Viser treff 461-480 av 987

    • Fast changeovers using AIV and a tool platform 

      Omosanya, Hafeez Abolade Olav (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Fast changeover is changing from one process or machine to another line, process, or machine to produce different products or services. Lean aims at reducing waste, improving productivity, and eliminating non-value-added activities to the customer. Whilst achieving sustained continual improvement in certain activities and process of an organization. This project focuses on implementing the methodologies ...
    • Cyber-security of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) 

      Safarpour Kanafi, Faraz (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      This master's thesis reports on security of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) in the department of industrial engineering at UiT campus Narvik. The CPS targets connecting distinctive robots in the laboratory in the department of industrial engineering. The ultimate objective of the department is to propose such a system for the industry. The thesis focuses on the network architecture of the CPS and ...
    • Evaluation of the impact of recycled concrete aggregates on the durability of concrete 

      Top, Liessa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-26)
      The building industry has one of the most significant contributions to global warming due to the production of building materials, transportation, building activities and demolition of structures. When the buildings and structures reach the end of their life-span, they are commonly demolished, and debrice is landfield or backfilled if it is evaluated as non-contaminated inert construction and ...
    • Optimal Volt Var control in Smart Distribution Networks 

      Shamraiz, Shamraiz (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-24)
      Both the generation and transmission power networks are facing new threats and opportunities as the number of distributed energy resources (DERs) grows. Because of the high solar PV penetration, voltage rise and voltage volatility are becoming major problems in the distribution network. Voltage regulating devices (VRDs), such as on load tap changers (OLTCs), phase voltage regulators (SVRs), and ...
    • Building Information Modelling : Indoor Localization 

      Khadka, Jeewan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-19)
      This thesis presents an integrated system where BIM software is used together with IoT devices to visualize data generated in real-time. Two different IoT devices are modelled as case study that collect environmental and localization data. These devices were installed inside a Test room of an area approx. 22 m2 in UiT Narvik premises . The collected data were, filtered & transferred to database ...
    • Guidelines for increasing application of 3D Metal Printing- a case study at Equinor ASA 

      Naulakha, Niranjan Kumar (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-19)
      The world is evolving towards automation at a rapid rate. With this, there are lot of gaps that need to be filled as we switch from conventional methodology of doing things to the adaptation of newer automated technology. One of those many news aspects is Additive Manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. 3D Printing has changed significantly over the years, from it being used for making prototypes ...
    • Designing an Autonomous Racing Drone 

      Trældal, Alexander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-19)
      In recent years drone racing using human pilots have increased in popularity. This combined with the increased usage of autonomous driving vehicles have sparked a new field of interest which is Autonomous Racing Drones competitions. This thesis explores the field of drone design and avionics with the conclusion of presenting the first Racing Drone prototype that can be used in future work made by ...
    • Continuous Autonomous UAV Inspection for FPSO vessels 

      Andreev, Alexey G. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-23)
      This Master's thesis represents the preliminary design study and proposes the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) -based inspection framework, comprising several multirotors with automatic charging and deployment for 24/7 integrity inspection tasks. This project has three main topics. First one describes the operational environment and existing regulations that cover use of UAVs. It forms the basis ...
    • Brannprosjektering av automatiske parkeringsanlegg 

      Ajaypal, Powar; Omtveit, Talleiv (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Automatiske parkeringsanlegg er en innovativ parkeringsløsning som løser plassutfordringene som følge av befolkningsvekst, sentralisering og fortetning, men medfører samtidig nye utfordringer med hensyn til brannsikkerheten. Der en parkeringsplass tidligere var forbeholdt én bil, kan det i denne typen parkeringsanlegg være stablet flere biler i høyden. For rednings- og slokkemannskaper medfører disse ...
    • Vision-based Robotic Grasping in Simulation using Deep Reinforcement Learning 

      Danielsen, Jostein René (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      This thesis will investigate different robotic manipulation and grasping approaches. It will present an overview of robotic simulation environments, and offer an evaluation of PyBullet, CoppeliaSim, and Gazebo, comparing various features. The thesis further presents a background for current approaches to robotic manipulation and grasping by describing how the robotic movement and grasping can be ...
    • Feasibility Study of Hydrogen Production from Wind Energy in Narvik 

      Odongo, Christopher (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      The use of renewable energy sources is gaining momentum globally as possible replacements for fossil fuels which have proven to be serial contributors to global warming. Hydrogen is one such environmentally friendly fuel with zero carbon emission proven to be reliable for use in the transport sector. Since hydrogen is an energy carrier, its mode of production has for a long time relied on high carbon ...
    • Optimal bruk av reaktive ressurser 

