Viser treff 361-380 av 5228

    • Sublethal effects of environmental pollutant exposure in birds of prey: Evaluating biomarkers of health as indicators of contaminant-mediated effects in two sentinel raptor species 

      Hansen, Elisabeth (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-11-02)
      Environmental pollution emerged as a major concern in the mid-20th century primarily due to the unrestricted release of industrial chemicals and pesticides. Among wildlife species, apex predators, like raptors, have been heavily exposed to environmental pollutants such as organo-halogenated contaminants (OHCs) and metals (e.g., mercury). Due to their high trophic position, harmful levels of these ...
    • Macrofauna and meiofauna food-web structure from Arctic fjords to deep Arctic Ocean during spring: A stable isotope approach 

      Oleszczuk, Barbara; Silberberger, Marc Jürgen; Grzelak, Katarzyna; Winogradow, Aleksandra; Dybwad, Christine Schumann; Peeken, Ilka; Wiedmann, Ingrid; Kędra, Monika (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-13)
      The knowledge on benthic trophic relations is particularly important for understanding the functioning of still pristine and less studied Arctic Ocean ecosystems. This study examines the benthic food-web structure in the European sector of the Arctic Ocean and assesses if and how it differs along depth gradients in the marginal seaice zone during spring. Samples of the sediment organic matter were ...
    • Remote Operation of Marine Robotic Systems and Next-Generation Multi-Purpose Control Rooms 

      Vasilijevic, Antonio; Bremnes, Jens Einar; Ludvigsen, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-08)
      Since 2017, NTNU’s Applied Underwater Robotics Laboratory has been developing an infrastructure for remote marine/subsea operations in Trondheim Fjord. The infrastructure, named the OceanLab subsea node, allows remote experimentation for three groups of assets: seabed infrastructure, surface or subsea vehicles/robots, and assets at remote experimentation sites. To achieve this task, a shoreside ...
    • Bioaktive forbindelser i brunalger 

      Kristensen, Emilie; Broback, Frida Helen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-15)
      <p>Hensikten med marin bioprospektering er å identifisere interessante bioaktive forbindelser som kan ha potensial for kommersiell utnyttelse og videreutvikles til blant annet legemidler. De fleste av disse bioaktive forbindelsene har man til nå funnet i organismer som lever på land, men når man nå leter etter nye stoffer er det enorme biologiske mangfoldet i havet en veldig interessant plass å ...
    • "Når det blåser i fra ØST" - Om bruken av økosystemtjeneste-perspektivet i kystsoneplanleggingen 

      Hersoug, Bjørn; Armstrong, Claire W.; Brattland, Camilla; Eythórsson, Einar; Holmgaard, Sanne Bech; Johnsen, Jahn Petter; Kvalvik, Ingrid; Mikkelsen, Eirik Inge; Paudel, Keshav Prasad; Solås, Ann-Magnhild; Sundsvold, Bente; Sørdahl, Patrick Berg; Thuestad, Alma Elizabeth (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2019)
      Denne rapporten er et resultat av prosjektet Coreplan, som har undersøkt om metoder og tilnærminger som finnes i litteraturen om økosystemtjenester kan bidra til å styrke kystsoneforvaltningen. I rapporten diskuterer vi utviklingstrekk i norsk kystsoneplanlegging og hvordan utviklingen i bruken av kysten kan stille nye krav til kystsoneplanleggingen. Vi forklarer bakgrunnen for begrepet økosystemtjenester, ...
    • Fish investigations in the Barents Sea winter 2017 

      Mehl, Sigbjørn; Aglen, Asgeir; Bogstad, Bjarte; Russkikh, Alexey A.; Staby, Arved; Wenneck, Thomas de Lange; Wienerroither, Rupert (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2017)
      Annual catch quotas and other regulations of the Barents Sea fisheries are set through negotiations between Norway and Russia. Assessment of the state of the stocks and quota advices are given by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Their work is based on survey results and international landings statistics. The results from the demersal fish winter surveys in the ...
    • Studier av B-celler hos laks (Salmo salar) - Aktiveres de av TLR-ligander? 

      Mikkelborg, Marie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-29)
      Virussykdommer hos atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) er en av de største utfordringene i norsk akvakulturindustri, og i tillegg til store økonomiske tap for næringa, fører virussykdommene også med seg store fiskevelferdsmessige problemer. Virusvaksinene som er tilgjengelig på det norske markedet i dag har vist å gi begrenset grad av beskyttelse, og velferdsmessige bekymringer er knyttet opp mot bivirkningene ...
    • Studiar av B-celler hos laks (Salmo salar) – blir dei aktiverte av TLR-ligandar? 

      Ellingseter, Hanna Fylling (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-29)
      Pankreassjukdom, infeksiøs lakseanemi, hjarte- og skjelettmuskelbetennelse og kardiomyopatisyndrom er dei mest utbreidde virussjukdommane i oppdrettsnæringa i Noreg i dag. Sjukdommane har skulda for sterkt nedsett velferd for laksefisk, og store økonomiske tap for oppdretterar langs heile kysten. Vaksinane som blir nytta mot virus i dag har ikkje tilfredsstillande effekt, då vaksinert fisk framleis ...
    • Investigating the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the phytochemical variation of lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) in Norway 

      Amundsen, Mathias (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2023-10-20)
      Lingonberry is an evergreen dwarf shrub abundant and is a food traditionally regarded as a staple of Nordic diets. There is limited commercial harvest of these readily available berries. The objective of this doctoral thesis is to investigate how the composition Norwegian lingonberries vary and investigate how the composition of the lingonberries is affected by abiotic and biotic growth conditions. ...
    • Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment 

