Viser treff 141-160 av 162

    • Singularly perturbed spectral problems with Neumann boundary conditions 

      Piatnitski, Andrey; Rybalko, A; Rybalko, V (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2015-09-07)
      The paper deals with the Neumann spectral problem for a singularly perturbed second-order elliptic operator with bounded lower order terms. The main goal is to provide a refined description of the limit behaviour of the principal eigenvalue and eigenfunction. Using the logarithmic transformation, we reduce the studied problem to an additive eigenvalue problem for a singularly perturbed Hamilton–Jacobi ...
    • Homogenization of random Navier–Stokes-type system for electrorheological fluid 

      Piatnitski, Andrey; Zhikov, Vasily (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2015-11-19)
      The paper deals with homogenization of Navier–Stokes-type system describing electrorheological fluid with random characteristics. Under non-standard growth conditions we construct the homogenized model and prove the convergence result. The structure of the limit equations is also studied.
    • A note on the maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means with non-increasing coefficients 

      Memić, Nacima; Persson, Lars Erik; Tephnadze, George; Kroo, A (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2016)
      In [14] we investigated some Vilenkin—Nörlund means with non-increasing coefficients. In particular, it was proved that under some special conditions the maximal operators of such summabily methods are bounded from the Hardy space H1/(1+α) to the space weak-L1/(1+α), (0 < α ≦ 1). In this paper we construct a martingale in the space H1/(1+α), which satisfies the conditions considered in [14], and so ...
    • Boundedness and compactness of a class of Hardy type operators 

      Abylayeva, AAkbota M; Oinarov, Ryskul; Persson, Lars Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-13)
      We establish characterizations of both boundedness and of compactness of a general class of fractional integral operators involving the Riemann-Liouville, Hadamard, and Erdelyi-Kober operators. In particular, these results imply new results in the theory of Hardy type inequalities. As applications both new and well-known results are pointed out.
    • Some sharp inequalities for integral operators with homogeneous kernel 

      Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars Erik; Samko, Stefan G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2016-04-09)
      One goal of this paper is to show that a big number of inequalities for functions in Lp(R+), p ≥ 1, proved from time to time in journal publications are particular cases of some known general results for integral operators with homogeneous kernels including, in particular, the statements on sharp constants. Some new results are also included, e.g. the similar general equivalence result is proved and ...
    • Some new estimates of the ‘Jensen gap’ 

      Abramovich, Shoshana; Persson, Lars Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2016-02-01)
    • Sharp Hp-Lp type inequalities of weighted maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means and its applications 

      Baramidze, Lasha; Persson, Lars Erik; Tephnadze, G; Wall, P (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2016-10-01)
      We prove and discuss some new Hp-Lp type inequalities of weighted maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means with monotone coefficients. It is also proved that these inequalities are the best possible in a special sense. We also apply these results to prove strong summability for such Vilenkin-Nörlund means. As applications, both some well-known and new results are pointed out.
    • Weighted Hardy type inequalities for supremum operators on the cones of monotone functions 

      Persson, Lars Erik; Shambilova, Guldarya E.; Stepanov, Vladimir D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Tidsskriftsartikkel, 2016-09-28)
      The complete characterization of the weighted L<sup>p</sup>-L<sup>r</sup> inequalities of supremum operators on the cones of monotone functions for all 0 < p, r≤∞ is given.
    • Fremtidens fleksible distribusjonsnett : fleksibel nettdrift, forbrukerfleksibilitet, plusskunder og forretningsmodeller 

      Sæle, Hanne; Bremdal, Bernt Arild; Tøndel, Inger Anne; Istad, Maren Kristine; Foosnæs, Jan Andor; Nordbø, Per Erik; Kirkeby, Henrik; Høverstad, Boye Annfelt; Mathisen, Geir (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2016-02-15)
      Denne rapporten er utarbeidet i WP1 og WP2 i prosjektet "Fleksibilitet i fremtidens smarte distribusjonsnett - FlexNett" (2015-2017). FlexNett-prosjektet har som målsetting å bidra til økt fleksibilitet i fremtidens smarte distribusjonsnett gjennom å demonstrere og verifisere tekniske og markedsmessige løsninger for fleksibilitet på ulike nivå i nettet til nytte for ulike aktører. <br> Målsettingen ...
    • Shock Tube. Detail overview of equipment and instruments in the shock tube experimental setup 

      Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Kapaya, Juma; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Book; Bok, 2015)
      The shock tube is a device in which a normal shock wave is produced by the interaction of fluids at significantly high-pressure difference. The shock tube is comprised of two sections known as driver and driven sections. These two sections are interacted with the high-speed valve or a bursting disc. When the interaction happens, a shock wave forms almost instantaneously and propagates into the driven ...
    • Thermal Properties of SK One Component Polyurethane using Experiments and Multiphysics Simulations 