      Arnesen, Jan Tore (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      God kontroll av reaktiv effekt er en helt nødvendig del av et velfungerende kraftsystem. Reaktiv effekt er funksjon av spenning og lastvinkel, men er i størst grad påvirket av spenningen under normale forhold. Det finnes mange forskjellige reaktive ressurser i kraftsystemet, og de har forskjellige egenskaper og karakteristikker. Statiske reaktive ressurser er kondensatorbatterier, reaktorer og ...
    • Inneklimaanalyse av E-blokk, UiT campus Narvik 

      Bazmohammed, Fatima; Nazari, Ibrahim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en studie av inneklima ved UiT Norges arktiske universitetet campus Narvik. Oppgaven dekker deler av termiske- og atmosfæriske parameterer i teorifløya, samt deler av det akustiske forholdet i kantina. E-blokka ved UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet campus Narvik ble oppgradert/ rehabilitert betydelig, og interesse fra UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet campus Narvik som bruker og ...
    • Roach Infestation Optimization MPPT Algorithm of PV Systems for Adaptive to Fast-Changing Irradiation and Partial Shading Conditions 

      Ntiakoh, Nicholas Kakra (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Of all the renewable energy sources, solar photovoltaic (PV) power is considered to be a popular source owing to several advantages such as its free availability, absence of rotating parts, integration to building such as roof tops and less maintenance cost. The nonlinear current–voltage (I–V) characteristics and power generated from a PV array primarily depends on solar insolation/irradiation and ...
    • Radon i eksisterende bygninger 

      Sundby, Robert Tarvudd (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-15)
      Denne oppgaven er en studie om radon i eksisterende bygninger med en casestudie. I forkant av utarbeidelse og utførelse av en tiltakspakke, ble det gjort en litteraturstudie innenfor temaet om radon, situasjonen i Norge og anbefalte tiltak for å redusere radonnivåene i eksisterende boliger. Casestudien omhandler en enebolig i Beisfjord, Narvik kommune. Det har blitt utført bytte av innvendig radonbrønn ...
    • Langsiktig effekt av energifokus for hotellbygg 

      Kjær, Jonas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-15)
      Oppgaven skal undersøke langsiktig effekt av energifokus for Quality Hotel Harstad, som er prosjektert etter Byggteknisk forskrift (TEK17). Energiberegningsverktøyet SIMIEN er anvendt for å analysere energibehovet til hotellet, og kartlegge hvilke energibesparendetiltak som gir høyest effekt. Hovedmålet er å vurdere hvilke tiltak som bør iverksettes for å heve hotellets energiklasse fra B til A i ...
    • Potensial for reduksjon av livssyklus klimagassutslipp ved gjenbruk og resirkulering av betong 

      Dinh, Thomas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-15)
      Verden står ovenfor store klimaendringer og klimagassmengden fortsetter å øke. For å begrense økning av gjennomsnittstemperaturen må tiltak iverksettes for å redusere utslippene. Betong er det mest anvendte byggematerialet i verden og det brukes dobbelt så mye betong enn andre byggematerialer til sammen. Sementproduksjon antas å bidra til 7-8 prosent av klimagassutslipp på verdensbasis. Betong ...
    • Energiøkonomiserende tiltak for kommunal bygg (Energy saving measures for municipal buildings) 

      Swensen, Åge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-24)
      Sammendrag I forbindelse med Lurøy kommunes sterke fokus på enøk ønsker de å se hvilken nytte ulike tiltak kan ha på eksisterende bygg. Størsteparten av bygningsmassen til Lurøy kommune er fra 1960- til 1980-tallet. Flere av FNs bærekraftsmål er aktuell for oppgaven. Strøm, fremtidig utsikt for energipris, miljø, resirkulering, gjenbruk og oppgradering av eksisterende boliger og begrense sløsing ...
    • Study & Analysis of Power Switches with reverse voltage blocking capability 

      Mughal, Babur Zaman Khan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-25)
      This thesis hovers over the basic introduction to Silicon Carbide (Metal Oxide Semiconductors Field-effect Transistor) MOSFET switches and the circuit designing of Current Source Invertors using SiC MOSFET switches. The thesis covers the basic grounds for all the steps needed in the implementation of hardware design for half bridge, full bridge and three phase CSIs in the future. Firstly, a ...
    • Developing a Vans-and-Drones System for Last-Mile Delivery 

      Aasen, Kristina Charlotte Pedersen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      The e-commerce industry is experiencing rapid growth, and growing customer expectations and demand challenges the industry to find more cost-efficient ways of performing the last-mile deliveries. Drones have in recent years been a hot topic, and with high versatility and several application areas it may be the answer to the challenge. In this project a Vans-and-Drones System for Last-Mile Delivery ...