Viser treff 401-420 av 987

    • Numerical investigation of vibration and dynamic pressure of a vertical axis wind turbine 

      Erchiqui, Fouad; Souli, M; Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Albahkali, E (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-31)
      In the environmental field, the problems of vibration reduction have become a major preoccupation, particularly on the noise generated by the acoustic radiation pressure produced by wind turbines. This paper is aimed at presenting the investigation on the application of FEM element method for study the acoustic radiation pressure produced by vertical-axis wind turbine. For this initiative, we ...
    • Control of Spacecraft Formation with Disturbance Rejection and Exponential Gains 

      Schlanbusch, Rune; Kristiansen, Raymond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      We address the problem of state feedback translational motion control of a spacecraft formation through a modified sliding surface controller using variable gains and I^2 action for disturbance rejection. The exponential varying gains ensure faster convergence of the state trajectories during attitude maneuver while keeping the gains small (and the system less stiff) for station keeping. Integral ...
    • Determining Thermal Properties of Polyurethane by Solving the Heat Equation and IR Imaging 

      Eidesen, Hans-Kristian; Andleeb, Zahra; Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-27)
      All materials have different and unique thermal properties that determine how the temperature changes when a material is subjected to a temperature difference. This study was intended to investigate the thermal properties of a polymer called Polyurethane, focusing on anti-seepage and anti-abrasion polyurethane. The thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient of cold polyurethane specimens ...
    • Exploring auction based energy trade with the support of MAS and blockchain technology 

      Shvetsov, Nikita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-13)
      This document describes a simulation of the local energy market with support of multi-agent approach and blockchain technology. The investigated points include blockchain technology and its applications, Ethereum platform and smart contracts as a tool for storing data of operations and creating assets, multi-agent approach to model the local energy market. The document explores building a solution ...
    • All electric battery service vessel - Dynamic modeling of a battery fed IPMSM propulsion plant as a tool for energy estimates and functional description for an energy management system 

      Breines, Anders (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-12)
      "Designing an all-electric battery vessel, knowledge of the dynamic performance of the electrical propulsion plant becomes crucial to produce adequate estimates of needed battery capacity. An energy management system is to control the on-board power flow and ensure energy efficient operation of the vessel. This thesis presents a solution for dynamic simulation of an all-electric battery vessel based ...
    • Study of Ice Accretion on Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade Using 2D and 3D Numerical Approach 

      Jin, Jia Yi; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Hu, Qin; Jiang, Xingliang (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-07)
      In order to optimize the wind turbine operation in ice prone cold regions, it is important to better understand the ice accretion process and how it affects the wind turbine performance. In this paper, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based 2D and 3D numerical techniques are used to simulate the airflow/droplet behaviour and resultant ice accretion on a 300 kW wind turbine blade. The aim is to ...
    • Architectures and technologies for increased agility in small-scale manufacturing systems 

      Shu, Beibei (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2022-06-16)
      <p>The rapid booming of industry 4.0 technologies has been boosting further development of industrial manufacturing systems in the recent two decades. An increasing number of disruptive yet enabling technologies are becoming available for industrial applications. However, while the factories becoming more complex, a proliferation of incompatible systems that have been developed by different vendors ...
    • Development of concepts for lifeboat evacuation in arctic regions. Dry evacuation from lifeboat to land or sea ice 

      Hansen, Marius Didriksen; Olawoyin, Bashir Olatunde (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      The evacuation of passengers from a ship in distress is an essential measure in marine safety. Safety is only guaranteed when the passengers are evacuated to shore, especially in remote areas like the arctic region. There has been growing awareness with lack of knowledge, standards, routine, and documentation regarding marine search and rescue in the arctic region in recent years. This has been the ...
    • LCC-analyse for varmepumpeanlegg 

      Hjertnes, Jostein Karlsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      EU har som mål å redusere klimagassutslippene med minimum 40 prosent innen 2030 sammenlignet med 1990. Dette har medført til en rekke endringer i byggebransjen, som blant annet utvikling av bygg med vesentlig lavere energibehov enn tidligere. Samtidig har det termiske energiforsyningssystemet fått mer fokus. Deriblant identifiseres varmepumper som nøkkelteknologi for å nå kravene til EUs ...
    • Frame and casing design of second life battery energy storage systems 

      Kurup, Anirudh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-20)
      The design of the frame and casing for two types of battery storage systems was carried out through a product development process on behalf of RePack AS. The primary design objectives were clarified using an objective tree method. The main functions of the designs were explored, and the product requirements were compiled stating the various demands and wishes pertaining to the products. Design ...
    • Bærekraftig rehabilitering av høyblokker 

