Now showing items 381-400 of 656

    • Hvilken legemiddelinformasjon trenger hjertepasienter? Utvikling av legemiddelinformasjon basert på hva pasienter med hjerteinfarkt og hjertesvikt trenger – en kvalitativ oppgave 

      Sørensen, Kristian Meier (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-13)
      BAKGRUNN: Selv om det i dag eksisterer gode, evidensbaserte legemiddelbehandlinger for pasienter med hjertesvikt og hjerteinfarkt, er mortalitet og morbiditet fortsatt høy hos disse pasientene, både nasjonalt og globalt. Dette er det ulike årsaker til, men komplekse legemiddelregimer, bivirkninger og dårlig legemiddelinformasjon antas å påvirke etterlevelse av behandlingen. FORMÅL: Overordnet mål ...
    • Modeling of glutamatergic and GABAergic drug targets in the CNS and their interactions with environmental toxicants 

      Ernstsen, Maria Leiknes (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      The exposure to pollutants is a serious and increasing health problem, which has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality among people. Many toxic compounds can accumulate in the environment and evidence suggests that most people have varying degrees of toxic compounds within their body. This can result in disruption of many physiological processes in the human body and the development ...
    • Modelling of serotonergic receptors and molecular optimization of X-ray crystal structures of serotonin transporter and their interactions with exogenous compounds 

      Milicevic, Dusan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      The serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) receptors and transporter are in the serotonergic neurotransmission system, and believed to have a major role in pathology of depression. They are of pharmacological importance, being targeted by many nowadays antidepressants. It is therefore of great interest to understand their structural and functional properties for development of future drugs. There ...
    • Legemiddelbruk i sykehjem. Samsvar mellom diagnose, anvendelsesområde og legemiddelbruk 

      Ahmed, Yasin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Bakgrunn Sykehjemspasienter lider ofte av multimorbiditet og bruker ofte flere legemidler samtidig. Dette gjør denne pasientgruppen mer utsatt for legemiddelinteraksjoner og mer utsatt for bivirkninger av legemidler. En av utfordringene i behandling av sykehjemspasienter har vært manglende dokumentasjon i forhold til diagnostikk og hva som har vært legemidlenes anvendelsesområde. Flere studier har ...
    • Legemiddelbruk i sykehjem. Vurdering av potensiell uhensiktsmessig legemiddelbruk i henhold til NORGEP-NH 

      Kucukcelik, Sinan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Bakgrunn Legemiddelbruk i sykehjem er omfattende. Polyfarmasi, aldring og sykdommer gjør at sykehjemspasienter er utsatt for interaksjoner og bivirkninger av legemidler. Riktig legemiddelbruk hos eldre er et satsningsområde for helsemyndighetene. For å oppnå riktig legemiddelbruk har ulike eksplisitte kriterier blitt utviklet for å identifisere problemer knyttet til legemiddelbruk hos generelle ...
    • Use of anti-osteoporosis drugs in The Tromsø Study: Is undertreatment a problem? 

      Ntiamoah, Frank Kwame (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Background: Osteoporosis is a major health issue worldwide. Osteoporosis is characterized by the progressive decreasing in bone mass, microarchitecture decline of bone tissue, bone fragility and strength, which leads to an increase in risk of fracture. About a quarter of Norwegian women over 50 years of age were estimated to have the disease in 2010 and Norway has one of the highest reported incidence ...
    • Innføring av prosedyre for legemiddelsamstemming ser ikke ut til å redusere uoverensstemmelser i legemiddellistene i Helse Nord HF 

      Al-Sayad, Ali (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Bakgrunn: Uoverensstemmelser (UOr) mellom legemiddellister i sykehus og hva pasientene faktisk tar av legemidler forekommer hyppig. Det kan være flere årsaker til dette, blant annet dårlig kommunikasjon mellom omsorgsnivå eller mellom helsepersonell og pasient. Problemet øker med økende antall legemidler. Helse Nord er i ferd med å innføre prosedyre for legemiddelsamstemming (LMS) for å sikre at ...
    • Regulation of ERK3/4 Function via Specific Protein-Protein Interactions 

      Luong, Bao Quoc (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      The mitogen-activated protein kinase 5 (MK5) binds to extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3 and 4(ERK3 and ERK4) through a unique FRIEDE motif in ERK3/4. 100 amino acids C-terminal in MK5 is sufficient for this binding. MK5s subcellular localization and activity is regulated by the atypical MAP kinase ERK3 and ERK4. In this project we wanted to express and purify full-length and different domains ...
    • Legemiddelgjennomganger hos psykisk utviklingshemmede i Oslo kommune. Legemiddelrelaterte problemer og tiltak 

      Mohammed, Amani Qasem (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Bakgrunn: Systematiske legemiddelgjennomganger i tverrfaglig team kan være til hjelp for å identifisere potensielle og aktuelle legemiddelrelaterte problemer (LRP). Oslo kommune valgte i 2015 å prioritere legemiddelgjennomganger for psykisk utviklingshemmede, en gruppe mennesker som bruker mange legemidler. Dette er den første studien på legemiddelgjennomganger og identifisering av LRP blant psykisk ...
    • Eksperimentell in vitro ”screening” og molekylær dokking av forbindelser med mulig hemmende effekt på Thermolysin og Pseudolysin 

