Viser treff 641-660 av 5228

    • Circannual rhythms in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) 

      Pelko, Magdalena Maria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      The Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) is a true arctic species and is considered to be the northernmost freshwater fish. Since this species is being known for its great variability in size, phenotype, colour, ecology and history, some of them are landlocked (which stay in freshwater all their life) and others are anadromous (they undertake summer migrations to sea and then they come back to ...
    • Changes in the distribution of marine invertebrates in a warming Barents Sea over the last century 

      Calvet, Nathalie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      The Barents Sea is a shelf sea in the European Arctic and is influenced by the North Atlantic Current and the Arctic Ocean. The North Atlantic Current is composed of warmer, saline waters compared to the cold, fresher waters from the Arctic Ocean. Over the last century, the Barents Sea mean temperature has increased by 1.5°C above a depth of 60m and by 0.5-0.8°C below 60m. This warming is ...
    • Developing a mitigation hierarchy framework to conserve wetland biodiversity under pressure from development 

      Dahle, Mathias Leines (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-16)
      Wetlands are severely affected by human development. About 50 % of their original global extent has been lost, their populations of plants and animals have declined faster than for any other ecosystem, and 25 % of wetland-dependent species are threatened. As the main reason for these declines is habitat loss, often caused by infrastructure development, it is critical to develop conservation strategies ...
    • Beyond Catching Fish: Exploring the role of Relational Values in Mobilizing Community-based Management Efforts in a north Norwegian lake 

      Mæland, Kjerstin Andrea (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      All over the world, local communities are actively engaging in the management and monitoring of natural resources. The underlying driver of most community-driven efforts goes beyond the direct utilization of natural resources to entail a deeper relation to the place or ecosystem they are managing. Relational values have been suggested as a potential driver of such initiatives, but empirical research ...
    • Size composition, reproductive investment, and fecundity of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) in Finnmark fjords, 1994-2022 

      Hjertaas, Haakon Winge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      The release of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) into the Barents Sea by Russian scientists in the 1960s had the goal of establishing a self-sustaining stock for the purpose of commercial harvest. The red king crab has been successfully established as a stock in Norwegian waters where it has become an important commercial resource in the eastern regions of Finnmark. The Norwegian red king ...
    • Kartlegging av dødelighet og vekst i produksjonen av triploid settefisk (Salmo Salar L.) i perioden 2017-2021 i et norsk settefiskanlegg 

      Frantzen, Christoffer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Noen av de største utfordringene i dagens oppdrett av atlantisk laks (Salmo Salar L.) er knyttet til påvirkninger av miljøet. Rømming av oppdrettslaks er en stor miljøutfordring da det er fare for at rømt oppdrettslaks kan påvirke vill laks genetisk i tillegg til spredning av lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). Produksjon triploid laks er en måte å produsere steril laks på, og et tiltak for å gjøre ...
    • Hvor ble det av kystreka? Formidling av forskningsresultater med StoryMap 

      Høyer, Christoffer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Dypvannsreke Pandalus borealis har er en viktig ressurs for fiskere langs norskekysten. Årlige kvoter fastsettes basert på råd av havforskning, fiskeristatistikk og innspill fra ulike interesser, forhandlinger mellom land og politiske føringer for å sikre en bærekraftig forvaltning. Planlegging, håndtering og overvåkning av ressurser i kystsonen er viktig for å ta vare på økosystemene og sikre ...
    • To tell or not to tell: Preference elicitation with and without emphasis on scientific uncertainty 

      Aanesen, Margrethe; Armstrong, Claire W.; Borch, Trude Kristin; Fieler, Reinhold; Hausner, Vera Helene; Kipperberg, Gorm; Lindhjem, Henrik; Navrud, Ståle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-01)
      Decisions about the optimal use of coastal and marine resources must be taken under high uncertainty about environmental impacts and may conflict with public perception of the risk associated with current blue growth initiatives. In a discrete choice experiment conducted in valuation workshops in five communities in Arctic Norway, we examine public preferences for various aquaculture expansion paths. ...
    • Optimizing intensive culture protocols for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae 

