann, Bent; Cerbule, Kristine; Liu, Changdong; Zhang, Liyou; Tang, Yanli (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-22)
      The gillnet fishery targeting Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica) is an important commercial fishery in the Yellow Sea of China. However, low catch rates represent a challenge, and solutions for improving the catch efficiency are crucial for economical sustainability in this fishery. Therefore, we tested whether the use of artificial fishing lights could improve gillnet catch performance. ...
    • Testing of hook sizes and appendages to reduce yelloweye rockfish bycatch in a Pacific halibut longline fishery 

      Lomeli, Mark Joseph Max; Wakefield, W. Waldo; Abele, Meagan; Dykstra, Claude L.; Herrmann, Bent; Stewart, Ian J.; Christie, Gregory C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-03)
      In Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) longline fisheries in the eastern North Pacific Ocean bycatch of yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) is a concern as their stock status along the U.S. West Coast is “rebuilding” from being “overfished”, the southeast Alaska stock has shown a ∼60% decline since at least 1994 and through 2015 where it stabilized, and the Canadian stock has been recently ...
    • Comparison of physical properties and fishing performance between biodegradable PLA and conventional PA trammel nets in grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) and red-lip mullet (Liza haematocheila) fishery 

      Yu, Mengjie; Tang, Yanli; Min, Minghua; Herrmann, Bent; Cerbule, Kristine; Liu, Changdong; Dou, Yilin; Zhang, Liyou (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-16)
      Marine plastic pollution and continuous capture of marine animals, so-called “ghost fishing”, by abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) are global concerns. This study investigated whether biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA) monofilaments can be used to replace conventionally used non-biodegradable polyamide (PA) in trammel net fishery for limiting ALDFG associated effects. It ...
    • Biological timekeeping in polar environments: lessons from terrestrial vertebrates 

      Hazlerigg, David Grey; Mizumo Tomotani, Barbara; West, Alexander Christopher; Appenroth, Daniel; Wood, Shona Hiedi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-30)
      The polar regions receive less solar energy than anywhere else on Earth, with the greatest year-round variation in daily light exposure; this produces highly seasonal environments, with short summers and long, cold winters. Polar environments are also characterised by a reduced daily amplitude of solar illumination. This is obvious around the solstices, when the Sun remains continuously above (polar ...