Now showing items 481-500 of 987

    • Drone Swarm Simulator 

      Jeroncic, Luka (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      This thesis is about the research of available and development of drone swarm simulators. The simulator in this work, developed with the AirSim plugin for Unreal Engine 4, shows that there is a possibility of a real-time, accurate simulator with high graphical quality.
    • Wireless charging of offshore wind service vessels 

      Nilsen, Henrik Fjeld (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      This report discusses the possibility for wireless charging solutions for electric vessels, with a focus on offshore wind turbine service. Where the charging time is minimal and safety for crew is important. Different types of wireless technologies have been studied, where the Inductive power transfer (IPT) is shown to be the preferred technology. Inductive power transfer (IPT) grants a safe ...
    • Investigating representation of tablature data for NLP music prediction 

      Eldby, Tor (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      In this thesis, the ability of CharRNN models learning to compose guitar music using varying representations of guitar tablature is explored. I utilize a well-versed sequential model of LSTM cells, and investigate the ability of said model to input, and predict both character to character, and sequence to sequence, following the principles of natural language processing and music information ...
    • Learning social codes for self-interested agents 

      Granmo, Gisle Jaran (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      This thesis will explore interaction between non-supervised machinelearning agents, with a focus on traffic situations. We intend to showthat self-interested agents can arrive at mutually beneficial strategiesaccording to general game theory, achieving pure or mixed Nash equi-libria, and that this has practical applications for unmanned vehicles.We will start by verifying against simple one stage ...
    • Modeling and Analyzing of Inverters for Controlling Voltage and Frequency in an Islanded Microgrid 

      Khan, Mazhar Ali (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Recently, the growth of inverter-based generations (IBGs) like solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbine generators in the form of microgrids (MGs) has been increasing. However, control of voltage and frequency becomes a challenging task for MGs especially when they operate in an islanded mode, due to the inherent low-inertia feature of IBGs compared to a grid-tied mode where there is a grid support. ...
    • Tethered Quadcopter Control, Simulation and Modeling platform for a small USV 

      Wæringsaasen, Sindre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Maritime Robotics main intent of the thesis is to develop understanding of a small deployable camera platform capable of providing elevated situational awareness for a small USV using a tether. The thesis goes into the state-ofthe-art methods of usage and control of a tethered drone. The thesis goes into the building and operating of the QAV250 Pixhawk 4 mini drone and making a drone simulation ...
    • Study of Inter Area Oscillations Using Phasor Measurement Units 

      Olsen, Henrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Low-frequency oscillations in the power system have major repercussions on power system stability and the objective of maximum power transfer. Local and global control strategies have been developed to dampen and impede these oscillations. A modern local control strategy is supplying the automatic voltage regulation (AVR) of the generator with a power system stabilizer (PSS). Modern global control ...
    • Brannprosjektering av automatiske parkeringsanlegg (Fire design of automatic parking systems) 

      Powar, Ajaypal; Omtveit, Talleiv (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Automatiske parkeringsanlegg er en innovativ parkeringsløsning som løser plassutfordringene som følge av befolkningsvekst, sentralisering og fortetning, men medfører samtidig nye utfordringer med hensyn til brannsikkerheten. Der en parkeringsplass tidligere var forbeholdt én bil, kan det i denne typen parkeringsanlegg være stablet flere biler i høyden. For rednings- og slokkemannskaper medfører disse ...
    • A Class-E-Based AC-DC converter for PFC applications 

      Stausland, Kristian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-22)
      Connection of nonlinear utility load har increased through resent years and is expected to continue increasing. Nonlinear utility load injects harmonic content into the grid and reduces voltage quality for nearby consumers. To limit harmonic content from nonlinear load, the International Electrotechnical Commission requires power supplies to be designed according to IEC 61000-3-2. Fulfilling this ...
    • Bruk av prefabrikkerte ytterveggselementer 

      Vollstad, Håkon (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-15)
      Arbeidsproduktiviteten i bygg- og anleggsnæringen i Norge fortsetter med en negativ trend, samtidig som byggekostnadsindeksen for nybygg stiger. Næringsaktører identifiserer et betydelig forbedringspotensial i bransjen. Flere peker på standardisering og prefabrikasjon som en del av løsningen. Consto Nord har bred erfaring med bruk av prefabrikkerte ytterveggselementer, både ved innkjøp og egen ...
    • Solvinkel optimaliserer 

      Nilsen, Bjarne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Snø og andre ting kan reflektere lys på solcellepanelene slik at de produsere mer energi. Refleksjonene kan gjøre slik at den optimale vinkelen til panelene ikke er rett mot solen. Denne rapporten går fort igjennom noen forslag til optimaliseringsalgoritmer for vinklene til solcellepanelene. Videre går den dypere inn på en algoritme som heter «test og sjekk». Kort fortalt går denne algoritmen ...
    • Meshless Animation Framework 

