Now showing items 901-920 of 987

    • Energy efficient building for Nepalese market 

      Shrestha, Sudhir Man (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-07)
      This thesis aims to give an idea on how we can build an energy efficient buildings on different climatic zones with a use of passive house design strategy saving significant amount of energy. SIMIEN software was used to analyze the energy use of common and modified house along with the thermal comfort of the residential building in Kathmandu. During simulation changes in features like addition of ...
    • Kartlegging av inneklima og tekniske løsninger i uoppvarmede soner i bygninger. Valg av energi- og kostnadseffektive tekniske løsninger 

      Lødemel, Øyvind Olsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-07)
      I denne masteroppgaven har det vært kartlagt energibruk og inneklima i uoppvarmede soner. Det er redegjort for forskriftskrav og anbefalinger om hvilke tiltak en kan sette inn for å redusere kostnadene til energibruk. Oppgaven er avgrenset til å gjelde parkeringskjellere og lagerarealer. Byggetekniske løsninger for parkeringskjellere stiller krav om isolasjon mot oppvarmede arealer, mens det mot ...
    • Lavenergi brannstasjon i Narvik 

      Kvitvik, Kenth I. Ljunggren (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-07)
      Energibruken i Norge har steget med 40 % siden 1970-årene, og bygningssektoren legger beslag på om lag 38 % av den totale energibruken i Norge. På bakgrunn av denne utviklingen ble kapittelet for energikrav revidert i teknisk forskrift fra 1. Januar 2016. De nye energikravene hadde ett års overgangstid hvor de gamle energikravene (TEK 10) kunne benyttes, og de nye energikravene (TEK 16) gjelder i ...
    • Lagrangian and ALE Formulations For Soil Structure Coupling with Explosive Detonation 

      Souli, M; Albahkali, E; Shahrour, I; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Simulation of Soil-Structure Interaction becomes more and more the focus of computational engineering in civil and mechanical engineering, where FEM (Finite element Methods) for soil and structural mechanics and Finite Volume for CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) are dominant. New advanced formulations have been developed for FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction) applications using ALE (Arbitrary ...
    • Heavy multi-pass TIG welding 

      Maske, Tomas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-23)
      This study aims to find the maximum, usable, feed limit at different arc-energies and use the findings in multi-pass welding planning for robotic welding, taking into consideration the high controllability of robot movements. A combined studies using numerical analyses and practical experiments to calculate the feed limits for different arc energies. Each weld where analysed both mathematical, ...
    • Stabilitet i 22kV distribusjonsnett 

      Skogvoll, Petter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-18)
      De senere årene har det vært en økning i utbygging av små produksjonsenheter i distribusjonsnettet. I dag benyttes distribusjonsnettet i hovedsak til å fordele kraft fra overliggende nett. En tilknytning av ny produksjon i slike nett vil medføre utfordringer for netteier når det gjelder spenningskvalitet og leveringssikkerhet og krever ofte oppgraderinger for å kunne opprettholde stabil og sikker ...
    • Optimal routing and charging procedures for electric buses 

      Masliakova, Kseniia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-04-06)
      The goal of the project is to use Ant Colony Optimization techniques with Genetic Algorithm to design and analyse routes and recharging schedules for electric buses. One system so-called “en route” charging was analysed where the bus applies a kind of pantograph at bus stops to recharge the bus batteries. This implies more frequent, but short recharging intervals. The program offers diff t variants ...
    • Motion capturing machine learning. Bluetooth motion sensors 

      Gangenes, Elisabeth Razafimandimby (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-04-06)
      Good and efficient care for our elderly is a major concern in our ever aging popu- lation. The elderly’s greatest fear is falling to the ground, not being able to get up or get help. Use of Bluetooth motion sensors and appropriate agents can help alert for in the event of a person falling. In this master thesis an experimental sensor rig has been created together with an android application which ...
    • Efficient customizable tools for big data processing. Incoherent scatter radar big data as a case study 

      Trieu Thanh, Huy (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-04-06)
      This project is my master diploma project of the department of Computer Science at Norks Arktisk Universitet (UiT) in 2016. Every day, the satellites send to the ground stations huge amount of data for processing. Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) is a very interesting technology in the space science and it also sends a large amount of data in plasma line data back to the earth. Currently, the space ...
    • Brannsikring av ventilasjonskanaler. Fire safety in ventilationducts 

