Viser treff 761-780 av 987

    • Measuring Thickness of Marine Ice Using IR Thermography 

      Rashid, Taimur; Khawaja, Hassan; Edvardsen, Kåre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-04)
      <p>There are several challenges to operating in a cold climate. Marine icing is one of them, and its mitigation is vital for marine operations.</p> <p>The presented work is a laboratory-scale setup to measure marine ice thickness. The developed methodology can be applied towards de-/anti-icing setups. The method described is based on measuring the average surface temperatures of the marine ice. ...
    • Local Flexibility Market Design for Aggregators Providing Multiple Flexibility Services at Distribution Network Level 

      Olivella-Rosell, Pol; Lloret-Gallego, Pau; Munne-Collado, Ingrid; Villafafila-Robles, Roberto; Sumper, Andreas; Ottesen, Stig Ødegaard; Rajasekharan, Jayaprakash; Bremdal, Bernt Arild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-02)
      This paper presents a general description of local flexibility markets as a market-based management mechanism for aggregators. The high penetration of distributed energy resources introduces new flexibility services like prosumer or community self-balancing, congestion management and time-of-use optimization. This work is focused on the flexibility framework to enable multiple participants to compete ...
    • Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing Machine 

      Plotnikov, Dmitri (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-21)
      This master thesis contains an overview of the additive manufacturing technology and building process of the large-scale Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) additive manufacturing machine from the old Wafer Handling Diffusion machine. The thesis study is mainly focused on practical work and describes the techniques used during the project execution. The built machine can print large 3D prototypes from ...
    • Distributed Management of Resources in a Smart City using Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) 

      Molchanov, Igor (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-17)
      This document describes study of distributed management of resources in the context of Smart City with support of multi-agent systems. The investigated points include theoretical concepts of Smart City and application of multi-agent systems, decentralized and centralized designs for agent-based solutions and aspects of interactions between different self-interested agents. The document explores ...
    • Detection and prediction of falls among elderly people using walkers 

      Degtiarev, Aleksei (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-17)
      Falls of elderly people are big health burden, especially for long-term consequence. Yet we already have research, describing how exactly elderly fall and reasons of falls. We aimed to develop means that could not only detect falls and send alerts to relatives and doctors to conquer one of the biggest fears of elderly to fall and do not have the ability to call for help, but also tried to implement ...
    • Wire Gear for Small Rotary Actuator intended for Low Earth Orbit Applications. 

      Aarud, Vebjørn Orre (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      In this master thesis, a small rotary actuator with wire driveline intendent for space solutions is developed and tested. The replication of the environment with focus on surface friction, surface roughness, and more dynamical related features are considered. Features like temperature, vibration, radiation and more are excluded to limit the size. This because the field of interest in this iteration ...
    • Reliable parameter identification for synchronous machines 

      Alves, Erick Fernando (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      This work investigates and implements algorithms for reliable parameter identification for salient pole synchronous machines that can be used for condition monitoring, on line assessment of the power grid, and adaptive control. All these applications are steps necessary to enable a smarter power grid, in which seamless integrated digital technology provides state estimation, fault detection, and ...
    • Large-scale Wind Power Integration in Northern Norway 

      Singh, Arwinder (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      Norway has very high flexibility in energy production since hydropower covers about 95% of yearly energy demand. It is best to have a combination of wind and hydropower and hence it applies perfectly here in Norway. The performance of the wind farm can be significantly enhanced by employing full-capacity converters. The state-of-the-art literature study has been done on Squirrel Cage Induction ...
    • Innvirkninger av distribuert produksjon i svake distribusjonsnett, lokalisert i nordområdene. Hvordan påvirker plusskunder det omkringliggende lavspente distribusjonsnettet. 

      Johannessen, Leif Inge Krogstad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      I denne rapporten har virkninger av plusskunder i svake, lavspente distribusjonsnett blitt undersøkt. Gjennom en informasjonsinnsamling, ble de største utfordringer for fremtidige plusskunder identifisert. Herunder aktuelle teknologier, energiresuser, regelverk og tekniske forhold. Det ble undersøkt hvilke utfordringer et nettselskap kan forvente seg, ved introduksjon av lokal produksjon i et ...
    • Rammeverk for modellering og simulering av husholdningsapparater 

      Nilsen, Christian Bjerknes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      Denne oppgaven har hatt til hensikt å utarbeide et rammeverk for modellering og simulering av husholdningsapparater i Simulink, hvor det er muligheter for sammenkobling av flere enheter basert på typiske utstyr i norske husholdninger. Tilkoblingen av modellene kan være via TN-nett, IT-nett eller andre mindre kilder i Simulink. Videre er det gjennomført en litteraturstudie av ulike typer utstyr ...
    • Solskjerming av vindu 

