Viser treff 1441-1460 av 5233

    • The seasonal dynamics of a High Arctic plant–visitor network: temporal observations and responses to delayed snow melt 

      Gillespie, Mark Andrew; Cooper, Elisabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-19)
      Plant–visitor food webs provide important insights into species interactions, and more information about their seasonal dynamics is vital to understanding the resilience of species to external pressures. Studies of Arctic networks can also improve our understanding of species responses to the pressures of climate change. This study provides the first description of a plant – insect visitor network ...
    • The influence of snow properties on speed and gait choice in the Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea) 

      Marmol-Guijarro, Andres C; Nudds, R; Folkow, Lars; Sellers, William R.; Falkingham, P; Codd, J (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-14)
      Substrate supportiveness is linked to the metabolic cost of locomotion, as it influences the depth to which the foot of a moving animal will sink. As track depth increases, animals typically reduce their speed to minimize any potential energetic imbalance. Here, we examine how self-selected speed in the Svalbard rock ptarmigan is affected by snow supportiveness and subsequent footprint depth measured ...
    • Coastal Polynya Disrupts the Acoustic Backscatter Diurnal Signal Over the Eastern Laptev Sea Shelf 

      Dmitrenko, Igor A.; Petrusevich, Vladislav; Kosobokova, Ksenia; Komarov, Alexander S.; Bouchard, Caroline; Geoffroy, Maxime; Koldunov, Nikolay V.; Babb, David G.; Kirillov, Sergey A.; Barber, David G. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-16)
      The diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton is one of the largest species migrations to occur globally and is a key driver of regional ecosystems and the marine carbon pump. The dramatic changes in the Arctic environment in recent years, mainly associated with sea-ice decline, may have wide significance for the Arctic shelf ecosystems including DVM. Observations have revealed the occurrence of ...
    • A synoptic history of the development, production and environmental oversight of hydropower in Brazil, Canada, and Norway 

      Alfredsen, K.; Amundsen, P.-A.; Hahn, L.; Harrison, P.M.; Helland, Ingeborg Palm; Martins, E.G.; Twardek, W.M.; Power, M. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-17)
      Sustainable global energy production is back-stopped by hydropower which is responsible for a significant share of the green energy produced worldwide. Hydropower, however, does not come without some environmental impacts but has worked to reduce those impacts. Here, we discuss the historical, legislative, and design configurations of hydropower facilities located in three of the world’s ...
    • Population genetic structure of a major reef-building coral species Acropora downingi in northeastern Arabian Peninsula 

      Torquato, Felipe; Bouwmeester, Jessica; Range, Pedro; Marshell, Alyssa; Priest, Mark A.; Burt, John A.; Møller, Peter Daniel Rask; Ben-Hamadou, Radhouan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-03)
      Current seawater temperatures around the northeastern Arabian Peninsula resemble future global forecasts as temperatures [35 C are commonly observed in summer. To provide a more fundamental aim of understanding the structure of wild populations in extreme environmental conditions, we conducted a population genetic study of a widespread, regional endemic table coral species, Acropora downingi, ...
    • Formation of Stanley Patch volcanic cone: New insights into the evolution of Deception Island caldera (Antarctica) 

      Hopfenblatt, J.; Geyer, A.; Aulinas, M.; Álvarez-Valero, A.M.; Gisbert, G.; Kereszturi, G.; Ercilla, G.; Gómez-Ballesteros, M.; Márquez, A.; Garcia-Castellanos, Daniel; Pedrazzi, D.; Sumino, H.; Höskuldsson, Ármann; Giralt, S.; Preckler, Carlos Angulo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-16)
      Deception Island (South Shetland Islands) is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica, with more than 20 explosive eruptive events registered over the past centuries. Recent eruptions (1967, 1969, and 1970) and volcanic unrest episodes (1992, 1999, and 2014–2015) demonstrate that volcanic activity is likely occurring in the future. This is of special concern for scientists, logistic personnel, ...
    • Can bryophyte groups increase functional resolution in tundra ecosystems? 

