Now showing items 881-900 of 987

    • Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer in Blocks with Thin Pipes 

      Karlsen, Renate (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-13)
      "The report presents modified Stokes equations and natural convection-diffusion equations that are needed to implement a system which uses natural convection to transport energy from one area to another. The thesis also includes results from a numerical simulations that used these equations as arguments."
    • Genetic algorithms (GA) for adaptable design 

      Jansson, Andreas Dyrøy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-13)
      This thesis discusses the process of implementing and testing of a creative web element design system using a combination of genetic algorithms and K-nearest neighbor classification. Classification will be used as a learning mechanism to give the system the ability to absorb quality measures in regards to visual aesthetics, and utilize this knowledge to evaluate generated designs. In addition, some ...
    • A study of hydro and pumped storage hydropower in Northern Norway 

      Maharjan, Sujan; Ampim, Emefa Akua (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      "The role of renewable sources of energy in combating climate change cannot be over-emphasized. Profound measures taken especially by the European Union (EU) in reducing global rising temperatures has seen massive development of renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind. This strategic plan taken by the EU has led to the an increase in national efforts to promote further development of ...
    • Analysis and Optimization of Sandwich Panels. Final report. 

      Røsdal, Arild (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      "The first part of this project, are general about sandwich structures. A sandwich construction, consist of two plate outsides (facings) glued to a core in the middle. Sandwiches are used in construction that must have a low weight, but a high stiffness. This indicated racing cars, aeroplane, ship shelters. To understand a sandwich construction, the basis, is to understand the sandwich beam. The are ...
    • First aid equipment for use in cold climate environment: stretcher 

      Søreng, Eirik; Bratteng, Karoline (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      "There is a need for a stretcher, which can also function as a sledge, especially for rescue missions in arctic climate, as the extraction point may only be accessible by people by foot or on skies. Existing solutions have some flaws, and some are not specifically designed for arctic conditions. The task is to develop a multi-purpose stretcher, operable by two members of the rescue team. In ...
    • Modular Design of Integrated Duct Fan Quadrotor Structure 

      Rones, Andre; Hoff, Sven Ole (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      This thesis will continue the work done by Sethuram Balakrishnan in his master thesis “Duct fanned shielding design for quadrotors”. It includes studies of integrating Balakrishnan’s solution to the outer structure of the DJI Flame Wheel F450 Quadrotor in order to save weight. A report with preliminary work will cover investigation of existing solutions and technology, setting design requirements ...
    • Intelligent load frequency control in an isolated wind-solar PV-micro turbine-diesel based micro-grid using V2G integration 

      Addisu, Wondwosen Eshetu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)
      Abstract Modern power systems need more intelligence and flexibility to maintain and control a generation load balance from subsequent serious disturbances due to the emerging of more renewable energy sources. This problem is becoming more significant today because of the increasing number of micro-grids (MGs). MGs usually use renewable energies in electrical production those fluctuate naturally. ...
    • Re- design of a multipurpose snowmobile sled for Norwegian volunteer (SAR organizations) 

      Johansen, Kari Wilhelmsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      "This master thesis is written for Norwegian volunteer organization “Hjelpekorpset” that is a search and rescue organization. The organization performs different kinds of activities in addition to rescue missions. During wintertime, they transport materials, furniture and other cargo to local huts to raise funds for the organization. This is the basis for the thesis, where the aim was to redesign a ...
    • DC distribution systems 

      Taso, Emir (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)
      In today’s distribution system, the dominating type of current used is AC. In newer time, improvements have been done within the field of DC. The developments that are achieved, are in terms of converter efficiency and conversion capabilities. Along with development of DC equipment, the use and development of renewable energy sources have increased. This has brought up the topic of using DC in the ...
    • Augmented Reality Application for Training in Maritime Operations. A Proof of Concept AR Application Developed for Microsoft HoloLens 

      Xue, Hui (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-27)
      Augmented reality (AR) is an advanced technology that integrates augmentations with the real world. This technology has been used to provide training and education along with other purposes. This work has been focused on enriching the learning experience of the maritime trainee by applying AR technology. In this work, a proof of concept AR application (App) is developed for the training of the ...
    • Design of a grid connected photovoltaic power electronic converter 

      Mustafa, Mohsin Noman (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)
      In this thesis, the designing of a grid-connected photovoltaic system for the power electronic laboratory of UiT- Campus Narvik has been carried out. The relevant topics and literature regarding the elements in a photovoltaic system and grid connection standards have been studied and reviewed. A system with the capacity and ratings of solar modules currently available has been designed in Simulink. ...
    • Electric vehicles and vehicle-to-grid technology. How utilities can play a role 