      Puvanendran, Velmurugu; Swain, Trilochan; Tveiten, Helge; Hansen, Øyvind J; Mortensen, Atle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-22)
      Larval cod require live prey as food, and prey concentration (PC) and feeding frequency (FF) often afect their growth and survival. Apart from this, water exchange rates/water fow (WER/WF) and water current (WC) also afect the prey resident time in the tank and larval/early juvenile behaviour, respectively. High water current is also known to induce stress in fnfsh larvae, and this stress response ...
    • High seasonal overlap in habitat suitability in a nonmigratory High Arctic ungulate 

      Pedersen, Åshild Ønvik; Soininen, Eeva M; Hansen, Brage Bremset; Le Moullec, Mathilde; Loe, Leif Egil; Paulsen, I.M.G.; Eischeid, Isabell; Karlsen, Stein Rune; Ropstad, Erik; Stien, Audun; Tarroux, Arnaud; Tømmervik, Hans; Ravolainen, Virve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-26)
      Understanding drivers of space use and habitat selection is essential for management and conservation, especially under rapid environmental change. Here, we develop summer and winter habitat suitability models for the endemic wild Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus). The High Arctic Svalbard tundra is currently subject to the fastest temperature increases on Earth, and reindeer ...
    • Seasonal dynamics of four cryptic species of Crepidostomum spp. in a subarctic lake in Northern Norway 

      Drage, Kristine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-16)
      The function of parasites in ecosystems is often overlooked, and there is a general lack of knowledge about parasite biodiversity down to species levels, especially for cryptic species. This study looks at the seasonal dynamics of four cryptic species of the trematode Crepidostomum spp. in Lake Takvatn, Northern Norway. Samples were collected between June 2017 and May 2018, and a total of 560 ...
    • Framtidig tilnærming i bearbeidingsprosessen hos SalMar InnovaNor 

      Hatleli, Catharina Sundal; Meland, Martine Gullberg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Temaet for masteroppgaven er innovasjon og bærekraftig utvikling i sjømatnæringen. Målet med studien er å se på implementering og mulighetsområder for bearbeidingsprosessen inn mot et grønt skifte. Tematikken vil bli belyst gjennom selskapet SalMar InnovaNor. SalMar InnovaNor er et slakteri- og bearbeidingsanlegg på Senja som driver med bearbeiding av laks, og er et av de største selskapene innenfor ...
    • Broad-Host-Range Genetic Tools for Observing Microbial Consortia 

      Deppe, Luisa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Microbial communities are complex assemblages that are key to ecosystem stability and human health. Synthetic ecology aims to design and construct microbial consortia with reduced complexity that enable innovative applications beyond monocultures. However, their robust and performance-based design is constrained by limited knowledge of growth dynamics and derived binary interactions that are critical ...
    • Northern expansion is not compensating for southern declines in North American boreal forests 

      Rotbarth, Ronny; Van Nes, Egbert H.; Scheffer, Marten; Jepsen, Jane Uhd; Vindstad, Ole Petter Laksforsmo; Xu, Chi; Holmgren, Milena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-08)
      Climate change is expected to shift the boreal biome northward through expansion at the northern and contraction at the southern boundary respectively. However, biome-scale evidence of such a shift is rare. Here, we used remotely-sensed tree cover data to quantify temporal changes across theNorth American boreal biome from 2000 to . 2019. We reveal a strong northsouth asymmetry in tree cover change, ...
    • Kunnskapskartlegging-produksjon av stor laksesmolt 

