Now showing items 581-600 of 3029

    • Adjektivkongruens i amerikanorsk 

      Riksem, Brita Ramsevik; Lohndal, Terje; Åfarli, Tor Anders (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      I arvespråket amerikanorsk finst det mykje språkblanding. Denne artikkelen ser nærare på attributive engelske adjektiv i nominalfrasar som har norsk struktur og norsk substantiv, og vi undersøker om desse engelske adjektiva har norsk bøying i eit nyare korpusmateriale (CANS). Resultata syner at dei fleste engelske adjektiva står saman med eit engelsk substantiv, og det er altså ein kontekst der ein ...
    • Kraftfull, slumrende gjensidighet: Forhandlinger i og om samiske landskap 

      Kramvig, Britt; Guttorm, Hanna; Sikku, Katarina Pirak; Pettersen, Margrethe (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      <i>Hvordan lytter vi oss inn til glemte steder i det samiske landskapet? Hvilke kunstneriske og forskningsmessige praksiser kan sette oss i kontakt med de kraftfulle steder som generasjoner før oss har hatt stor respekt for? I prosjektet «Kraftfull slumrende gjensidighet – (glemte) steder i det samiske landskap» kommer kunstnere og forskere sammen i en pågående interesse for steder og fortellinger ...
    • Decolonized Research-Storying Bringing Indigenous Ontologies and Care into the Practices of Research Writing 

      Kramvig, Britt; Guttorm, Hanna Ellen; Kantonen, Lea; Pyhälä, Aili (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-04-24)
      In this chapter we want to bring Indigenous ontologies and ways of knowing into the practices of decolonized research-storying. One implication about that is bringing Eana, Earth in North Sámi, as a narrator into the text. This text is a collaborative endeavour, where we write about and with our encountering and living with/in Indigenous societies and ontologies. Care becomes present both in creating ...
    • Particle Filter Based Ship State and Parameter Estimation for Vessel Maneuvers 

      Wang, Yufei; Perera, Lokukaluge Prasad; Batalden, Bjørn-Morten (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Vessel states and parameters estimation is essential for maneuvering and collision avoidance. This study presents an application of particle filter (PF) algorithm to estimate vessel states and parameters. Particularly, to reduce the impact of the vessel’s underactuated property and complex environmental disturbance, the estimation process contains a kinematic curvilinear motion model that describes ...
    • Can you tell from my grades that I am a blogger? 

      Heggernes, Tarjei Alvær; Bergfjord, Ole Jakob (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      From 2009 to 2013 writing blog posts, and commenting on each other’s blog posts, was a mandatory course requirement for the students of the subject ØMF101 Administrative Informasjonssystemer (Management Information Systems) at the former Bergen University College (now Western Norway University of Applied Sciences). We have data from the students’ activity on the blog network, combined with grades ...
    • Pietistic Mission to Senja and Vesterålen in the Early Eighteenth Century 

      Storm, Dikka (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      This article analyzes the complex religious situation resulting from the introduction of the pietistic mission to Senja and Vesterålen in Northern Norway. It focuses on the interactions and confrontation between the missionaries, the ecclesiastical representatives, and the Sámi population. Earlier, I examined various perspectives of the Danish-Norwegian missionary efforts among the Sámi population ...
    • Experience of Norwegian-Russian cooperation in the field of education at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway Campus Alta and Kirkenes 

      Haugseth, Peter; Wråkberg, Urban (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      The leader and a developer of the Bachelor of Northern Studies (BNS) present this English language, online, interdisciplinary university course program in social sciences and the humanities. BNS is today part of the multi-campus UiT Arctic University of Norway output of higher education. An overview of BNS is given, noticing its 2010 origin in the University of the Arctic initiative, and the challenges ...
    • Synoptic introduction 

      Allott, Nicholas Elwyn; Lohndal, Terje; Rey, Georges (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Noam Chomsky is justly famous for his revolutionary contributions to linguistics, psychology and philosophy. He is presently in his 92nd year, and we thought it high time to provide an overview of the major achievements of his now more than sixty-year-old research program and its prospects for the future. This is particularly pressing in the light of persistent rumors, encouraged by a number of ...
    • Biographical Sketch 

      Allott, Nicholas Elwyn; Lohndal, Terje; Rey, Georges (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      As the synoptic introduction makes clear, Noam Chomsky is a unique intellectual figure who has had a huge impact on several fields. He was almost single-handedly responsible for initiating the cognitive revolution in linguistics, and, with others such as George Miller, Hilary Putnam and Jerry Fodor, for the ensuing replacement of behaviorism by cognitive science in psychology generally, to say nothing ...
    • Tuulessa - I vinden 

      Feldt Anfinnsen, Kjersti; Kvidal-Røvik, Trine; Maliniemi, Kaisa; Mathisen, Stein Roar; Nicolaysen, Kristin; Olsen, Kjell Ole Kjærland; Øyen, Gyrid; Aarekol, Lena (Book; Bok, 2023)
      Ønsket om å formidle forskning av kvensk kulturarv på en ny måte har resultert i vandreutstillinga Tuulessa – I vinden.
    • No Fair-Weather Instrument: The Need to Rethink Military Confidence Building in Europe 