      Tahir, Moez (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)
      Adverse effects of fossil fuel burning internal combustion engine vehicles has alarmed nations worldwide. With recent technological advancements in electric vehicle industry, governments throughout the world are promoting wider adoption of electric vehicles to mitigate environmental issues. However, increasing popularity of electric vehicles will pose a great threat to existing electric grids due ...
    • Artificial Intelligence based narrative generation for games 

      Lindgren, Jørgen Elden (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-08-15)
      This Master thesis presents an approach on using Artificial Intelligence to create stories for games. The Master thesis explores the posibility of using Augmented Transition Network and Ontology as a solution.
    • FPGA-based data acquisition system for GNSS receiver for LEO-satellites applications 

      Siboniyo, Didier (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)
      The modern Low Earth Orbit satellites (LEO-satellites) technology is highly complex and reliable than it was yesterday. Nowadays, the LEO-satellites applications extend from civilian to military applications. However, LEO-satellites require a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) service, to achieve various tasks which require positioning and localizing. The challenge is to have a GNSS receiver ...
    • FPGA-based tracking system for GNSS receivers 

      Manandhar, Anil (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)
      This report presents the design and simulation of code and carrier tracking system for a GNSS receiver. The GNSS receiver processes the signal sent by satellites in space. These signal contain carrier wave signal, ranging code and navigation data in encrypted form. To demodulate the navigation data, the processing block should accurately track the phase of incoming code and the frequency of incoming ...
    • Effekt av å bruke retarderende stoff (R-stoff) i herdingsprosessen i store betongkonstruksjoner i kaldt klima 

      Hansen, Roy Kristian Tingvoll (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-08)
      Varmeutviklingen i betong avgjøres mye av sement sammensetningen. Sementen er sammensatt av forskjellige klinker som har mye å si for varmeutviklingen, ettersom de har forskjellige energiutvikling og reaksjonshastighet når de kommer i kontakt med vann. Pozzolan er et stoff som kan brukes til å erstatte en vis mengde av sementen, som flygeaske som gir en reduksjon i varmeutviklingen og har mindre ...
    • Fremdriftsplanlegging – 4D BIM. Byggeprosjekter: effektivisere fremdriften i den operative planleggingen ved bruk av digitalisering 

      Hong, Daniel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-08)
      Oppgaven retter fokus mot hvordan vi tradisjonelt planlegger fremdriften i byggeprosjekter i dag, og hvordan digitale verktøy som 4D BIM klarer å effektivisere planleggingen. I tillegg vil også Lean filosofien befinne seg i ulike planleggingsmetoder, man ønsker å skape verdi både for selskapet, kundene og alle andre deltakere som er involvert i prosjektet. Dermed ønsker man å skape flyt i produksjonen ...
    • Lokalkimaanalyse for utbyggingsprosjekt 

      Zykova, Anastasia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-08)
      I forbindelse med den planlagte utviklingen av Harstad sentrum er det gjennomført numeriske simuleringer i Flow 3D med følgende vindanalyse for å vurdere lokale komfortforhold. Bygningsvolumet i sentrum medførte noe økning av vindforhold som er likevel akseptabelt for myke trafikanter. Men for å unngå negative påvirkninger på utearealer for stillesittende opphold ble det foreslått avbøtende tiltak ...
    • Konstruksjonsmekaniske virkninger av raslaster. Dynamiske effekter av steinspranglaster på rasoverbygg. Nasjonale og internasjonale retningslinjer for bestemmelse av steinspranglaster. Dimensjonering av rasoverbygg 

      Haidari, Milad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-08)
      I mange tilfeller blir den dynamiske impulslasten fra steinsprang konvertert til en ekvivalent statisk last, på grunn av dempningsmaterialer som blir brukt som et beskyttelseslag på taket av overbygg. Dermed finnes mange ulike metoder for å konvertere den dynamiske lasten om til en ekvivalent statisk last på i ulike land, ut ifra geografiske begrensninger og materialegenskaper til beskyttelseslaget. ...
    • Sustainable uniiversity buildings. Creating a concept of a sustainable campus for UiT Narvik 

      Røsok, Oddrun Pettersen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-08)
      Hensikten med masteroppgaven var å bestemme elementer i et selvlaget konsept for UiT Narvik som bærekraftig campus, samt forslag til hvordan man oppnår målene i konseptet. Konseptet var basert på studium av tre forskjellige universiteter som allerede jobber mot å bli bærekraftig campus. Arbeidet med denne oppgaven inkluderte opphold ved Universitetet i Hokkaido, Japan. Det ble laget et konsept for ...