      Bilto, Irina Victorovna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06)
      To substrater ble brukt i de eksperimetelle studiene. De er referet til som Bradykinin-lignende substrat og AGLA substrat i oppgaven. De eksperimentelle forsøkene gav Km verdi for Bradykinin lignende substrat for Thermolysin fra Bacillus thermoproteolyticus eubakterie på 17.7 +/- 4.3 μM og Pseudolysin fra Pseudomonas aeruginosa på 7.4 +/- 1.3 μM. For ”AGLA” substrat ble Km for Thermolysin målt til ...
    • Topical liposomes treated by probe-sonication. Study on process and composition using statistical experimental design and multivariate evaluation 

      Chemeda, Ayantu Edossa (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-10-01)
      Abstract A size distribution between 200 and 300 nm and a high drug entrapment is desirable for liposomes intended for topical application. In an early phase of drug development, small batch sizes are also wanted. Dual Asymmetric Centrifugation (DAC) meets these requirement and was our method of choice. But, after successful production of a few DAC-liposome batches with drug entrapment of ...
    • Reply to letter to the editor 

      Bøhn, Thomas; Cuhra, Marek; Traavik, Terje; Sanden, Monica; Fagan, John; Primicerio, Raul (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-01)
    • Are ready for Market Genetically Modified, Conventional and Organic Soybeans Substantially Equivalent as Food and Feed? 

      Bøhn, Thomas; Cuhra, Marek; Traavik, Terje; Fagan, John (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2015)
      Important compositional elements, including residues of herbicides, were investigated in commercial soy varieties grown within the same geographical area. These included genetically modified, conventional and organic soybeans. Feed made from these soybeans was subsequently fed to the model organism Daphnia magna, while measuring the fitness performance (survival, growth and reproduction) during the ...
    • Cry1Ab Protein from Bacillus thuringiensis and MON810 cry1Ab-transgenic Maize Exerts No Adjuvant Effect After Airway Exposure 

      Andreassen, Monica; Bøhn, Thomas; Wikmark, Odd Gunnar; van den Berg, Johnnie; Løvik, Martinus; Traavik, Terje; Nygaard, Unni Cecilie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-02-24)
      The genetically modified (GM) maize event MON810 has been inserted with a processed version of the transgene, cry1Ab, derived from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to express proteins with insecticidal properties. Such proteins may introduce new allergens and also act as adjuvants that promote allergic responses. While focus has been on safe consumption and hence the oral exposure to ...
    • Drug permeability across a phospholipid vesicle based barrier: A novel approach for studying passive diffusion 

      Flaten, Gøril Eide; Dhanikula, Anand Babu; Luthman, Kristina; Brandl, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2005-10)
      The aim of this study was to develop a novel predictive medium-throughput screening method for drug permeability, with use of a tight barrier of liposomes on a filter support. To our knowledge no one has succeeded in depositing membrane barriers without the use of inert solvent such as hexadecane. The first part of the study involved development of a protocol for preparation of these barriers, which ...
    • Drug permeability across a phospholipid vesicle based barrier: 3. Characterization of drug-membrane interactions and the effect of agitation on the barrier integrity and on the permeability 

      Flaten, Gøril Eide; Skar, Merete L.; Luthman, Kristina; Brandl, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Recently, we reported on the development and structural characterization of a phospholipid vesicle based barrier useful for medium throughput screening of passive drug permeability. Here, we investigate the physical and functional integrity of the phospholipid vesicle based barriers to agitation by stirring or shaking, and whether agitation affects drug permeability of sulpiride, metoprolol and ...
    • (Phospho)lipid-based nanosystems for skin administration 

      Vanić, Željka; Holsæter, Ann Mari; Skalko-Basnet, Natasa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-10)
      Nanotechnology and nanomedicine provide a platform for advanced therapeutic strategies for dermal and transdermal drug delivery. The focus of this review is on the current state-of-art in lipid-based nanotechnology and nanomedicine for (trans)dermal drug therapy. Drug delivery nanosystems based on the (phospho)lipid constituents are characterized and compared, with the emphasis on their ability ...
    • Liposomal formulations of poorly soluble camptothecin: drug retention and biodistribution 

      Flaten, Gøril Eide; Chang, Ting-Tung; Phillips, William T.; Brandl, Martin; Bao, Ande; Goins, Beth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012-12-05)
      Context: Camptothecin (CPT) represents a potent anticancer drug. Its therapeutic use however is impaired by both drug solubility, hydrolysis and protein interactions in vivo. Use of liposomes as drug formulation approach could overcome some of these challenges. <p>Objective: The objective of this study was to perform a mechanistic study of the incorporation and retention of the lipophilic parent ...
    • Drug permeability across a phospholipid vesicle-based barrier: 4. The effect of tensides, co-solvent and pH changes on barrier integrity and on drug permeability 

      Flaten, Gøril Eide; Luthman, Kristina; Vasskog, Terje; Brandl, Martin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2008-07-03)
      In this study the integrity of the recently developed phospholipid vesicle-based permeability barrier in the presence of a variety of co-solvents and tensides has been investigated. Also included are studies of the influence of these additives on drug permeation and the effect of pH changes on the permeability of ionogenic drug compounds. Permeability experiments using the hydrophilic model ...
    • Aerobic treatment of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in landfill leachate 

      Bergersen, Ove; Østnes Hanssen, Kine; Vasskog, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-28)
      Background: Pharmaceuticals used in human medical care are not completely eliminated in the human body and can enter the municipal sewage sludge system and leachate water from landfill both as the parent compound and as their biologically active metabolites. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have a large potential for unwanted effects on nontarget organisms in the environment. ...