      Erikson, Niklas; Fagerstrøm, Asle; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Larsen, Nils Magne; Menon, Vishnu R.G. (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Shopping carts, in general, should be suitable for carrying smart technology in the retail store environment. Also, a smart shopping cart can present verbal motivating stimuli to increase healthier food purchases. A conjoint experiment was used to test with a hypothetical purchasing task for young consumers (n=91) the potential of motivating stimulus on smart shopping carts to influence healthier ...
    • Bortfall av MSC-godkjenning for norske fiskerier. Betydningen av miljømerking og sertifisering 

      Mikkelsen, Magnus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Formålet til oppgaven er å bidra til økt forståelse for miljømerking og sertifisering som styringsform til ressursforvaltning, til tross for at det finnes reguleringer i fiske fra myndighetenes side. Den har også til hensikt å gi økt innsikt på betydningen dette har for norsk fiskerinæring. På bakgrunn av dette ble problemstillingen «Hva slags styringsformer er miljømerker og sertifisering, og hvilken ...
    • Ikke-klassiske MHC klasse I L-linjegener i atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) - Potensiell funksjonell rolle som tidlige antivirale varslingssignaler 

      Mortensen, Ella (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-18)
      The Atlantic salmon farming industry is constantly growing in Norway and if managed properly can present a viable solution to the constantly increasing food demand resulting from staggering human population growth. However, one of the main challenges the industry is facing are re- curring fish viral disease outbreaks. Fish vaccination strategies, especially with multicompo- nent vaccines, is used ...
    • Havbruksnæringen og koronapandemien 

      Bang, Petter Hansen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Norsk havbruksnæring har siden starten på 1970-tallet hatt en kontinuerlig vekst og utvikling. Norsk atlantisk laks har en stor etterspørsel i det globale markedet. I dag er næringen Norges nest største eksportnæring. Det aller meste som havbruksnæringen produserer blir eksportert ut av landet. Bransjen er derfor avhengig av sine utenlandske kunder. Det store spørsmålet er hvordan havbruksnæringen ...
    • Determination of peracetic acid exposure concentration without effect on Atlantic salmon parr health, welfare or growth cultured in RAS. 

      Eggen, Maia Langøy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-14)
      Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are replacing land-based flow through systems in Norway and other producing countries. RAS has many advances but also bring some biological challenges as water disinfection that may compromise biofilters performance and fish health and welfare. For example, Denmark is using peracetic acid (PAA) as a water disinfection strategy to control pathogens for rainbow ...
    • Exploring the Biotechnological Potential of the Secretome from the Marine Fungus Digitatispora marina Proteomics, Bioinformatics and Heterologous Expression of Novel Proteases 

      Heimland, Elise Nilsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Cold-adapted enzymes are of biotechnological value due to their high catalytic powers at low to moderate temperatures and their high thermolability at elevated temperatures. Marine fungi are an understudied group of organisms, which makes them interesting as enzyme producers because of their adaptions to marine habitats. In this thesis study, a bioprospecting pipeline was constructed, and different ...
    • Aquaculture market, diversity, and economic development of Bangladesh for the millennium 1995-2019 

      Jahan, Sharmin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-09-05)
      Bangladesh is regarded as one of the most favorable regions in the world for aquaculture and fisheries attributed to its largest flooded wetland and third-largest aquatic biodiversity in Asia, behind China and India. The aquaculture in Bangladesh is crucial to the economy and diet of the world population. The purpose of this thesis is to review on aquaculture market, diversity, and their contribution ...
    • Identifying the Genetic Population Structure Knowledge Gaps Hindering an Improved Management of the Spurdog (Squalus acanthias) stock in the Northeast Atlantic: A Systematic Review 

      Mascareño Suárez, Francisco (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-08-20)
      Despite its long history of exploitation, there is limited information about the spurdog. Therefore, it is important to identify which general and genetic information is available for the species and what is missing to resolve stock structure and advice future management schemes. The goal of this study was to identify the knowledge gaps, in terms of genetic population structure and diversity, which ...
    • Markedsundersøkelse: Norsk varmrøkt laks til Japan 

      Riple, Anna Karia Lerøy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-16)
      min studie vil jeg se på muligheten for å introdusere et nytt lakseprodukt til Japan, Varmrøykt laks. Varmrøkt laks ble valgt som utgangspunkt fordi dette er et bearbeidet lakseprodukt som antatt hadde ingen eller lite anerkjennelse i Japan. Ved å introdusere et bearbeidet lakseprodukt ingen hadde noe forhold til og deretter måle oppfatning av dette produktet, kunne man si noe om mulighetene for ...
    • [EFFECT OF CROWDING ON BEHAVIOUR OF ATLANTIC SALMON (Salmo salar) IN AQUACULTURE] [Using behaviour as a tool to assess welfare in Atlantic salmon aquaculture production] 

      Bhadmus, Zainab Titilope (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-10-20)
      Aquaculture productions are increasing worldwide and producers are concerned about the welfare of farmed fish. The importance of good welfare cannot be overemphasized throughout the production cycle as each stage has risks and as such must be closely monitored. In this study, a literature review of animal and fish welfare and behaviour was done with special emphasis on the behaviour of Atlantic ...
    • Assessing the conditions for compliance in the squid light fisheries in Myeik, Myanmar 

      Oo Lwin, Chit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-09-05)
      Light fishing is one of the most advanced and successful methods in several fisheries worldwide. Light fishing operations in Myanmar involve using light luring methods in inshore and offshore fisheries, especially for catching squids and pelagic fishes in squid seine (stick-held falling net) and purse seine vessels. Technological advancements have led fishers to use more power, light intensity, and ...