Now showing items 941-960 of 987

    • Modeling Bottom-Up Visual Attention Using Dihedral Group D4 

      Sharma, Puneet (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-15)
      In this paper, first, we briefly describe the dihedral group D4 that serves as the basis for calculating saliency in our proposed model. Second, our saliency model makes two major changes in a latest state-of-the-art model known as group-based asymmetry. First, based on the properties of the dihedral group D4, we simplify the asymmetry calculations associated with the measurement of saliency. ...
    • Subsumption architecture applied to flight control using composite rotations 

      Oland, Espen; Andersen, Tom Stian; Kristiansen, Raymond (Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel; Journal article, 2016-03-19)
      In this paper the subsumption theory is applied to flight control through composite rotations where multiple tasks can be defined as simple rotations. The tasks can then be arranged as a hierarchy, where the primary task is always fully pursued, and conflicting lower level tasks are removed by the primary rotation. The concept is applied to a group of uavs that move through an urban terrain while ...
    • Fremtidens fleksible distribusjonsnett : fleksibel nettdrift, forbrukerfleksibilitet, plusskunder og forretningsmodeller 

      Sæle, Hanne; Bremdal, Bernt Arild; Tøndel, Inger Anne; Istad, Maren Kristine; Foosnæs, Jan Andor; Nordbø, Per Erik; Kirkeby, Henrik; Høverstad, Boye Annfelt; Mathisen, Geir (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2016-02-15)
      Denne rapporten er utarbeidet i WP1 og WP2 i prosjektet "Fleksibilitet i fremtidens smarte distribusjonsnett - FlexNett" (2015-2017). FlexNett-prosjektet har som målsetting å bidra til økt fleksibilitet i fremtidens smarte distribusjonsnett gjennom å demonstrere og verifisere tekniske og markedsmessige løsninger for fleksibilitet på ulike nivå i nettet til nytte for ulike aktører. <br> Målsettingen ...
    • Shock Tube. Detail overview of equipment and instruments in the shock tube experimental setup 

      Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Kapaya, Juma; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Book; Bok, 2015)
      The shock tube is a device in which a normal shock wave is produced by the interaction of fluids at significantly high-pressure difference. The shock tube is comprised of two sections known as driver and driven sections. These two sections are interacted with the high-speed valve or a bursting disc. When the interaction happens, a shock wave forms almost instantaneously and propagates into the driven ...
    • A Decoupled Approach for Flight Control 

      Oland, Espen; Kristiansen, Raymond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      A decoupling method for flight control is presented that greatly simplifies the controller design. By approximating the higher order derivatives of the angle of attack and sideslip, it enables a rotation controller and a speed controller to be derived independently of each other, and thus gives access to a vast number of controller solutions derived for general classes of rotational and translational ...
    • An improved multi-objective programming with augmented ε-constraint method for hazardous waste location-routing problem 

      Yu, Hao; Solvang, Wei Deng (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-31)
      Hazardous waste location-routing problems are of importance due to the potential risk for nearby residents and the environment. In this paper, an improved mathematical formulation is developed based upon a multi-objective mixed integer programming approach. The model aims at assisting decision makers in selecting locations for different facilities including treatment plants, recycling plants and ...
    • A stochastic programming approach with improved multi-criteria scenario-based solution method for sustainable reverse logistics design of Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) 

      Yu, Hao; Solvang, Wei Deng (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-17)
      Today, the increased public concern for sustainable development and more stringent environmental regulations have become the most important driving forces for value recovery from end-of-life and end-of use products through reverse logistics. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) contains both valuable components that need to be recycled and hazardous substances that have to be properly ...
    • Numerical study of atmospheric ice accretion on rotating geometric cross sections with fins 

      Mughal, Umair Najeeb; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-12)
      This paper describes the numerical study of atmospheric ice accretion on rotating geometric cross sections, circular, hexagon and square , all having fins, to select an optimum geometric cross section for use as a rotating part of a newly- proposed designed icing sensor. Computational fluid dynamics-based numerical analyses were carried out in this research work to understand and analyse the ...
    • Thermal Properties of SK One Component Polyurethane using Experiments and Multiphysics Simulations 

      Ahmad, Tanveer; Xue, Hui; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Sun, Zhiheng; Linmei, Nie; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-12-08)
      This study proposes to determine the thermal conductivity of SK One Component Polyurethane (SKOCP) developed by China Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower Research Beijing IWHR-KHL Co. Ltd. SKOCP provides excellent proof of aging and chemical resistance of this material. It is non-toxic, acts as a good anti-seepage, offers anti-abrasion and good anti-freezing performance. In addition, it has ...
    • Study of Acoustics Properties of SK One Component Polyurethane and its Application in Arctic Marine Structures 

