Viser treff 661-680 av 5228

    • Strategies Used Throughout the World to Manage Fisheries Discards – Lessons for Implementation of the EU Landing Obligation 

      Karp, William A; Breen, Michael; Borges, Lisa; Fitzpatrick, Mike; Kennelly, Steven J.; Kolding, Jeppe; Nielsen, Kåre Nolde; Vidarsson, Jonas R.; Cocas, Luis; Leadbitter, Duncan (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018-12-20)
      In many countries, policies regarding reduction of unwanted catch and discards are crafted in response to concerns regarding accountability, conservation, and waste as well as scientific needs to fully account for all sources of fishing mortality. It is important to note, however, that unwanted catch is minimal and most, or all, of the catch has value in some fisheries. Utilisation rates are very ...
    • Estimating the cumulative impact and zone of influence of anthropogenic features on biodiversity 

      Niebuhr, Bernardo Brandão; Van Moorter, Bram; Stien, Audun; Tveraa, Torkild; Strand, Olav; Langeland, Knut; Sandstrom, Per; Alam, Moudud; Skarin, Anna; Panzacchi, Manuela (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-02)
      1. The concept of cumulative impacts is widespread in policy documents, regu-lations and ecological studies, but quantification methods are still evolving. Infrastructure development usually takes place in landscapes with preexist-ing anthropogenic features. Typically, their impact is determined by computing the distance to the nearest feature only, thus ignoring the potential cumulative impacts of ...
    • Fiskeflåtens utvikling og tilstand 

      Johansen, Lars-Øyvind Rønning (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-05)
      Masteroppgave. Fiskeflåtej
    • Promoting governability in small-scale capture fisheries in the Persian Gulf: The case of Qeshm Island 

      Kamrani, E.; Daliri, M.; Jentoft, Svein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08)
      The present study examines the fisheries governance status of small-scale capture fisheries in the northern Persian Gulf. Qeshm Island, which is selected as case study, plays a prominent role in fisheries in the Persian Gulf and territorial waters of the country. The research methodology included in-depth and semi-structured interviews with heads of fisheries cooperatives and fishers to deepen our ...
    • Redisposition of acremonium-like fungi in Hypocreales 

      Hou, Lingwei; Giraldo, Alejandra; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias Ewald; Rämä, Teppo; Summerbell, R.C.; Huang, G.Z.; Cai, Lei; Crous, Pedro Willem (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-02)
      Acremonium is acknowledged as a highly ubiquitous genus including saprobic, parasitic, or endophytic fungi that inhabit a variety of environments. Species of this genus are extensively exploited in industrial, commercial, pharmaceutical, and biocontrol applications, and proved to be a rich source of novel and bioactive secondary metabolites. Acremonium has been recognised as a taxonomically difficult ...
    • Øker generisk markedsføring etterspørselen av norsk laks i global handel? 

      Arnesen, Marius Ihle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-01)
      Norske oppdrettere er pålagt en eksportavgift for laksen de eksporterer. Avgiften skal blant annet gå til Norsk sjømatråd (NSR) som skal drive med felles markedsføring av norsk sjømat. I denne studien er det benyttet en etterspørselsanalyse til å undersøkelse om markedsføringen fører til økt etterspørsel i norsk laks på verdensmarkedet. En nytte-kostnadsanalyse er gjennomført for å finne ut om ...
    • Morphological variation in the redfish (Sebastes spp.) complex in Norwegian waters 

      Bruvold, Ingrid Marie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-02)
      The golden redfish Sebastes norvegicus is a long-lived commercial species of redfish in the North Atlantic. Excessive harvest through decades has led to a decline in the mature population in Norwegian waters, which is currently considered to be severely depleted. Accumulating genetic evidence suggest a more complex structure within the Sebastes genus in the North Atlantic, which has recently formed ...
    • Effekter av temperatur gjennom tidlig utvikling på histologi og genuttrykk i hjertet til startfôringsklar atlantisk laks (Salmo salar L.) 

      Rønningen, Elise Kathinka (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-01)
      Norsk oppdrettslaks skal igjennom en intensiv produksjonsprosess som setter høye krav til fiskens helse. En robust fisk med god hjertehelse er viktig for at fisken skal tåle påkjenninger som smittepress og håndtering. Det er tidligere observert en økning i deformiteter i skjelett ved inkubasjonstemperatur i de tidlige livsstadier på over 8ºC, men hvordan temperatur påvirker hjerteutvikling er ikke ...
    • Organisasjonskultur i norsk toppfotball: Integrert, differensiert eller tvetydig? 