      Lett, Signe; Jonsdottir, Ingibjorg Svala; Cooper, Elisabeth; Becker-Scarpitta, Antoine; Christiansen, Casper T.; During, Heinjo; Ekelund, Flemming; Henry, Gregory H. R.; Lang, Simone I.; Michelsen, Anders; Rousk, Kathrin; Alatalo, Juha M.; Betway, Katlyn R.; Busca, Sara; Callaghan, Terry; Carbognani, Michele; Cornelissen, Hans C.; Dorrepaal, Ellen; Egelkraut, Dagmar; Elumeeva, Tatiana G.; Hollister, Robert D.; Jägerbrand, Annika K.; Keuper, Frida; Klanderud, Kari; Lévesque, Esther; Liu, Xin; May, Jeremy; Michel, Pascale; Mörsdorf, Martin; Petraglia, Alessandro; Rixen, Christian; Robroek, Bjorn J.M.; Rzepczynska, Agnieszka M.; Soudzilovskaia, Nadeja A.; Tolvanen, Anne; Vandvik, Vigdis; Volkov, Igor; Volkova, Irina; van Zuijlen, Kristel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-30)
      The relative contribution of bryophytes to plant diversity, primary productivity, and ecosystem functioning increases towards colder climates. Bryophytes respond to environmental changes at the species level, but because bryophyte species are relatively difficult to identify, they are often lumped into one functional group. Consequently, bryophyte function remains poorly resolved. Here, we explore ...
    • Next-generation cophylogeny: unravelling eco-evolutionary processes 

      Costa, Isabel Blasco; Hayward, Alexander; Poulin, Robert; Balbuena, Juan A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-07)
      A fundamental question in evolutionary biology is how microevolutionary processes translate into species diversification. Cophylogeny provides an appropriate framework to address this for symbiotic associations, but historically has been primarily limited to unveiling patterns. We argue that it is essential to integrate advances from ecology and evolutionary biology into cophylogeny, to gain ...
    • Antioxidant Activities and Selenogene Transcription in the European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Liver Depend, in a Non-linear Manner, on the Se/Hg Molar Ratio of the Feeds 

      Espino, Marinelle; Eguiraun, Harkaitz; Diaz de Cerio, Oihane; Carrero, José Antonio; Etxebarria, Nestor; Martinez, Iciar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-31)
      Feeding 3.9 and 6.7 mg Hg/kg (Se/Hg molar ratios of 0.8 and 0.4, respectively) for 14 days negatively afected Dicentrarchus labrax growth and total DNTB- and thioredoxin-reductase (TrxR) activities and the transcription of four redox genes (txn1, gpx1, txnrd3, and txnrd2) in the liver, but a diet with 0.5 mg Hg/kg (Se/Hg molar ratio 6.6) slightly increased both reductase activities and the ...
    • Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition 

      Boyero, Luz; Pérez, Javier; López-Rojo, Naiara; Tonin, Alan M.; Correa-Araneda, Francisco; Pearson, Richard G.; Bosch, Jaime; Albariño, Ricardo J.; Anbalagan, Sankarappan; Barmuta, Leon A.; Beesley, Leah; Burdon, Francis J.; Caliman, Adriano; Callisto, Marcos; Campbell, Ian C.; Cardinale, Bradley J.; Jesús Casas, Casas; Chará-Serna, Ana M.; Ciapała, Szymon; Chauvet, Eric; Colón-Gaud, Checo; Cornejo, Aydeé; Davis, Aaron M.; Degebrodt, Monika; Dias, Emerson S.; Díaz, María E.; Douglas, Michael M.; Elosegi, Arturo; Encalada, Andrea C.; De Eyto, Elvira; Figueroa, Ricardo; Flecker, Alexander S.; Fleituch, Tadeusz; Frainer, André; França, Juliana S.; Garcia, Erica; García, Gabriela; García, Pavel; Gessner, Mark O.; Giller, Paul S.; Gómez, Jesús E.; Gómez, Sergio; Gonçalves, Jose F.; Graça, Manuel A.S.; Hall, Robert O.; Hamada, Neusa; Hepp, Luiz U.; Hui, Cang; Imazawa, Daichi; Iwata, Tomoya; Junior, Edson S.A.; Kariuki, Samuel; Landeira-Dabarca, Andrea; Leal, María; Lehosmaa, Kaisa; M’Erimba, Charles; Marchant, Richard; Martins, Renato T.; Masese, Frank O.; McKie, Brendan G.; Medeiros, Adriana O.; Middleton, Jen A.; Muotka, Timo; Negishi, Junjiro N.; Pozo, Jesús; Ramírez, Alonso; Rezende, Renan S.; Richardson, John S.; Rincón, José; Rubio-Ríos, Juan; Serrano, Claudia; Shaffer, Angela R.; Sheldon, Fran; Swan, Christopher M.; Tenkiano, Nathalie S.D.; Tiegs, Scott D.; Tolod, Janine R.; Vernasky, Michael; Watson, Anne; Yegon, Mourine J.; Yule, Catherine M. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-26)
      Running waters contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes through decomposition of terrestrial plant litter by aquatic microorganisms and detritivores. Diversity of this litter may influence instream decomposition globally in ways that are not yet understood. We investigated latitudinal differences in decomposition of litter mixtures of low and high functional diversity in 40 streams on 6 ...
    • Mechanisms of temperature modulation in mammalian seasonal timing 

