Now showing items 81-100 of 162

    • Preliminary studies on transition curve geometry: Reality and virtual reality 

      Brustad, Tanita Fossli (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-01)
      The topic of transition curves is well known in track and road engineering. Over the years the need for easement between straight and curved sections in railway and road design has grown, with an important reason being increase in vehicle speed. Testing of transitions is often done with graph analysis where the property of lateral change of acceleration is compared between varieties of curves. ...
    • Railway transition curves: A review of the state-of-the-art and future research 

      Brustad, Tanita Fossli; Dalmo, Rune (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-18)
      Transition curves are a useful tool for lateral alignment of railway segments. Their design is important to ensure safe and comfortable travel for passengers and cargo. Well designed transition curves can lead to reduced wear of tracks and vehicles, which is beneficial from a maintenance point of view. Extensive studies have been performed through decades to find transition curves that can replace ...

      Oguntuase, J. A.; Fabelurin, Olanrewaju O; Persson, Lars Erik; Adeleke, EO (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-11)
      We obtain some further refinements of Hardy-type inequalities via superqudraticity technique. Our results both unify and further generalize several results on refinements of Hardy-type inequalities in the literature.
    • Some inequalities related to strong convergence of Riesz logarithmic means 

      Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars Erik; Tephnadze, George; Tutberidze, Giorgi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-23)
      In this paper we derive a new strong convergence theorem of Riesz logarithmic means of the one-dimensional Vilenkin–Fourier (Walsh–Fourier) series. The corresponding inequality is pointed out and it is also proved that the inequality is in a sense sharp, at least for the case with Walsh–Fourier series.
    • Some new Fourier inequalities for unbounded orthogonal systems in Lorentz-Zygmund spaces 

      Akishev, Gabdolla; Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-20)
      In this paper we prove some essential complements of the paper (J. Inequal. Appl. 2019:171, 2019) on the same theme. We prove some new Fourier inequalities in the case of the Lorentz–Zygmund function spaces L q,r (logL ) α Lq,r(log⁡L)α involved and in the case with an unbounded orthonormal system. More exactly, in this paper we prove and discuss some new Fourier inequalities of this type for ...
    • Recent trends in operation modal analysis techniques and its application on a steel truss bridge 

      Singh, Harpal; Grip, Niklas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Aging of infrastructure causes many problems with great consequences, essentially economical. Operation modal analysis (OMA) is one of the most crucial techniques used for dynamic analysis of civil engineering structures (e.g. bridges, dams or tunnels). OMA uses various time and frequency domain methods to obtain the modal parameters. The analysis of OMA techniques can be used to detect, locate and ...
    • Equivalent integral conditions related to bilinear Hardy-type inequalities 

      Kanjilal, Saikat; Persson, Lars Erik; Shambilova, Guldarya E (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Infinitely many, even scales of, equivalent conditions are derived to characterize the bilinear Hardy-type inequality under various ranges of parameters.
    • Singularly perturbed spectral problems in a thin cylinder with fourier conditions on its bases 

      Piatnitski, Andrey; Rybalko, Volodymyr (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The paper deals with the bottom of the spectrum of a singularly perturbed second order elliptic operator defined in a thin cylinder and having locally periodic coefficients in the longitudinal direction. We impose a homogeneous Neumann boundary condition on the lateral surface of the cylinder and a generic homogeneous Fourier condition at its bases. We then show that the asymptotic behavior of the ...
    • Homogenization of Levy-type operators with oscillating coefficients 

      Kassmann, Moritz; Piatnitski, Andrey; Zhizhina, Elena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-05)
      The paper deals with homogenization of Lévy-type operators with rapidly oscillating coefficients. We consider cases of periodic and random statistically homogeneous micro-structures and show that in the limit we obtain a Lévy-operator. In the periodic case we study both symmetric and non-symmetric kernels whereas in the random case we only investigate symmetric kernels. We also address a nonlinear ...
    • Homogenization of biased convolution type operators 

      Piatnitski, Andrey; Zhizhina, Elena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-07)
      This paper deals with homogenization of parabolic problems for integral convolution type operators with a non-symmetric jump kernel in a periodic elliptic medium. It is shown that the homogenization result holds in moving coordinates. We determine the corresponding effective velocity and prove that the limit operator is a second order parabolic operator with constant coefficients. We also consider ...
    • Exploring future C++ features within a geometric modeling context 

