Now showing items 341-360 of 33761

    • Å stemme seg inn på omgivelsene – en studie av urbane hager 

      Granberg, Maiken Skjørestad (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-08-22)
      Urbane hager har i økende grad blitt en del av by- og stedsutvikling. Under paraplyen urbant landbruk har flere norske kommuner begynt å støtte ulike former for hageprosjekter og urban matproduksjon. Denne avhandlinga undersøker ulike relasjoner mellom mennesker, planter og dyr i urbane hager ved å ta utgangspunkt i det hverdagslige arbeidet i tre ulike hager, i Bodø og Tromsø. Gjennom deltakende ...
    • User Satisfaction in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: Validating the Norwegian version of the Experience of Service Questionnaire and investigating predictors and associations. A conceptual model of user satisfaction in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services 

      Arnesen, Yngvild (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-08-15)
      The primary aim of this thesis is to address the knowledge gap concerning user satisfaction with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) from the perspectives of young people and their parents. The objectives are threefold: (1) establish the construct validity of the Experience of Service Questionnaire (ESQ) (Paper I), assess the predictors of user satisfaction (Paper II), and explore ...
    • User satisfaction with child and adolescent mental health services: the association between user satisfaction and clinical outcomes 

      Mathiassen, Børge Idar; Arnesen, Yngvild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-04-15)
      <p><i>Background - </i>This study aimed to examine the association between user satisfaction and clinical outcomes with child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) from the perspective of young people and their parents. The evidence bases for CAMHS user satisfaction measures are limited, with few studies investigating the link between user satisfaction and clinical outcomes. In particular, ...
    • Real-time application of grid-forming converters in smart distribution network 

      Leirvang, Jon-Kristian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-21)
      As the world faces the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change, renewable sources of energy have emerged as a viable solution. However, integrating renewable energy into existing power grids poses unique challenges. The availability of solar power depends on sunlight, wind power on wind speed, and this variability can cause instability and fluctuations in the grid, ...
    • Robust visual inertial odometry for agile flight sensor fusion 

      Ferkic, Edvin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-07-05)
      This thesis presents the development and validation of a robust Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) system tailored for agile unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) operating in GPS-denied environments. These environments often challenge traditional navigation systems due to their inherent limitations in urban canyons, indoors, or densely forested areas. The study introduces a novel visual odometry (VO) algorithm ...
    • Ytelsesevaluering av utvalgte minirenseanlegg i Narvik kommune 

      Jazairchi Ochtepe, Hosein (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-13)
      Denne masteroppgaven undersøker effektiviteten av minirenseanlegg i Narvik kommune for å fjerne forurensninger fra avløpsvann. Studien er basert på analyser av laboratorie- og feltdata for å evaluere anleggenes ytelse og deres potensielle innvirkning på folkehelsen og miljøet. Fokusområdene inkluderer sammenligning av laboratorie- og feltdata, påvirkningen av geografiske forhold på infiltrasjonsprosessen, ...
    • Optimization of freeze-thaw durability testing for low-carbon concrete with VPI 

      Steelandt, Amber (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-04)
      Concrete, the most widely used building material, significantly impacts the environment, with cement production contributing up to 8% of global CO2 emissions. To address this, low-carbon concrete (LCC) mixes with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) have been developed. Fly ash (FA) is a well-established SCM, but with the decline of coal-fired power plants, alternatives like volcanic pozzolans ...
    • Kardiorespiratorisk form og risiko for hjerneslag blant kvinner og menn. Tromsøundersøkelsen 1994-2021 

      Sudbø, Vera Widenoja (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-29)
      Bakgrunn: Hjerneslag er en av de ledende dødsårsakene i verden. Tidligere forskning har vist at kardiorespiratorisk form (KRF) kan være en prediktiv faktor for hjerte- og karsykdommer. Dette kan være en viktig faktor for den generelle folkehelsen i Norge og på verdensbasis. Det er derimot lite forskning som ser på den spesifikke sammenhengen mellom KRF og hjerneslag, spesielt blant kvinner. Hensikt: ...
    • International students’ affectual development in Arctic nature - A story driven study 

      Hansen, Eirik Brinck (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-28)
      There is increasing international interest in the impact of outdoor education and experiential learning on personal development. Recent research has primarily focused on short-term experiences in outdoor activities and its effects on well-being. The deeper sense of development from more frequent and sustained engagement is mentioned but regarded as underrepresented. This growing interest highlights ...
    • Electric Load Forecasting of Residential Building 

      Lodhi, Mubashir Nasir (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      As global energy consumption continues to rise relevant energy sectors and communities must accurately forecast future electricity needs. This foresight is critical for effective planning, preserving the stability of the electricity grid, and avoiding blackouts. Accurate forecasting methodologies are critical in guiding decision-making processes correlated to resource allocation, infrastructure ...
    • Virtual inertia to the AC Microgrid to improving the ROCOF and frequency Nadir in a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid. 