      van Rosmalen, Laura; van Dalum, Mattis Jayme; Appenroth, Daniel; Roodenrijs, Renzo T. M.; de Wit, Lauren; Hazlerigg, David Grey; Hut, Roelof A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-29)
      Global warming is predicted to have major effects on the annual time windows during which species may successfully reproduce. At the organismal level, climatic shifts engage with the control mechanism for reproductive seasonality. In mammals, laboratory studies on neuroendocrine mechanism emphasize photoperiod as a predictive cue, but this is based on a restricted group of species. In contrast, ...
    • Climate change impacts on sea-ice ecosystems and associated ecosystem services 

      Steiner, Nadja S.; Bowman, Jeff; Campbell, Karley; Chierici, Melissa; Eronen-Rasimus, Eeva; Falardeau, Marianne; Flores, Hauke; Fransson, Agneta; Herr, Helena; Insley, Stephen J.; Kauko, Hanna M.; Lannuzel, Delphine; Loseto, Lisa; Lynnes, Amanda; Majewski, Andy; Meiners, Klaus M.; Miller, Lisa A.; Michel, Loïc N.; Moreau, Sebastien; Nacke, Melissa; Nomura, Daiki; Tedesco, Letizia; van Franeker, Jan Andries; van Leeuwe, Maria A.; Wongpan, Pat (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-10-13)
      A rigorous synthesis of the sea-ice ecosystem and linked ecosystem services highlights that the sea-ice ecosystem supports all 4 ecosystem service categories, that sea-ice ecosystems meet the criteria for ecologically or biologically significant marine areas, that global emissions driving climate change are directly linked to the demise of sea-ice ecosystems and its ecosystem services, and that the ...
    • Earlier Snowmelt Advances Breeding Phenology of the Common Frog (Rana temporaria) but Increases the Risk of Frost Exposure and Wetland Drying 

      Bison, Marjorie; Yoccoz, Nigel; Carlson, BZ; Klein, Geoffrey; Laigle, Idaline; Van Reeth, Colin; Delestrade, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-03)
      The alarming decline of amphibians around the world calls for complementary studies to better understand their responses to climate change. In mountain environments, water resources linked to snowmelt play a major role in allowing amphibians to complete tadpole metamorphosis. As snow cover duration has significantly decreased since the 1970s, amphibian populations could be strongly impacted by climate ...
    • Informing a conservation policy-praxis disjuncture: A ‘commons’ perspective to tackling coastal-marine community-conserved area implementation in South Africa 

      Rice, Wayne Stanley; Sowman, Merle; Bavinck, Jan Maarten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-19)
      Conventional ‘people-free’ conservation often fails to deliver both social and ecological outcomes. Communitybased conservation (CBC) – which is underpinned by local community participation, knowledge and priorities – offers a viable alternative in certain contexts. We explore the applicability of established ‘commons’ design principles, and factors enabling community-based conservation, to ...
    • Stable Isotope Trajectory Analysis (SITA): A new approach to quantify and visualize dynamics in stable isotope studies 

      Sturbois, Anthony; Cucherousset, Julien; De Cáceres, Miquel; Desroy, Nicolas; Riera, Pascal; Carpentier, Alexandre; Quillien, Nolwenn; Grall, Jacques; Espinasse, Boris Dristan; Cherel, Yves; Schaal, Gauthier (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-16)
      Ecologists working with stable isotopes have to deal with complex datasets including temporal and spatial replication, which makes the analysis and the representation of patterns of change challenging, especially at high resolution. Due to the lack of a commonly accepted conceptual framework in stable isotope ecology, the analysis and the graphical representation of stable isotope spatial and ...
    • Revision of the 'dragon-head' cusk eels of the genus Porogadus (Teleostei: Ophidiidae), with description of eight new species and one new genus 

