Viser treff 821-840 av 3029

    • Experiences of the Flipped Classroom method Does it make students more motivated? 

      Andersen, Synnøve Thomassen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-11-18)
      The aim of this paper is to highlight use of the flipped classroom method, and how teachers perceive this teaching practice. More specific the research focus on whether the teachers’ experience that the model leads to increased motivation in the students learning process. The background for the research is generated from qualitative interviews with teachers, and the empirical data obtained is from ...
    • Students’ Innovative Education Practices supported by Facebook 

      Andersen, Synnøve Thomassen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-11-18)
      This article describes a case study on how Facebook can be used in different ways to create new innovative learning strategies and opportunities for practicing social work related to children and adolescents. The study concerns information and communication in groups and networks on Facebook as a communication channel. Using qualitative methods, the students’ use of this digital network was observed ...
    • Sedimentary deformation relating to episodic seepage in the last 1.2 million years: a multi-scale seismic study from the Vestnesa Ridge, eastern Fram Strait 

      Cooke, Frances Ann; Plaza-Faverola, Andreia; Bünz, Stefan; Sultan, Nabil; Ramachandran, Hariharan; Bedle, Heather; Patton, Henry; Singhroha, Sunny; Knies, Jochen Manfred (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-30)
      Seafloor hydrocarbon seepage is a natural fluid release process that occurs worldwide on continental shelves, slopes, and in deep oceanic basins. The Vestnesa sedimentary ridge in the eastern Fram Strait hosts a deep-water gas hydrate system that became charged with hydrocarbons ~2.7 Ma and has experienced episodic seepage along the entire ridge until a few thousand years ago, when seepage ...
    • The interplay between terrestrial organic matter and benthic macrofauna: Framework, synthesis, and perspectives 

      Pardo, Juan C. F.; Poste, Amanda E.; Frigstad, Helene; Quintana, Cintia O.; Trannum, Hilde C. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-16)
      Ecosystems are shaped by physical, chemical, and biological drivers, which affect the quality and quantity of basal energy sources, with impacts that cascade to higher trophic levels. In coastal, shelf, and marine habitats, terrestrial-derived organic matter (ter-OM) can be a key driver of ecosystem structure and function. Climate change is expected to alter land–ocean connectivity in many regions, ...
    • IPSP Scoping Report 

      Bargheer, M.; Bosman, Jeroen; Cupar, Drahomira; Frantsvåg, Jan Erik; Klaus, Tabea; Kramer, Bianca; Laakso, Mikael; Manista, Frank; Melinščak Zlodi, Iva; Peruginelli, Ginevra; Proudman, Vanessa; Rooryck, Johan; Souyioultzoglou, Irakleitos; Stojanovski, Jadranka; Stone, Graham N.; Verheusen, Astrid (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022)
      In the transition towards Open Access (OA), institutional publishing is challenged by fragmentation and varying service quality, visibility, and sustainability. To address this issue, DIAMAS gathers 23 organisations from 12 European countries, well-versed in OA academic publishing and scholarly communication. The project will: 1. Map the current landscape of Institutional Publishing Service Providers ...
    • Lagerlöfs läsare. Allmänhetens brev till Selma Lagerlöf 

      Hansen, Poul Henning Gustaf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Få författarskap i Sverige förmår på samma vis som Selma Lagerlöfs engagera både läsare och forskare. År 2018 utkom Anna Nordlunds Selma Lagerlöf. Sveriges modernaste kvinna och året därpå Anna-Karin Palms ”Jag vill sätta världen i rörelse”. En biografi över Selma Lagerlöf, och sedan dess har e-versioner av både Elin Wägners och Vivi Edströms Lagerlöf-biografier sett dagens ljus. Under den gångna ...
    • En stor uutnyttet kunnskapsressurs 

      Frantsvåg, Jan Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023)
      Før hadde mange bibliotek hyller tunge med tidsskrift og budsjetter tynget av abonnementer på papirtidsskrifter. I dag er disse hyllene flyttet til internett og publikasjoner med merkelappen Diamant Open Access gjort gratis tilgjengelige for alle.
    • Open Access-publisering. Noen refleksjoner og poenger til Høgskolen i Østfold 

      Frantsvåg, Jan Erik (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022)
    • Into the unknown [Amas Mu Vuordá]? Listening to Indigenous voices on the meanings of Disney’s Frozen 2 [Jikŋon 2] 

      Kvidal-Røvik, Trine; Cordes, Ashley (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-02)
      In 2019, Disney released the animated film Frozen 2 and included depictions of Indigenous Sámi peoples, landscapes, and lifeways. Communication scholars have critiqued relationships between Disney and Indigenous cultures. However, with Frozen 2 Sámi consultants initiated a new mode of collaboration with Disney to combat cultural appropriation, linguistic erasure, and misrepresentations. This resulted ...
    • Are Fluoropolymers Really of Low Concern for Human and Environmental Health and Separate from Other PFAS? 

