Now showing items 261-280 of 33752

    • The effect of hormonal contraception on skeletal muscle hypertrophy and strength over an 8-week training intervention in recreational female strength athletes 

      Pedersen, Preben D. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-29)
      Background: There is limited research on how hormonal contraceptives (HC) may influence skeleton muscle hypertrophy and strength adaptations from resistance exercise training (RET), with no studies to date investigating long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs). Current research on HC shows mixed results regarding their impact on hypertrophy and strength. Furthermore, most research has been ...
    • Design of a universal mounting system for flat panel TV screens 

      Otsiwah, Ephraim Nyarko Ebo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      In compact living spaces like micro-houses and apartments, there is a growing interest in décor and furnishing that utilize multi-functional systems and furniture. Of particular interest is the ability to facilitate the transformation of room setups, allowing for changes in the viewing positions of TVs regardless of alterations in room orientation. A thorough examination of the problem area uncovered ...
    • Flexibility and their role in capacity and congestion management 

      Ibrar, Mohammad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      The energy market transition from a regulated power market to a deregulated power market ensures a more liberalized approach toward energy trade as it allows small and medium independent power trading entities to share the market. This provides a competitive environment in the energy market, and market forces also come into action to ensure the balance of the market. With all these advantages, ...
    • Numerical Modelling of Damage Conditions on Herøysund Bridge in Herøy Municipality, Nordland Norway 

      Odongo, Christopher (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      The usability of bridges is highly dependent on their safety conditions since they are subjected to all sorts of loading that might compromise their ability to withstand stresses over a prolonged period. As a result, dynamic response evaluations and fracture mechanics analysis are essential concepts that can help in monitoring the behaviour of bridges, predicting their lifespan, and planning ...
    • Optimal attitude control and maneuver design for space debris detection in low earth orbit performed by a CubeSat 

      Aldana Afanador, Andres Felipe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Space debris has become an important topic, and several national and international space agencies are currently studying space debris detection and removal to increase the safety of space missions. UiT the Arctic University of Norway in Narvik is aiming to develop a 2U CubeSat that can perform in-situ detection of debris with the projects UNICube and QBDebris. The mission target is to detect mm-sized ...
    • Traffic monitoring and warnings for winter roads 

      Høiem, Aksel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      This master thesis reports on the research of how weather affects driving patterns during the winter. By utilizing Python, data was analyzed to show how much different weather phenomena affects the total amount of traffic. Showing how things like precipitation, temperatures, wind, snow depth affects said amount. The result of the analysis shows how big effect the various weather conditions have and ...
    • Energieffektivitet og potensial i kontorbygg i betong fra 50-tallet 

      Varsi, Martin Iversen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Bygningers lange levetid betyr at det i dag er en stor mengde bygg som ikke når dagens, eller fremtidens krav til energibruk. Dette reflekteres av energimerkestatistikken, og fordelingen av energimerke i eldre bygg. Denne oppgaven tar et dypdykk i byggeforskriften av 1949, og benytter et casebygg i Nord-Norge fra denne tiden for å vise at bygget har potensialet til å heve standarden både til dagens ...
    • Pumped Hydroelectric Storage at Niingen Power Plant 

      Abboud, Mostafa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This document is a master thesis that attempts to assess the plan of pumping water from the nearby lakes of Djupåvatnet (435 m), Buvatnet (465 m), and Strandvatnet (5 m above sea level) up to the lake of Niingensvatnet (510-494 m above sea level) to store energy for later use and increase energy generation. The assessment process proved that pumping water from Strandvatnet and Djupåvatnet to ...
    • Analyse av beregningsverktøy i 3D-modell med fokus på VVS-prosjektering 

      Bjørnå, Robert Borch (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      Grunnet økt press om å redusere klimagassutslippene i Norge, stilles det stadig strengere krav til energiforbruket til bygg. Når 80% av energibruken i norske bygg går til romoppvarming og varmtvann, er det tydelig at godt planlagte og utførte VVS-anlegg er sentralt for å nå de overordnede klimamålene. Ettersom bruk av BIM er utbredt i den norske byggenæringen, er det av interesse å undersøke mulighetene ...
    • Hjelpetiltak i barnevernet: Vurdering og individuell tilpasning 

      Brekka, Kjersti (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ undersøkelse om hvordan saksbehandlere i barneverntjenesten erfarer prosessen med utvikling av individuelt tilpassede hjelpetiltak til barn. Oppgaven vil vise til tidligere forskning på feltet samt empirisk data fra denne undersøkelsen. Undersøkelsen har en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk vitenskapelig posisjonering og består av intervjuer som er analysert med en temaanalyse ...
    • Fenomenologisk empati i barnevernsinstitusjoner 