      Schwarzhans, Werner W.; Møller, Peter Daniel Rask (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-03)
      The ophidiid genus Porogadus occurs between 800 and 5300 m in the tropical and subtropical world oceans. Fifteen nominal species have been described since 1878 and most of them until 1902. The genus has been highlighted as needing revision in recent compilations about ophidiiforms and here we present the first comprehensive review. Twelve of the previously described species are here accepted as valid ...
    • Distribution and Habitat Suitability of Ross Seals in a Warming Ocean 

      Wege, Mia; Bornemann, Horst; Blix, Arnoldus S; Nordøy, Erling Sverre; Biddle, Louise; Bester, Marthán N. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-13)
      Understanding the determinants of poorly studied species’ spatial ecology is fundamental to understanding climate change impacts on those species and how to effectively prioritise their conservation. Ross seals (Ommatophoca rossii) are the least studied of the Antarctic pinnipeds with a limited knowledge of their spatial ecology. We present the largest tracking study for this species to date, create ...
    • Winters are changing: snow effects on Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems 

      Rixen, Christian; Høye, Toke Thomas; Macek, Petr; Aerts, Rien; Alatalo, Juha; Andeson, Jill; Arnold, Pieter; Barrio, Isabel C.; Bjerke, Jarle W.; Björkman, Mats P.; Blok, Daan; Blume-werry, Gesche; Boike, Julia; Bokhorst, Stef; Carbognani, Michele; Christiansen, Casper Tai; Convey, Peter; Cooper, Elisabeth J.; Cornelissen, J. Hans C.; Coulson, Stephen; Dorrepaal, Ellen; Elberling, Bo; Elmendorf, Sarah; Elphinstone, Cassandra; Forte, T'ai Gladys Whittingham; Frei, Esther R.; Geange, Sonya Rita; Gehrmann, Friederike; Gibson, Casey; Grogan, Paul; Rechsteiner, Aud Helen Halbritter; Harte, John; Henry, Greg H.R.; Inouye, David W.; Irwin, Rebecca; Jespersen, Gus; Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg Svala; Jung, Ji Young; Klinges, David H.; Kudo, Gaku; Lämsä, Juho; Lee, Hanna; Lembrechts, Jonas; Lett, Signe; Lynn, Joshua Scott; Mann, Hjalte Mads; Mastepanov, Mikhail; Morse, Jennifer; Myers-Smith, Isla; Olofsson, Johan; Semenchuk, Philipp; Vandvik, Vigdis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-18)
      Snow is an important driver of ecosystem processes in cold biomes. Snow accumulation determines ground temperature, light conditions and moisture availability during winter. It also affects the growing season’s start and end, and plant access to moisture and nutrients. Here, we review the current knowledge of the snow cover’s role for vegetation, plant-animal interactions, permafrost conditions, ...
    • Gerald Lincoln: A man for all seasons 

      Ebling, Francis J.P.; Fletcher, John; Hazlerigg, David Grey; Loudon, Andrew S.I. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-04)
      Gerald Anthony Lincoln died after a short illness on 15 July 2020 at the age of 75 years. Gerald was Emeritus Professor of Biological Timing at Edinburgh University and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. He was an outstanding scientist and naturalist who was a seminal figure in developing our understanding of the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying seasonal rhythmicity. This review considers ...
    • Marine artificial light at night: An empirical and technical guide 

      Tidau, Svenja; Smyth, Tim; Mckee, David; Wiedenmann, Jörg; D’Angelo, Cecilia; Wilcockson, David; Ellison, Amy; Grimmer, Andrew J.; Jenkins, Stuart R.; Widdicombe, Stephen; Queirós, Ana M.; Talbot, Elizabeth; Wright, Adam; Davies, Thomas W. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-04)
      1. The increasing illumination of our world by artificial light at night (ALAN) has created a new field of global change research with impacts now being demonstrated across taxa, biological ranks and spatial scales. Following advances in terrestrial ecology, marine ALAN has become a rapidly growing research area attracting scientists from across all biomes. Technological limitations, complexities ...