Viser treff 681-700 av 987

    • Digitalized manufacturing logistics in engineer-to-order operations 

      Strandhagen, Jo Wessel; Buer, Sven-Vegard; Semini, Marco; Alfnes, Erlend (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      The high complexity in Engineer-To-Order (ETO) operations causes major challenges for manufacturing logistics, especially in complex ETO, i.e. one-of-a-kind production. Increased digitalization of manufacturing logistics processes and activities can facilitate more efficient coordination of the material and information flows for manufacturing operations in general. However, it is not clear how to ...
    • Some Fourier inequalities for orthogonal systems in Lorentz–Zygmund spaces 

      Akishev, Gabdolla; Persson, Lars Erik; Seger, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-13)
      A number of classical inequalities and convergence results related to Fourier coefficients with respect to unbounded orthogonal systems are generalized and complemented. All results are given in the case of Lorentz–Zygmund spaces.
    • Effekt av basaltfiber for betongkvalitet = Effect of basalt fiber for quality of concrete 

      Ha, Duy Quang (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-27)
      The need of concrete is getting more and more, experts have researched new materials to improve the good properties of concrete. Basalt fiber is a new additive in the concrete industry, so researches on basalt fiber concrete is not many. Previous research results have shown positive effects of basalt fiber on the mechanical strengths of the concrete. This task is performed by experiments to confirm ...
    • Samspillskontrakter – en vei å forene ulike interesser 

      Nielsen, Håvard Johannes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-27)
      Samspill i norsk bygg- og anleggsbransje øker i omfang. Hensikten med samspillsmodellene er å sørge for mer innovasjon i byggeprosjekter, samtidig som modellen skal motivere til kostnadseffektive løsninger. Tema for denne oppgaven er hvordan samspill kan nyttiggjøres i byggeprosjekter, og hvilke utfordringer og fordeler samspill kan medføre for byggherre. Oppgaven tar også for seg karakteristiske ...
    • Evaluation of cascaded MPC performance in voltage source converters 

      Mokrushev, Ivan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-21)
      Model predictive control method becomes more popular in research over the last decade. Due to the growing popularity of the model predictive control concept, there are more and more questions about the effectiveness of this method in comparison with other methods. In this thesis cascaded model predictive control of grid connected voltage source converter with LCL filter has been evaluated. The ...
    • Study of area use and floor space occupation in office buildings using ML approach 

      Heidari, Fatemeh (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      This thesis presents a general model to estimate the number of people at office spaces in the given time step. This project represents the description of the several approaches for similar problems, general description of statistical and machine learning models and applying those models for specific building. This work is also cover some suggested dashboards to keep track of space usage. The flowing ...
    • Transient analysis of road tunnel power system 

      Ivanova, Elizaveta (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      The main tasks of Statens Vegvesen is to plan, build and maintain the roads of Norway. Tunnels are included as a part of this task. Due to expected changes in usage patterns and needs, the Norwegian authorities decided to adapt to the European model the design of low voltage networks. The backup power system is one of the most important parts of the installation and presents an independent source ...
    • Playing a video game is more than mere procrastination 

      Nordby, Kent; Løkken, Ronny Andre; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-13)
      <i>Background</i>: Procrastination is seen as a severe problem among young people, and many factors have been claimed to be associated with it, playing video games being one of them. One of the reasons why video games might be related to procrastination is their ability to offer instant gratification and feedback, while at the same time offer distractions from less tempting and rewarding tasks. ...
    • Multiphysics Study of Tensile Testing using Infrared thermography 

      Stange, Even; Andleeb, Zahra; Khawaja, Hassan; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In this work, the IR thermography was used to study the steel specimens (DIN 50125 Standard) undergoing the tensile tests. The tensile tests were performed using GUNT® Hamburg Universal Material Tester. The tensile specimens were clamped, and the test force was generated using a handoperated hydraulic system. A dial gauge measured the elongation of the specimens. Using the WP 300.20 system for data ...
    • Comparison of Explicit Method of Solution for CFD Euler Problems using MATLAB® and FORTRAN 77 

      Nordli, Anders Samuelsen; Khawaja, Hassan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This work presents a comparison of an explicit method of solution for an inviscid compressible fluid mechanics problem using Euler equations for two-dimensional internal flows. The same algorithm was implemented in both FORTRAN 77 and MATLAB®. The algorithm includes Runge‒Kutta time marching scheme with smoothing. Both solvers were initialized in the same manner. In addition, it was ensured that ...
    • Spesifikke energiforsyningskonsepter i Smart Arctic Building 

      Li, Lin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-27)
      I oppgaven utredes det spesifikk energiforsyningskonsepter og energikombinasjoner som gir lavest energibruk. Oppgaven ser på to eldre lavboligblokker som ligger i Beisfjordveien 88 og 90, som eies av Ofoten Midt-Troms Boligbyggerlag. Bygget har i dag lite isolasjon, og elektrisk energiforsyning som medfører stort varmetap og høyt energiforbruk på ca. 216 kWh/m2. Rehabiliteringen av blokker omfatter ...
    • Effekt av Idrocrete KR 1000 på betongporestruktur og permeabilitet (Effect of Idrocrete WP 1000 on concrete pore structure and permeability) 