      Ahmad, Tanveer; Xue, Hui; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Sun, Zhiheng; Linmei, Nie; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-12-08)
      This study proposes to determine the thermal conductivity of SK One Component Polyurethane (SKOCP) developed by China Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower Research Beijing IWHR-KHL Co. Ltd. SKOCP provides excellent proof of aging and chemical resistance of this material. It is non-toxic, acts as a good anti-seepage, offers anti-abrasion and good anti-freezing performance. In addition, it has ...
    • Study of Acoustics Properties of SK One Component Polyurethane and its Application in Arctic Marine Structures 

      Xue, Hui; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Sun, Zhiheng; Souli, Mhmed (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-12-08)
      Marine noise reduction tends to be challenging and requires a comprehensive engineering approach. The soundproofing materials for marine noise reduction are usually exposed to high temperatures, potential fluid or oil spills, engine maintenance and a high airflow environment. This work looks into the acoustic proofing properties of a non-toxic material ‘SK One Component Polyurethane’ developed by ...
    • Study of Ice Adhesion Behavior of SK One Component Polyurethane 

      Xue, Hui; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Sun, Zhiheng (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2016-12)
      Ice adhesion causes many serious problems such as aircraft accidents, navigational issues on ships, and power loss on wind turbines. These challenges are mainly associated with the acute behavior of ice adhesion. The ice adheres when water seeps into the microscopic pores of the material substrate and freezes, thereby, forming an interlocking mechanism. Therefore, surface roughness has a significant ...
    • Numerical simulation of the dynamic response in pulse-loaded fibre–metal-laminated plates 

      Nwankwo, Ebuka; Fallah, Arash Soleiman; Moatamedi, Mojtaba; Louca, Luke A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-07-27)
      This article presents a three-dimensional constitutive model to replicate the dynamic response of blast-loaded fibre–metal laminates made of 2024-0 aluminium alloy and woven composite (glass fibre–reinforced polypropylene). Simulation of the dynamic response is challenging when extreme localised loads are of concern and requires reliable material constitutive models as well as accurate modelling ...
    • Quantitative analysis of accuracy of voidage computations in CFD-DEM Simulations 

      Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Scott, Stuart A.; Virk, Muhammad Shakeel; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012)
    • Design of water shock tube for testing shell materials 

      Ji, Hongjuan; Mustafa, Mohamad; Khawaja, Hassan Abbas; Ewan, Bruce C.; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-15)
      This paper presents design considerations for a shock tube experimental rig used to investigate the dynamic failure mechanisms of shell geometries subjected to water shock impact loading. In such setup, it is desirable that the drive pressure used within the tube can provide a wide range of impulsive loads on the test structures and some flexibility can be achieved on the applied pulse durations. ...
    • Weighted Hardy-Type Inequalities in Variable Exponent Morrey-Type Spaces 

      Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars Erik; Samko, Stefan; Wall, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2013)
      We study the p(.) -> q(.) boundedness of weighted multidimensional Hardy-type operators H-w(alpha(.)) and H-w(alpha(.)) of variable order alpha(x), with radial weight w(vertical bar x vertical bar), from a variable exponent locally generalized Morrey space L-p(.),L-phi(.)(R-n, w) to another L-q(.),L-psi(.)(R-n, w). The exponents are assumed to satisfy the decay condition at the origin and infinity. ...
    • Reiterated homogenization of nonlinear monotone operators in a general deterministic setting 

      Lukkassen, Dag; Nguetseng, Gabriel; Nnang, Hubert; Wall, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2009)
      We study reiterated homogenization of a nonlinear non-periodic elliptic differential operator in a general deterministic setting as opposed to the usual stochastic setting. Our approach proceeds from an appropriate notion of convergence termed reiterated Σ-convergence. A general deterministic homogenization theorem is proved and several concrete examples are studied under various structure hypotheses ...
    • Steklov Problems in Perforated Domains with a Coefficient of Indefinite Sign 

      Piatnitski, Andrey L.; Piat, Valeria C.; Nazarov, Sergey S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2012)
    • On heat conduction in domains containing noncoaxial cylinders 

      Lukkassen, Dag; Meidell, Annette (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2012)
      We consider heat conduction in domains containing noncoaxial cylinders. In particular, we present some regularity results for the solution and consider criteria which ensure the single valueness of the corresponding complex potential. Examples are discussed. In addition, we present some classes of cases where the parameters describing the solution are rational. Alternative ways of calculating the ...