Viser treff 621-640 av 5228

    • Kiselalger som en fremtidig fôrressurs? Biokjemisk sammensetning i oppdrettslaks (Salmo salar) med Porosira glacialis som fôringrediens. 

      Kristiansen, Frida Bakkehaug (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      En stadig økende verdensbefolkning og etterspørsel etter sjømat, har bidratt til at akvakulturnæringen har stått ovenfor en betydelig vekst de siste 30 årene. Parallelt har behovet for fôr og fôringredienser økt. Dagens villfiskbestander er allerede fullt utnyttet, og andelen av de høyverdige råvarene fiskemel og fiskeolje er begrenset til bruk i fôrproduksjon på grunn av stagnering i fiskeriene. ...
    • Effekter av framtidige endringer i temperatur og fiskedødelighet på torsk (Gadus morhua) og hyse (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) i Barentshavet - en økosystemmodellering med Ecopath og Ecosim 

      Pedersen, Truls (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Økningen i havtemperatur har ført til at mange boreale arter har utvidet sitt habitat både nordover og østover, deriblant torsk og hyse. Torsk og hyse er to av de viktigste kommersielle artene i Barentshavet, og den allerede observerte økningen i biomasse tyder på at begge artene responderer positivt på økt havtemperatur. Hysebestanden i Barentshavet foretrekker varmere temperatur enn torskebestanden, ...
    • Levendelagret rødspette (Pleuronectes platessa) – velferd og kvalitet 

      Pettersen, Ingrid Marie; Aaknes, Vilde Synnøve (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      I dag er verdikjeden for fisk og skalldyr bygget opp rundt utnyttelse av et fåtall arter som kan fanges i store volum og med høy markedsverdi. Bruk av lite eller ikke utnyttede marine ressurser kan være en bærekraftig tilnærming for å innfri fremtidige krav og etterspørsel til fiskekonsum. Rødspette (Pleuronectes platessa) er den viktigste flatfisken i volum og verdi i europeiske fiskerier. Både ...
    • Fremtidens oppdrettsnæring – med eller uten kobberimpregnering? En kvalitativ studie av aktørers holdninger til kobberbaserte impregneringsmetoder 

      Lie, Amalie Hefre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      For å hindre vekst av marine organismer på nøter i oppdrettsanlegg brukes impregnering. I Norge er kobber den vanligste impregneringsmetoden. I 2021 ble det omsatt 1097 tonn kobber til bruk som impregneringsmiddel på nøter i norsk oppdrettsnæring. Når en kobberimpregnert not står i sjøen, vil kobberet havne i det marine miljø enten passivt gjennom utlekking, eller aktivt gjennom spyling. Kobberet ...
    • Forvaltning av kystnære fiskeribestander - Fiskeriene i Andfjorden, kysttorsk og sosioøkologisk perspektiv 

      Johansen, Marianne H. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-04-29)
      Kystnære fiskebestander har blitt høstet av siden mennesker bosatte seg langs kysten. Effektiviseringen av fiskeflåten og økt menneskelig aktivitet i kystsonen og til havs, har ført til at tiltak for å bevare fiskebestander er blitt innført. De senere tiårene har synet på forvaltning blitt mer helhetlig, fordi forskere, fiskere, organisasjoner, med mer, begynte å se verdien av å ivareta hele økosystem ...
    • Assessing the deterrence effect of target-specific acoustic startle technology on killer whales and humpback whales during interactions with Norwegian purse seine herring fishery 

      Langstein, Elida (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Norwegian fishers report an increase in negative interactions with marine mammals: An issue that is also on the rise, globally. Efforts to mitigate these interactions using currently available methods have yielded little success for larger cetaceans. This study examines the efficacy of a novel target-specific acoustic startle technology (TAST) in deterring killer whales (Orcinus orca) and humpback ...
    • Stock Assessment of Norwegian Atlantic Halibut North of 62°N Latitude Using a Data-Limited Approach 

      Lindgård, Edvin Laberg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-13)
      Landings of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) have increased significantly in later years. More fishing boats are joining the open-access fishery, with an ever-increasing number of fishing gear. The Atlantic halibut is also a popular tourist and recreational fishery target species. Atlantic halibut is a large, late-maturing flatfish with life history traits that make the stock sensitive ...
    • The cost of parasites – Metazoan parasite community of anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from Northern Norway 

      Auestad Nilsen, Hedda (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      Anadromous salmonids migrating in the marine system to feed are at risk of accumulating trophically transmitted parasites that may have negative effects on the salmonid host. The aim of this study was to explore the metazoan parasite community of returning anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) directly after entrance to freshwater. This is the first study conducted in Europe looking at the ...
    • Characterization of Cuzd1 expression and development of in vivo CRISPR technology in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) 

      Hakhverdyan, Sona (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-12)
      The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) is a commercially important species that exhibits an anadromous life cycle involving migratory movements between freshwater and marine environments. Understanding the fundamental biology of the Atlantic salmon, particularly during key life history transitions such as smoltification, is therefore of great importance. In light of modern biotechnology and the completed ...
    • Serological screening for tick-borne encephalitis virus in eight Norwegian herds of semi-domesticated reindeer 