      Ytrestøyl, Trine; Jenssen, Iris; Wetterwald, Vibeke Emilsen; Striberny, Anja; Alvestad, René; Dam, Rùni; Mortensen, Heidi S.; Johansen, Ellie; Espmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter; Johansen, Lill-Heidi; Kolarevic, Jelena; Larsen, Jørund S; Sandberg, Merete Gisvold; Nilsen, Tom Ole (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023-05-26)
      Basert på forskning og erfaringer kan det gis noen anbefalinger for produksjon av storsmolt med tanke på sentrale produksjonsparametere i den landbaserte fasen av produksjonen. En temperatur på 10-12 °C anbefales for å sikre god vekst i sjøfase og redusere tidlig kjønnsmodning hos hannfisk. Det anbefales ikke å gå bort fra lysstyring for å indusere smoltifisering før det foreligger mer dokumentasjon ...
    • Increased importance of cool-water fish at high latitudes emerges from individual-level responses to warming 

      Smalås, Aslak; Primicerio, Raul; Kahilainen, Kimmo K.; Terentjev, Petr; Kashulin, Nikolay; Zubova, Elena; Amundsen, Per-Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-06)
      High latitude ecosystems are experiencing the most rapid warming on earth, expected to trigger a diverse array of ecological responses. Climate warming affects the ecophysiology of fish, and fish close to the cold end of their thermal distribution are expected to increase somatic growth from increased temperatures and a prolonged growth season, which in turn affects maturation schedules, reproduction, ...
    • A holistic and comprensive data approach validates the distribution of the critically endangered flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) 

      Garbett, Amy; L. Loca, Sophie; Barreau, Thomas; Biscoito, Manuel; Bradley, Caroline; Breen, Joe; Clarke, Maurice; Ellis, Jim R.; Griffiths, Andrew Mark; Hannon, Gary; Jakobsdottir, Klara; Junge, Claudia; Lynghammar, Arve; McCloskey, Matthew; Minos, George; D. Phillips, Natasha; A. Prodöhl, Paolo; Roche, William; Iglesias, Samuel P.; Thorburn, James; C. Collins, Patrick (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-29)
      Morphological similarities between skates of the genus Dipturus in the north-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean have resulted in longstanding confusion, misidentification and misreporting. Current evidence indicates that the common skate is best explained two species, the flapper skate (D. intermedius) and the common blue skate (D. batis). However, some management and conservation initiatives developed ...
    • Overtredelser i fiskerinæringen: Kontroll- eller aktsomhetsproblem? En studie over bruken av overtredelsesgebyr i norsk fiskeriforvaltning 

      Berg, Ronje (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Overtredelsesgebyr (OTG) er en administrativ sanksjon som Fiskeridirektoratet kan ilegge ved overtredelser av fiskerilovgivningen. Denne oppgaven undersøker bruken av OTG i norsk fiskerinæring, med formål om å vise hvorfor det er uenigheter mellom forvaltningen og fiskerne om bruken av sanksjonsmetoden. For å besvare oppgavens problemstilling vil studien bruke en "mixed methods" tilnærming ved å ...
    • Påvirkning på torsk (Gadus morhua) ved høsting av raudåte (Calanus finmarchicus) 

      Hessen, Katrine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Med bakgrunn i at flertallet av verdens fiskebestander er overfisket eller drives fiske på, verdens befolkning- og etterspørselen av råstoff øker, er det aktuelt å rette blikket mot lavere trofiskenivå. Raudåte er en av artene i jordas mest dominerende dyregruppe, med dens enorme produktivitet er det potensiale til å beskatte av bestanden uten negative ringvirkninger på økosystemets helhet. Tross ...
    • Whole genome sequencing reveals development of structured salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis, Krøyer, 1838) populations among aquaculture net pens through production 

      Brække, Nora (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Salmon louse, (Lepeophtheirus salmonis, Krøyer, 1838), is an ectoparasite that causes multiple health and economic problems in the farming of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), but also threatens wild salmonid species. The industry is struggling to identify proper measures for limiting lice infections, and to identify effective delousing treatments. One of the major production and management challenges, ...