      Lohmann, Rainer; Cousins, Ian T.; DeWitt, Jamie; Glüge, Juliane; Goldenman, Gretta; Herzke, Dorte; Lindstrom, Andrew B.; Miller, Mark F.; Ng, Carla A.; Patton, Sharyle; Scheringer, Martin; Trier, Xenia; Wang, Zhanyun (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-12)
      Fluoropolymers are a group of polymers within the class of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The objective of this analysis is to evaluate the evidence regarding the environmental and human health impacts of fluoropolymers throughout their life cycle(s). Production of some fluoropolymers is intimately linked to the use and emissions of legacy and novel PFAS as polymer processing aids. There ...
    • The Vicar , the Nobleman, and the Peasant: About a Book and its Readers 

      Hansen, Poul Henning Gustaf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-22)
      This article centres around a volume of sermons and its three documented owners. The book first belonged to a vicar, then to a nobleman, and finally to a farmhand. The three owners all left marks on the book, and the farmhand wrote a remarkable passage on its last page, detailing his reading of the book. The three owners’ possession of the book spans over a century, 1766–1876, a period that saw ...
    • Book History in the Nordic Countries: Introduction 

      Hansen, Poul Henning Gustaf; Simonsen, Maria Sofie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-22)
      What characterizes Nordic book history? This was the first thing on our minds when we considered the present special issue of Mémoires du livre – Studies in Book Culture. Setting out on the project and distributing the call for papers we hoped to come up with some sort of answer to our question. However, there is no simple single‑word or single‑sentence answer that encapsulates Nordic book history. ...
    • Death Holds No Fear: Overdose Risk Perceptions Among People Who Inject Drugs 

      Hanoa, Kristin; Buvik, Kristin; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-12)
      Drug overdose is an important public health problem. Despite well-known risk factors and various preventive measures, the overdose mortality rate has increased substantially in several countries worldwide over the past decade. There is therefore a need to understand overdoses on the basis of how people who inject drugs (PWID) perceive and experience risk. Based on qualitative interviews with 80 PWID ...
    • Museumsutstillingen som arena for religionsdialog 

      Fonneland, Trude A.; Olsen, Marianne (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      Et aspekt ved integrasjon som stadig er fremme i den offentlige samtalen, er religionsmangfold, og hvordan dette skaper konflikter, frykt og parallelle kulturer. Flere har hevdet at det trengs arenaer for religionsdialog, der mennesker med ulik trosbakgrunn kan møtes til samtale og refleksjon. I denne artikkelen spør vi om en museumsutstilling kan benyttes som arena for religionsdialog, og ...
    • Inequality in quality-adjusted life expectancy by educational attainment in Norway: an observational study 

      Gutacker, Nils; Kinge, Jonas Minet; Olsen, Jan Abel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-03)
      Background Health inequalities are often assessed in terms of life expectancy or health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Few studies combine both aspects into quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) to derive comprehensive estimates of lifetime health inequality. Furthermore, little is known about the sensitivity of estimated inequalities in QALE to diferent sources of HRQoL information. This ...
    • Generiske ferdigheter i ph.d.-utdanningen: Prosjektet DocTalent4EU 

      Andreassen, Helene N.; Risan Johnsen, Hanne (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-04)
    • Late Miocene cooling coupled to carbon dioxide with Pleistocene-like climate sensitivity 

      Brown, Rachel M.; Chalk, Tom; Crocker, Anya J.; Wilson, Paul A.; Foster, Gavin L. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-25)
      Earth’s climate cooled markedly during the late Miocene from 12 to 5 million years ago, with far-reaching consequences for global ecosystems. However, the driving forces of these changes remain controversial. A major obstacle to progress is the uncertainty over the role played by greenhouse gas radiative forcing. Here we present boron isotope compositions for planktic foraminifera, which record ...
    • Preceptorship of clinical learning in nursing homes - A qualitative study of influences of an interprofessional team intervention 

      Sørø, Vera Louise; Aglen, Bjørg; Orvik, Arne; Søderstrøm, Sylvia; Haugan, Gørill (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-28)
      This study aimed to explore the influences of an interprofessional preceptor-team intervention (IPPT) on interprofessional collaboration, preceptors’ role, confidence, and motivation to precept health care students (nursing, physiotherapy) and apprentices in a Norwegian nursing home.<p> <p>Methods: Qualitative data were collected by two focus group discussions: possible gains and pitfalls of the ...
    • Arbeidsmengde, konsultasjonstid og utilsiktede effekter av takstsystemet 

      Hoff, Eivor Hovde; Kraft, Kristian Bandlien; Østby, Kristian Amundsen; Mykletun, Arnstein (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Dette notatet har bakgrunn i det NFR-finansierte forskningsprosjektet «Stykkprisfinansiering i primærhelsetjenesten: Utilsiktede bivirkninger for pasienter og samfunn?» (1). <p> <p>Forskningsprosjektet ledes av professor Arnstein Mykletun, seniorforsker ved FHI, og involvert i dette notatet er ph.d. stipendiatene Kristian Kraft og Eivor Hovde Hoff, samt forsker og fastlege Kristian Amundsen Østby, ...
    • The Sámi People in the Context of European Perceptions of Exotic Cultures in the 17th and 18th Centuries 

      Klein, Andreas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-21)
      Astrakhan, not far from the shores of the Caspian Sea, close to today’s border between Russia and Kazakhstan: the year is 1715. A man by the name of Nicolaus Örn sends a letter to King George of Great Britain (1660–1727). He writes of his ordeal in captivity among Tatar and Kalmyk heathens, and begs the King to send a plea for his life to the Russian Tsar. When King George’s diplomat at the court ...