      Johansen, Gustav Adolf (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-06-07)
      This report details the implementation of a meshless animation framework for blending surfaces. The framework is meshless in the sense that only the control points are handled on the CPU, and the surface evaluation is delegated to the GPU using the tessellation shader steps. The framework handles regular grids and some forms of irregular grids. Different ways of handling the evaluation of ...
    • Path planning and reactive based control for a quadrotor with a suspended load 

      Corona Sanchez, Jose Juan; Kristiansen, Raymond; Andersen, Tom Stian (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021-06)
      This paper presents a solution to quadrotor cargo transportation, more precisely when cargo is suspended as a sling load. The challenge lies in payload position control and swing attenuation, which we approach by dividing the model into subsystems: attitude quadrotor in free flight, and translational and attitude load dynamics. We propose a solution based on reactive control, in the sense that we ...
    • Maximum Available Power of Undersea Capacitive Coupling in a Wireless Power Transfer System 

      Al-Sallami, Hussein; Hoff, Bjarte; Østrem, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-23)
      This paper studies the maximum available power of a dissipative capacitive power transfer (CPT) system submerged in seawater. The CPT system's maximum power capability is driven using the network theory, precisely the conjugate-image approach. The equations of the maximum available load power and the system's corresponding efficiency are expressed as a function of the capacitive coupling parameters. ...
    • Use of digital technology to follow the consequences of a warming Arctic climate 

      Myrmel, Liv Brita Hætta; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The rapid warming climate is causing the Arctic ice to retreat and the permafrost to melt. These visible manifestations of the ongoing climate change are few of many environmental and societal changes that take place in the Arctic. The acceleration of digitalization and implementation of digital technology bring new opportunities to follow the consequences of the warmer arctic climate, but also ...
    • On crystallographic aspects of heterogeneous plastic flow during ductile tearing: 3D measurements and crystal plasticity simulations for AA7075-T651 

      Morgeneyer, Thilo; Khadyko, Mikhail; Buljac, A; Helfen, Lukas; Hild, Francois; Benallal, Ahmed; Børvik, Tore; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-21)
      Crystallographic aspects of heterogeneous plastic flow during ductile tearing are assessed experimentally by combining in situ synchrotron laminography imaging of notched flat samples with a full-field measurement technique and numerical simulations with the crystal plasticity finite element method (CP-FEM). Advantage is taken of the plane strain condition in the region ahead of the notch root (i.e., ...
    • On the boundedness of subsequences of Vilenkin-Fejér means on the martingale Hardy spaces 

      Persson, Lars Erik; Tephnadze, George; Tutberidze, Giorgi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03)
      In this paper we characterize subsequences of Fejér means with respect to Vilenkin systems, which are bounded from the Hardy space <i>H<sub>p</sub></i> to the Lebesgue space <i>L<sub>p</sub></i>, for all 0 < p < 1/2. The result is in a sense sharp.
    • A study of bounded operators on martingale Hardy spaces 

      Tutberidze, Giorgi (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-12-13)
      <p>The classical Fourier Analysis has been developed in an almost unbelievable way from the first fundamental discoveries by Fourier. Especially a number of wonderful results have been proved and new directions of such research has been developed e.g. concerning Wavelets Theory, Gabor Theory, Time-Frequency Analysis, Fast Fourier Transform, Abstract Harmonic Analysis, etc. One important reason for ...
    • The Impact of Ambient Temperature on Low Carbon Energy Supply - Modelling and optimization studies on the supply of hydrogen energy from northern Norway 

      Jackson, Steven (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-12-10)
      To avoid the worst impacts of climate change a rapid green energy transition is required where traditional fossil fuels are replaced by low-carbon alternatives. One attractive route to emissions reduction is blue hydrogen, which has lower CO<sub>2</sub> emissions that traditional hydrogen production. For hydrocarbon exporters, increased blue hydrocarbon production can be achieved in two main ways: ...
    • Optimization of a mixed refrigerant based H2 liquefaction pre-cooling process and estimate of liquefaction performance with varying ambient temperature 

      Jackson, Steven; Brodal, Eivind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-24)
      Hydrogen used as an energy carrier can provide an important route to the decarbonization of energy supplies, but realizing this opportunity will require both significantly increased production and transportation capacity. One route to increased transportation capacity is the shipping of liquid hydrogen, but this requires an energy-intensive liquefaction step. Recent study work has shown that the ...