Now showing items 261-280 of 3029

    • Reguleringen av testamentariske stiftelser i den nye arveloven 

      Asland, John (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
    • The impacts of tidewater glacier retreat on functioning of Arctic fjords: observations and modeling 

      Duarte, Pedro; Assmy, Philipp Kurt Wolf; Hop, Haakon; Marnela, Marika; Moreau, Sebastien (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024)
      The main goals of this study are to discuss the effects of tidewater glacier retreat on fjord biogeochemistry based on observational and modeling evidence collected in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, and on published studies. We here present a fjord conceptual model, including a benthic compartment, to visualize the biogeochemical fluxes between the sediments and the water column.
    • The covid-19 pandemic and civil society in a border region Mobilizing voluntary forces in Murmansk region, Russia, and Troms and Finnmark region, Norway 

      Nygaard, Vigdis; Kårtveit, Bård; Normann, Anne Katrine Meinich (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023-12)
      This report is based on the analysis of official and media texts describing the national and regional developments of the COVID crisis and the role of volunteer work. We also refer to official statistics, surveys, and research literature available on the topic. Additionally, we have conducted interviews with NGO leaders and volunteer personnel by phone and face-to-face. The data cover the period ...
    • Bo Lindberg, Disputation, dissertation, avhandling: historien om en genre (Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 2022). 248 s. 

      Aspaas, Per Pippin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-20)
      Idéhistoriker Bo Lindbergs siste bok har undertittelen historien om en genre. I denne historien, om genren vi i dag kaller avhandling, ligger tyngdepunktet i analysen på perioden fra cirka 1650 og fram til 1852, da en større reform i svensk høyere utdanning førte til at den tradisjonsrike dissertasjonsteksten endret karakter. Det er vel å merke ikke tale om en teoretisk-litteraturvitenskapelig studie, ...
    • Tackling Gender Inequality In Doctoral Supervision - An Intersectional Toolkit Involving Hearts, Minds, Policies, And Practices 

      Wisker, Gina; Fossland, Trine Medby (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-11-01)
      Doctoral supervision is both a rewarding and challenging experience for supervisors and doctoral students, while effective supervision and research practice is of crucial importance for the developmental process and both students' and supervisors' careers. Although several challenges in the research journey are strictly research-focused, supervision is a human activity where intersectional aspects ...
    • Becoming a professional supervisor: Doctoral supervisors’ development in a mandatory, large-scale development programme 

      Fossland, Trine Medby (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-09-05)
      High-quality supervision is crucial for doctoral researchers’ progression, attrition rates, well-being, and experience of their doctoral journeys. New requirements in higher education have actualised the professional development of doctoral supervisors’ praxis, both as an institutional responsibility and academic field. However, there is a lack of literature exploring doctoral supervisors’ perspectives ...
    • Samiske spor i arkivet 

      Kaldager, Marianne; Kramvig, Britt; Sikku, Katarina Pirak (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-03-23)
      I denne artikkelen spør vi hva det innebærer å avkolonialisere arkiver. Vårt utgangspunkt er arkivet etter den samiske naturlegen Knut Lunde. Arkivet består av dokumenter fra en historisk periode der kolonialisering var ekspanderende og omfattende på alle samfunnsområder. I vårt arbeid med samlingen ser vi etter hvordan kolonialitet har vært rammene for hvordan pasientjournaler, brev, respondert på ...
    • Fluorinated captopril analogues inhibit metallo-β-lactamases and facilitate structure determination of NDM-1 binding pose 

      Kondratieva, Alexandra; Palica, Katarzyna; Frøhlich, Christopher; Rolfsnes Hovd, Rebekka; Leiros, Hanna-Kirsti S.; Erdélyi, Máté; Bayer, Annette (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-10)
      Bacterial resistance to the majority of clinically used β-lactam antibiotics is a global health threat and, consequently, the driving force for the development of metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) inhibitors. The rapid evolution of new MBLs calls for new strategies and tools for inhibitor development. In this study, we designed and developed a series of trifluoromethylated captopril analogues as probes for ...
    • Exploring the effects of automation malfunction on team communication and coordination in ships' engine rooms 

      Tusher, Hasan Mahbub; Nazir, Salman; Mallam, Steven; Yang, Zaili; Asgher, Umer; Rusli, Risza (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-12)
      Automation malfunctions within complex socio-technical systems reserve the potential to significantly affect human performance. In the context of maritime operations, varying consequences of automation malfunction on human performance can be observed. This study introduced a two-step research framework to examine the repercussions of such malfunctions, particularly those related to communication and ...
    • Exploring learning in critical realism 

      Isaksen, Robert (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Critical realism is a philosophy of science, and not exclusively a theory of learning. However, because philosophic and scientific practice can be considered types of learning, a philosophy of science is likely either to have an implicit theory of learning or to have implications for learning theory, or both. In addition, as a philosophy of science, critical realism can provide general ...
    • Professional educators in the Circumpolar North: A model for the digital competence of future teachers 