      Martinsen, Steinar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-31)
      Organisasjonskultur i toppidrettsorganisasjoner er et lite, men voksende forskningsfelt. Disse organisasjonene er interessante både grunnet strukturene i dem, i tillegg til at flere organisasjonskulturelle fenomener ofte er vanlige i idrettsorganisasjoner, som symboler og historie. Dette legger grunnlaget for at en casestudie av organisasjonskulturen i en norsk toppfotballklubb er interessant. For ...
    • Strategisk regnskapsanalyse av NorgesGruppen ASA 

      An, Wen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-30)
      Denne oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i spesifikt selskap, NorgesGruppen ASA (heretter kalt NorgesGruppen), som er Norges største dagligvarekjede. Dagligvarekjedene spiller en sentral rolle i Norges matforsyning. Problemstillingen med oppgaven er å analysere hvordan den økonomiske utviklingen har vært for NorgesGruppen i perioden 2016 til 2021 og hvordan fremtidsutsiktene til NorgesGruppen ser ut. Oppgaven ...
    • Regjerlighet i fiskerinæringen: En institusjonell analyse av praktiseringen av det strafferettslige sanksjonssystemet i norsk fiskeriforvaltning 

      Torsteinsson, Brynjar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Tema for denne studien er det strafferettslige sanksjonssystemet i fiskerinæringen, og hensikten er å utforske og analysere hvordan dette systemet bidrar til å utvikle regjerlige fiskerier i Norge. Studien utforsker dette ved å undersøke systemets organisering, strategier og strafferettslig praksis, samt relevante aktørers oppfatninger av systemet. Problemstillingen i studien er: «I hvilken grad ...
    • Desarmillaria ectypa ny for Norge 

      Rämä, Teppo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Desarmillaria ectypa was found new to Norway on Kvaløya, Tromsø municipality on 30th of July 2022. This rare mushroom grows on medium rich to rich fens and mires. It can be identified based on the growth habitat, medium-sized fruitbodies with yellow and brownish colors, scales on the hat center, lack of veil, gills with pinkish tint and white spores. The ecology, distribution and red-list status of ...
    • The human gaze at animals and the missing animal gaze in tourism studies 

      Tomassini, Lucia; Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-26)
      This research letter critically reflects on the missing animal gaze in tourism studies and elaborates on the urgency of including it in the discussion about the relationship between human and non-human animals. Drawing on the Foucauldian gaze and on the John Urry’s tourist gaze, we reflect on the unproblematised power imbalance between human and animal gazes that is inherent in tourist ...
    • Internasjonale studenter: Skal de bli eller må de dra? 

      Santos, Jorge (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-05-16)
      Stortinget skal snart behandle forslaget om at internasjonale studenter må betale høye studieavgifter. Om avgiftene innføres fra høsten, vil det etter alt å dømme bety færre internasjonale studenter, nedlegging av studieprogrammer, mindre mangfold og at vi mister kompetanse både i Norge og land i sør. Det med mindre vi nå tenker nytt og innovativt om finansiering.
    • Rekruttering av fiskere på Færøyene - En studie av sysselsettingssystemet og rekrutteringsmekanismene i den færøyske fiskeflåte 

      Olsen, Rósa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-22)
      Denne studien undersøker rekrutteringsmønsteret i den færøyske fiskeriflåten i nyere tid. Tradisjonelt har fiskeri og fiskeri relaterte aktiviteter opprettholdt store deler av lokal samfunnene på Færøyene. I et stadig mer moderne samfunn og en stadig mer spesialisert fiskerinæring har man opplevd at nye strategier etableres for høsting av ressursene påvirker strukturen til fiskeriflåten. Flere ...
    • Inflammatory responses in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) vaccinated at different water temperatures with intraperitoneal injection 

      Knutsen, Ingrid Svihus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      The use of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) as cleaner fish in salmonid aquaculture for the biological control of sea lice infestation levels has increased in recent years. The species is relatively new to aquaculture and susceptible to various infectious agents. The health situation for lumpfish is currently considered poor, indicating the necessity for developing more efficient vaccines. Studying ...
    • Plastic occurrence in six different species of Arctic seabirds - Harmonizing methods and closing knowledge gaps on plastic occurrence and polymer identity 

      Benjaminsen, Stine Charlotte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      The once pristine Arctic is now facing negative alterations with a rapidly changing climate, increasing human activity, and plastic pollution. Seabirds are intrinsic to the marine ecosystems, and in recent years, plastic ingestion by seabirds has been of increasing concern because of the potential negative impact on individual and population levels. The aim of this study was to investigate the plastic ...
    • Snow depth effects on vegetation dynamics and development of near-remote sensing techniques in high-Arctic tundra 

      Jørgensen, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Snow exerts key controls on many aspects of plant ecology in the Arctic, including community composition. With climate predictions forecasting dramatic changes in winter climate and snow cover in the Arctic in the near future, it is important to improve our understanding of snow effects on plant communities in these regions. This study used a snow depth manipulation experiment established in 2006 ...
    • Timing is everything: Within-plant flowering phenology impacts fruit production in the Arctic-Alpine cushion plant Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. 

      Ween, Rebekka Eriksen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-16)
      Timing is everything for Arctic flowering plants. Early flowers might be destroyed by frost, while late flowers have less time and resources to mature fruit. With climate change, Arctic flowering phenology is shifting. Yet for many species, phenology studies only encompass the onset of flowering and lack baseline data on within-plant flowering times. I used the gynodioecious cushion plant Silene ...
    • Ethnic discrimination in Scandinavia: evidence from a field experiment in women’s amateur soccer 

      Storm, Rasmus K.; Nesseler, Cornel Maria; Holum, Marthe Liss; Nygaard, Andreas; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-11)
      In this paper, we examine ethnic discrimination using sport as a laboratory. Applying a field experiment in the three Scandinavian countries—Sweden, Norway, and Denmark—we test whether foreign female minority groups experience greater rejection rates when seeking inclusion in amateur soccer clubs. Soccer coaches were contacted by e-mail using native and foreign-sounding names from selected groups, ...