      Schaller, Benjamin (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2020)
      The current crisis of confidence in Europe has clearly had an impact on defence and security relations between Russia and the West. Against this backdrop, the relatively constructive and well-functioning working relations that currently hold among arms control units clearly stand out, calling for a critical rethinking of how confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) contribute to increasing ...
    • Light in the Polar Night 

      Cohen, Jonathan H.; Berge, Jørgen; Moline, Mark A.; Johnsen, Geir; Zolich, Artur Piotr (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      How much light isa vailable for biological processes during Polar Night? This question appears simple enough. But the reality is that conventional light sen- sors for measuring visible light (~350 to ~700 nm) have not been sensitive enough to answer it. Beyond this technical challenge, “light” is a general term that must be qualified in terms of “light climate” before it has meaning for biological ...
    • Love across borders. Construction of gender equality and Norwegianness in Russian-Norwegian families. 

      Lotherington, Ann Therese (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      More than 12 percent of the Norwegian population has immigration background, and immigrants play important parts in changing the Norwegian society from a seemingly homogenous to an evidently heterogeneous society. The Norwegian diversity policy was developed to encounter the challenges this represents. The goal of the policy is to create a society taking into account the individual’s right to be ...
    • From Dreamland to Homeland: A journey towards futures better than pasts 

      Kramvig, Britt; Andersen Gomez, Rachel (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      This chapter draws upon the experience and inspiration behind the making of an essayistic documentary for the twenty-first century. A line from “Dream-Land” (1844) by the Romantic poet Edgar Allan Poe inspires the film title. The film is a journey that details the people–places in the Sámi landscapes, made by the figure of an Indigenous anthropologist performing as an earthling, a figure participating ...
    • Lovgivning av betydning for arbeid og arbeidsinkludering 

      Kane, Aina Aune; Köhler-Olsen, Julia (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      I dette kapittelet rettes søkelyset mot arbeidsgivernes og arbeidstakernes rettigheter og plikter når det gjelder arbeidsinkludering; å få arbeid, beholde arbeid eller komme tilbake i arbeid. Temaer som vil bli belyst er retten til likebehandling og forbud mot diskriminering i arbeidslivet, samt Navs ansvarsområder innenfor arbeidsinkludering med tanke på de ytelser og bistandsformer som forvaltes ...
    • Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of atomic layer deposited Hf-doped ZnO 

      Alfakes, Boulos; Garlisi, Corrado; Villegas, Juan; Al-Hagri, Abdulrahman; Tamalampudi, Srinivasa Reddy; Rajput, Nitul S.; Lu, Jin-You; Lewin, Erik; Sá, Jacinto; Almansouri, Ibraheem; Palmisano, Giovanni; Chiesa, Matteo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-08)
      Generation of hydrogen using photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting has attracted researchers for the last two decades. Several materials have been utilized as a photoanode in a water splitting cell, including ZnO due to its abundance, low production cost and suitable electronic structure. Most research attempts focused on doping ZnO to tailor its properties for a specific application. In this ...
    • A new preparation method for preparation of liposomes-in-hydrogels primed for treatment of skin diseases 

      Ingebrigtsen, Sveinung Gaarden (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2014)
      <p>Liposomes are spherical vesicles that form spontaneously when phospholipids are dispersed in an aqueous medium. However, to get liposomes with a more unimodal size distribution, liposomes are usually processed further to reduced size and lammellarity, typically by extrusion, sonication or homogenization. <p>Liposome formulations for topical application needs a vehicle to assure the desirable ...
    • Innganger til språkvitenskap. Teori, metode og faghistorie 

      Hårstad, Stian; Lohndal, Terje; Mæhlum, Brit Kirsten (Book; Bok, 2017)
      En forsker skal rette blikket framover, mot det uutforskete, det ukjente, det uprøvde. Dit kommer hun imidlertid ikke uten at hun også ser seg bakover. Uten en grundig oversikt over det forutgående blir det umulig å posisjonere seg i det faglige landskapet man prøver å bidra til. Derfor er vitenskapsteoretiske, faghistoriske og metodologiske funderinger – av språkviteren Roger Lass kollektivt omtalt ...
    • Hate speech targeting Sami people with disabilites 

      Melbøe, Line; Gjertsen, Hege (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      In essence, research on hate speech has focused on single groups (Nadim, Fladmoe, & Wessel-Aas, 2016). However, according to research on harassment, it sometimes occurs as interactions between group affiliations, thereby exposing some people to added risk (Buchanan, Fitzgerald, & Tetrick, 2008). Consequently, studies of hate speech should also examine the interactions between various group affiliations ...
    • Population structure of bycaught harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Norway 

      Sanchez, Maria Quintela; Besnier, Francois; Seliussen, Bjørghild Breistein; Glover, Kevin; Lindstrøm, Ulf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-04)
      The preference for coastal habitats makes the harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, vulnerable to fisheries conflicts and hence prone to die due to entangling in fishing nets. An opportunistic sampling of such casualties (134 individuals) in Norwegian waters was used to assess the genetic population structure of the species by SNP-genotyping at 78 loci. The results of genetic clustering obtained for ...