      Onyango Orony, Elvis (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-27)
      This thesis includes a literature study where the focus is concrete theory and how additives affect the durability of the concrete. In addition, there will be a practical part where the largest part of the task will undergo mainly on the concrete laboratory. Two different mixtures will be mixed. A reference mixture (Ref.B35) and another mixtue with the same recipe, but this will contain an additive ...
    • Byggetekniske løsninger for kalde og arktiske strøk (Building design & solutions for cold and arctic environment) 

      Sara, Bernt Ailu Utsi; Blegeberg, Magnus Moland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-27)
      In recent years, there has been an increacing focus on environmental issues and the ongoing climate change. With predictions of increasing rainfall and more extreme weather, this poses a greater risk of damage to buildings, which again places stricter requirements on construction details. In Norway, there has been focus on construction in cold and arctic regions, and the impact on existing buildings ...
    • Kartlegging av inneklima på Skistua Barneskole (A study of the indoor climate at Skistua elementary school) 

      Lohne, Olav Nilsen; Thorrud, Lars (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-27)
      The purpose of the measurements was to document whether the school had an acceptable indoor climate. An ''ørebro''-examination was performed as an indicator of which parameters might be appropriate to investigate. Using the survey, measurements of CO2, air temperature, PMV, relative humidity and airflow were made. The results that emerged showed that the school had a generally acceptable indoor ...
    • Bygningsfysiske utfordringer i forbindelse med kalde garasjeanlegg 

      Pettersen, Emil; Pettersen, Bjørn Anders (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-26)
      "Årlig koster byggeskader samfunnet 17 milliarder, gjennom undersøkelser utført av SINTEF byggforsk er det konkludert med at 65-70 prosent av disse byggeskadene skyldes fukt (TU, 2017). Bygge skader som dette har resultert i at Plan og bygningsloven (PBL) og Direktoratet for byggkvalitet (DIBK) utarbeidet en ny forskrift som trådte i kraft pr. 1.1.2013 som ett tiltak på å redusere bygge skader. ...
    • Kritiske faktorer for effektivisering ved bygging av småhus. Hvordan kan småhusbransjen benytte digitalisering og industrialisering til å effektivisere boligbyggingen og redusere reklamasjoner? 

      Ådnanes, Vegard (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-26)
      Småhusbransjen er et segment i bygge- og anleggsbransjen, en bransje som mellom år 2000 og 2016 opplevde en nedgang i effektivitet og produktivitet på 10 prosent. Denne nedgangen skyldes mange forskjellige faktorer, men blant annet ulike byggemetoder, dårlig planlegging og logistikk har ført til at det tar lengre tid å bygge en bolig i dag. Økt fokus på effektivisering ved boligbygging er et populært ...
    • Possibility study for utilization of solar energy in Arctic areas 

      Tamrakar, Stutee (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-26)
      This thesis investigates a solar thermal system and a solar photovoltaic system which produces local energy by incoming solar radiation to meet the energy consumption demand of a residential building in the arctic region. An existing building block in Narvik, within the sub-arctic region, was taken as study case to analyze the potential of solar energy.
    • Energianalyse av vannbåren varmesystem - Omlegging fra 5 til 3 rørssystem 

      Kulvik, Stein Georg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-26)
      I samarbeid med oppdragsgiver K.Lund, ble det under dette prosjektet utført en analyse av det indirekte 3 rørssystemet ved Kanalen i Trondheim. Målet med oppgaven var å se på om det er store differanser på investeringskostnader og varmetap i de forskjellige systemene for vannbåren varme. Med holdepunkter i referanseanlegget ble det gjort analyse og simuleringer av de andre systemene. Resultatene ...
    • Optimization of the Energy Consumption of a Carbon Capture and Sequestration Related Carbon Dioxide Compression Processes 

      Jackson, Steven; Brodal, Eivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-26)
      It is likely that the future availability of energy from fossil fuels, such as natural gas, will be influenced by how efficiently the associated CO2 emissions can be mitigated using carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). In turn, understanding how CCS affects the efficient recovery of energy from fossil fuel reserves in different parts of the world requires data on how the performance of each part ...
    • An Improved Mathematical Model for Green Lock Scheduling Problem of the Three Gorges Dam 

      Zhao, Xu; Lin, Qianjun; Yu, Hao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-08)
      In recent years, the environmental pollutions at the Three Gorges Dam have become an increasingly concerning issue of the Chinese government. One of the most significant environmental problems is the carbon emissions from the lockage operations at the two ship locks of the Three Gorges Dam. Currently, due to the large amount of vessels passing through the dam, there is always a long queue of vessels ...