      Mikkelborg, Eirik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      <p>Denne studien er en kvalitativ undersøkelse som har forsøkt å finne ut hvordan miljøterapeuter ved barnevernsinstitusjoner som har Omsorgs- og endringsmodellen som fagmodell, anvender prinsippet om fenomenologisk empati. Var de prinsippet bevisst? Ble det brukt som beskrevet i modellen? <p>Undersøkelsen ble gjort gjennom å intervjue miljøterapeuter som jobber fulltid med nær kontakt med ungdommer ...
    • How much time do emergency department physicians spend on medication-related tasks? A time- and-motion study 

      Johnsgård, Tine; Elenjord, Renate; Holis, Renata Vesela; Waaseth, Marit; Zahl-Holmstad, Birgitte; Fagerli, Marie; Svendsen, Kristian; Lehnbom, Elin Christina; Ofstad, Eirik Hugaas; Risør, Torsten; Garcia, Beate Hennie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-04-09)
      <p><i>Background</i> Medication-related problems are an important cause of emergency department (ED) visits, and medication errors are reported in up to 60% of ED patients. Procedures such as medication reconciliation and medication review can identify and prevent medication-related problems and medication errors. However, this work is often time-consuming. In EDs without pharmacists, medication ...
    • Ungdommer og rus: En tematisk analyse av barneverntjenestens beslutningsprosesser rettet mot ungdom som ruser seg 

      Workinn, Ulrikke (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      Ungdommers kriminalitet og rusproblematikk har hatt mye plass i media den siste tiden. Der blir det diskutert hvordan man kan redusere og forebygge ungdomskriminalitet, samt hvordan hjelpeinstanser som politi og barneverntjeneste kan bidra til å hjelpe ungdom ut av rusmiljøer og inn i positive dagaktiviteter og tilbud. Dette forskningsprosjektet undersøker hvordan barnevernsansatte reflekterer rundt ...
    • Hvordan påvirker makt og vold relasjonsbygging i miljøterapeutisk arbeid? De ansattes opplevelse og forståelse av ungdommer som utøver vold på barnevernsinstitusjon 

      Bygdås, Janita (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-13)
      Denne masteroppgaven handler om hvilke erfaringer, opplevelser og forståelse miljøterapeuter i barnevernsinstitusjoner har til vold og trusler fra ungdommene som bor på institusjonen. Formålet med forskningsprosjektet er å belyse omfanget av ungdomsvold miljøterapeuter opplever i sin arbeidshverdag, samtidig som det er å identifisere eventuelle utfordringer og problematiske forhold som kan ...
    • Exploring Three-Dimensional Technologies for Repatriation of Indigenous Cultural Heritage: The Case of the RUOKTOT Exhibition 

      Rauhala, Paula (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-13)
      This master’s thesis explores the integration of three-dimensional (3D) technologies in RUOKTOT exhibition production in Sápmi, focusing on the reciprocal relationship between museums, 3D technologies, community, and heritage—narrated through the repatriation process of the famous Sámi drum, the goavddis of Paul-Ánde, widely known as Anders Poulsen, and digitization of old Sámi drums. The RUOKTOT ...
    • AI Chatbots in Health: Implementing an LLM-Based Solution to Promote Physical Activity 

      Løvås, Sondre Elvebakken (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-16)
      With the emergence of powerful generative AI models comes the possibility of creating knowledgeable and engaging chatbots, which have the potential to significantly enhance several areas of the user’s life. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of FysBot, an application with an integrated chatbot that aims to increase the user’s physical activity levels. In collaboration with a PhD ...
    • Evaluating Continuous End-to-End Communication at Sea with Multi-Hop MANET Routing, Using AIS Data 

      Nohr, Øyvind Arne Moen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      The marine sector has unique and challenging problems supporting high bandwidth, low-latency internet connectivity, often unavailable or only avail able through satellite services. Multi-hop manets that utilise low-cost com modity hardware potentially offer a cost-effective solution compared to satellite services but come with their own limitations. This thesis is motivated by the need for reliable ...
    • Haddock: A Smart-Contract Command Bus for the Fishing Industry 

      Steinholt, Sivert Jakob (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-02)
      The global fishing industry, a critical food source, faces significant challenges due to criminal activities such as illegal fishing and over-exploitation. Traditional surveillance methods can be susceptible to tampering and cannot fully ensure the integrity of recorded events. This thesis introduces Haddock, a shared, distributed logging system leveraging a two-phase dissemination protocol and the ...
    • Fault-Tolerant Distributed Declarative Programs 

      Jörg, Moritz (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-02)
      In our increasingly interconnected digital landscape, the constant generation and consumption of data on various computing devices present challenges for ensuring constant accessibility, particularly in intermittent network scenarios. The emerging focus on distributed systems is aimed at not only managing substantial data volumes but also guaranteeing storage on devices for low latency and high ...
    • A Data Gathering System for the Arctic Tundra 

      Larsen, Jørgen Aleksander (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-02)
      Climate change has emerged as an important topic over the past decade, and one of the areas most susceptible to change is the Arctic Tundra. Monitoring the environment features a variety of challenges; it’s remote location, manual monitoring equipment and required permission to depart on expeditions. A solution to this is the use of a wireless sensor network to allow more automatic gathering ...