      Xue, Hui; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Sun, Zhiheng; Souli, Mhmed (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-12-08)
      Marine noise reduction tends to be challenging and requires a comprehensive engineering approach. The soundproofing materials for marine noise reduction are usually exposed to high temperatures, potential fluid or oil spills, engine maintenance and a high airflow environment. This work looks into the acoustic proofing properties of a non-toxic material ‘SK One Component Polyurethane’ developed by ...
    • Study of Ice Adhesion Behavior of SK One Component Polyurethane 

      Xue, Hui; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Sun, Zhiheng (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-12)
      Ice adhesion causes many serious problems such as aircraft accidents, navigational issues on ships, and power loss on wind turbines. These challenges are mainly associated with the acute behavior of ice adhesion. The ice adheres when water seeps into the microscopic pores of the material substrate and freezes, thereby, forming an interlocking mechanism. Therefore, surface roughness has a significant ...
    • Fuktskader i kompakte tak 

      Fjelde, Martin Jonassen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-17)
      Fuktproblemer er et av de mest kompliserte områdene innenfor bygningsfysikken i dag. I denne rapporten er det gjort vurderinger av materialvalg og løsninger når man bygger med kompakte tak. Det er også presentert typiske fuktskader i kompakte tak og utbedrende tiltak for disse. I denne oppgaven er det brukt metoder som litteraturstudie, intervjuer og casestudie. Moisture problems are one of the ...
    • Optimal placement of PMUs considering logical topology of communication medium power system observability 

      Nikumbh, Bhushan Madan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-07)
      A phasor measurement unit (PMU) has a unique ability of providing synchronized phasor measurements of voltage and currents. This ability distinguishes it from all other metering devices. It has been perceived that PMUs hold the capability of revolutionizing the way of power system monitoring and control. However, high per unit cost and challenges related to its communication system has made ...
    • Communication in microgrids and virtual power plants 

      Starynets, Oleksandr (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-07)
      One of the cornerstones of the steady operation of microgrids and virtual power plants as building blocks for smart grid is the communication system, which is the main objective for evaluation and research in this thesis. The given project investigates the most widespread communication protocols along with IEC 61850 standard for substations automation applied in smart grids. Based on the presented ...
    • Design av dekksmontert knekk-kran 

      Eilertsen, Stian Schultz (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      Oppgavens hensikt var å designe en kran som skulle være klar til produksjon når prosjektet ferdigstilles. Under prosjekteringen skulle alle aspekter av krandesignet undersøkes. Kranen skulle arktifiseres, dette vil si gjøres klar for en arktiskmaritim vinter. Alle komponenter ble designet med en minimum sikkerhetsfaktor på 1.33, dog har de aller fleste komponentene en høyere sikkerhetsfaktor. Den ...
    • Effect of placement of PMUs on state estimation in a power system 

      Mironov, Iurii (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-07)
      State estimation is one of the most important processes in modelling and monitoring of a power system. Iterative and less accurate conventional means of estimation are now being replaced by fast and direct state vector measurements provided by PMUs. However, the high cost of PMUs forces engineers to choose wisely where the measurement units should be placed. The given project observes different ...
    • Å studere effekt av isolasjonsmaterialet[s] posisjon i en husvegg 

      Anwar, Mohammad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      Rapporten tar for seg en eksperimentelle analyse i for bindelse med varmetransports gjennomyttervegger. Det teoretiske grunnlaget tar for seg Energitap gjennomvegger, varmeoverføringsfaktorer og fordeling i yttervegger. Numeriske beregninger og Simuleringer er utført for å studere virkninger av isolasjonsmaterialer i varmt og kaldforhold.
    • Solar panel tracking control. Tracking the variations caused due to reflection from snow and other factors 

      Pandey, Saroj (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-07)
      This report presents the design and simulations of a dual-axis solar tracker. This solar tracker works solely based on the output power of the PV panel mounted to it. It does not use any photosensors to orient the PV module. Describing the process in short, the position of the Sun is first calculated based on time and location information. Since this solar panel will be mounted here at UiT, ...
    • Quality parameters in evaluation of renovation projects 

      Regmi, Santosh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-07)
      In renovation processes there is always a risk of underestimating environmental, cultural, and social values in favor of energy efficiency and economy. As well as while upgrading the building’s exterior and interior it is very essential to study the physical sustainability of building element in the field climate condition. Therefore it is very important to follow scientific and systematic process ...
    • Duct fanned shielding design for quadrotors 

      Balakrishnan, Sethuram (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-11-01)
      The master thesis work involved the design implementation of a duct fanned shielding for Quadrotors. This included the investigation of various settings for duct shielding and to identify the best possible option to safe guard propellers of the quadrotor. In addition, the work focused on improving the aerodynamic efficiency, reducing the mass of flight and the use of quadrotors in the arctic ...