      Norum, Joakim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      Bakgrunnene for oppgaven er at et hvert byggeprosjekt har behov for klima- og energitekniske beregninger. Solavskjerming kan ha en innvirkende faktor på de klima- og energitekniske beregninger. I dag er det lite krav som stilles til solavskjermingen i byggetekniske forskrifter. Det er derfor ønskelig å forstå hvilke krav som er satt og forstå innvirkningen på solavskjerming i et energiperspektiv.For ...
    • BIM 4D - Prosjektstyring og visualisering. Ved prosjektet Østensjøveien 16. BIM 4D – Project management and visualization 

      Bogen, Trym Håvard (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      This thesis describes building information modeling focusing on the fourth dimension using a specific software. Within this possibilities and challenges with the use of the fourth dimension during an ongoing project are presented, as well as suggestions on how this can be communicated on site. The literature study describes basic theory for both project planning, project management and building ...
    • Green Buildings in Cold Climate 

      Alseth, Nils Bernhard; Andersen, Lasse (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      The purpose of this report is to enlighten and analyze how the differences in policies, regulations and other instrumental means affect the environmental footprint and energy consumptions of buildings in cold regions such as northern Japan and northern Norway. Simulations are conducted as a part of a case study to further enlighten and visualize by figures the differences between Japan and Norway. ...
    • Verdiskapende samspill i prosjekteringsprosessen med VDC som prosjektform 

      Nordbakk, Kornelia Rognmo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      Virtual Design and Construction er en arbeidsmetodikk som bygger på Lean-tankegangen og setter mennesker, prosesser og nye verktøy i en logisk rekkefølge og sammenheng. VDC består av 4 byggesteiner; Bygningsinformasjonsmodellering (BIM), Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE), målinger og prosesser. Ved bruk av ICE-sesjoner vil det optimalt sett føre til integrert og tverrfaglig prosjektering. For ...
    • Hvordan kan bruk av digitale verktøyer effektivisere produksjon på byggeplass for en mellomstor bedrift? Digitalisering i Sortland Entreprenør 

      Pettersen, Kaja (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      Verden befinner seg i dag i en rask og omveltende teknologisk utvikling, der alle næringer blir påvirket av digitalisering som radikalt endrer måten å jobbe, samhandle og kommunisere på. Over lengre tid har byggebransjen vært en bransje der innovasjon og nytenkning ikke har vært et satsningsområde. Synkende effektivitet og økt konkurranse mellom aktører har medført at en endring av arbeidsmetode er ...
    • Modell for kontroll av innlevert FDV-dokumentasjon for bygg. Model for control of management, operation and maintenances documentation for construction works 

      Dibaba, Dejenu Zerga (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-08-16)
      The report discuss requirement established/set by Planning and Building Act (PBL), Technical Regulations (TEK) and responsibilities that client representant has for the control of FDV handover. The consequences due to loss of FDV -documents for those who manage, operate, maintain and develop a building can be a cost and quality concern after the project is completed and handed over. NS 3456:2010 ...
    • Principle of functioning of smart solution to clean high power lines in cold climate. 

      Caicedo Espinoza, Edison Hover (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      Dependency of human activities on electricity supply goes from emergency services to comfort aspects. Reliability of electricity distribution systems is a complex problem to tackle, especially when the systems are located at cold climate regions, dealing with ice accretion on the elements of the electrical systems and its consequences become a priority to be included in maintenance maneuvers in order ...
    • Estimation of upward radiances and reflectances at the surface of the sea from above-surface measurements 

      Kleiv, Øyvind; Folkestad, Are; Høkedal, Jo; Aas, Eyvind; Sørensen, Kai (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-02)
      During 4 field days in the years 2009–2011, 22 data sets of measurements were collected in the inner Oslofjord, Norway. The data consist of recordings of spectral nadir radiances in air and water as well as spectral downward irradiance in air. The studied wavelengths are 351, 400, 413, 443, 490, 510, 560, 620, 665, 681, 709 and 754 nm. The water-leaving radiance and the reflected radiance at the ...
    • Designing a lifting and lowering device to the storage market 

      Hoff, Even (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      "The aim of this thesis is to design a lifting and lowering device for the storage market. The design is based on a patent, held by Dropracks, which is a collaborator in the thesis. Dropracks is a company developing a lowerable roof rack for cars. This rack is protected by their patent of a lifting and lowering device. This patent gives Dropracks an immaterial protection in all industry sectors, and ...
    • A Comparison on Development of Pumped Storage Hydropower in Europe and Asia. An Analytical Case Study based on Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Projects developed in Europe and Asia in period 2010-2017 

      Mishra, Parash Mani (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-06-15)
      "Energy consumption in European countries is increasing in significant amount each year. EU countries are becoming more concerned towards environmental safeguarding along with energy production. Wind and solar power have increased their market in many power systems in the recent decades and the main limitation is that they are greatly time dependent and are not available all the time to cope with ...