      Shrestha Newar, Dan Bahadur (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      To move the global energy away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy leads toward a more complex grid, after experiencing a reduction of inertia when integrating large renewable energy sources (RES). With an increased pace of RES penetration into the grid and along a growing demand of electrical power, the challenge to maintain the system frequency as close as possible to the nominal range ...
    • Application of Change Point Detection Algorithms in Adaptable Symbolic Music Segmentation Task Using MIDI Representation 

      Mukter, Sakib (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      This thesis studies the application of Change Point Detection (CPD) algorithms to the segmentation of symbolic music using MIDI representations. This study focuses on the use of two primary CPD algorithms, PELT and Binary Segmen- tation, to analyze and detect transitions within the Lakh MIDI dataset, which is known for its diversity in musical genres and styles. The main focus of the thesis is on ...
    • Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Operations in Arctic Conditions 

      Asif, Hamza (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Offshore wind energy is receiving increased attention as a promising renewable energy source day by day, and the research in the field of designing the floating platforms to support floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) has become very important. The evaluation of the dynamic stability of a FOWT in a challenging marine environment is the platform's capacity to maintain its initial position. These ...
    • Solar Angle Optimizer 

      Åkerman, Alexander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      This thesis deals with the subject of a two axis rotatable solar panel rig where the design for the electrical components are proposed and the controller code from previous theses are further developed. The rig is to be used for research by UiT Narvik and the prerequisites for the installation of the rig are designed in this thesis. The electrical components for the rig proposed are an H-bridge, ...
    • Optimization Conveyor Roller, LKAB 

      Mahyyudin, Ghulam (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      This master thesis presents a study on the structural optimization of conveyor idlers, focusing on the idler shell and shaft. The research aims to enhance the performance and efficiency of conveyor systems by reducing weight and improving stability of idler roller, beginning with a thorough load analysis to determine the static and dynamic forces exerted on idler. The study employs a combination of ...
    • Design and Optimization of Conveyor Belt Rollers 

      Fadel, Ahmad Kamel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Belt conveyor systems play a crucial role in the continuous transportation of bulk materials across varying distances. However, ensuring the reliability of these systems remains a significant concern for operators due to the potential financial losses incurred from system downtime, which not only impacts revenue from material conveying but also disrupts subsequent material processing facilities. The ...
    • Electric snowmobile. 

      Rønneseth, Johnny (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      The main purpose of the project is to convert the snowmobile to electric and make it operational, which rule out focus on factors as ex. driving range, user interface for performance adjustment, heating for comfort, etc. For mounting the electric motor a suitable and feasible location and motor bracket to easy access the existing gearbox axel, and also in position to a cooling airflow through the ...
    • Impact on Distribution Network Hosting Capacity using Machine Learning Based Reactive Power Support from PV Smart Inverters 

      Safavi, Sepehr (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Nowadays, due to growth of advanced technology and its impact on people lives, there is an increasing need for aligning and optimizing infrastructure with people needs. Harnessing renewable energy from different sources, store and eventually transmit and distributed it is an all-time challenge which nowadays by implementing and proper maintenance we lead to having higher efficiency to the point where ...
    • Optimization of conveyor roller, LKAB 

      Bhusal, Manoj (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to optimize the performance, material, life and accessories for the conveyor rollers installed in longest conveyor section “15101 smst TR010” of LKAB Narvik, which is under the SILO with overall conveyor length of 620 meter. The report outlines the problems created by groundwater falling inside the tunnel, dust and spoilage of iron ore pallets outside the conveyor ...
    • Wide Area Control and Improvement of Dynamical State of Power System 

      Nazari, Afshin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Some approaches to achieving full observability and controllability in power systems are explored in this thesis. The core structure of this work consists of observability and controllability, focusing on two key phases of optimization and control. In the first phase, system observability is addressed through optimal placement of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs). The Connectivity Matrix Algorithm ...