Viser treff 281-300 av 551

    • The case of case reports: A decade of publications by staff at a major university hospital 

      Nissen, Trygve; Bergvik, Svein; Wynn, Rolf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      <p><i>Rationale:</i> The place of case reports in the medical literature has been much debated in recent years. This study was undertaken to gain knowledge about the publication practice of case reports and case series from a major university hospital. <p><i>Method:</i> We decided to conduct a retrospective, bibliographic, descriptive study of published case reports and case series from a university ...
    • Weak rTMS-induced electric fields produce neural entrainment in humans 

      Zmeykina, Elina; Mittner, Matthias; Paulus, Walter; Turi, Zsolt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-20)
      Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a potent tool for modulating endogenous oscillations in humans. The current standard method for rTMS defines the stimulation intensity based on the evoked liminal response in the visual or motor system (e.g., resting motor threshold). The key limitation of the current approach is that the magnitude of the resulting electric field remains elusive. ...
    • Is physical exercise and dietary therapy a feasible alternative to cognitive behavior therapy in treatment of eating disorders? A randomized controlled trial of two group therapies 

      Mathisen, Therese Fostervold; Rosenvinge, Jan H; Friborg, Oddgeir; Vrabel, KariAnne; Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid; Pettersen, Gunn; Sundgot-Borgen, Jorunn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-16)
      <i>Objective</i>: To compare effects of physical exercise and dietary therapy (PED‐t) to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge‐eating disorder (BED).<p> <p><i>Method</i>: The active sample (18–40 years of age) consisted of 76 women in the PED‐t condition and 73 in the CBT condition. Participants who chose not to initiate treatment immediately (n = 23) ...
    • Female rat sexual behavior is unaffected by perinatal fluoxetine exposure 

      Hegstad, Jan; Huijgens, Patty Thalia; Houwing, Danielle; Olivier, Jocelien; Heijkoop, Roy; Snoeren, Eelke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-22)
      Serotonin plays an important role in adult female sexual behavior, however little is known about the influence of serotonin during early development on sexual functioning in adulthood. During early development, serotonin acts as neurotrophic factor, while it functions as a modulatory neurotransmitter in adulthood. The occurrence of serotonin release, could thus have different effects on behavioral ...
    • Weak rTMS-induced electric fields produce neural entrainment in humans 

      Zmeykina, E; Mittner, Matthias; Paulus, Walter; Turi, Zsolt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-20)
      Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a potent tool for modulating endogenous oscillations in humans. The current standard method for rTMS defines the stimulation intensity based on the evoked liminal response in the visual or motor system (e.g., resting motor threshold). The key limitation of the current approach is that the magnitude of the resulting electric field remains elusive. ...
    • Theta-gamma cross-frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation over the trough impairs cognitive control 

      Turi, Zsolt; Mittner, Matthias; Lehr, Albert; Bürger, H; Antal, Andrea; Paulus, Walter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-15)
      Cognitive control is a mental process, which underlies adaptive goal-directed decisions. Previous studies have linked cognitive control to electrophysiological fluctuations in the theta band and theta-gamma cross-frequency coupling (CFC) arising from the cingulate and frontal cortices. Yet, to date the behavioral consequences of different forms of theta-gamma CFC remain elusive. Here, we studied the ...
    • pypillometry: A Python package for pupillometric analyses 

      Mittner, Matthias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-02)
      The size of the human pupil is controlled by pairs of constrictor and dilator muscles that allow its opening (dilation) and closing (constriction) in response to varying lighting conditions (Mathôt, 2018). Importantly, it has long been known that the pupil also reacts to psychological important stimuli (Hess & Polt, 1960) and has been a firmly established tool for studying “mental effort” in the ...
    • Objective Versus Subjective Effort in Schizophrenia 