      Bratlie, Jostein; Dalmo, Rune (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019-11)
      The development of the C++ programming language and its standard library has undergone a renaissance since the introduction of the C++11 standard, making the language more relevant than ever, through modern features, simplification and expansion of the standard library. Comparing past and future feature sets (C++17, C++20, ...) similar to comparing different programming languages. In this article ...
    • Limit behaviour of diffusion in high-contrast periodic media and related Markov semigroups 

      Piatnitski, Andrey; Pirogov, S; Zhizhina, Elena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The goal of the paper is to describe the large time behaviour of a symmetric diffusion in a high-contrast periodic environment and to characterize the limit process under the diffusive scaling. We consider separately the C0 and the L2 settings.
    • Embeddings of weighted generalized Morrey Spaces into Lebesgue Spaces on fractal sets 

      Samko, Natasha Gabatsuyevna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-19)
      We study embeddings of weighted local and consequently global generalized Morrey spaces defined on a quasi-metric measure set (X, d, μ) of general nature which may be unbounded, into Lebesgue spaces Ls(X), 1 ≤ s ≤ p < ∞. The main motivation for obtaining such an embedding is to have an embedding of non-separable Morrey space into a separable space. In the general setting of quasi-metric measure ...
    • Blending functions based on trigonometric and polynomial approximations of the Fabius function 

      Olofsen, Hans (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Most simple blending functions are polynomials, while more advanced blending functions are, for example, rational or expo-rational fractions. The Fabius function has the required properties of a blending function, but is a nowhere analytic function and cannot be calculated exactly everywhere on the required domain. We present a new set of trigonometric and polynomial blending functions with the shape ...
    • Finite element method application of ERBS triangles 

      Kravetc, Tatiana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11)
      In this paper we solve an eigenvalue problem on a circular membrane with fixed outer boundary by using a finite element method, where an element is represented as an expo-rational blending triangle. ERBS triangles combine properties of B-spline finite elements and standard polynomial triangular elements. The overlapping of local triangles allows us to provide a flexible handling of the surface while ...
    • Multidimensional Hardy-type inequalities on time scales with variable exponents 

      Fabelurin, Olanrewaju O; Oguntuase, J. A.; Persson, Lars Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      A new Jensen inequality for multivariate superquadratic functions is derived and proved. The derived Jensen inequality is then employed to obtain the general Hardy-type integral inequality for superquadratic and subquadratic functions of several variables.
    • The FlexNett Simulator 

      Bremdal, Bernt Arild; Tangrand, Kristoffer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper documents research conducted in the Norwegian FLEXNETT project.<br>It describes a new tool that was developed to study the future impact of prosumers with PV panels on the grid in Norway and the potential energy flexibility that lies with residential prosumers. Systematic use of energy flexibility can be an important instrument for managing peak loads and voltage problems in weak power ...
    • Local energy markets as a solution for increased energy efficiency and flexibility 

      Ilieva, Iliana; Bremdal, Bernt Arild; de la Nieta Lopez, A.A.S.; Simonsen, S.H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      With increasing share of distributed renewable energy resources in the grid and arising energy consumer awareness on environmental challenges new market models are sought where energy can be traded in an efficient and end-user centric way. This trend, together with the increasing consciousness on the benefits of local consumption and production has given rise to an increased focus on local energy ...
    • Some Fourier inequalities for orthogonal systems in Lorentz–Zygmund spaces 

      Akishev, Gabdolla; Persson, Lars Erik; Seger, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-13)
      A number of classical inequalities and convergence results related to Fourier coefficients with respect to unbounded orthogonal systems are generalized and complemented. All results are given in the case of Lorentz–Zygmund spaces.
    • Atomized feedback, an approach to automatic formative assessment 

      Steen, Arild; Movik, Hans Richard (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2017-11)
      In this article, we describe an approach to give automatic formative evaluation by atomizing the feedback. The mechanics in this approach is a large number of multiple-choice tests. The multiplechoice tests are used as voluntary assignments and gives controlled progression by releasing the tests in an order. Instruction is in the spirit of flipped classroom with short video lectures accompanied by ...