      Erdal, Eirik Friis (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-14)
      Denne oppgaven handler om forskjellige skademekanismer i betong og hvordan kartlegge disse samt hvilke metoder som brukes for å utbedre disse. Det er også tatt utgangspunkt i en eldre betongblokk på åtte etasjer som brukes som studentboliger av Norges Arktiske Studentsamkipnad i Tromsø. Denne betongblokken er bygget i 1972 og har behov for omfattende rehabilitering av utvendige bærende betongsøyler ...
    • Last Mile Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Cold Chain Logistical Challenge 

      Andoh, Eugenia Ama (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health and humanitarian crisis that has wreaked havoc on economies and industries around the world. This study aims to address the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines at the last mile by evaluating the vaccine supply chain and how it can be effectively utilized to address the last mile distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines through simulation. The first part includes ...
    • Role and Important Properties of a Membrane with Its Recent Advancement in a Microbial Fuel Cell 

      Banerjee, Aritro; Calay, Rajnish Kaur; Eregno, Fasil Ejigu (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-09)
      Microbial fuel cells (MFC) are an emerging technology for wastewater treatment that utilizes the metabolism of microorganisms to generate electricity from the organic matter present in water directly. The principle of MFC is the same as hydrogen fuel cell and has three main components (i.e., anode, cathode, and proton exchange membrane). The membrane separates the anode and cathode chambers and ...
    • On a New Class of Hardy-type Inequalities 

      Adeleke, EO; Cizmesija, Aleksandra; Oguntuase, JA; Persson, Lars Erik; Pokaz, D (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-11-05)
      In this paper, we generalize a Hardy-type inequality to the class of arbitrary non-negative functions bounded from below and above with a convex function multiplied with positive real constants. This enables us to obtain new generalizations of the classical integral Hardy, Hardy-Hilbert, Hardy-Littlewood-Pólya, and Pólya-Knopp inequalities as well as of Godunova’s and of some recently obtained ...
    • A note on the best constants in some hardy inequalities 

      Persson, Lars Erik; Samko, Stefan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Abstract. The sharp constants in Hardy type inequalities are known only in a few cases. In this paper we discuss some situations when such sharp constants are known, but also some new sharp constants are derived both in one-dimensional and multi-dimensional cases.
    • Ingeniørstudenters bruk av læringsverktøy i et lineær algebraemne : hvilken rolle spiller nettbaserte forelesninger? 

      Rensaa, Ragnhild Johanne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-11-11)
      I denne artikkelen diskuteres studentenes bruk av læringsverktøy med spesielt fokus på et nettbasert tilbud. Egne forelesninger i et emne i lineær algebra for master ingeniørstudenter, fjerde år, har blitt streamet og publisert, og jeg har undersøkt hvordan studentene har brukt disse forelesningene. Data er innsamlet første og tredje gang dette ble gjort, og hovedvekten i denne artikkelen er lagt ...
    • Rearrangements and jensen type inequalities related to convexity, superquadracity, strong convexity and 1-quasiconvexity 

      Abramovich, Shoshana; Persson, Lars Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09)
      In this paper we derive and discuss some new theorems related to all rearrangements of a given set in Rn , denoted (x) and use the results to prove some new Jensen type inequalities for convex, superquadratic, strongly convex and 1 -quasiconvex functions.
    • Residential Construction Sustainability in the UK and Prospects of Knowledge Transfer to Kazakhstan 

      Calay, Rajnish K; Tokbolat, Serik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-22)
      This paper aimed to investigate the up-to-date levels of sustainability in the UK construction with special interest to sustainable housing. It also aims to examine the justification behind construction and housing sustainability, and to look at the practicality of transferring current expertise within the UK as well as to an emerging Central Asian country such as Kazakhstan. A synergy of case ...
    • A note about frequencies being close or amplitudes being small in frequency analysis 

      Rensaa, Ragnhild Johanne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-10)
      In an earlier paper, an alternative method for how to solve the frequency analysis problem was offered. The object of the present paper is to bring about how to handle situations where the frequencies are close to each other or there is an amplitude that is really small.
    • Meta-Lamarckian-based iterated greedy for optimizing distributed two-stage assembly flowshops with mixed setups 

      Pourhejazy, Pourya; Cheng, Chen-Yang; Ying, Kuo-Ching; Nam, Nguyen Hoai (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-02-03)
      Integrated scheduling of distributed manufacturing operations has implications for supply chain optimization and requires further investigations to facilitate its application area for various industry settings. This study extends the limited literature of the distributed two-stage production-assembly scheduling problems offering a twofold contribution. First, an original mathematical extension, the ...