      Kreis, Isabel Viola; Moritz, Steffen; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-09)
      <i>Background and Objectives</i>: Performance on cognitive tasks is often impaired in individuals with schizophrenia (SCZ), possibly resulting from either cognitive deficits (e.g., limited working memory capacity) or diminished mental effort or both. Investment of mental effort itself can be affected by cognitive resources, task load, and motivational factors and has thus proven difficult to measure. ...
    • Mestring i mottak og kommuner. Implementering og evaluering av Teaching Recovery Techniques i asylmottak, omsorgssentre og bosettingskommuner i Norge 

      Oppedal, Brit; Solhaug, Anne Kristine Nilsen; Friborg, Oddgeir; Biele, Guido (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2019-03)
      Det er mangel på forskningsbaserte lavterskeltiltak som kan tilbys mange unge asylsøkere og flyktninger og avhjelpe traumerelaterte psykiske plager på relativt kort tid. Hensikten med denne rapporten er å informere om resultatene fra prosjektet Mestring i Mottak og Kommuner (MiMK), som evaluerte effekten av en lavterskelintervensjon for å redusere traumerelaterte psykiske plager blant asylsøkende ...
    • Does Religion Matter? Italians' Responses towards Muslim and Christian Arab Immigrants as a function of their Acculturation Preferences 

      Matera, Camilla; Picchiarini, Anna; Olsson, Maria; Brown, Rupert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-12)
      A 2 × 2 × 2 experiment examined the role of immigrants’ religion and perceived acculturation strategy on majority members’ attitudes. Acculturation strategies were manipulated along the two dimensions of contact and culture maintenance. Italian majority members (N = 247) read fictitious but seemingly real interviews with Arab immigrants, in which the immigrants’ religion (Muslim vs. Christian) and ...
    • Role of Oestrogen α Receptors in Sociosexual Behaviour in Female Rats Housed in a Seminatural Environment 

      Snoeren, Eelke; Antonio-Cabrera, E; Spiteri, Thierry Jean P; Musatov, S; Ogawa, S; Pfaff, DW; Ågmo, Anders j (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-08-28)
      The present study investigated the role of oestrogen receptor (ER)α in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN), the preoptic area (POA), the medial amygdala (MePD) and the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) in sociosexual behaviour in female rats. This was conducted in two sets of experiments, with the VMN and POA investigated in the first set, and the MePD and BNST in the second set. ...
    • Newborn Behavioral Observation, maternal stress, depressive symptoms and the mother-infant relationship: results from the Northern Babies Longitudinal Study (NorBaby) 

      Høifødt, Ragnhild Sørensen; Nordahl, Dag; Landsem, Inger Pauline; Csifcsak, Gabor; Bohne, Agnes; Pfuhl, Gerit; Rognmo, Kamilla; Braarud, Hanne Cecilie; Goksøyr, Arnold Mikal; Moe, Vibeke; Slinning, Kari; Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-15)
      <i>Background</i> - Families can experience the postpartum period as overwhelming and many report a special need for support. The Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO) aims to promote a positive parent-infant relationship by sensitising parents to the infant’s signals. This article evaluates the NBO as a universal preventive intervention within the regular well-baby clinic service on measures of ...
    • mHealth technology for ecological momentary assessment in physical activity research: a systematic review 

      Zapata-Lamana, Rafael; Lalanza, Jaume F; Losilla, Josep-Maria; Parrado, Eva; Capdevila, Lluis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-26)
      <p><i>Objective - </i>To systematically review the publications on ecological momentary assessment (EMA) relating to physical activity (PA) behavior in order to classify the methodologies, and to identify the main mHealth technology-based tools and procedures that have been applied during the first 10 years since the emergence of smartphones. As a result of this review, we want to ask if there is ...
    • Impact of the use of electronic health tools on the psychological and emotional well-being of electronic health service users (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 3): Population-based questionnaire study 