      Lamsal, Alaka; Tryland, Morten; Paulsen, Katrine M.; Romano, Javier Sánchez; Nymo, Ingebjørg H.; Stiasny, Karin; Soleng, Arnulf; Vikse, Rose; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-01)
      Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is found in Ixodes ricinus ticks throughout the area where viable tick populations exist. In Norway, TBEV is found in I. ricinus from the south coast until Brønnøy municipality in Nordland County and the range of the vector is expanding due to changes in climate, vegetation, host animals and environmental conditions. TBEV might thus have the potential to establish ...
    • Does crypsis influence foraging patterns in a colour polymorphic Arctic fox population? 

      Pepels, Kos Jack Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-26)
      Seasonal coat colour moulting species moult to white winter fur for crypsis in snow-covered landscapes. Seasonal coat colour moulting occurs in birds and mammals; some are colour polymorphic; one of which is the arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), having a blue and white colour morph. Camouflage, thermoregulation and physiology likely contributed to the evolution of this polymorphism. Climate change is ...
    • Gelatinous zooplankton diversity, distribution and seasonality in the northern Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean 

      Ciambelli, Angelo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Gelatinous zooplankton, here referring to the phylum Cnidaria and Ctenophora and the class Appendicularia are important components of marine ecosystems due to their very diverse diets, life cycles and seasonal dynamics. In the Barents Sea, several studies reviewed the gelatinous zooplankton diversity, yet few studies documented the diversity and distribution patterns between the advected ...
    • Estimating secondary production and egg production of Calanus spp. at the Polar front 

      Granaas, Torkel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Secondary production was estimated at the Polar Front in 2022 using optical sampling techniques to sample zooplankton, growth rates computed with semi-emprical equations and egg production of Calanus spp. was also estimated.
    • Food web-mediated interaction between marine mammals and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents seas. 

      Bas, Lucas Johannes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Ecological systems, such as marine ecosystems, are complex adaptive systems in which large scale system properties (e.g., trophic structure, energy flux patterns, etc.) emerge from interactions between ecosystem components or species. This makes them difficult to understand, predict, and model. The Norwegian and Barents Seas support multiple commercial fisheries, including those for herring, cod, ...
    • Effect of climate change and invasive species on Arctic marine food-webs 

      Yagüe Arranz, Sonia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Climate warming induces poleward distributional shifts of boreal species in Arctic regions resulting in compositional changes with poorly understood consequences for Arctic food-webs. This thesis addresses the spatial variation in Barents Sea food-webs using previously compiled distributional data in polygons specified for the Nowegian and Barents Sea NoBa Atlantis model and a highly resolved Barents ...
    • The effect of endurance training on mitochondrial function in Siberian huskies and Alaskan huskies 

      Sælen-Helgesson, Silje (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Teams of Alaskan huskies and Siberian Huskies are used to pull sleds and compete in long-distance races such as Finnmarksløpet (1200 km) and the Iditarod (1600 km). That is an elite athlete performance, and their ability to conduct such extreme endurance challenges under arctic conditions is poorly understood. A previous study has shown that Alaskan huskies possibly have the highest values of ...
    • Microplastics Accumulation in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) 

      Eidsvik, Erlend Vartdal (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      It has in recent years been a shift in the land-based aquaculture production from flow through systems (FTS) to recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). With emerging use of RAS, it is necessary with knowledge regarding potential issues, whereas one potentially increasing problem is accumulation of microplastics (MP) in the RAS water. The objects of this study were to determine MPs concentration in ...
    • Microbial responses to warming and seasonal temperature changes in sub-Arctic forest and grassland soils 

      Ahlers, Laureen Sarah (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and global temperatures have increased steadily over the past 100 years (IPCC, 2018). Greenhouse gases, such as CO2, and their emissions from soils play an important role in shaping future climate scenarios. Soil microorganisms are responsible for the turnover of soil organic matter and the release of CO2 to the atmosphere (Hartley et al., 2008), thereby ...
    • The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus of The Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) and it’s Circadian Outputs 

      Holmen, Mariel Wictoria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      The Earth is in constant movement around the Sun – this has created environments with changing light throughout the day and year. Through evolution animals have adapted to this change in light and circadian and circannual rhythms have evolved to enhance fitness and survival. Animals living in the Arctic region have a different relationship to light changes as for several months a year the Sun ...
    • Biotic and abiotic drivers of barnacle recruitment along a sub-Arctic intertidal rocky shore 

      Prieto Del Campo, Marta (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Most marine ecological research in the Arctic has focused on open water ecosystems, while coastal ecosystems are systematically under-studied. However, Arctic near-shore ecosystems are highly stressed environments and play a major role in biogeochemical cycling (e.g., nutrient input from thawing permafrost). Furthermore, the Arctic region has extreme environmental conditions which are expected ...