      Aastorp-Tangen, Sigve; Gjendem, Jan Rachid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-17)
      Brannsikring av ventilasjonssystemer har fått svært mye fokus de siste årene, på grunn av uklare retningslinjer for prosjekterende. TEK10 setter kun funksjonskrav for hvordan tekniske installasjoner skal brannsikres, og det er dermed opp til de prosjekterende å sette opp løsninger innenfor lovverket. På bakgrunn av det uklare regelverket ble det nedsatt en gruppe med rådgivere for å utarbeide en ...
    • Review of marine icing and anti-/de-icing systems 

      Rashid, Taimur; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Edvardsen, Kåre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-17)
      The aim of this work is to review the phenomenon of icing in marine operations. The focus is on two main sources of icing, namely atmospheric and sea spray. The literature reveals that sea spray icing is the main contributor to marine icing. This work discusses the available ice accretion prediction models on ships and offshore structures. It also reviews the anti-/de-icing technologies that can be ...
    • Some new Hardy-type inequalities in q-analysis 

      Baiarystanov, A.O.; Persson, Lars Erik; Shaimardan, S.; Temirkhanova, A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2016-09)
      We derive necessary and sufficient conditions (of Muckenhoupt-Bradley type) for the validity of q -analogs of (r, p) -weighted Hardy-type inequalities for all possible positive values of the parameters r and p . We also point out some possibilities to further develop the theory of Hardy-type inequalities in this new direction.
    • A new discrete Hardy-type inequality with kernels and monotone functions 

      Kalybay, Aigerim; Persson, Lars Erik; Temirkhanova, Ainur (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2015-10-06)
      A new discrete Hardy-type inequality with kernels and monotone functions is proved for the case 1<q<p<∞1<q<p<∞. This result is discussed in a general framework and some applications related to Hölder’s summation method are pointed out.
    • Some new Hardy-type inequalities for Riemann-Liouville fractional q-integral operator 

      Persson, Lars Erik; Shaimardan, Serikbol (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2015-09-24)
      We consider the q-analog of the Riemann-Liouville fractional q-integral operator of order n∈Nn∈N. Some new Hardy-type inequalities for this operator are proved and discussed.
    • Time scale Hardy-type inequalities with ‘broken’ exponent p 

      Oguntuase, James A; Fabelurin, Olanrewaju O; Adeagbo-Sheikh, Abdulaziz G; Persson, Lars Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2015-01-16)
      In this paper, some new Hardy-type inequalities involving ?broken? exponents are derived on arbitrary time scales. Our approach uses both convexity and superquadracity arguments, and the results obtained generalize, complement and provide refinements of some known results in literature
    • Asymptotics of a spectral-sieve problem 

      Amirat, Youcef; Bodart, Olivier; Chechkin, Gregory; Piatnitski, Andrey (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2015-11-18)
      In a bounded domain with a thin periodically punctured interface we study the limit behavior of the bottom of spectrum for a Steklov type spectral problem, the Steklov boundary condition being imposed on the perforation surface. For a certain range of parameters we construct the effective spectral problem and justify the convergence of eigenpairs.
    • Osmosis for non-electrolyte solvents in permeable periodic porous media 

      Heintz, Alexei; Piatnitski, Andrey (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2016-08)
      The paper gives a rigorous description, based on mathematical homogenization theory, for flows of solvents with not charged solute particles under osmotic pressure for periodic porous media permeable for solute particles. The effective Darcy type equations for the flow under osmotic pressure distributed within the porous media are derived. The effective Darcy law contains an additional flux term ...
    • Singularly perturbed spectral problems with Neumann boundary conditions 

      Piatnitski, Andrey; Rybalko, A; Rybalko, V (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2015-09-07)
      The paper deals with the Neumann spectral problem for a singularly perturbed second-order elliptic operator with bounded lower order terms. The main goal is to provide a refined description of the limit behaviour of the principal eigenvalue and eigenfunction. Using the logarithmic transformation, we reduce the studied problem to an additive eigenvalue problem for a singularly perturbed Hamilton–Jacobi ...
    • Homogenization of random Navier–Stokes-type system for electrorheological fluid 

      Piatnitski, Andrey; Zhikov, Vasily (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2015-11-19)
      The paper deals with homogenization of Navier–Stokes-type system describing electrorheological fluid with random characteristics. Under non-standard growth conditions we construct the homogenized model and prove the convergence result. The structure of the limit equations is also studied.
    • Welding Certification for Autonomous Robotized Welding 

      Sziebig, Gabor; Maske, Thomas (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016-10-23)
      The increased production of more and more complex products challenges the accuracy of manual welding, and increase the time it takes to program automatic welding systems. The main objective for the article is to explore if current regulations and standards are able to accommodate the shift from automatic welding to autonomous welding systems. To do this, the most current and applicable standards ...