      Budrionis, Andrius; Wynn, Rolf; Ruiz, Luis Marco; Yigzaw, Kassaye Yitbarek; Bergvik, Svein; Oyeyemi, Sunday Oluwafemi; Bellika, Johan Gustav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-05)
      <p><i>Background:</i> Electronic health (eHealth) has been described as a silver bullet for addressing how challenges of the current health care system may be solved by technological solutions in future strategies and visions for modern health care. However, the evidence of its effects on service quality and cost effectiveness remains unclear. In addition, patients’ psychological and emotional ...
    • The effect of a knowledge-based intervention on the use of respirators in the Norwegian smelter industry 

      Robertsen, Øystein; Hegseth, Marit Nøst; Føreland, Solveig; Siebler, Frank; Eisemann, Martin; Vangberg, Hans Christian Bones (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-20)
      <i>Introduction</i>: The present study investigated the effect of interventions aiming to improve attitudes toward the use of respiratory protective equipment (RPE), knowledge of RPE and the use of RPE in the Norwegian smelter industry.<p><p> <i>Method</i>: The surveys received 567 respondents to baseline and 240 respondents 2 weeks after the intervention. Participants were invited to either a ...
    • Health warning labels describing snus as less harmful than smoking: effects on perceptions of risk 

      Villemo Nilsen, Connie; Halkjelsvik, Torleif Bjordal; Svartdal, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-05)
      <i>Background</i> - Using snus (Swedish moist snuff) is less harmful than smoking, but health warning labels (HWLs) on snus products do not reflect this relation. There are few studies on the effects of comparative risk information in snus warning labels. The purpose of this experiment is to examine whether risk perceptions differ after exposure to non-comparative vs. comparative risk information ...
    • Adult attachment style and maternal-infant bonding: the indirect path of parenting stress 

      Nordahl, Dag; Rognmo, Kamilla; Bohne, Agnes; Landsem, Inger Pauline; Moe, Vibeke; Wang, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson; Høifødt, Ragnhild Sørensen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-08)
      <i>Background</i> - The quality of maternal-infant bonding is related to important child outcomes. The literature has assumed that the ability to form relationships is a relatively stable trait, and research studies have suggested that a mother’s attachment style in close adult relationships is related to mother-infant bonding. The transition to parenthood is also often stressful, and the adult ...
    • Filtered beauty in Oslo and Tokyo: A spatial frequency analysis of facial attractiveness 

      Øvervoll, Morten; Schettino, Ilaria; Suzuki, Hikaru; Okubo, Matia; Laeng, Bruno (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-14)
      Images of European female and male faces were digitally processed to generate spatial frequency (SF) filtered images containing only a narrow band of visual information within the Fourier spectrum. The original unfiltered images and four SF filtered images (low, medium-low, medium-high and high) were then paired in trials that kept constant SF band and face gender and participants made a forced-choice ...
    • A randomized controlled trial of a six-session cognitive behavioral treatment of emotional disorders in adolescents 14–17 years old in child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) 

      Lorentzen, Veronica; Fagermo, Kenneth; Handegård, Bjørn Helge; Skre, Ingunn; Neumer, Simon-Peter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-14)
      <i>Background</i> - This study aims to investigate effectiveness of a 6-week, transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety and depression in adolescents, the Structured Material for Therapy (SMART), in naturalistic settings of child and adolescent mental health outpatient services (CAMHS).<p><p> <i>Methods</i> - A randomized controlled trial with waiting list control (WLC) was ...
    • A prospective study on the effect of selfreported health and leisure time physical activity on mortality among an ageing population: results from the Tromsø study 

      Opdal, Ida Marie; Larsen, Lill Sverresdatter; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter; Schirmer, Henrik; Lorem, Geir F (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-28)
      <i>Background</i> - The prevailing Western ideal of ageing in place, with the option to stay at home as one ages, has led to the development of physical activity guidelines for people of advanced age to increase their quality of life and promote their functional abilities. This study investigates the effect of self-reported health and physical activity on mortality and examines how levels of ...