      Korte, Satu-Maarit; Körkkö, Minna; Maxwell, Gregor Ross; Beaton, Mhairi C; Keskitalo, Pigga; Hast, Miia; Kyrö-Ämmälä, Outi; Mommo, Sanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      This article is based on a study that considers future teachers’ digital competencies in the Arctic education context with special attention to the necessary cultural and contextual dimensions of teachers’ work. This study explored the professional competencies teachers require when teaching diverse and multicultural pupils in the Circumpolar North drawing on the multiple affordances offered by the ...
    • Using the tectophase conceptual model to assess late Triassic–Early Jurassic far-field tectonism across the South-central Barents Sea shelf 

      Martins, Gustavo; Ettensohn, Frank R.; Knutsen, Stig Morten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-23)
      The Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic succession of the Barents Sea Shelf (BSS) represents one of Europe’s most prolific and strategic petroleum systems. This succession reflects various depositional environments and tectonostratigraphic events. Even though these strata are considered largely well-understood, connections with far-field stresses triggered by regional tectonics remain a subject of ...
    • AI in Future C2 – Who’s in Command When AI Takes Control? 

      Bakken, Bjørn Tallak; Lund-Kordahl, Inger; Bjurström, Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Artificial Intelligence (AI) will become an increasingly dominant element of future Command and Control (C2) systems and organizations. In this paper we discuss how to make effective use of this technology in time-critical decision-making situations, as we classify the relationships between human decision maker; the AI system; and the task or situation at hand, along two dimensions: Automation and ...
    • Teleological reasoning bias is predicted by pupil dynamics: Evidence for the extensive integration account of bias in reasoning 

      Mækelæ, Martin Jensen; Kreis, Isabel; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-28)
      Teleological reasoning is the tendency for humans to see purpose and intentionality in natural phenomena when there is none. In this study, we assess three competing theories on how bias in reasoning arises by examining performance on a teleological reasoning task while measuring pupil size and response times. We replicate that humans (N=45) are prone to accept false teleological explanations. Further, ...
    • A transnational comparative study of teachers’ experiences of remote teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

      Satu-Maarit, Korte; Körkkö, Minna; Kyrö-Ämmälä, Outi; Hast, Miia; Mommo, Sanna; Paksuniemi, Merja; Maxwell, Gregor Ross; Beaton, Mhairi C; Keskitalo, Pigga Päivi Kristiina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-18)
      This article presents the findings of an international comparative multiple-case study that examined the sudden change from classroom to remote online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study specifically explored the experiences of teachers in Northern Finland, England, and Norway to provide new information about the education situation and to guide the description of the areas that should ...
    • On a Parametric Estimation for a Convolution of Exponential Densities 

      Andronov, Alexander; Spiridovska, Nadezhda; Thordarson, Diana Santalova (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-07-28)
      Broad application of the continuous-time Markov chain is caused by memoryless property of exponential distribution. An employment of non-exponential distributions leads to remarkable analytical difficulties. The usage of arbitrary non-negative density approximation by a convolution of exponential densities is a way of considerable interest. Two aspects of the problem solution are considered. First, ...
    • Seasonality in land–ocean connectivity and local processes control sediment bacterial community structure and function in a High Arctic tidal flat 

      Handler, Eleanor R.; Andersen, Sebastian; Gradinger, Rolf Rudolf; Mcgovern, Maeve; Vader, Anna; Poste, Amanda Elizabeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-18)
      Climate change is altering patterns of precipitation, cryosphere thaw, and land–ocean influxes, affecting understudied Arctic estuarine tidal flats. These transitional zones between terrestrial and marine systems are hotspots for biogeochemical cycling, often driven by microbial processes. We investigated surface sediment bacterial community composition and function from May to September along a ...
    • Expert guidance on target product profile development for AMR diagnostic tests 

      Bachmann, Till T.; Mitsakakis, Konstantinos; Hays, John P.; van Belkum, Alex; Russom, Aman; Luedke, Gerd; Simonsen, Gunnar Skov; Abel, Gyorgy; Peter, Harald; Goossens, Herman; Moran-Gilad, Jacob; Vila, Jordi; Becker, Karsten; Moons, Pieter; Sampath, Rangarajan; Peeling, Rosanna W.; Luz, Saturnino; van Staa, Tjeerd; Di Gregori, Valentina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-18)
      Diagnostics are widely considered crucial in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which is expected to kill 10 million people annually by 2030. Nevertheless, there remains a substantial gap between the need for AMR diagnostics versus their development and implementation. To help address this problem, target product profiles (TPP) have been developed to focus developers’ attention on the ...
    • On an Interrupted Bivariate Renewal Process and Its Applications 

      Andronov, Alexander; Thordarson, Diana Santalova; Yu, Hao (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-07)
      A special case of the bivariate renewal process is investigated. It is supposed, that this process is considered while the second component has a positive value. The algorithm for a calculation of the corresponding time’s density is presented. In addition, a case of preventive renewal is considered. Such renewal takes place when the value of the second component is positive but is less than a fixed ...
    • A Qualitative Evaluation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Short Form of the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13) in Nepali 

      Thapa, D.R.; Subedi, M.; Ekström-Bergström, A.; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina; Krettek, Alexandra Jutta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background - Sense of Coherence (SOC) relates to an individual’s overall life orientation, and stronger SOC is associated with better health, quality of life, and coping strategies. When our research group used the SOC-13 questionnaire for the first time in Nepal, we identified difficulties in response patterns. The findings necessitated further evaluation of the Nepali version of the SOC-13 ...